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Analysis of moment~force ratios in the mechanics of

tooth movement
Robert P. Kusy, Ph.D.,* and J. F. Camilla Tulloch, B.D.S.**
Chapel Hill, N.C.

Orthodontic tooth movement is analyzed by means of the center of rotation model and the concept
of moment/force ratios. Several equivalent force systems are considered at both the bracket and
the center of resistance of the tooth. When moment/force ratios are evaluated at the bracket, the
laws of physics appear to be suspended: inconsistencies occurring as single forces applied at
different points claim equivalent results and pure translational movements purport to be nonzero
moment/force ratios. These paradoxes can be reconciled only if the moment/force ratios are analyzed
at the center of resistance of the tooth. Here, all of the moments applied to the tooth by the force
system are included in the analysis. Only when the force system is evaluated around the center of
resistance of the tooth is the concept of moment/force ratios consistently correct. (AM J ORTHOD
DENTOFAC ORTHOP 90: 127-131, 1986.)

Key words: Center of resistance, center of rotation, couple, force, mechanics, moment, tooth movement

A m o n g the approaches used to explain the do not fully describe the reaction of the tooth to the
motion of a tooth, the center of rotation model appears force system. Only by considering the moment/force
to be the most popular. 1-5 In this model the center of ratios at the center of resistance can the center of ro-
resistance replaces the center of gravity and tooth mo- tation model and the concept of moment/force ratios
tion is described in terms of rotation relative to this be reconciled. Two specific examples and the schematic
point. Bodily movement or translation can be consid- drawing of moment/force ratios at the center of resis-
ered to occur when the center of rotation moves to a tance illustrate this fact as well as the practical diffi-
point infinitely distant from the center of resistance. culties of maintaining bodily translation and achieving
Pure rotation occurs when the center of rotation coin- pure rotation.
cides with the center of resistance. All other centers of
rotation result from combinations of translation and ro- THE GENERAL SITUATION: A FORCE AND A
tation, and are commonly referred to as either tipping COUPLE
or torquing procedures. In a conventional fixed appliance, a bracket may be
How a tooth moves is dependent on two components subjected to both a force and a couple. As a result the
of the force system. The first component, the force, tooth may experience not only a force but also two
translates the tooth parallel to the line of force. The moments. That two moments exist can be seen if an
second, the moment, rotates the tooth around the center equivalent force system is determined (Fig. 1).* One
of resistance in either a clockwise or counterclockwise moment is generated by the fit of the wire in the bracket
direction. The force system, together with specific bi- and is referred to as the couple. The other moment is
ologic variables within the support system, ultimately produced by the force (F) applied at the bracket, which
determine the type and amount of tooth movement. has been positioned at a fixed distance (D) from the
Traditionally, the center of rotation model and the center of resistance (CR) of the tooth. If the moment
associated translational and rotational motions of the of the couple (M) equals but opposes the moment of
tooth have been described in terms of the moment/force the force (Mr = F x D), then the tooth will experience
(M/F) ratios at the bracket. 6-8 Although most ortho- only a force acting through the center of resistance. The
dontic force systems are applied at the crown of the tooth will translate (that is, rotate about a point at in-
tooth and analysis of force systems at this point might
first appear logical, moment/force ratios at the bracket *Because a two-dimensional tooth model is assumed, only forces that act in
a buccolingual-mesiodistal plane will be analyzed. Thereby, the points of force
From the Department of Orthodontics/Dental Research Center, University of application (for example, at a bracket) will be projected until they contact the
North Carolina. axis of the tooth. Moreover, axial forces that cause extrusion or intrusion, or
*Associate Professor. small moments that tend to rotate a tooth in the occlusal plane (that is, in its
**Assistant Professor. socket) will be ignored.

128 Kusy and Tulloch Am. J. Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop.
August 1986

300~g/-'~~ 1300~' 3()Og1 ~ g-mm

m /// //
M ~ ~ 3°°g ~'~ (3~ j
s C
% MF= 2,000
Fig. 1. Construction of equivalent force systems about the
II --1/2,ooo
center of resistance (CR) of a tooth. Whether or not a tooth 2000" m m 2°0'/I 12°'g"
" 2000
translates, rotates, or does both (that is, so-called "tipping" or
"torquing") depends on the ratio of the net moment to the net A B C
force. In all figures the dashed outlines highlight the presence
of a couple whose moment equals Mr. ~MF 2,400


o ~ m 30~//-~_ 1300g/ 300g I "~/2,4(30

finity). However, if the moment due to the force and
the moment of the couple are not equal, then the tooth
will not only translate but will also rotate about the A B C
center of resistance in either a clockwise or counter-
clockwise direction depending on the relative magni- ,MF= 2,600
tudes and sense of the two moments.


SYSTEM (M = 0)
o, ,,oo
~ ° 150g
What tooth movement can be expected if the couple A .,~ B C
(M) is equal to zero? This situation may occur if a
Fig. 2. Equivalent force systems in which all of the M/F ratios
single force is applied by means of a finger spring on
equal zero. Row/--Baseline case when a single 300 g force
a removable appliance. According to the current ap- is applied 10 mm from the CR, row //--when only the force
proach, the M/F ratio at the point of force application magnitude is changed to 200 g, row///--when only the point of
would equal zero; the distance from the center of ro- force application is changed to 8 mm, and row ~V--when only
tation to the center of resistance would approach zero the direction of the line of action of the force is changed 30 ° . In
each case a different tipping moment results about the CR from
and pure rotation might be expected. However, the
the application of the single force.
equivalent force systems of row I of Fig. 2 demon-
strate that a single force applied at the crown of the
tooth can never produce pure rotation about the center among the force system, tooth anatomy, and/or alveolar
of resistance because the force applied at a distance bone takes on special importance. In the literature a
from the center of resistance itself produces a moment M/F = 10 is often associated with bodily movement. 7'8
having a magnitude of F x D. Moreover, if the mag- This can only be true if the line of action of the force
nitude of the force changes, the point of load application is applied at a distance of 10 mm from the center of
moves, or the line of action shifts, then the magnitude resistance of the tooth. By definition, pure translation
of F and/or Mf will change (rows II to IV of Fig. 2, can occur only if a force acts through the center of
respectively). The right-hand frame of each row shows resistance and no net moment exists (Fig. 3, row I in
that, when properly analyzed at the CR, the forces which M = Mr). However, as the three equivalent
and/or the moments of the forces are different. There- force systems at the brackets show (Fig. 3, column A),
fore, although the M/F ratio at the bracket equals zero there can be a net moment if the M/F ratio does not
in each case, the translational and rotational effects are equal the distance from the CR to the point of force
different. application. Thus, if the anatomy of the tooth 9 or the
amount of alveolar bone surrounding a tooth change
SPECIAL SITUATION Ih THE MOMENT OF THE (as would be the case for a patient who has periodontal
COUPLE EQUALS THE MOMENT OF THE disease or has experienced a traumatic injury), then the
FORCE (M = M,) center of resistance will shift along the long axis of the
As the moment of the couple approximates the mag- tooth. As rows II and III of Fig. 3 show, the Mf increases
nitude of the moment due to the force, the relationship in each case, although the M/F ratio at the bracket
Volume 90 Moment~force ratios in mechanics of tooth movement 129
Number 2

MF ----3,000
[ g-mm
r\ (5 L.--., (5
/ ~'R 300g/ .~/300g) 300g/ "-~"-.,3,000
T l+" r
// /

3,000g-mm 3,000g-mm 3,000g-ram


3,000 g-mm 3,000 g-mm 3,000 g-mm
M v = 3,600
j~33~0 g-ram

m V t ] g-ram g-ram

Oog~ ~3oo~.~Y
3,000 g-mm 3,000 g-mm 3,000 g-mm

Fig. 3. Equivalent force systems in which a single force is opposed by a pair of equal, opposite, and
parallel forces--that is, a countervailing couple. R o w / - - B a s e l i n e case when a 300 g force is applied
10 mm from the CR along with a 3,000 g-mm countervailing couple, r o w / / - - w h e n only the anatomy
of the tooth is lengthened so that the CR moves 1 mm apically, and row ill--when only the amount
of the alveolar bone is reduced so that the CR moves 2 mm apicaily. Although in each case the force
and couple at the bracket are equivalent, what the tooth experiences at the center of resistance is
different. For M = Mf to be maintained, either M must increase or F must decrease. Ultimately, anatomic
and physiologic considerations will dictate which course of action is appropriate.

equals ten in each situation. For bodily tooth movement definition rotate a tooth about its center of resistance,
to occur, a longer tooth root (Fig. 3, row II) requires the only logical point of reference is the center of re-
that a greater M be applied to counteract the larger Mr; sistance. If the concept of M/F ratios is carried out
whereas, the loss of alveolar bone (row III) suggests anywhere else, a portion, if not all, of the moment due
that a smaller F be applied to reduce the value of Mr. to the force could be lost in the analysis, which would
Thus, although by the conventional approach the M/F inevitably lead to erroneous interpretations.
ratios at the bracket are the same, Fig. 3 illustrates that
the tooth motion will be different because the values THE ONLY GENERAL APPROACH FOR
of Mf are different. MOMENT/FORCE RATIOS
To reconcile these apparent inconsistencies, the
THE INADEQUACIES OF THE PRESENT APPROACH concept of the M/F ratios at the center of resistance ~°
The two special situations graphically illustrate the along with the geometry of the tooth must be included
inadequacies of the present concept of moment/force in the theory of tooth mechanics. As a basis for fur-
ratios at the bracket--namely, that all of the moments ther discussion, one approach might be to plot the mo-
are not considered when the force system is interpreted ment/force ratios versus the centers of rotation posi-
via the couple and the force at the bracket. Thus, al- tions. 6'u-~3 Using the tooth model shown in Fig. 4, the
though the force systems at the bracket and at the center distance from the applied force to the center of resis-
of resistance are equivalent, the net M/F ratios are not tance must be estimated. For anterior teeth CR equals
equivalent because the reference points are different. one third to one half of the root length as measured
Because a couple applied anywhere on a tooth must by apically from the alveolar crest12; for posterior teeth 0.3
130 Kusy and Tulloch Am. J. Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop.
August 1986

4,~- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
g (3)
Note that, unlike the earlier convention in which the
first term of equation 3 is the conventional moment/
force ratio at the bracket, equation 3 states that D will
change the NM/NF ratio too, depending on the mag-
2 -CR nitude and sense of the force and couple. Although
.g_ ~ generally referred to as a "ratio," NM/NF is not a pure
9 number, but rather a proportion that must be defined in
units of distance. 7
1 Subject to this interpretation, all clinical situations
i +F may be defined if the NM/NF ratio at the center of
-----i .......
resistance is plotted against the distance from the cen-
ter of rotation to the center of resistance (Fig. 4).
i When the countervailing couple (M) equals zero,
].... t 5

-oo +co D 0 -oo

NM/NF = D (equation 3) and the center of rotation
NM/NF ratio at center of resistance (mm) may be in close proximity to, but apically displaced
from, the CR (point 1, Fig. 4). Only a larger tooth,
Fig. 4. Schematic illustration showing how the ratio of the coun- placement of a bracket more incisally, loss of alveolar
tervailing couple (M) and the applied force at the bracket (F) bone, or a moment of opposite sense (Fig. 4) will
influence the motion of a tooth. By estimating the distance (D)
from the intersection of the line of action of the force and the
produce more positive ratios of NM/NF and move the
long axis of a tooth (usually the bracket) to the center of resis- center of rotation closer to the center of resistance.
tance (CR), the net moment (NM) to net force (NF) ratio at the When a relatively small countervailing couple is applied
center of resistance can be calculated (X axis), and the mag- as shown, uncontrolled tipping (or "simple tipping")
nitude and sense of tipping can be deduced from the corre- (point 1) gives way to controlled tipping (or just "tip-
sponding distance from the center of rotation to the center of
resistance (Y axis). Those portions of the curves from points 1
ping") about the midpoint between the CR and the tooth
to 4 and from points 5 to 9 are the norm, never attaining pure apex (point 2) or about the apex (point 3). When
rotation about the center of resistance nor maintaining pure M = Mr, the countervailing couple equals but opposes
translation about an infinite radius. In this plot both the absence the moment due to the force so that NM/NF = 0 (equa-
of a countervailing moment (NM/NF = D, that is, Special Sit- tion 1) and the center of rotation approaches infinity. 15
uation I) and the annihilation of the moment of the applied force
at the center of resistance by the countervailing couple
As the diagram in Fig. 4 shows, this may be approached
(NM/NF = 0, that is, Special Situation II) yield results that are apically (point 4) or incisally (point 5), depending on
consistent with the laws of mechanics. whether or not the couple is slightly less than or greater
than the moment about the CR due to the applied force.
In practice, maintaining this balance is nearly impos-
to 0.4 of the distance from the alveolar crest to the apex sible because both the force activation characteristics
of the roots is typical. 14 By establishing D as the dis- of today's arch wires and the physiologic response of
tance from the intersection of the line of action of the the surrounding tissue change with time (see also ref-
force and the long axis of a tooth (usually the bracket) erence 15). As the magnitude of the countervailing
to the CR, the ratio of the net moment to the net force couple increases so that M/Me > 1, the NM/NF be-
may be calculated. This is accomplished by first sum- comes increasingly negative. Now the center of rotation
ming the moments due to forces or couples (the rota- progressively migrates from a value near infinity (point
tional effect) and then dividing by the net force (the 5), to the incisal edge (point 6), to the cementum-
translational effect)--that is, enamel junction (point 7), to the center of gravity (point
8 at CG), and asymptotically approaches the center of
M m°ment
- - - - ~NM
NF] -N [M
e Ft (1) resistance (pointg). Because not only a couple but also
a force still comprise this force system, pure rotation
Substituting the moment of the force, Me = F x D, can never occur about the CR, regardless of how large
NM/NF may become. Indeed, even if a couple alone
_ [M +_FFXD] could be applied initially, pure rotation would not be
maintained because of the changing relationship of the
tooth to the surrounding tissue and the bracket to the
Simplifying, arch wire.
Volume 90 Moment~forCe ratios in mechanics o f tooth movement 131
Number 2

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