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1500 POINTS (Plus 200 Point Incentive)

View the two included presentations on the Human Side of Enterprise, including an overview of
Motivation, Management and Leadership and the highly recommended viewing of two timely
videos: Pirates of Silicon Valley and The Social Network. The presentations explored the
contributions of Abraham Maslow, Douglas McGregor, Peter Drucker and Warren Bennis.
Reflecting on the concept that leadership and management must be practiced and that we would
be wise to study the extraordinary and not the mediocre, we now begin one of our final projects
for the year. This project will allow you to form a team of your choice from your class, 1-4
students, select your own Project Leader, and complete the following tasks which will be
submitted in a form of a Power Point Presentation to your class:

1. (400 Points) Read the following articles (available in class) from the Harvard Business
Review and summarize your understanding of Leadership, Management and how they
should be integrated to support an effective, competitive enterprise from EACH Article:
a. What Leaders Really Do, John P. Kotter
b. Managing Authenticity, The Paradox of Great Leadership, Rob Goffee and
Gareth Jones
c. Managers and Leaders: Are They Different? Abraham Zaleznik
d. The Manager’s Job: Folklore and Fact, Henry Mintzberg
e. The Five Minds of a Manager, Jonathan Gosling and Henry Mintzberg

2. (200 Points) Select one of the top Business Leaders today and profile him/her in your
Power Point presentation. You must include:
a. Date and Place of Birth
b. Formal Education
c. Affiliated Enterprise(s)
d. Major contributions
e. Legacy
f. Date and Place of Death
g. Include Image

3. (200 Points) Create your own Table demonstrating the differences between Leadership
and Management. Copying the table previously presented by your instructors will be
considered plagiarism and will result in a ZERO grade. Use your own imagination! The
first column should identify a key Leadership quality, characteristic or trait and the
second column, a corresponding/contrasting/opposing Management quality, characteristic
or trait. Minimum, 10 linked pairs.

4. (200 Points) After employing the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MTBI) (you can find it
and take it online, free; one source:, based upon your answers to
selected questions you will determine a “Type” which may describe you and your
preferences. In your Power Point Presentation your are to:
a. (20 points) Identify your MBTI type(s) (BOLD, at least 36 point, centered)
b. (80 points) Research your type and using/referencing at least 2 different sources,
describe your type, verbatim.
c. (40) Identify at least 10 career fields in which persons of this type may be found
d. (60) Evaluate how the description is “like you” and “unlike you”, using your
family and teammates as references.
5. (300) Brightpath Performasnce-based aptitude and career assessment (YouScience)
6. (200 POINTS BONUS INCENTIVE) For EACH member of your team have a parent or
adult guardian review your presentation:
a. Offer at least one anecdote or reflection from personal experience concerning the
differences between leadership and management and a good personal observation
of good leadership and good management in practice
b. Offer a critical review of your presentation and at lease one recommendation for

1. You may work on a team of up to four (5) classmates of your choice. Your team must consist of
members from both genders. ALL work must be that of your team. You are encouraged to
collaborate with your team.
2. You may do your work at school or at home. Workstations with MS-PowerPoint software are
available for your use while at school.
3. You may refer to class discussions, Internet research, experience, textbook and handouts. All
references must be cited and proper attribution given.
4. You may only use MS-PowerPoint or PDF format;, Prezi, etc. are not
5. You must submit your completed presentation directly into Schoology.
6. Name your file: POB_HSEP02_lastname_firstname (include full names of all team members on
Title Slide).

1. The Presentations must be submitted into Schoology NLT 11:59pm Sunday, April 21,
2024. As a guide, presentations should planned to take a maximum of 15 minutes of wall
clock time.
2. Ensure that each team member discusses his/her MBTI Type.
3. Writing and organization should be clear, concise, easily understood after one reading,
and generally free of grammatical and spelling errors.

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