2021-Identification of Non Invasive Exercise Thresholds Methods, Strategies, and An Online App

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Sports Medicine



Identification of Non‑Invasive Exercise Thresholds: Methods,

Strategies, and an Online App
Daniel A. Keir1,2 · Danilo Iannetta3 · Felipe Mattioni Maturana4 · John M. Kowalchuk1,5 · Juan M. Murias3

Accepted: 3 October 2021

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021

During incremental exercise, two thresholds may be identified from standard gas exchange and ventilatory measurements.
The first signifies the onset of blood lactate accumulation (the lactate threshold, LT) and the second the onset of metabolic
acidosis (the respiratory compensation point, RCP). The ability to explain why these thresholds occur and how they are
identified, non-invasively, from pulmonary gas exchange and ventilatory variables is fundamental to the field of exercise
physiology and requisite to the understanding of core concepts including exercise intensity, assessment, prescription, and
performance. This review is intended as a unique and comprehensive theoretical and practical resource for instructors, clini-
cians, researchers, lab technicians, and students at both undergraduate and graduate levels to facilitate the teaching, compre-
hension, and proper non-invasive identification of exercise thresholds. Specific objectives are to: (1) explain the underlying
physiology that produces the LT and RCP; (2) introduce the classic non-invasive measurements by which these thresholds
are identified by connecting variable profiles to underlying physiological behaviour; (3) discuss common issues that can
obscure threshold detection and strategies to identify and mitigate these challenges; and (4) introduce an online resource
to facilitate learning and standard practices. Specific examples of exercise gas exchange and ventilatory data are provided
throughout to illustrate these concepts and a novel online application tool designed specifically to identify the estimated LT
(θLT) and RCP is introduced. This application is a unique platform for learners to practice skills on real exercise data and for
anyone to analyze incremental exercise data for the purpose of identifying θLT and RCP.

1 Introduction clinical exercise laboratories across the world, facilitate the

indirect quantification of the rates of O­ 2 uptake (V̇ O2), ­CO2
The measurement of respired volumes of oxygen (­ O2) and removal (V̇ CO2), and minute ventilation (V̇ E). Decades ago,
carbon dioxide (­ CO2) during exercise provides non-inva- it was recognized that the profiles of these variables dur-
sive insight into the ability of the cardiorespiratory system ing incremental exercise provide a window into changes in
to adjust O
­ 2 transport and C ­ O2 removal to the demands muscle metabolism and their systemic effects [1–3]. These
imposed by increases in muscle metabolism. These meas- changes are traditionally defined as exercise “thresholds”.
urements, which are routinely used in teaching, research, and During incremental exercise, two thresholds may be iden-
tified from pulmonary gas exchange and ventilatory meas-
ures. These are commonly (but not universally) referred
* Daniel A. Keir
to as the “estimated lactate threshold (θLT)” (although gas
exchange threshold is frequently used) and the respiratory
School of Kinesiology, The University of Western Ontario, compensation point (RCP). From a mechanistic perspec-
AHB 3G18, 1151 Richmond Street, London, ON N6A 3K7, tive, the θLT reflects the highest metabolic rate not associ-
ated with elevated blood lactate concentrations [4] and the
Toronto General Research Institute, Toronto General RCP reflects the metabolic rate at which the body can no
Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada
longer prevent accumulation of hydrogen ions (­ [H+]) associ-
Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, ated with increased lactate and C ­ O2 production [2]. In young
healthy individuals, the V̇ O2 at which the θLT and RCP occur
Department of Sports Medicine, University of Tübingen, relative to maximal rate of ­O2 uptake (V̇ O2max) varies widely
Baden‑Württemberg, Germany
about a mean of 63% (range: 49–74%) and 83% (range:
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, The University 73–94%) of V̇ O2max in women and 58% (range: 45–73%) and
of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada

D. A. Keir et al.

threshold detection and strategies to identify and mitigate

Key Points these challenges; and (4) introduce an online resource to
facilitate learning and standard practices. Specific exam-
During incremental exercise, two thresholds may be ples of exercise gas-exchange and ventilatory data during
identified from standard gas exchange and ventilatory incremental cycling exercise will be provided throughout to
measurements. The first signifies the onset of lactate illustrate these concepts. The accompanying online appli-
elevation (estimate lactate threshold, θLT) and the second cation introduced in this paper will provide a standardized
the onset of metabolic acidosis (the respiratory compen- platform by which to upload and analyze incremental exer-
sation point, RCP). cise data and an opportunity for novice users to practice their
The θLT and RCP are fundamental to the field of exer- skills on real incremental exercise data. This paper assumes
cise science and requisite to the understanding of key a basic understanding of exercise metabolism and control
concepts in sports medicine including exercise intensity, of breathing. For comprehensive reviews on these topics,
assessment, prescription, and performance. This review the interested reader is referred to [15–17]. In addition, to
summarizes the physiology underlying the θLT and RCP, obtain a richer appreciation for the seminal work that led
and discusses strategies to approach their non-invasive to the development of these concepts (all of which cannot
identification during incremental exercise. be adequately acknowledged here), the interested reader
is referred to the historical summary in Poole et al. [18].
Gas exchange and ventilatory profiles do not always Finally, methodological considerations are limited to sam-
follow a “textbook” template and can be influenced by pling of expired gases and flows during incremental exercise
behaviours (e.g., abnormal breathing responses) that and do not detail thresholds derived from blood lactate data.
complicate θLT and RCP detection. With the objective
of standardizing approaches to θLT and RCP identifica-
tion, this review provides specific examples of both 2 Exercise Thresholds and Exercise Intensity
“textbook” and “abnormal” templates, outlines detailed
approaches to avoid potential misclassifications, and The exercise physiology and sports medicine literatures
introduces a state-of-the-art open-source online applica- contain countless terms and descriptions of different
tion for the knowledge user to practice their skills and exercise thresholds. Common to each is that they iden-
analyze data (https://​exerc​iseth​resho​lds.​com/.) tify a metabolic “boundary” at which muscle metabolism
changes in a way that alters cellular and physiological
homeostasis and prompts a compensatory adjustment of
the cardiorespiratory support system. Decades ago, Brian
82% (range: 69–96%) of V̇ O2max in men, for θLT and RCP,
Whipp and colleagues demonstrated that V̇ O2 and blood-
respectively [5, 6]. In addition to V̇ O2max, the θLT and RCP
lactate responses to constant work rate exercise change in
of incremental exercise represent key parameters of aerobic
relation to two metabolic boundaries [19, 20]. Exercise
function that are used to stratify exercise intensity [7–11],
below, between, and above these two boundaries reproduc-
assess aerobic fitness [12], and predict exercise perfor-
ibly yields common physiological strain in the muscle met-
mance [13] and even health outcomes in clinical populations
abolic, gas-exchange and ventilation, and blood acid–base
[14]. The ability to explain why these exercise thresholds
responses [21–23] to exercise with direct implications for
occur and how they may be identified from pulmonary gas
muscle fatigue [24, 25], perception of effort [26, 27], and
exchange and ventilatory measures is important for exercise
exercise tolerability [28, 29]. These metabolic bounda-
science professionals and key learning outcomes in exercise
ries provide the framework for Whipp’s exercise inten-
physiology courses. Competency in this area is required to
sity domain schema that partitions exercise intensity into
fully understand the concepts of exercise intensity and pre-
moderate, heavy, and very heavy (or severe [30]) intensity
scription and a key component for a commercial, clinical, or
domains. The physiological basis of this framework and
research career in exercise physiology.
its implications for exercise research and performance are
With the aim of facilitating the teaching, comprehen-
integral to the understanding of exercise thresholds and
sion, standardization, and skills required to identify these
have been reviewed extensively by Poole and Jones [30]
exercise thresholds, this review will: (1) explain the under-
and Rossiter [16].
lying physiological mechanisms that produce the θLT and
For simplicity, the two metabolic boundaries can be
RCP; (2) introduce the classic non-invasive measurements
framed in relation to the concepts of metabolic acido-
by which these thresholds (i.e., θLT and RCP) are identified
sis (an increase in cellular hydrogen ion concentration
by connecting variable profiles to underlying physiologi-
­( [H +]) (reduction in cellular pH) consequent to mus-
cal behaviour; (3) discuss common issues that can obscure
cle metabolism) and physiological homeostasis (a set of
Identification of the Estimated Lactate Threshold and Respiratory Compensation Point

self-regulating processes that maintain stability while to the limit of tolerance while respiratory gases and flows
adjusting to exercise conditions). The moderate-heavy- are recorded continuously from the mouth. Measuring the
intensity boundary marks the highest metabolic rate not rate of ­O2 uptake (i.e., V̇ O2) during an exercise protocol
associated with metabolic acidosis or disruption to physi- designed to increase metabolic demand through muscle
ological homeostasis. The heavy-severe-intensity boundary work (i.e., power output) provides valuable insight into
denotes the highest metabolic rate at which physiological the body’s ability to take up, deliver, and utilize O
­ 2 for the
homeostasis can be maintained despite a slight but sta- resynthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Most exercise
ble metabolic acidosis. Above this boundary, metabolic protocols use cycle ergometers or treadmills, and involve
acidosis worsens progressively with respect to exercise incrementally increasing metabolic demand by increasing
intensity and duration at a given intensity, and physiologi- power output or treadmill speed and/or grade. In every
cal homeostasis fails. Importantly, these two boundaries individual, there is a metabolic rate at which measured V̇
occur at widely variable fractions of V̇ O2max [5, 31]. Thus, O2 cannot increase further despite increases in exercise
adequate classification and prescription of exercise requires power output. This V̇ O2, which may or may not exhibit a
that the metabolic rates at which these boundaries occur “plateau”, gives an estimation of V̇ O2max [35–37].
are identified, and neither should be assumed to occur at For the evaluation of θLT, RCP, and V̇ O2max, protocols
a fixed %V̇ O2max. involving application of work rate (i.e., power output or
Within the incremental exercise paradigm, these meta- speed) in a ramp- or step-incremental pattern with frequent
bolic boundaries are surpassed on route to a maximal effort incrementation (~ 2 min per increment or less) are opti-
and may be estimated by identifying alterations in lactate mal. With these protocols, V̇ O2 increases smoothly with
measurements from blood draws, or gas-exchange and ven- time, making it easier to detect alterations in the slope of
tilatory responses from measures of respired gas exchange gas-exchange and ventilatory response profiles and their
and flow at the mouth. Numerous different terminologies associated metabolic rates (i.e., corresponding V̇ O2 val-
and methods for identification of these changes exist, each ues). The rate of incrementation (e.g., W/min or W/step)
with their own strengths and limitations [11], and it is should be chosen judiciously to ensure that total exercise
beyond the scope of this review to summarize each. In the time is sufficiently long to discern changes in gas exchange
context of this review, methodological considerations will and ventilatory profiles (e.g., a minimum of ~ 10 min). For
focus on the sampling of expired gases and flows during example, in average healthy young adults who perform
incremental exercise with some reference to thresholds ramp-incremental cycling exercise from a baseline of 20 W,
derived from blood lactate data. With respect to blood- incrementation slopes of 20–30 W/min lead to exhaustion
lactate thresholds, we consider the lactate threshold (LT) in ~ 8–12 min. However, in those whose exercise capacity is
and lactate turn point (LTP) to reflect the moderate-heavy- severely limited (e.g., chronic heart disease), a lower ramp
and heavy-severe-intensity boundaries, respectively. When slope (e.g., 5–10 W/min) and baseline work rate may be
referring to non-invasive methods for identification of these needed to ensure enough data for threshold detection (see,
boundaries, we describe an approach that incorporates e.g., [38]).
simultaneous inspection of a multitude of gas-exchange The rate of incrementation (e.g., W/min or W/step)
and ventilatory profiles [32] and, thus, refer to the esti- does not impact the metabolic rate at which θLT or RCP
mated lactate threshold (θLT) and respiratory compensa- are detected [39, 40] but does affect the work rate at which
tion point (RCP). Importantly, the identification of θLT they occur [39–41]. In other words, the metabolic rate at
includes (and, thus, is synonymous with) the popular gas θLT and RCP are constant and independent of the incre-
exchange threshold (GET) and first ventilatory threshold mental protocol, but the work rates at which the V̇ O2 at
­(VT1) (described in Sect. 4.3) and the identification of RCP θLT or RCP occurs will vary dependent on the incremental
includes the second ventilatory threshold ­(VT2) (described protocol [39, 41]. Such findings: (1) appear to support that
in Sect. 5.2). One caveat is that the former is accepted as both θLT and RCP represent robust metabolic boundaries;
the moderate-heavy-intensity boundary without question (2) highlight why both θLT and RCP should always be iden-
whereas there is debate about the latter [33, 34]. tified in terms of ̇V̇ O2; and (3) have critical implications
for selecting a power output or speed associated with θLT
and RCP (see [7, 33, 42] for details). For these reasons, the
3 Exercise Protocols and Maximal Rate procedures and examples provided throughout this paper
of ­O2 Uptake (VO
̇ 2max) focus on incrementation rates of 20–30 W per min achieved
in either ramp- or step-incremental protocols and with V̇ O2
For non-invasive identification of exercise thresholds, par- displayed on the abscissa.
ticipants are required to perform a graded (i.e., step) or
progressive (i.e., ramp) incremental exercise test endured
D. A. Keir et al.

4 Estimated Lactate Threshold (θLT) (nM changes), in part because protons are highly reactive
and interact with negative charges on, for example, amino
4.1 Physiological Bases of the Lactate Threshold acids and proteins, and hydroxide (­ OH−) and bicarbonate
­(HCO3−) molecules (see [49–51] for excellent reviews on
Figure 1 displays a schematic representation of muscle metabo- acid–base balance). From a gas-exchange and acid–base
lism and its effects on blood lactate, acid–base status, and pul- perspective, there are systems in place to “defend” the
monary gas exchange at exercise intensities below (Fig. 1a) and acid–base status within muscle and blood and, thus, avoid
above (Fig. 1b) the lactate threshold. To maintain adequate ATP acidosis. An important mechanism for controlling both
for the increasing metabolic demand imposed by incremental arterial blood ­[H+] and ­PCO2 involves the bicarbonate-CO2
exercise, the ATP resynthesis pathways in skeletal muscle must system and the reversible hydration-dehydration of ­CO2,
upregulate. Activation of muscle glycolysis (and glycogenoly- catalyzed by carbonic anhydrase (CA):
sis) is associated with increased production of pyruvate (­ Pyr−) CA
(and lactate ­(La−)), the end-product of glycolysis. At intensi- H+ + HCO−3 ↔ H2 CO3 ↔ H2 O + CO2 (1)
ties approaching the lactate threshold, ­Pyr− production within
the muscle cytosol and ­Pyr− uptake and oxidation within the In this reaction, the blood ­[H+] is controlled through the com-
mitochondria are approximately equal, and thus P ­ yr− conver- bination of H ­ + with ­HCO3− to produce C ­ O2, which along with

sion to ­La (catalyzed by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)) and the ­CO2 produced during mitochondrial substrate oxidation (i.e.,
­La− accumulation and concentration remain low (Fig. 1a). With pyruvate dehydrogenase-catalyzed decarboxylation of P ­ yr− and
increasing metabolic demand above the lactate threshold, how- reactions of the tricarboxylic acid cycle), is delivered to and
ever, the rate of ­Pyr− production exceeds that of its uptake and eliminated at the lung (i.e., as pulmonary V̇ CO2; see differences
oxidation within mitochondria such that the cytosolic accumula- in ­CO2 delivery to the lung and V̇ CO2 between Fig. 1a and b).
tion of ­Pyr− (and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide [NADH]
and protons ­[H+]) is directed increasingly towards ­La− produc- 4.2 Direct Identification of LT
tion resulting in progressively greater cytosolic accumulations
of ­La− and ­H+ and a rise in [­ La−] (Fig. 1b). Importantly, given To directly identify LT, blood [­ La−] is collected during step-
the cytosolic location of LDH, a high LDH activity (relative to incremental exercise in which work rate is increased at regu-
the activity of regulatory enzymes for glycolysis and Pyr- oxi- lar intervals (usually 2–4 min) until the participant reaches
dation), and an equilibrium constant for LDH directed towards exhaustion. Blood ­[La−] is sampled at the end of each work-
­La− formation, the reduction of P ­ yr− to ­La− is favoured and rate interval and plotted in relation to V̇ O2 or work rate. The
rapid [43]. resultant curvilinear blood [­ La−] versus V̇ O2 profile (see,
As ­La− and H ­ + accumulate within the cytosol, co-transport e.g., Figs. 2h and 3h) is then scrutinized to identify the V̇ O2
of both metabolites from muscle to blood increases, facilitated at which blood [­ La−] begins to rise above its resting concen-
by membrane-bound monocarboxylate transporters (MCT) tration. This V̇ O2 defines the LT. Because blood ­[La−] and
[44]. The enhanced efflux of these metabolites from muscle V̇ O2 take time to stabilize during exercise, their relationship
somewhat attenuates the cytosolic accumulation of both and within an individual can be influenced by the step duration
thus delays the development of a metabolic (lactic) acidosis, and number of steps [52]. Longer steps (e.g., 10 min) are
while coincidently raising the extracellular (including blood) likely to provide a more accurate representation of the blood
­La− ­([La−]) [45]. Therefore, the intramuscular build-up of L­ a− is ­[La−] associated with a given V̇ O2, but to maintain reason-
reflected in the blood with a relatively similar time course such able test durations, fewer steps are performed (typically with
that active muscle ­[La−] displays a similar pattern to that of greater work rate amplitudes), which reduces the precision
blood ­[La−] [46, 47]. At progressively higher exercise intensities of LT identification. In addition, numerous strategies exist to
above the lactate threshold, blood (and muscle) [­ La−] continue identify the initial rise in blood ­[La−] (summarized in [52]).
to rise owing, in part, to the progressively greater activation of Together, these factors influence the accuracy, precision, and
muscle glycolysis (and glycogenolysis) and a disproportionately confidence of identifying the V̇ O2 at which LT occurs [52].
higher rate of ­La− efflux from muscle (rate of appearance in
blood) compared to its uptake and metabolism in muscle and 4.3 Non‑Invasive Identification of LT (θLT)
other tissues (rate of disappearance from blood) [48]. The met-
abolic rate associated with increased concentration of blood It is possible to estimate the LT without collecting blood
­La− is defined as the “lactate threshold”. samples (i.e., non-invasively). By displaying and carefully
The increase in [­ La−] is accompanied by higher intra- and examining gas-exchange and ventilatory data, one can esti-
extracellular ­[H+] (i.e., reduced pH (= -log [­ H+])), although mate with a high degree of accuracy the V̇ O2 at which the
increases in [­ La−] (mM changes) far exceed those of [­ H+] arterial blood ­La− becomes elevated above resting concen-
trations, i.e., the “estimated LT” (θLT). Below the lactate
Identification of the Estimated Lactate Threshold and Respiratory Compensation Point

Fig. 1  Illustration of the (a) Myocyte 1

muscle-blood and blood-lung
interfaces and their connection
via the circulation (from bottom
right to top left of each figure:
arterial-venous-pulmonary- Left heart
arterial) to highlight muscle
PCr Cr PCr Cr
metabolism below (a) versus VO2

above (b) the metabolic rate at Alveoli

the lactate threshold (LT) and •
its influence on blood chemistry VE
PCr Cr
and pulmonary gas exchange Glycogen H+ H+ H+ ADP ATP
and ventilation. Font sizes are • ADP
modified to emphasize differ- ATP
ences in “concentration” or NAD+ NAD+ FAD+ Pi + ADP
Right heart
“production” of key substrates NADH NADH FADH2
(e.g., oxygen ­(O2), phospho- ATP
creatine (PCr)) and metabolic CO2
Pyruvate Acetyl- TCA
by-products (e.g., carbon CoA
Venous LDH
dioxide ­(CO2), lactate ­(La−), Mitochondria
bicarbonate ­(HCO3−), hydrogen
+ –
H & La CO2
ions ­(H+), inorganic phosphate
(Pi), adenosine diphosphate Myocyte 2
(ADP) and to highlight differ- HbO2 Arterial
ences in “rate” of pulmonary Pyruvate La–
variables ­(O2 uptake (V̇ O2);
­CO2 excretion rate (V̇ CO2); and
(b) Myocyte 1
ventilation (V̇ E)). Arrow thick-
ness indicates the relative “flux”
of metabolic pathways (e.g., La–
glycogenolysis, lactate dehydro-
genase (LDH), pyruvate dehy- Left heart Pi + ADP ATP Pi + ADP ATP Pi + ADP ATP
drogenase, and tricarboxylic
PCr Cr PCr Cr
acid (TCA) cycle) and transport •
pathways for key substrates and Alveoli
metabolic by-products (e.g., •
creatine (Cr) kinase shuttle, VE PCr Cr
electron ­(e−) transport). ATP Glycogen H+ H+ H+ ADP ATP
adenosine triphosphate, FADH2 • ADP
reduced flavin adenine dinu- VCO2 ATP
cleotide, FAD+ oxidized flavin NAD+ NAD+ FAD+
Right heart Pi + ADP
adenine dinucleotide, HbO2 NADH NADH FADH2
oxyhemoglobin, NADH reduced ATP
nicotinamide adenine dinucleo- CO2 O2
Pyruvate Acetyl- TCA
tide, NAD+ oxidized nicotina- HCO3– CoA
Venous LDH
mide adenine dinucleotide + Mitochondria

H+ & La– CO2
Myocyte 2 H+ & La–

HbO2 Arterial
Pyruvate La–

threshold, oxidative phosphorylation provides nearly all of as the gas exchange threshold (GET), which is coincident
the energy required for exercise: O­ 2 is consumed and C
­ O2 is with the onset of blood L­ a− accumulation (i.e., an increase

produced at approximately the same rate depending on the in ­[La ] above resting values). The GET relies exclusively
substrate being oxidized and V̇ CO2 increases linearly with on the V̇ CO2 versus V̇ O2 relationship and serves as a non-
V̇ O2. Above the LT, the L ­ a−-associated increases in blood invasive method for identifying the metabolic rate associated
+ −
­H combine with ­HCO3 to produce an additional source with the LT (compare Fig. 2a and h).
of ­CO2 (Eq. 1 is shifted towards production of C­ O2), which Because ventilation (V̇ E) is regulated by ­CO2 delivery to
causes an increase in V̇ CO2 relative to V̇ O2. When plotted, the lungs to minimize excessive C ­ O2 accumulation, V̇ E also
the V̇ CO2–V̇ O2 relationship (also termed the “V-slope”) begins to increase disproportionately to V̇ O2. As a result, a
exhibits a transition in slope (or “breakpoint”), referred to “breakpoint” is observed in the V̇ E versus V̇ O2 relationship
D. A. Keir et al.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)

Fig. 2  Schematic representation of blood-lactate and common gas- sure of ­CO2 ­(PETCO2), ventilatory equivalent of V̇ CO2 (V̇ E/V̇ CO2),
exchange and ventilatory variables that are collected during incre- end-tidal pressure of O­ 2, ­(PETO2) and blood-lactate concentration are
mental exercise and used to identify the estimated lactate threshold plotted in relation to rate of oxygen uptake (V̇ O2). The vertical lines
(θLT) and respiratory compensation point (RCP). Rate of ­CO2 excre- intersecting the abscissa of each figure indicate the V̇ O2 associated
tion (V̇ CO2), respiratory exchange ratio (RER), minute ventilation (V̇ with θLT and RCP
E), ventilatory equivalent of oxygen uptake (V E/V O2), end-tidal pres-
̇ ̇
Identification of the Estimated Lactate Threshold and Respiratory Compensation Point

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)

Fig. 3  Breath-by-breath gas exchange and ventilatory variables of a indicates the oxygen uptake (V̇ O2) associated with the estimated lac-
representative participant collected during a 30 W/min ramp-incre- tate threshold (θLT). V̇ CO2 rate of ­CO2 excretion, V̇ E minute ventila-
mental cycling test to exhaustion. Blood lactate values (h) are from tion, V̇ E/V̇ CO2 and V̇ E/V̇ O2 ventilatory equivalent for the rate of ­CO2
the same participant collected on a different day. Data points corre- excretion and oxygen uptake, respectively, RER respiratory exchange
spond to the sixth minute of constant-work rate exercise at 50, 80, ratio, PETCO2 and P ­ ETO2 end-tidal partial pressure for ­CO2 and ­O2,
110, 140, and 170 W and eighth minute of constant-work rate exer- respectively, VT1 first ventilatory threshold, GET gas exchange
cise at 200, 230, 260, and 290 W, and have been presented elsewhere threshold, LT blood lactate threshold
[77]. The solid vertical line intersecting the abscissa of each figure
D. A. Keir et al.

(commonly referred to as the first ventilatory threshold or systems, gas-exchange and ventilation are computed from
­VT1, Fig. 2c), which is coincident with the GET. Therefore, the mixing of several breaths collected in a chamber and,
the θLT may be identified by finding either GET or V ­ T1, but therefore, end-tidal breath measurements are not possible.
for greater accuracy and confidence, both should be com- In such instances, mean F ­ EO2 and ­FECO2 (reflective of mean
bined along with the other measures described below. alveolar ­PO2 and ­PCO2) can be substituted to aid in the esti-
Other helpful indices that should be used to corroborate mation of θLT. Although the profiles of F ­ EO2 and F
­ ECO2 will
estimations of the θLT when plotted against V̇ O2 are: the track those of P­ ETO2 and P­ ETCO2, their absolute values are
respiratory exchange ratio (RER, V̇ CO2/V̇ O2 ratio), ventila- influenced by mixing-chamber volume and V̇ E, and there-
tory equivalents for V̇ O2 (V̇ E/V̇ O2) and V̇ CO2 (V̇ E/V̇ CO2), fore should not be considered to reflect those of ­PETO2 and
and, with breath-by-breath systems (as opposed to mixing- ­PETCO2.
chamber based systems), the partial pressures of end-tidal When estimating θLT, each of these profiles and their
­O2 and C ­ O2 ­(PETO2 and P­ ETCO2, respectively). The textbook associated variables (i.e., GET and ­VT1) should be examined
response profiles for each of these variables are displayed and considered together. In addition to mastering the correct
in Fig. 2 along with the V̇ CO2 versus V̇ O2 (and GET), V̇ E non-invasive identification of θLT, this recommendation also
versus V̇ O2 (and ­VT1) and blood ­[La−] versus V̇ O2 (and LT) helps to develop a deeper understanding of gas-exchange and
relationships. ventilatory signals, and what their profiles can tell us about
In a relaxed, non-anxious participant, below θLT the RER metabolism and the integrated cardiopulmonary responses
versus V̇ O2 relationship remains stable or rises slightly to incremental exercise. Finally, good understanding of
(Fig. 2b), but above the θLT, the upward trajectory of RER what these signals represent can also help prevent common
steepens. In normal situations, this change-point coincides mistakes when interpreting gas-exchange and ventilatory
with the increase in V̇ CO2 relative to V̇ O2 (Fig. 2a); how- response to incremental exercise. “Textbook” gas-exchange
ever, V̇ CO2 (and thus, RER) may also increase abruptly if and ventilatory responses to incremental exercise and their
the participant spontaneously begins to breathe more vig- relation to the blood ­La− profile are presented as a schematic
orously than needed. To confirm whether “hyperpnea” (a in Fig. 2 and with real breath-by-breath data in Fig. 3. Note
rise in ventilation that is proportional to metabolic need that in such “normal” situations, the V̇ O2 at θLT equals that
and return of ­CO2 to the lung) and not “hyperventilation” of LT.
(a rise in ventilation that exceeds metabolic need and return
of ­CO2 to the lung) is the cause of the θLT, it is necessary 4.4 Practical Tips for Identifying the θLT
to examine ventilatory equivalent and end-tidal pressure
(or fractional expired concentration) relationships. Ventila- 4.4.1 Ignoring Exercise Onset
tory equivalents are simply the ratios of V̇ E to V̇ O2 (V̇ E/V̇
O2) and to V̇ CO2 (V̇ E/V̇ CO2) associated with a single breath The data displayed in Figs. 2 and 3 exclude data collected
or the average of multiple breaths, whereas end-tidal pres- at baseline and the first minute after exercise onset. Gas
sures are the partial pressures of O ­ 2 and C
­ O2 detected at exchange and ventilatory profiles during the early portion
the end of exhalation. After descending exponentially to a of incremental exercise are dependent on how quickly gas
plateau, the V̇ E/V̇ O2 versus V̇ O2 becomes relatively stable exchange and the cardiovascular and respiratory systems
below θLT but exhibits a systematic rise that commences at respond following the onset of exercise (i.e., their kinetics)
θLT (Fig. 2d). The ­PETO2 and P ­ ETCO2 reflect alveolar ­PO2 and do not reflect changes in blood ­La− [16]. Between and
and arterial ­PCO2, which are regulated by V̇ E in a manner within individuals, the kinetics of V̇ O2, V̇ CO2, and V̇ E are
dependent on requirements for ­O2 uptake (i.e., V̇ O2) and ­CO2 not identical and can be altered independently by many fac-
removal (i.e., V̇ CO2). Because V̇ E rises in proportion to V̇ O2 tors [53]. At the onset of ramp-incremental exercise, V̇ O2
and V̇ CO2 below θLT, alveolar P ­ O2 and arterial P
­ CO2 remain increases linearly with work rate after an initial time interval
relatively stable. During this sub-θLT region, tidal volume that is determined by both the transit delay of deoxygenated
and expiratory time increase, which brings P ­ ETO2 closer to blood from the working muscles to be expressed at the lung
alveolar ­PO2 and ­PETCO2 closer to arterial ­PCO2 [2]. As and the kinetics component of muscle V̇ O2 as it adjusts to the
a result, P ­ ETO2 and ­PETCO2 decline and rise, respectively energetic demands imposed by the ramp [54, 55]. In healthy
(Fig. 2e and g), below θLT. When transitioning above θLT, individuals, this “mean response time” is ~ 30 s (typically
increases in V̇ E closely track V̇ CO2 rather than V̇ O2, and so between 20 and 60 s) [56], but can be longer in those with
the ­PETCO2 and V̇ E/V̇ CO2 versus V̇ O2 relationships remain slower V̇ O2 kinetics (e.g., [57]). In addition, compared to V̇
stable or plateau (onset of “isocapnic buffering” period; O2 kinetics, V̇ CO2 and V̇ E kinetics are slower [53] and, thus,
Fig. 2e and f) whereas the P ­ ETO2 versus V̇ O2 relationship any of the profiles that contain V̇ CO2 or V̇ E will deviate from
exhibits a systematic rise (Fig. 2g). In mixing-chamber the template in Fig. 2 and impair the identification of θLT.
For these reasons, data within the first minute of exercise
Identification of the Estimated Lactate Threshold and Respiratory Compensation Point

and at baseline should always be excluded before attempting exhibits the profile of an individual who spontaneously
to identify θLT. Those seeking greater detail on the concept hyperventilated in the early portion of the ramp-incremental
of mean response time, its calculation, and importance for protocol. Note that the θLT can be identified correctly if data
exercise prescription are referred to the reviews by Boone prior to the pseudo-θLT are ignored.
and Bourgois [55] and Keir et al. [42]. The best practice to eliminate or prevent the occurrence
of a pseudo-threshold is to ensure that the incremental test
4.4.2 Avoiding a Pseudo‑θLT does not commence from a state of hyperventilation-induced
hypocapnia. Most incremental protocols are preceded by a
Unlike the examples provided in Figs. 2 and 3, sometimes period of low-intensity baseline work. In situations where
participants may spontaneously hyperventilate in the base- gas exchange measures can be obtained during this period,
line period and throughout the early portion of progressive the RER should be monitored throughout. With hyperven-
exercise. Breathing at a rate that exceeds the gas exchange tilation at these low intensities, the RER may approach or
requirements set by tissue metabolism unloads C ­ O2 stores exceed 1.0 but may be as low as 0.9 depending on substrate
within the body (predominantly in the form of ­HCO3−; utilization. The test should not be initiated if the RER is
Eq. (1) is shifted to the right) and arterial P ­ CO2 falls. In above 1.0 or if the RER-time profile is declining. In such
most individuals, the hyperventilation typically subsides as cases, it is best to restart the test or, where permitted, extend
work rate rises, but this might affect our ability to accurately the baseline period until the RER reaches a stable value
estimate θLT using the criteria listed in the previous section. below 1.0 (usually 0.75–0.9).
Any period of excessive ­CO2 unloading at the onset of
incremental exercise will reduce the rate at which V̇ CO2 4.5 Summary of Strategy to Identify θLT
rises because a portion of the ­CO2 produced by increased
metabolism will be used to replenish ­CO2 stores (i.e., the 1. Do not begin the test until RER reaches a stable value
rate at which Eq. (1) proceeds towards the production of that is below 1.0;
­CO2 will not be as rapid). After ­CO2 stores are refilled— 2. Plot all variables against V̇ O2 (rather than work rate or
which depends on the magnitude and duration of prior C ­ O2 time);
unloading, the time taken to restore normal ventilation, and 3. Do not include data from baseline or from the early tran-
the rapidity of ­CO2 reloading—V̇ CO2 will reassume a trajec- sition to the exercise;
tory reflective of the metabolic response to exercise. Con- 4. Confirm the absence of a turn point in RER;
sequently, a breakpoint or “pseudo-threshold” in the V̇ CO2 5. Find the GET and ­VT1, then use other plots to corrobo-
versus V̇ O2 relationship will be observed in the absence of rate the estimation of θLT;
elevation in blood [­ La−] concentration (Fig. 4a) [58, 59] 6. When identifying V ­ T1, ignore data within the final 1/3
and, thus, the identified θLT may not reflect LT. Because V̇ of the test. As discussed in the next section, there is a
E is coupled more closely to a ­CO2-linked mechanism and second ventilatory threshold; however, this strategy may
not V̇ O2 [15, 60], the V̇ E versus V̇ O2 relationship also will not be helpful in those with limited exercise capacity
display a pseudo-threshold (Fig. 4c). or situations in which a submaximal V̇ O2 is achieved at
In most cases of prior spontaneous hyperventilation, “peak” exercise (see Sect. 6.3).
a pseudo-threshold will occur at a V̇ O2 below the θLT. In
such instances, it remains possible to identify θLT. How- The interested reader seeking more detailed guidance on
ever, to avoid selection of a pseudo-threshold, examination non-invasive estimation of θLT from incremental exercise
of the RER versus V̇ O2 relationship is necessary. In normal test data is invited to consult the flow chart depicted in Fig.
situations, RER remains relatively stable (or only slightly S1 of the Online Supplementary Material.
increases) until the θLT (Figs. 2b and 3b). If instead reloading
of ­CO2 is occurring during this period, an early descent in
RER relative to V̇ O2 and upward turn point will be observed 5 Respiratory Compensation Point
(Fig. 4b). This turn point will coincide with the pseudo-
thresholds observed in the V̇ CO2 and V̇ E versus V̇ O2 relation- 5.1 Physiological Bases
ships, and is entirely unrelated to blood ­La− concentrations
(Fig. 4h). Prior to identification of θLT, it is first necessary As the metabolic demand is increased above LT (e.g., by
to rule out the potential confounding effects of ­CO2 stor- progressing to higher power outputs in an incremental
age by confirming the absence of an early turn point in the test), the muscle [­ La−] increases and so too does its trans-
RER versus V̇ O2 relationship. Thereafter, all data up to the port out of the muscle, leading to a progressive increase in
pseudo-threshold should be ignored and standard criteria blood ­[La−]. Despite a rising metabolic demand and blood
for θLT detection are applied to all subsequent data. Figure 4 ­[La−], increases in blood ­[H+], initially, are minimized
D. A. Keir et al.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)

owing primarily (~ 65%) to interactions between H ­ + and the ­ O2, thereby minimizing increases in intra- and extracellular
bicarbonate-CO2 buffering system (Eq. 1) and also to hemo- ­[H+] [62]. However, at a metabolic rate well above the LT,
globin in red blood cells (~ 30%) and proteins and phos- the bicarbonate-CO2 buffering system is unable to meet the
phates in blood plasma (~ 5%) [61]. The combination of H ­ + on-going challenges of increasing ­H+ and ­CO2 production,

and ­HCO3 leads to additional C ­ O2 formation and increases which, along with a continuing rise in blood ­[La−], results
­CO2 flux to the lung, resulting in increased V̇ E and exhaled also in a progressive rise in blood ­[H+] (i.e., a developing
Identification of the Estimated Lactate Threshold and Respiratory Compensation Point

◂Fig. 4  Breath-by-breath gas-exchange and ventilatory variables and work rate at the RCP simply reflect the (hidden) non-linear
blood-lactate profile of a representative participant. These data were nature of increase in V̇ O2 in relation to work rate during
collected using the same instruments and protocols as those that were
depicted in Fig. 3; however, a different participant was being tested.
typical incremental tests to exhaustion [33, 42]. Our research
The turn point in the RER versus V̇ O2 relationship (b) is indicative supports the view that the RCP of incremental exercise is a
of altered ­CO2 dynamics (due in this case to prior hyperventilation). ventilatory manifestation of the transition across the meta-
This increases the likelihood of a “pseudo-threshold” (PT) appearing bolic boundary associated with maximal metabolic steady
in the V̇ CO2 (a) and V̇ E versus V̇ O2 (c) relationships that are unrelated
to blood lactate. The dashed vertical line intersecting the abscissa of
state. Therefore, in the context of this review, the metabolic
each figure indicates the V̇ O2 at which the PT occurs. Note from h rate of RCP is considered equivalent to the surrogates of
that beyond this V̇ O2, blood lactate remains at resting concentrations. this critical intensity including critical power, MLSS, and
If all data up to the turn point in RER are ignored, then the true gas lactate turn point.
exchange threshold (GET) and first ventilatory threshold (­VT1) may
be identified and corroborated by the profiles of V̇ E–V̇ O2, V̇ E/V̇ CO2,
­PETO2, and P ­ ETCO2. The solid vertical line identifies the V̇ O2 asso- 5.2 Identification of the Respiratory Compensation
ciated with estimated lactate threshold (θLT). Above this V̇ O2, blood Point (RCP)
lactate becomes elevated, confirming the non-invasive identification
of LT. V̇ CO2 rate of C ­ O2 excretion, V̇ E minute ventilation, V̇ E/V̇ CO2
and V̇ E/V̇ O2 ventilatory equivalent for the rate of ­CO2 excretion and
Figures 2 and 6 illustrate the theoretical and actual pro-
oxygen uptake, respectively, RER respiratory exchange ratio, PETCO2 files, respectively, of gas-exchange, ventilatory and blood-
and PETO2 end-tidal partial pressure for ­CO2 and ­O2, respectively, LT lactate responses that typically occur below versus above
blood lactate threshold the RCP. Up to the RCP, V̇ E rises in proportion with the
metabolic rate and the need to eliminate C ­ O2 (i.e., hyper-
metabolic acidosis) [63]. Coincident with the developing pnea) (Fig. 2a). Consequently, ­PETCO2 remains remark-
acidosis, the rise in V̇ E increases relative to the on-going ably constant in the range of V̇ O2 between LT and RCP,
rise in both V̇ CO2 and V̇ O2 (i.e., a hyperventilation relative termed the phase of “isocapnic buffering” [2] (Fig. 1e).
to both V̇ CO2 and V̇ O2). The resultant pulmonary elimina- The RCP, therefore, represents the end of the isocap-
tion of additional ­CO2 (relative to ­CO2 accumulation) and nic buffering phase, the onset of hyperventilation (rela-
lowering of arterial ­PCO2 helps to maintain the flux of the tive to both V̇ O2 and V̇ CO2), the intensity at which blood
carbon anhydrase equilibrium reaction (Eq. 1) towards the ­La− accumulation accelerates (Fig. 2h) [63], and for con-
consumption of protons and, thus, attenuates the rise in stant work rate exercise, the highest V̇ O2 associated with
blood ­[H+]. The metabolic rate associated with the transi- steady-state lactate concentrations in the blood [7]. This
tion to a higher rate of increase of V̇ E (relative to V̇ CO2 and hyperventilatory RCP response can also be observed as
V̇ O2) is referred to as the respiratory compensation point (or a second inflection (or “breakpoint”) in the V̇ E versus V̇
RCP). Figure 5 displays a schematic representation of mus- O2 relationship (i.e., ­VT2; see Fig. 1c). This behaviour is
cle metabolism, its impact on blood-lactate and acid–base- confirmed by a deviation from stability in the V̇ E/V̇ CO2
status, and their relation to pulmonary gas exchange and versus V̇ O2 relationship (Fig. 2f), along with a more rapid
ventilatory responses at exercise intensities below (Fig. 5a) rise in the V̇ ̇E/V̇ O2 versus V̇ O2 relationship (Fig. 2d).
and above (Fig. 5b) the metabolic rate at RCP. Examination of end-tidal pressures is particularly useful
Although not without controversy [33, 34], the RCP has when identifying the RCP. Above RCP, as V̇ E exceeds the
consistently been shown to reflect the highest metabolic requirement to match V̇ O2 and V̇ CO2, a rise in ­PETO2 and
rate (or exercise intensity) that may be sustained in steady- fall in ­PETCO2 will occur. Coincident with onset of hyper-
state conditions with little disruption to the body’s internal ventilation (i.e., the RCP) and end of the isocapnic buffering
environment (or the maximal metabolic steady-state) and period, ­PETCO2 begins to decline from a position of relative
its surrogate thresholds: the critical power, maximal lactate stability (Fig. 1e). The fall in ­PETCO2 often occurs gradually
steady state (MLSS), and the lactate turn point (sometimes rather than as a steep decline. Similarly, after RCP, ­PETO2
referred to as L ­ T2) [7, 64, 65]. For an opposing viewpoint will rise with a slope that mirrors the decline in ­PETCO2
see Broxterman et al. [34]. The critical power is the asymp- (Fig. 1g). As discussed above, ­FEO2 and ­FECO2 may be sub-
tote of the power-time relationship [66], MLSS is the highest stituted for P ­ ETO2 and P ­ ETCO2 when using gas-exchange
constant-work rate associated with elevated but stable blood collection systems that utilize mixing-chamber as opposed
­[La−] [45], and lactate turn point is the V̇ O2 at which blood to breath-by-breath technology.
­[La−] accelerates upwards from a prior period of ascent [67]. Like the θLT, for accurate RCP detection, it is important
The V̇ O2 at RCP has been shown to coincide with each of to examine these profiles (and their associated variables, i.e.,
the critical power [65, 68], MLSS [6, 39], and the lactate ­VT2) in combination to prevent overestimating the V̇ O2 at
turn point [64], but the work rate at which RCP is identified which the true RCP occurs (see below).
does not [41, 65, 68, 69]. Importantly, dissociations between
the work rate at the maximal metabolic steady state and the
D. A. Keir et al.

Fig. 5  Illustration of the Myocyte 1

muscle-blood and blood-lung (a) [H+]
interfaces and their connection
via the circulation (from bottom La–
right to top left of each figure:
arterial-venous-pulmonary- Left heart Pi + ADP ATP Pi + ADP ATP Pi + ADP ATP
arterial) to highlight muscle
• PCr Cr PCr Cr
metabolism below (a) versus VO2
above (b) the metabolic rate at Alveoli
the respiratory compensation •
point (RCP) and its influence on VE PCr Cr
blood chemistry and pulmonary Glycogen H+ H+ H+ ADP ATP
gas exchange and ventila- • ADP
tion. Font sizes are modified VCO2 ATP
to emphasize differences in NAD+ NAD+ FAD+ Pi + ADP
Right heart
“concentration” or “production” NADH NADH FADH2
of key substrates (e.g., oxygen ATP

­(O2), phosphocreatine (PCr))

CO2 O2
Pyruvate Acetyl- TCA
and metabolic by-products (e.g., HCO3– CoA
Venous LDH
carbon dioxide (­ CO2), lactate + Mitochondria
­(La−), bicarbonate ­(HCO3−), H+ & La– CO2
hydrogen ions (­ H+), inorganic +
phosphate (Pi), adenosine Myocyte 2 H+ & La–
diphosphate (ADP) and to high- HbO2 Arterial
light differences in the “rate” Pyruvate La–
of pulmonary variables (­ O2
uptake (V̇ O2); ­CO2 excretion Myocyte 1
rate (V̇ CO2); and ventilation (V̇ [H+]
E)). Arrow thickness indicates
the relative “flux” of metabolic La–
pathways (e.g., glycogenolysis, Arterial
lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), chemoreflex Pi + ADP ATP Pi + ADP ATP Pi + ADP ATP
Left heart
pyruvate dehydrogenase, and
• PCr Cr PCr Cr
tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle) VO2
and transport pathways for Alveoli
key substrates and metabolic •
by-products (e.g., creatine
(Cr) kinase shuttle, electron
Glycogen H+ H+ H+ ADP ATP
­(e−) transport). ATP adenosine • ADP
triphosphate, FADH2 reduced VCO2 ATP
flavin adenine dinucleotide, NAD+ NAD+ FAD+
Right heart Pi + ADP
FAD+ oxidized flavin adenine NADH NADH FADH2
dinucleotide, HbO2 oxyhemo-
globin, NADH reduced nicoti- O2
Pyruvate Acetyl- TCA
namide adenine dinucleotide, HCO3
– CoA
Venous LDH
NAD+ oxidized nicotinamide + Mitochondria
H+ & La–
adenine dinucleotide HCO3
– CO2
Myocyte 2 H+ & La–

Pyruvate La–
HbO2 Arterial

5.3 Practical Tips for Identifying RCP the profile is offset. If prior hyperventilation occurs, the iso-
capnic buffering region may be difficult to discern because
5.3.1 Identification of the Isocapnic Buffering Phase of the effects of ­CO2 storage on ­CO2 return to the lung,
and, thus, on V̇ E. If V̇ CO2 dynamics are slowed, the rate
As first described by Whipp et al. [2], the classic P­ ETCO2 of rise in V̇ E is reduced (compare Fig. 6c to Fig. 7c). In
response to incremental exercise is characterised by a pro- some individuals, this reduction is facilitated by a reduction
gressive rise at intensities below the θLT, a plateau in the in breathing frequency (Fig. 7h), which causes ­PETCO2 to
region between θLT and RCP (i.e., isocapnic buffering), and a continue to rise beyond θLT (Fig. 7e). This phenomenon has
decline in the supra-RCP phase (Fig. 2e). However, in some two consequences that impact θLT and RCP detection. First,
cases, this profile is not observed, or the timing related to the onset of the isocapnic buffering region may be difficult
Identification of the Estimated Lactate Threshold and Respiratory Compensation Point

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)

Fig. 6  Breath-by-breath gas-exchange and ventilatory variables and period; e and by a rise in V̇ E/V̇ CO2 (f). V̇ CO2 rate of ­CO2 excretion,
blood-lactate profile of a representative participant different from V̇ E minute ventilation, V̇ E/V̇ CO2 and V̇ E/V̇ O2ventilatory equivalent
those depicted in Figs. 3 and 4. The solid vertical line intersecting the for the rate of C
­ O2 excretion and oxygen uptake, respectively, RER
abscissa of each figure indicates the oxygen uptake (V̇ O2) at which respiratory exchange ratio, PETCO2 and PETO2 end-tidal partial pres-
the respiratory compensation point (RCP) occurs. Note from c the sure for C
­ O2 and O­ 2, respectively, VT1 first ventilatory threshold, VT2
change-point in V̇ E versus V̇ O2 ­(VT2). This rise in V̇ E is confirmed to second ventilatory threshold, GET gas exchange threshold, LT blood
be hyperventilation (and not hyperpnea) because it is coincident with lactate threshold, θLT estimated lactate threshold
a fall in ­PETCO2 from a period of stability (i.e., “isocapnic buffering”
D. A. Keir et al.

to identify, and second, the P

­ ETCO2 between θLT and RCP or near the participant’s V̇ O2max. Participants unfamiliar with
will exhibit a slight downward slope that either continues to physical exertion or in pathological states in which exercise
RCP or plateaus at a supra-θLT V̇ O2 (see Fig. 7e). intolerance is a major symptom may not be capable of pro-
ducing a truly maximal effort. For example, in a group of
5.3.2 Ensuring RCP is not Overestimated 1995 individuals with reduced ejection fraction heart fail-
ure, only 783 (39%) exhibited a RCP [14]. In most cases,
When progressing to V̇ O2 values in excess of RCP and close the absence of a RCP confirms a submaximal incremental
to V̇ O2max, it is not uncommon, particularly in fitter individu- exercise performance. However, some populations that are
als, to maintain a robust hyperventilatory response (Fig. 7 uniquely characterized with a mechanical ventilatory con-
displays such a profile) [70]. Given the significant increase straint (e.g., chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder) may
in ­O2 cost and work of breathing that would be required to be unable to mount a hyperventilatory response despite a
expand tidal volume at these higher, severe intensities, the “maximal” effort and its associated metabolic acidosis [71,
progressive increase in V̇ E (and the “extra” hyperventila- 72].
tory response) is achieved mainly by an increase in breath-
ing frequency (Fig. 7h). When this occurs V̇ E accelerates 5.4 Summary of Strategy to Identify the RCP
upward relative to V̇ O2 (compare Fig. 7c to Figs. 3c or 4c
Figs. 3c or 4c). This acceleration typically occurs after RCP 1. Plot all variables against V̇ O2 (rather than work rate or
making it difficult to discern RCP from the V̇ E or V̇ E/V̇ CO2 time);
versus V̇ O2 relationships. In such instances, the profiles of 2. Do not include data from baseline or from the early tran-
V̇ E/V̇ CO2 and ­PETCO2 are helpful. Recall that after the RCP, sition to the exercise;
the V̇ E/V̇ CO2 and ­PETCO2 versus V̇ O2 relationships exhibit 3. Confirm the absence of a turn point in RER;
a systematic rise and fall, respectively; both from preced- 4. Find the ­VT2, then use other plots (particularly V̇ E/V̇
ing periods of stability (Figs. 2, 3, and 4e, f). To ensure the CO2 and ­PETCO2 vs. V̇ O2 relationships) to corroborate
RCP is not overestimated, it is important to confirm that the estimation of RCP;
profile of V̇ E/V̇ CO2 rises from a period of stability (Figs. 2f 5. When identifying ­VT2, focus on V̇ O2 data range above
and 3f) rather than from a period of ascent (Fig. 7f) and that θLT;
­PETCO2 falls from a period of stability (Figs. 2e and 3e) 6. If a turn point in RER is present, the isocapnic buffering
rather than decline (Fig. 7e). When identifying RCP, these period may not be evident and the ­PETCO2 versus V̇ O2
profiles should be examined together to ensure that V̇ O2 at relationship may mislead proper identification.
RCP is not overestimated.
The flow chart depicted in Fig. S2 of Online Supplemen-
5.3.3 Using the V̇ E versus V̇ CO2 Relationship tary Material provides further guidance for the identification
of RCP.
Plotting V̇ E versus V̇ CO2 rather than V̇ O2 also helps to visu-
alize the RCP. During incremental exercise, V̇ E rises in uni-
son with V̇ CO2 until the RCP. Thereafter a disproportionate 6 Other Considerations
rise in V̇ E relative to V̇ CO2 is observed. While useful for
visualization purposes, this approach yields a V̇ CO2 and 6.1 Accuracy
not the V̇ O2 at which the RCP appears. For this reason, one
must then estimate the V̇ O2 associated with that V̇ CO2 value. The θLT and RCP are used as a non-invasive means to iden-
This may be done by examination of the V̇ CO2 versus V̇ tify the V̇ O2 associated with the LT and maximal metabolic
O2 relationship either subjectively by visual inspection or steady state, respectively. Although the exact metabolic
objectively by non-linear modelling and interpolation—a rates at which these occur are not known, when the crite-
feature that is fully automated and available in the “Exercise ria described above are applied correctly, the identified θLT
Thresholds” application described in Sect. 7. and RCP should validly denote these metabolic boundaries.
Thereafter, the accuracy and precision of the measurement
5.3.4 Sometimes a RCP is Absent are largely determined by the signal-to-noise ratios of the
gas exchange and ventilatory variables. Inherent to breath-
Because RCP typically occurs at a high fraction of V̇ O2max, ing are irregularities that cause point-to-point fluctuations
to ensure an accurate identification of RCP, it is imperative in the pulmonary gas exchange and ventilatory data [73].
that participants be motivated and encouraged to continue The magnitude of this “noise” varies between individuals
exercise for as long as possible such that the limit of exercise and within individuals on different days [73, 74], and the
tolerance is reached and the exercise protocol terminated at resulting variability around the mean V̇ O2 response impacts
Identification of the Estimated Lactate Threshold and Respiratory Compensation Point

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)

Fig. 7  Breath-by-breath gas-exchange and ventilatory variables of the LT and gradually declines thereafter. V̇ CO2 rate of C ­ O2 excretion,
a representative participant different from those in Figs. 3, 4, and 5. V̇ E minute ventilation, V̇ E/V̇ CO2 and V̇ E/V̇ O2 ventilatory equivalent
Note from b the presence of a change-point in RER versus V̇ O2 (due for the rate of C
­ O2 excretion and oxygen uptake, respectively, RER
in this case to prior-hyperventilation) and the pseudo-threshold (PT) respiratory exchange ratio, PETCO2and PETO2 end-tidal partial pres-
that appears at that V̇ O2. As a consequence of prior-hyperventilation, sure for C
­ O2 and O­ 2, respectively, VT1 first ventilatory threshold, VT2
­CO2 dynamics are altered and an “isocapnic buffering” period for second ventilatory threshold, GET gas exchange threshold, LT blood
­PETCO2 is harder to discern (e). Note that ­PETCO2 stabilizes before lactate threshold, θLT estimated lactate threshold
D. A. Keir et al.

the precision with which these data can be used to identify gas-exchange pathway that may contribute to deviations in
θLT and RCP. For steady-state exercise below LT, V̇ O2 (and the “templates” described above and influence the expres-
V̇ CO2) fluctuates about its mean by an average of ~ 100 mL/ sion of θLT and RCP. For example, those with McArdle
min (range: 70–200 mL/min) [73, 74]. Anecdotally, this syndrome, who are unable to use glycogen, do not produce
value of ± 100 mL/min has been adopted as the minimal lactate; whereas those with chronic obstructive pulmonary
acceptable error for θLT and RCP, and is often used as a disease (COPD), who have high airway resistance, may be
cut-off of inter-rater agreement in research investigations. incapable of compensatory hyperventilation. Although the
unique gas-exchange and ventilatory patterns exhibited by
6.2 Inconclusive Tests such conditions are beyond the scope of this review, the
strategies provided above should help to optimize condi-
As mentioned, sometimes θLT and RCP are not clearly iden- tions for θLT and RCP detection. As outlined in Sect. 2, in
tifiable. This may occur because of prior hyperventilation those with low exercise capacity, it is imperative that the
(e.g., a “pseudo-threshold” may appear in close proximity rate of incrementation of the protocol is sufficiently low to
to LT), unnatural breathing patterns (e.g., frequent coughs, allow for ~ 10 min (or more) of data for confident exercise
swallows, volitional breathing), low signal-to-noise ratio threshold identification [38, 76].
data, or because the participant did not produce a truly
exhaustive effort. In situations in which the θLT and RCP
are not discernible and the purpose of the incremental exer- 7 Introduction to the “Exercise Thresholds”
cise test was to identify these thresholds, the test should be Application
repeated on another occasion. Often, participants without
prior experience with exhaustive incremental exercise and Appropriate identification of θLT and RCP require the collec-
pulmonary gas exchange measurements will, on their second tion of high-quality gas exchange and ventilatory data and
attempt, produce an effort that is closer to maximum and the ability to interpret the response profiles for the variables
data with less noise. When a repeat test is not possible, θLT of interest with the underlying physiology. Of importance
and RCP should be reported as inconclusive. In clinical situ- for the identification of the exercise intensity thresholds (or
ations such as chronic heart failure, the absence of θLT, pres- boundaries) is that the ventilatory and gas exchange plots
ence of θLT and not RCP, and presence of both θLT and RCP, are examined in combination rather than simply focussing
are associated with improvements in prognosis compared to on a single variable. This task can be made easier by opti-
patients who exhibit neither θLT nor RCP [14]. mal organization and assembly of variable profiles. Note
that in each figure, the profiles are displayed together, in
6.3 Patient Populations perfect alignment, each with V̇ O2 on the abscissa, and with
the identical x-axis ranges. Organization of data in this way
Incremental exercise paired with respiratory gas exchange allows one to corroborate estimations of θLT or RCP from
and ventilatory measurement provides a means by which to one variable with others and is a helpful means by which to
evaluate the coordinated function of the physiological sys- ensure consistency and rigor. With the objective of facilitat-
tems that support the exchange of gases (i.e., O­ 2 and ­CO2) ing standardization of the methods and strategic approaches
between air and tissue. The ability of the cardiorespiratory outlined in this review, the interested reader is encouraged
and vascular systems to support muscle metabolism deter- to explore and utilize an online tool available at https://e​ xerc​
mines exercise performance. Various clinical conditions are iseth​resho​lds.​com/. The application was designed specifi-
characterized by defects along this gas-exchange pathway cally as a platform to analyze incremental exercise test data
that impair the ability to sustain or produce higher exercise for the purpose of θLT and RCP detection. The “practice”
efforts. Because θLT and RCP represent the upper limits of section provides access to 40 individual ramp-incremental
comfortably sustainable (metabolic steady-state without datasets. Using the unique analysis interface, the user can
disruption to physiological homeostasis) and uncomfortably apply the approaches outlined in this review to guide their
sustainable (metabolic steady-state with disruption to physi- identification of the θLT and RCP. Submitted estimates can
ological homeostasis) exercise, or the moderate- and heavy- be compared to the θLT and RCP identified by the authors of
intensity domains, respectively, identification of both can this paper. In addition, the “analyze” tab provides a means
help characterize the overall function of the cardiorespira- by which the user can upload their own data. Datasets from
tory system and the severity of exercise limitation in patient most commercially available metabolic testing unit are com-
populations. Thus, both should be identified and reported patible and allow anyone to make use of the novel analysis
following cardiopulmonary exercise tests [75]. platform to assist with θLT and RCP identification.
The pathophysiology of various chronic conditions
will contribute to defects at different locations along the
Identification of the Estimated Lactate Threshold and Respiratory Compensation Point

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