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Assessment Introduction:
Henry the 8th was a truly iconic king of hes time. 1534 was a very important year for Henry

Fact of Religion:
In the year 1534, Henry the 8th broke up with Rome and created a Protestant church, he did this because he wanted more money and he could marry any woman he wanted. He also made the whole country take an oath to prove that he was leader of the church.

Fact of Power:
Henry gained a lot more power, money and land when he broke off with Rome, all the land that the churches were built on belonged to the king and the money went to the king as well he could know divorce Catherine of Aragon, marry Anne Boleyn, and have a son so the Tudor dynasty could continue.

Fact of Money:
When Henry broke of with the church in Rome hes money income flourished all the money in England that went to the church went to Henry, all the churches gold and silver pates and cups belonged to him. He also liked to tax people a lot of money, sold a lot of land and tried to get it back at low price. After the brake with Rome a lot of people were extra nice to Henry for hes money. Fact of Love:

Henry was a very bad sucker in the love category. He went through 6 wives, 2 who he killed, 2 who he divorced and one died, When he wanted to divorce hes 1st wife Catherine of Aragon the pope didnt let him. However Henry claimed that it is against the law to marry the widow of hes senior brother, and started up hes own church. He then divorced Catherine and then married and beheaded Anne. Why They All Link Together. I think that the religion factor links with all the others because if Henry had hes own church then he could wed any woman he wanted, he would get all the church money, and could also control hes country by himself with out the pope on hes case all the time. I think the power factor id linked with love because when Henry didnt have the power to control the church he could not control hes love life properly, because if you marry once in the Roman Catholic Church, then you can not divorce. How ever Henry didnt like that and of course he wanted a son to continue the Tudor dynasty as king. Conclusion I think that to be able to conclude my assessment we must be able to understand Henry the 8th in a more casual way. To be honest I dont think that Henry wanted anything more in life than to fulfil the Tudor dynasty, and in trying to do that he made hes own church, married 6 wives, divorced 2 and beheaded 2 and ended up dyeing from obesity( maybe he got side tracked a little bit). I think that Henry also liked to live the big life (doesnt surprise me since he was a king), and was never content with what he had and in the end paid the consequences.

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