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ZatiqEasy's Journey Towards Sustainable Growth

The Situation:
Zatiq, founded in 2022, is a pioneering force in Bangladesh's digital transformation journey. In
response to the rapidly growing demand for accessible e-commerce solutions, Zatiq developed
and launched its flagship product ZatiqEasy in 2023 . ZatiqEasy is a revolutionary platform that
enables entrepreneurs to create and operate e-commerce websites effortlessly and seamlessly,
no coding proficiency are required. Since its launch, ZatiqEasy has experienced rapid adoption
and acclaim within the Bangladeshi entrepreneurial community. Over the course of just four
months, it has successfully empowered over 25,000 entrepreneurs and SMEs across the country,
marking a significant milestone in its journey.

The initial phase of ZatiqEasy's rollout focused on establishing a robust presence in the market
and garnering positive feedback from early adopters. With a meticulously prepared marketing
strategy ready to be implemented, ZatiqEasy is now positioned to connect with an even broader
audience. This presents an exciting opportunity for ZatiqEasy to drive further adoption of its
revolutionary e-commerce platform and solidify its position in the market.

Now, as Zatiq enters the growth stage of its journey, it stands poised to further expand its reach
and impact within the burgeoning e-commerce landscape of Bangladesh. With a strong customer
base and a proven track record of success, the company is primed to capitalize on the
opportunities that lie ahead and solidify its position as a leader in the digital realm.

The Growth Phase:

As ZatiqEasy embarks on its journey towards sustainable growth, it encounters both
opportunities and challenges along the way. The company's initial success has provided a solid
foundation, but navigating the complexities of scaling operations and maintaining competitive
edge poses new hurdles.

Amidst the bustling streets of Dhaka, the ZatiqEasy team gathers in their vibrant office space,
buzzing with excitement and anticipation for the journey ahead. Led by the visionary CEO, the
team is fueled by a shared passion for innovation and entrepreneurship. They understand that
the road ahead will require strategic planning and proactive decision-making to overcome the
challenges that lie ahead.

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Their first order of business is gaining a deeper understanding of their target audience—the
diverse landscape of entrepreneurs and SMEs spread across Bangladesh. Through extensive
market research and customer insights, they embark on a mission to uncover the unique needs
and pain points of their target market, laying the groundwork for tailored solutions and
targeted marketing strategies.

To enrich their understanding further, ZatiqEasy conducts a comprehensive survey aiming to

glean invaluable insights into their customer’s preferences, challenges, and aspirations. The
survey reveals a nuanced portrait of the entrepreneurial landscape in Bangladesh. Armed with
these insights, ZatiqEasy is primed to ensure they target the right audience, crafting offerings
that resonate deeply with their customers' needs, while also attracting those beyond their
current user base. The survey insights have been added to the end of the case.

However, ZatiqEasy has noticed a concerning trend in the tech adoption rate among SMEs.
Many SMEs hesitate to use online platforms for their business, posing a challenge to ZatiqEasy's
growth strategy. Determined to address this issue, ZatiqEasy aims not only to attract new
customers but also to retain them by providing ongoing support and assistance. They recognize
the importance of keeping their existing customer base engaged and satisfied while
simultaneously encouraging tech adoption among SMEs.

In their pursuit of growth, ZatiqEasy also grapples with the challenge of developing an
appropriate pricing strategy. They understand the importance of capturing the full value of
their offerings while remaining competitive in the market. Through rigorous analysis and
strategic planning, they explore innovative pricing models to cater to diverse customer needs
and maximize revenue potential.

Diversifying revenue sources emerges as a key consideration for ZatiqEasy as they seek to
future-proof their business against market fluctuations. They recognize the importance of
reducing reliance on a single source of income, exploring opportunities to generate revenue
beyond subscription fees. From advertising partnerships to value-added services, they explore a
range of possibilities to ensure long-term financial sustainability.

Throughout their journey, ZatiqEasy remains committed to maintaining a competitive edge in

the rapidly evolving tech landscape. They understand that innovation is the lifeblood of their

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business, driving continuous improvement and differentiation. With a relentless focus on
product development and user experience, they strive to stay ahead of the curve and remain a
compelling choice for entrepreneurs in Bangladesh.

As they navigate the complexities of growth, ZatiqEasy's team remains united by a shared vision
of empowering entrepreneurs and driving digital transformation in Bangladesh. With
unwavering determination and a spirit of innovation, they are ready to overcome any obstacle
that stands in their way and emerge stronger than ever before.

The Target:
Primarily, ZatiqEasy aims to increase its subscriptions by 5000 per quarter. However, in the long
term, the company envisions establishing a sustainable business model steadfast in its
commitment to creating value for its customers. By prioritizing innovation and customer-
centricity, ZatiqEasy seeks to continuously enhance its platform, offering more robust features
and seamless user experiences. Aspiring to be more than just a service provider, ZatiqEasy strives
to become a trusted partner for entrepreneurs, providing tools and resources that empower
them to succeed in the competitive e-commerce landscape. With a focused approach on
sustainable growth and customer satisfaction, ZatiqEasy is dedicated to delivering unparalleled
value to its users. By fostering economic empowerment and inclusion through online
entrepreneurship, ZatiqEasy aims to solidify its position as a market leader in Bangladesh while
also serving as a catalyst for digital transformation across the region and beyond.

Your Task:
In response to the CEO's proactive approach, ZatiqEasy has assembled a team of business
strategists to navigate its next phase of growth. As the business strategists your team's tasks

1. Develop a comprehensive three-year business strategy outlining actionable steps for

sustainable growth, market leadership, and customer-centric innovation.
2. What problem is ZatiqEasy currently solving and for whom?
3. Streamline marketing and positioning to attract more users from their current customer
4. Explore strategies to attract audiences outside our current user base target group.

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1. Participants must carefully review the case and provide a well-supported and reasonable
2. Participants must be physically present at the KUET Auditorium on Friday, May 10th, to
deliver their pitch directly to the expert judges.
3. Each team will be required to deliver a 6-minute presentation followed by a 4-minute
Q&A session.
4. There is no restriction on the number of slides in the presentation, and teams are
allowed to incorporate animations and videos in their presentations.
5. The solution has to be submitted in PPT or PPTX format. Along with this, you also have to
submit your PPT/PPTX in PDF format.
6. Both of the files (PPT/PPTX and PDF) should be named in the following manner: Team
name_Final Round_CaseSpecs 2.0.
7. Submission link:
8. The solution must be submitted only through the Google form provided and no other
medium will be accepted.
9. In the slides, teams are permitted to include their team name and the names of team
members, but not the names of their respective universities.
10. Submission deadline of the pptx and pdf file: May 10, 11:59 AM.
11. Spectrum has the authority to modify any regulations and provisions of the competition
without prior notice.

Marking Criteria:
Situation Analysis 10
Identification of Challenges 15
Proposed Solution 20
Plan of Action 15
Marketing Plan 10
Contingency Plan 10
Creativity and Feasibility of a Solution 10
Quality of Content and Presentation 10
Total 100

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