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nie i Is =e eer Structure of Atom Section-A : JEE Advanced/ IIT-JEE 1. 1.66*107Kg 2 neutrons 3. antiparallel oropposite 4. isobarsS. ‘Heisenberg, de-Broglie 6 Photons 7. oribtals 8 orientation in space 9. 34s! LF 2 F 3 T 4 F T nC) 2 © 2 @ 4 @ 5 @) 6 @ 2 @ & @ 9. (b) 10. (b) Hb) 12. (b) 1B. ©) 14. (@) 18. (@) 16. (© rm 18. (©) 1». 20. (©) 21. (©) 2 @ 2. ©) ib) 25. (@) 26. (a) 27. (@) 28. (b) 2. (@) 3.) Sk) 2 © 3B.) 34. @) 35. (b) 36. (0) 37. @) L (hd 2 @) 3% @) 4 bd & @ 6 @bo 7% Ged) & fd 1. 80% = 2 © 6 603A 3 120A 4, 542% 10-Pergs, 367% 10-Sem 6 0 7. 20884 8 102eV,2,He* 9% w=2ton=1— 1,3 2 2 A 2116510 12, 2741925 en! a 14. 98.17KI “4re0. 89 ” Broa 15, 228nm 16. 2a, 17. 6627510%m 18, 3.34 10-%m, wae L(A Bra.C)p. 2 Abas B)pacs Chp.a.5 Dbpg Lo 2 © L@ 2% & R429 46 5 3 JEE Main/ AIEEE L @ 2 © 2 © 4 @) & @) 6 @ 7 @ & @ 9. (b) 0. ©) © 2 @) 13. (b) 14.) 18. @ 16. ©) aC) 18 (b) 9. (@ 20. (a) 21. (b) 2 @ 23.) 25. (b) 26. (a) 27. @) 28. @) 29. Section-A ss a3 A. Fill in the Blanks 1.66 * 10°77 kg. Mass of hydrogen ator __ Atomic mass of hydrogen _ ~~ Avogadro number = 0.166 « 10 g= 1.66 = 1077 kg neutrons; antiparallel; or opposite isobars; 1.008 6.02107 S. Heisenberg, de-Broglie; 6 photons 7. orbitals 8 orientation im space 9. 4st, 308; ‘The electronic configuration of Cris: 18,2#, 298,38. 3p%, as! 3. *- Quiermost electronic configuration is 30, 4s! GP_3021 cs B. True/False False : The outer electronic configuration of the ground state chromium atom is 34s}, as half filed orbitals are more table than nearly half filled orbitals False : Gamma rays are electromagnetic radiations of ‘wavelengths 10-°¢m to 10-1 em, ‘True: Although energies of the sand p ortitals forthe same principal quantum number are very close to each other; the encrgy of the corresponding d orbitals is much higher, Foc example, the energy of 3d orbitalsis much more than thatot 3s and 3p; orbitals but less than As orbitals in case of H ator False: The obit 3d_2_ 2 liealomg.Xand Yai where electron density is maximum. “True :(-particlesare deflected move than «particles because they have very-very large e/m value as compared to ca-particles due to the fet that electrons are much lighter than He species, C. MCQs with One Correct Answer @ (0) Ruthecford’s seattering experiment led tothe discovery of mucleus, (One prorbital can accommodate up to two electrons -with opposite spin while p-subshell ean accommodate upto six electrons. (@) The principal quantum numer (n) isrelated tothe size ofthe orbital v= 1, 2,3...) (2) According to Rutherford’ sexperiment. "The central part consisting of whole ofthe positive charge and most of the mass, called nucleus, is extremely small in size compared to the size ofthe atom.” 0; arpartic @ rncuson= ? 05, 1 1 1 Beeston Tiga7 (a) Rbhas the configuration 15° 2s%pf 3eipfal 4sip? 5s, s0n=5,1=0,m=(and s=+%is correct se of quantum numbers for valence shell electron of Rb (NOTE: Energy is emitted when electron falls from higher energy level to lower energy level and energy is absorbed when electron moves from lower level 10 higher level Is is the lowest energy level of electron in an atom, [An electron in Is level of hydrogen can absorb, eneray but cannot emit energy. (0) Bohr model can explain spectrum of atomstions containing one electron only, proto! 10. a Rn, B. 4 16. 0 wo. 20. 2, 2, — wo) w ® © @ @ © © © oF © ) ® Topic-wise Solved Papers - CHEMISTRY ‘The radius of nucleus is of the order of 1.5 * 10-10 65% 10 emor | $1065 Fermi (I Fermi= 10") ‘TIPS/Formulue : The following is the increasing order cof wavelength or decreasing order of energy of electromagnet radiations cosmic rays rays [> Xaays ale UV-rays Ze visite a Infra-red radiation. Z Micro waves “ Racio waves ‘Among given choiees radiowaves have maximum wavelength Electrons in an atom occupy the extra nuclear region (612, m3, mill vary from =2t0+2. ie possible values of mare=2,—1,0,+ 1 and +2, PE a= 2000 A; 2.=40H0 4, FL dy, 4000 8 5, 7 2000 {sotones have same numer of neutrons. All atoms in triad (a} have same number of neutrons ). Difference in the energy ofthe energy levels involved inthe transition ‘According, to Auftau principle, the orbital of lower ‘energy 2s) should be fully filled before the filling of orbital of higher energy stats TIPS(Formulae : The clement having highest tendeney to accept the electron will be most electronegative element, ‘Configuration ns2, np* means it requites only one <’lectron to attain nearest noble gas configuration. So, it all be most electronegative element among given choices NOTE : Exactly hailed orbitals are more stablethan nearly half filled orbitals Cx (At. no. 24) has configuration [Ar] 308, 4! Electronic configuration of chlorine is [Ne] 382, 3p° ‘2 Unpaired electron is found in 3p sub-shell nne3 X-rays can ionise gases and cannot get detlected by clectricand magnetic fields, wavelength ofthese rays {5 150100.1A, Thus the wavelength of &raysisshorter than that of ux. rays As packet of energy equal to hy; as wave having frequency Structure of Atom | ———___________________, 23, (9. TIPS/Formulae : Total nodes = n = 1 No. of radial nodes = = = 1 No. of angular nodes Foc 3p sub-shell, n= 3,7= 1 ~ No. of radial nodes = n= /~ 1 =3~ No, of angular noes ‘TIPS/Formula a Orbital angular momentum (mr) = 5° VID For 2s orbital, 7 (azimuthal quantum number) = 0 ¢, Orbital angular momentum = 0. ‘The expression for orbital angular momentum is Aongdmoman = 7752) Fee doris, Hence, = Yor [2] vo) ‘TIPS/Formulae : The two guiding rules toarrange the various orbital in the increasing energy are. () Energy of an orbital inereases with increase in the value of n+ (i) OF orbitals having the same value of a+ |.thecrbital with lower value of has lower energy: Thus forthe given orbitals, we have @ntiatins Gi ati=a40-4 Gin (iy) n+ Hence, the order of increasing ener 258. (a) 26. (a) 2. 28.) 3d 4s! system is more stable than 34s", hence former isthe ground state configuration, ‘TIPS/Formulae : According to de-Broglie’s equation 2» @ hook Pow Given, h= 6.6 © 107 Js, m= 200 » 10 kg, ml @xeo* 66x10 —— 66x10 10m 200% 107 x 5H60«60) 7238" 1" 30, 32, 34 36. 37, eso (‘The term spin implies that this magnetic moment 1s produced by the electron charge us the electron Totates about ifs own axis. Although this conveys @ vivid mental picture of the source ofthe magnetism, the electron is not an extended body and its rotation 1 meaningless. Electron spin hus no classical ‘counterpart the magnetic moment is consequence ofrelativistic shifts in local space und time dve to the high effective velocity of the eleteon in the ator, (@ Rutherford’s experiment was actually o-particle seattering experiment, ce-Particleis dubly positively charged holium ion i.e, He nucleus (Q_Asper Pauli Exclusion Principle "no twoelectronsin thesameatom can have al the four quantum numbers ‘qual or an orbital cannat contain more than two electrons and it can accommodate two electrons only when their directions of spins ure opposite", 2 @ TIPSHormulae +7, =0529K For hydrogen, m= 1and 215 2. ry=0.529 or Be", 2=2 end Z=4; . 529422 Tyo = 0529 @ ‘TIRSHormulae: Number of radial nodes=(n—1—1) For 3s 1 =0 (Number of radial node=2) For2p:=2, [= | (Number of cadial node=0) (©) Average atomicmass of Fe _ GAXS) 155490) 579) _ 559 100 (© Asper Bohs postulate, nh amr 1 mh)? sem jo So, xe dn( Sines, So, for 2"! Bohr orbit ay x? I = 1,{ 2) ae xe=bnf 2) 2" atm <(tag)?)” SBR? mag (Radial probability fiction curve for Lsis(D) ‘Here P is 4nr7R*. GP_3021 e320 6 m D. MCQs with One or More Than One Correct (bg) TAsand J{Se have same number of neutrons (© A-Zas 3Ge (40) Because they have isotopes with different masses. “The average atomic mass isthe weighed mean of their presenoe in nature, eg, CP and CP are present ineatio3 : Tiunature so an B71 (4,0) cepartiles passthrough because most part of the atornis empty (6d) _Intritium (the tsotope offyrogen) nucleus theres =355 ‘one proton and 2 neutrons. °.+p=3, Indeuterium nucleus there is one proton and one neutron ntp=2 (ad) The energy ofanelectron on Bakar orbits ofhydiogen ‘toms is given by the expression Constant a Where a takes only integral values, Hor the frst Bohr orbit, 7= Land itis given that E, 13.6eV ice = —!35 oct gen altos only ~ 3.4 eV and — 1.5 eV ean be obtained by substituting 1 ~2 and 3 respectively in the above expression, (ape) (0) 4Ct= Ls, 2824, 3°33, 4s! = [Ar] 308 (b) For magnetic quantum number (m), negative values are possible, Fors subshell, =O, hence mr fx p-subshell, = 1, hence m=—1, 0,41 top gyAB™ IE 22 266 BRA, 4 ap a, s ‘Hence 23 electrons have a spin of one type and 24 of the oppesite ype {8) Oxidation tate of Nin HN is-13. (aed) (@) x4 2%, 9 v4 (u-emission); a (0) ,¥4—*4.4,24 (s-emission), DA (positron emission}, ©) 2X4 4568 3,4 D4" (electron capture) Atomic number increases uring (emission (4d) According to Hund's rule pairing of electcons starts ‘only when exch ofthe orbital in a sub shell has one lectron each of parallel spin, (a) and (d) are correct ground state electronic configurations of nitrogen atom in ground state — Topic-wise Solved Papers - CHEMISTRY E. Subjective Problems Letthe % of isotope with At. wt, 10.0 £-%of isotope with At. wt. 11,01 =(100—2) xx 10.01+(100—3)x1101 100 AL wl. of boron 10.014 (100-2) x1.01 Loo Hence % of isotope with At. wr, 10.01 =20% © %ofisotope with At, wt, 11,01 =100-20= 80%, = 1081 2.2220 5.42 10-Perg, = 241 x WP erg 6.626% 10-77 «3 «101 9.878 «10717 301x10-? 6,604 « 10° em =6.604A. TIPS Formula «x. Bnergy of second orbit = 0.5425» 10" erg, B= 6) B= 217« 1005825 «10 215 Wl erg 6.621027 «3 10!" 1.6275x10 ‘TIPS/Formutae ;'To calculate the eneray required toremove electron from atom, = 00 is to be taken, Energy ofan electron in the n orbit of hydrogen is given by =12.20% 10% em=1220A, B= 2170S ergs e 2 AE oft 2 Ls ye fl sirsi0n(2-0) abt ad ATW eS Structure of Atom | ———___________________, ‘Now we know that AE= fry po % [vif fe ace % ( Sw ane 6.627107 3% 101° Substituting the values, Tet 67105 em S. Ground state electronic configuration of Si Tt) TTT 3s 57.39, 30, isin accordance with Hund's ule which sats tht electron pairing in any exbital (sp, dof) cannot take place until cach orbital ofthe same sub-leve! contains | electron each oflike spin. 6& Form=3and/=24i.e., 3d orbital, the values of varies fiom 202, i. ~2,=1,0,+1,+2and for each thereare 2 values of's' ue. and Maximum no, of electrons in all the five d-orbitals is 10. 2176.10 2 Byotit= 2A 5 7 610% Bottet= 2 ay * =21.762 10"! ryote = ALTO 9 Hence energy equivalent to E, must be supplied to remove theelectron from 3"orbit of He’. Wavelength corresponding to this energy can be determined by applying the relation, he hee _ 6.625% 104 3 x108 x9 or. » E 2176x107 x4 2055 * 10m = 2085 A f 8. TIPS ormuae: A =ReZ*| Here, R= L967 % 10? mt 626% 10S see, = 3 108 msec i = Lom, =2and for Featom, Z =1 “1 -1=i0sreieseseioreaeie(!-!) ae o1sreacase3 2 108 = 16.3512 10-97 10. n es21 be A am went | 4 A) steppe (t-l nel ade Given, = 3 «104m mover 2 3 ir 108s 0 o me 3x3%10967%107 91.0867 So it corresponds to He” which has 1 electron like ydrogen For He" ton, we have o (wy sotintenan a Lay E-quating equations (and (i), we get Obviously 4, = 1 and rig=2 Hence, the transition = 2 to m= 1 in hydrogen atom will have the same wavelensth a the tunsition,»=4ton=2in He’ species. nx) ‘TIPS/Formulae : Number of waves ‘where 2 = Prineipal quantum number or number of orbit Nano rvs = SD 6 322 2 2 Bond energy of l= 240k) mol-!=240 10*J mol! vo! 2210 geste! =3.984 » 10° J molecule”! he 2210 J5 39108 nergy absorbed — #6 _ $626 <10™35 3108 ms x 10m = 4417108) GP_3021 e922 Kinetic energy = Absorbed energy ~ Bond energy ‘Kinetic energy=4.417 « L0-3,984 »10°8 S433 12 *. Kinetic energy of each atom of iodine 433,107 2 12, The shortest wavelength transition in the Balmer series corresponds to the transition n=» Heme, ' 4) aft R (= (096770) ( ul a G = 2719.25 em 13, Workdone while bringingan electron infinitely slowly fiom infinity to proton of radius a, is given as follows 2 Ar. NOTE : This work done is equal tothe total energy of an electron in its ground state in the hydrogen atom, At this stage, the electron is not moving and do not possess any’ KE, so this total energy is equal to the potential energy. a 59.09 7) In order the electron to be captured by proton to form a ground state hydrogen atom it should also attain 2 2.465%10-2° TE“PE+K ERE =~ Bregay (ILis given that magnitude of K.E, is half the magnitude of PE, Note that PE, is -veand K.tis-4ve) é é TERE SKE + Rega * SRE jG 2 o Brpag 2 Pa TB 2 or PE. Brew trom 14, Determination ofmumber of moles of hydrogen gas, PR RT 0.082%298 0409 ‘The voncerned reaction is Hy ——+ 211, AN1=436 kI mol! Energy required to bring 0.0409 moles of hydrogen gas to atomic state =436 * 0.0409 = 17,83 kd Calculation of total number of hydrogen atoms in 0.0409 mole of gas | mote of Fy, gas has 6.02» 10? molecules — 1S. 16. 1. Topic-wise Solved Papers - CHEMISTRY _ 60210" 0.0409 mole oft, was = 0.0409 molecules Since | molecule of H, gas has 2 hyelrogen atoms 6.02» 10 0,0409 moleculesofH, gas 26.02 « 10 <0,0409 =4.92 x 10” atoms of hydrogen Sinee energy requited to excite an electron frem the ground sate to the next excited state is given by = 1.6326 102K Therefore energy required foexcite 4.92 » 10" electrons = 1.632% 102! 4.92 « 1k =803 » 10=80.3 4) ‘Therefore total energy required= 17.83 + 80.3 = 98.17 For maximum energy. ,=L and n, vee, Pay = 05.2 28m = probability of finding electron within2s sphere yp <0 fate) (+ probability of finding an electron is zero at node) {tye 627 x10 ma 0.1100) of 46.627 * 10-8 m= 6.627 x 108A For hydrogen atom, 2 I z 18 « 196 * Sms 18 108 ms de Broglie wavelength, 4h 6626x104 AO pm 9110-2 1B IO 3.34% 10% m=3.3A Por 2p,, ‘1 Orbital angular momentum = oye ag Structure of Atom | ———___________________, 2 For F. Match the Following 3 } (C)- (Bs @)- (6) “G)-(b) (ii. Angular momentum ofeleetron in lowest (Is) orbital ty EY ETL WT LO 24 (a) Loy iy) Z's A Livd-(a) a fw)-@) Ang; Bepayns: Cpqr Dog G. Comprehension Based Questions radial node is 2s. Upon absorbing light, the fon gets excited to state, which also hasone radial node The energy of electron in S is same as that of H-atom in its round state, 2 £,= Ai where Bis the energy of H-atom inthe £,= B23 2 State S, of ?* having one radial node is 3p. Orbital angular momentum quantum number of 3pis 1. Energy of state Si © 2 H, Assertion & Reason Type Questions (0. Nuclides having both even number of protons and neutrons have maximum stability. So the reason is Ingorreet. But the assertion is eorrect as "Cay has even number of neutrons and protons as compared to 2A, , which bas odd neutrons and protons 0) Statement| iscorrect becauseas we godowna group, 4, energy gap between successive orbits decreases which causes decrease in the energy gap betwen valence band and conduction band, Statement-2 is also correct because each and is a collection of closely spaced large number of atomic energy levels, But this is not {rye correct explanation ofstatement-1 The spherically symmetric state S, of ?* with one 1, e823 @ x No.of roto Fete uber ‘Sable met x A look at the above eurve shows that for stable nuclei itshowsa curvature towards x-axis from the line of 45° slope (deste line) asthe atornie number (i. number of protons) inereases, So statement 1 is true ‘The proton ~ proten repulsion would overcome the attractive for of proton and neutron, Thus statement 2 in True. Alsothis statement 21s aeorreet explanation foc statement I, Therefore the correct answer is option (a, |. Integer Value Correct Type 4 nergy associated with incident photon = 5° 6.610 3108 30x10 66x10 3.108 30010? x1.6x10- Photoctectric effect can take place only when Eyngn ‘Thus, number of metals showing photoelectric etfct will be 4 (ue. Li, Na, K and Mg), 9 Maximum number of electrons (i?) when n=3=3?=9 © Number of orbitals=9 eV = 4.1600 + Number ofefectrons with 1, = 4) Since, 1 J wilt be 9, 3wil h mv (PMKE (sinveK E27) [20,1000 2° 200 (©) |mj|=1 means m,can be +! and=1 So, for m |, six orbitals are possible and each has 1 electron with s 1 gota! mb felons 6 6) Ground sate eontguain w: ts 3s p in scoond excited state, cletron will amp from Is to2p,s0 degeneraey of second excited state of His 3. GP_3021 e824 an 2 10. DR. i) ) ® @ @ ) © © ® — i Section-B aay e243 @ 2% excited state will be the 3° energy level 6.62% 10-34 “ay 4x3.14x0025x102 21x10 Sms Fe™(26~-2=24)=1s'2s22p! 35°3p4s? 30Phenve no of d electrons retained is 6 [Tuo ds electron are removed THPS/Formubse Fors-lestron, £=0 4 Or Morn ‘NY, F and Nar contain 10 electrons each, The lines falling inthe visible region comprise Balmer series. Hence the third line from red would ben,~2, ¢, Onbital angular momentura = ny =Sie 52 pat OT 19m mv 6x10 10 14, The possible quantum numbers for 4felectron are . aW4,693,m=—3,-2-1,0,1,2,3and = 41 Of various possiblities only option (a) is possible. Electronic configuration of Cr atom (2 = 24) = 1s? 23? 2p®, 3673p 304s! 1s ‘when ¢=1, p- subshell, " Numbers of electrons = 12 ‘when ¢=2, d-subshell, Numbers ofeleetrons=5 TIPS/Formal 16. -ura7( L-somco! 2 =9L1S«10%m=9Ine Kt, aga, Se, gl ech contains 18 electrons, The energy of an orbital is given by (n+) in (d) and (c) (a+ I)valueisG +2)= Shence they will have sune energy, since there n values are also same, > 907 9p Topic-wise Solved Papers - CHEMISTRY Calelating ruber ofeeerons BO} —ssetisea—32 L coh NOj —97+8e3+1= 2 3648x342 iso-clectronic species so} —prerssse2 = 2 coy ox rot isoelectronic species Noy 32 ex 6741214] 3 No —97x2=14 F —yox2d+29 14 POPs 4844550 4. SO}7——+1644+8+2=50 oetectonie species 10g 917 +84 41 = Hence the species in option (b) are not isoelectronic, (8) Angular momentum ofan electron in nth orbital isgiven by. ose reen= veh 28h Air momen een = 82 = 258 (a) Givenm=9.1* 105! h=6.6 « 104s x= v= 100. ms From Heisenberg’s uncertainity principle 180084910 (© (NE =743=10e-, O-—+ 8 +2 = 106° P=o4 De, $9 162 = 18 (not isoelectroniey We, = (not isoelectronic) +1 = 18, =21-3= 186" (jsoelectromie) (d) Ba 56—-2=54e, Sr**38-2=36e° K=9-1= 18", Ca*=20-2= 186° (not isoelectronic) Structure of tomy ————__________________, nO @ 18, 19, 20, a. 2. 2B. n=3, £=0 means 3s-rbital andn+1=3 (b) n= 3, C1 means Sp-orbitaln +14 © 2 means 3deorbital n+1=5 @ }. = 0 means 4s-orbital n+1=4 Increasing order of energy among these erbitas is Bs<3p 107! meter =0.397 nanometer (0) According o Hersenberg uncertainty principle h bh Bae roa Ey 3.28 10°I molt Ama Fama 6000.00 100 eo 8610" 43.14 09.1 10! «0,03 = 1.92 «10-3 meter (Energy required to break one mole of Cl - Cl bonds in, 22x10? _ be _ 6626x107 3.108 omnsxi08 x 6.626104 3 108 6.023% 10 an racic = 0.4947 1m = 494. 70m 2 eZee oy 2 A) Here A 03 So, 4° Ai) 24, 26. 2, 28, 29, Given, = 19.6% 1078, Z,=2,m)=1,Z,-3e0d Substituting these values in equation (i) t96xto® at ac 9 or = 19610" 441107 Vato a (© _Bnergy of absorbed photon sum of the energies of emitted photon be x 355x10" 680x107 Ap L 1 L Hy 355x10" 680x10 or = M36 + 10=743 » 109m = 743 ® @ dp (as © 3d 3p Accroding to Bohr Bury's(n* 6) rule inereasing erderofenergy(D) <(B)<(C) <(A) Note: {the two orbitals have same value of( + f)then the orbital with lower value ofa will be filled fist 346x108 @ AB rosie 1978 gS He 66210 3108 278 x3 = X 6.6210 3x10 x4 2170 xd (@)Theelevtroni¢ configuration of Rubidium (Rb=37)is 1.214 «10% iastoptastaphad! aap se! Since lat electron eters Sorta =136, @ Tota energy = = wheren =2, 3,4 Putting: =136 E> Tpo=-sdev (©) As electron of charge ‘eis passed through 'V' volt, kinetic energy of electron will be eV bh Wavelength ofelectron wave (2)= ee

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