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MUSCARINIC RECEPTORBLOCKING DRUGS ✓ CNS: toxic dose can cause Restlessness,
Hallucinations and Delusions
Muscarinic antagonists are sometimes called ✓ Cardiovascular system: at low dose it reduces heart
parasympatholytic because they block the effects of rate, at high doses, atropine blocks muscarinic
parasympathetic autonomic discharge. receptors of the heart thus induces tachycardia
• “Antimuscarinic” is preferable ✓ GI system: reduces salivary gland secretions and GI
• Examples: (Atropine, Scopolamine, Homatropine,
✓ Pulmonary system: reduces bronchial secretions and
Cyclopentolate, Tropicamide prenzepine)
stimulates bronchodilation
✓ Urinary system: blocks muscarinic receptors in the
Other drugs that exhibits antimuscarinic agents:
bladder wall resulting to relaxation
• Anti-Parkinson’s drugs- Benztropine
✓ Eye: mydriasis and cycloplegia
• Antidepressants- Thorazine ✓ Sweat glands: suppresses sweating
• Antihistamines- Diphenhydramine
• Anti-asthmatics- Ipratropium ATROPINE: THERAPEUTIC USES
✓ Bradycardia
• Cholinergic antagonist ✓ Mydriasis and cycloplegia
• Cholinergic blockers ✓ GI and bladder spasms
• Anticholinergic drugs ✓ Organophosphate poisoning
✓ Duration of Action: 4 hours, except when placed
Cholinergic Antagonists topically in the eye where it lasts for 14 days
• Are drugs that bind to cholinergic receptors ✓ Absorption: well-absorbed from the GI system and
(muscarinic and or nicotinic), but do not trigger the conjunctival membrane
usual intracellular response ✓ Excretion: excreted through both hepatic
metabolism and renal filtration
Three subclass:
• Muscarinic blockers ATROPINE: TOXIC EFFECTS
• Neuromuscular blocking agents- inhibit the ✓ Dry mouth
efferent impulses to skeletal muscle via the nicotinic ✓ Inhibition of sweating especially in young children
muscle receptor (NM) ✓ Tachycardia and cutaneous vasodilation
• Ganglionic blockers- inhibit the nicotinic neuronal ✓ Blurring of vision
receptor (NN) of both parasympathetic and ✓ Hallucinations and delirium
sympathetic ganglia
MUSCARINIC ANTAGONISTS OR ANTIMUSCARINIC • Scopolamine (hyoscine) occurs in Hyoscyamus
AGENTS niger, or henbane, as the l (-) stereoisomer
• Naturally occurring atropine is l (−)-hyoscyamine, but
CHEMISTRY & PHARMACOKINETICS the compound readily racemizes, so the commercial
material is racemic d,l-hyoscyamine.
ATROPINE • The l(−) isomers of both alkaloids are at least 100 times
• An alkaloid (tertiary amine) from Atropa belladonna more potent than the d(+) isomers.
(deadly nightshade) • A variety of semisynthetic and fully synthetic
• Family: Solanaceae molecules have antimuscarinic effects.
• Active constituents: Atropine (Hyoscyamine), • Quaternary amine antimuscarinic agents (Figure 8–
Scopolamine (Hyoscine) 3) have been developed to produce more peripheral
• Atropine is also found in Datura Stramonium also effects and reduced CNS effects
known as jimson weed or Jamestown weed, sacred
datura or thorn apple PHARMACODYNAMICS
• Scopolamine is another alkaloid from Hyoscyamus
niger (henbane) I. MECHANISM OF ACTION
• Atropine causes reversible (surmountable) blockade
of cholinomimetic actions at muscarinic receptors;
that is, blockade by a small dose of atropine can be

overcome by a larger concentration of acetylcholine the proloned mydriasis observed with

or equivalent muscarinic agonist. atropine (7-14 days)
• Tissues most sensitive to atropine are the salivary, • Another ophthalmologic use is to prevent
bronchial, and sweat glands synechia (adhesion) formation in uveitis and
• Atropine is highly selective for muscarinic iritis. The longer-lasting preparations,
receptors. especially homatropine, are valuable for this
3. Respiratory disorders
• The use of atropine became a part of routine
preoperative medication when anesthetics
THERAPEUTIC APPLICATIONS such as ether were used, because these
• The antimuscarinic drugs have applications in several irritant anesthetics markedly increased
of the major organ systems and in the treatment of airway secretions and were associated with
poisoning by muscarinic agonist frequent episodes of laryngospasm.
Preanesthetic injection of atropine or
1. Central Nervous Sytem scopolamine could prevent these hazardous
a) Parkinson’s disease effects
• The treatment of Parkinson’s disease is • Scopolamine produces amnesia associated
often an exercise in polypharmacy, since no with surgery and obstetric delivery, a side
single agent is fully effective over the course effect that was considered desirable
of the disease • On the other hand, urinary retention and
• Most antimuscarinic drugs promoted for intestinal hypomotility following surgery
this application were developed before were often exacerbated by antimuscarinic
levodopa became available drugs
• Their use is accompanied by all the adverse • Ipratomium and Tiotropium synthetic
effects described below, but the drugs remain analogs of atropine, are used as inhalational
useful as adjunctive therapy in some drugs in COPD
patients • The aerosol route of administration has the
advantage of maximal concentration at the
b) Motion Sickness bronchial target tissue with reduced
• Certain vestibular disorders respond to systemic effects
antimuscarinic drugs (and to antihistaminic
agents with antimuscarinic effects) 4. Cardiovascular Disorders
• Scopolamine is one of the oldest remedies • Marked reflex vagal discharge sometimes
for seasickness and is as effective as many accompanies the pain of myocardial
more recently introduced agent infarction (e.g vasovagal attack) and may
• It can be given by injection or by mouth or depress sinoatrial or atrioventricular node
as a transdermal patch. The patch function sufficiently to impair cardiac
formulation produces significant blood output
levels over 48-72 hours • Parenteral atropine or a similar
• Useful doses by any route usually cause antimuscarinic drug is appropriate therapy
significant sedation and dry mouth in this situation
• Rare individuals without other detectable
2. Eye or Opthalmologic disorders cardiac disease have hyperactive carotid
• Topical Atropine exerts both mydriatic sinus reflexes and may experience faintness
and cycloplegic effects or even syncope as a result of vagal
• It permits the measurement of refractive discharge in response to pressure on the
errors without interference by the neck, e. from a tight collar. Such individuals
accommodative capacity of the eye may benefit from the judicious use of
• Phenylephrine of similar a-adrenergic drugs atropine or a related antimuscarinic agent
are preferred for pupillary dilation if
cyclopegia is not required 5. Gastrointestinal Disorders
• Short acting antimuscarinics (cyclopentolate • Antimuscarinic agents were used for peptic
& tropicamide) have replaced atropine due to ulcer disease in the USA

• Antimuscarinic agents can provide some Darifenacin and solifenacin

relief in the treatment of common traveler’s • Are antagonists that have greater selectivity for M3
diarrhea and other mild or self-limited receptors than oxybutynin or trospium.
conditions of hypermotility. • Darifenacin and solifenacin have the advantage of
• They are often combined with an opioid once-daily dosing because of their long half-lives.
antidiarrheal drug, an extremely effective
therapy. Tolterodine and fesoterodine
• In this combination, however, the very low • M3-selective antimuscarinics, are available for use in
dosage of the antimuscarinic drug functions adults with urinary incontinence. They have many of
primarily to discourage abuse of the opioid the qualities of darifenacin and solifenacin and are
agent. available in extended-release tablets.
• The classic combination of atropine with
diphenoxylate, a nonanalgesic congener of Propiverine
meperidine, is available under many names • a newer antimuscarinic agent
(eg, Lomotil) in both tablet and liquid form
Botulinum toxin A
6. Urinary Disorders • An alternative treatment for urinary incontinence
• Atropine and other antimuscarinic drugs refractor to antimuscarinic drugs
have been used to provide symptomatic
relief in the treatment of urinary urgency Imipramine
caused by minor inflammatory bladder • a tricyclic antidepressant drug with strong
disorders antimuscarinic actions
• However, specific antimicrobial therapy is
essential in bacterial cystitis.
• In the human urinary bladder, M2 and M3
receptors are expressed predominantly with
the M3 subtype mediating direct activation
of contraction.
• Receptors for acetylcholine on the
urothelium (the epithelial lining of the
urinary tract) and on afferent nerves as well
as the detrusor muscle provide a broad basis
for the action of antimuscarinic drugs in the
treatment of overactive bladder.

• which is somewhat selective for M3 receptors, is used
to relieve bladder spasm after urologic surgery, eg,
• It is also valuable in reducing involuntary voiding
in patients with neurologic disease, eg, children with
• Oral oxybutynin or instillation of the drug by
catheter into the bladder in such patients appears to 7. Cholinergic Poisoning
improve bladder capacity and continence and to • Atropine is used for the treatment of overdoses of
reduce infection and renal damage. cholinesterase inhibitor insecticides and some tyoes of
• Transdermally applied oxybutynin or its oral mushcroom poisoning
extended-release formulation reduces the need for • The potential use of cholinesterase inhibitors as
multiple daily doses. chemical warfare “nerve gases” also requires an
awareness of the methods for treating acute poisoning
• a nonselective antagonist, has been approved and is a) Antimuscarinic therapy
comparable in efficacy and adverse effects to • Both the nicotinic and the muscarinic effects of the
oxybutynin. cholinesterase inhibitors can be life-threatening.

• To reverse the muscarinic effects, a tertiary (not • and a few mushrooms (eg, Inocybe species) can
quaternary) amine drug must be used (preferably produce signs of muscarinic excess: nausea, vomiting,
atropine) to treat the CNS effects as well as the diarrhea, urinary urgency, sweating, salivation, and
peripheral effects of the organophosphate inhibitors. sometimes bronchoconstriction.
• Large doses of atropine may be needed to oppose the • Parenteral atropine, 1–2 mg, is effective treatment in
muscarinic effects of extremely potent agents like such intoxications.
parathion • Delayed-onset mushroom poisoning, usually caused
• In this life-threatening situation, as much as 1 g of by Amanita phalloides, Amanita virosa, Galerina
atropine per day may be required for as long as 1 autumnalis, or Galerina marginata, manifests its first
month for full control of muscarinic excess. symptoms 6–12 hours after ingestion.
• Although the initial symptoms usually include nausea
b) Cholinesterase regenerator compounds and vomiting, the major toxicity involves hepatic and
• A second class of compounds, composed of renal cellular injury by amatoxins that inhibit RNA
substituted oximes capable of regenerating polymerase.
active enzyme from the organophosphorus- • Atropine is of no value in this form of mushroom
cholinesterase complex, is also available to poisoning
treat organophosphorus poisoning.
• These oxime agents include pralidoxime 8. Other Applications
(PAM), diacetylmonoxime (DAM), • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) is sometimes
obidoxime, and others reduced by antimuscarinic agents.
• A third approach to protection against • However, relief is incomplete at best, probably
excessive acetylcholinesterase inhibition is because apocrine rather than eccrine glands are
pretreatment with intermediate-acting enzyme usually involved
inhibitors that transiently occupy the active
site to prevent binding of the much longer- ADVERSE EFFECTS
acting organophosphate inhibitor. • Mydriasis and cycloplegia are adverse effects when an
• This prophylaxis can be achieved with antimuscarinic agent is used to reduce
pyridostigmine but is reserved for situations gastrointestinal secretion or motility, even though
in which possibly lethal poisoning is they are therapeutic effects when the drug is used in
anticipated, eg, chemical warfare ophthalmology.
• Simultaneous use of atropine is required to
control muscarinic excess Depending on the dose:
• Atropine may cause, dry mouth, blurred vision, sandy
Pralidoxime eyes, tachycardia, urinary retention, constipation
• is administered by intravenous infusion, 1–2 g • Effects on CNS: Restlessness, confusion,
given over 15–30 minutes. hallucinations, delirium which can progress to
• Administration of multiple doses of pralidoxime over depression, collapse of the circulatory and respiratory
several days may be useful in severe poisoning. system, and death
• In excessive doses, pralidoxime can induce
neuromuscular weakness and other adverse Poison control experts discourage the use of physostigmine or
effects. another cholinesterase inhibitor to reverse the effects of
• Pralidoxime is not recommended for the reversal atropine overdose because symptomatic management is more
of inhibition of acetylcholinesterase by carbamate effective and less dangerous.
inhibitor (neostigmine, pyridostigmine, When physostigmine is deemed necessary, small doses are
physostigmine) given slowly intravenously (1–4 mg in adults, 0.5–1 mg in
children). Symptomatic treatment may require temperature
Mushroom poisoning control with cooling blankets and seizure control with
• has traditionally been divided into rapid-onset and
delayed-onset types.
• The rapid-onset type is usually apparent within 30
• Glaucoma
minutes to 2 hours after ingestion of the mushrooms
and can be caused by a variety of toxins. Some of these • In elderly men with history of prostatic hyperplasia
produce simple upset stomach; others can have • Gastric ulcer
disulfiram-like effects; some cause hallucinations; • Nonselective antimuscarinic agents should never be
used to treat acid-peptic disease

■ BASIC & CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY OF THE • Nicotine, carbamoylcholine, and even

GANGLION-BLOCKING DRUGS acetylcholine (if amplified with a cholinesterase
inhibitor) can produce depolarizing ganglion block.
Ganglion-blocking agents (Ganglionic blockers) • Drugs now used as ganglion-blocking drugs are
classified as nondepolarizing competitive antagonists.
• competitively block the action of acetylcholine and
similar agonists at neuronal nicotinic receptors of Blockade can be surmounted by increasing the
both parasympathetic and sympathetic autonomic concentration of an agonist, eg, acetylcholine.
ganglia. • However, hexamethonium actually produces most of
its blockade by occupying sites in or on the nicotinic
• Some members of the group also block the ion
ion channel, not by occupying the cholinoceptor itself.
channel that is gated by the nicotinic cholinoceptor.
• The ganglion-blocking drugs are important and used
B. Organ System Effects
in pharmacologic and physiologic research because
they can block all autonomic outflow.
1. Central nervous system
• However, their lack of selectivity confers such a broad
• Mecamylamine, unlike the quaternary amine
range of undesirable effects that they have limited
agents and trimethaphan, crosses the blood-brain
clinical use
barrier and readily enters the CNS.
• Examples: Nicotine, Hexamethonium,
• Sedation, tremor, choreiform movements, and
Mecamylamine, Trimethaphan
mental aberrations have been reported as effects of
2. Eye
Tetraethylammonium (TEA)
• The ganglion-blocking drugs cause a predictable
• the first to be recognized as having this action, has a cycloplegia with loss of accommodation because
very short duration of action. the ciliary muscle receives innervation primarily from
the parasympathetic nervous system.
Hexamethonium (“C6”)
• The effect on the pupil is not so easily predicted,
• was developed and was introduced clinically as the since the iris receives both sympathetic innervation
first drug effective for management of hypertension. (mediating pupillary dilation) and parasympathetic
• There is an obvious relationship between the innervation (mediating pupillary constriction)
structures of the agonist acetylcholine and the • Ganglionic blockade often causes moderate
nicotinic antagonists tetraethylammonium and dilation of the pupil because parasympathetic tone
hexamethonium. usually dominates this tissue
Decamethonium 3. Cardiovascular system
• The “C10” analog of hexamethonium, is a • Blood vessels receive chiefly vasoconstrictor fibers from
depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent. the sympathetic nervous system; therefore,
ganglionic blockade causes a marked decrease in
Mecamylamine arteriolar and venomotor tone.
• a secondary amine, was developed to improve the • Hypotension is especially marked in the upright
degree and extent of absorption from the position (orthostatic or postural hypotension),
gastrointestinal tract because the quaternary amine because postural reflexes that normally prevent
ganglion-blocking compounds were poorly and venous pooling are blocked.
erratically absorbed after oral administration.
• Cardiac effects include diminished contractility and,
because the sinoatrial node is usually dominated by
the parasympathetic nervous system, a moderate
• a short-acting, polar, ganglion-blocking drug, is no tachycardia.
longer available for clinical use.
4. Gastrointestinal tract
PHARMACODYNAMICS • Secretion is reduced, although not enough to treat
peptic disease effectively.
A. Mechanism of Action
• Motility is profoundly inhibited, and constipation
• Ganglionic inhibitors compete with acetylcholine to can be marked
bind with nicotinic receptors of both parasympathetic
and sympathetic ganglia

5. Other systems
• Genitourinary smooth muscle is partially dependent on
autonomic innervation for normal function.
• Ganglionic blockade causes hesitancy in urination
and may precipitate urinary retention in men with
prostatic hyperplasia.
• Sexual function is impaired in that both erection
and ejaculation may be prevented by moderate doses.
• Thermoregulatory sweating is reduced by the
ganglion-blocking drugs.
• However, hyperthermia is not a problem except in
very warm environments, because cutaneous
vasodilation is usually sufficient to maintain a normal
body temperature.

6. Response to autonomic drugs

• Patients receiving ganglion-blocking drugs are fully
responsive to autonomic drugs acting on muscarinic,
α-, and β-adrenoceptors because these effector cell
receptors are not blocked.

Clinical Applications & Toxicity

• Ganglion blocking drugs are used rarely because
more selective autonomic blocking agents are
• Mecamylamine blocks central nicotinic receptors
and has been advocated as a possible adjunct with
the transdermal nicotine patch to reduce nicotine
craving in patients attempting to quit smoking.

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