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Welcome to the Outreach Specialist Practical Task!

Congratulations on making it through the previous steps. Now, we’d love to see your skills in
action. This will require you to do a bit of writing. Rest assured that we’ll only use these samples
to gauge your abilities within this recruitment process. We won’t use the content you create for
anything else.

Below you’ll find a few tasks aim at probing your writing skills.
Please don’t (1) download this file or (2) ask for editing privileges. Instead, click File >
Make a copy. This will create a copy of this task in your Google Drive. Provide your
answers in the new file. Make sure you share it with us by granting access to your
Google Doc to anyone who has the link. Don’t send over any pdfs or MS Word files. Let’s
use Google Docs. In this case, please deliver your answers in English.
Good luck and have fun!

1. Digital PR
Great content is being created every day, but not all of it makes the news.
Take a look at one of our portfolio company’s articles covering newsletter research and
We aim to get high-end coverage from:
● Forbes
● Business Insider
Find 2 most fitting journalists for each of the above-listed outlets
● Their name
● Their email
● Their field of expertise/niche
Then, write an email pitch, outlining the key findings of our article - the goal is to get published
or mentioned with the findings from the research.

Suggested reading:

Hillel Fund – Tech blogger/Startup marketer
Shama Hyder – CEO of a new media
communications firm

Goldie Chan – CEO of a creative branding agency
Zohaib Hassan Patoli – CEO of a growth
consulting firm focused on digital marketing & data intelligence

Business Insider
Erin Greenawald – Writer and Content maker
Alexandra York – Reporter covering entrepreneurs and
business trends

Subject: New Research on Newsletter Statistics

Dear [Insert Journalist Name]:
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to introduce you to a new article
from our company, More Growth, which covers the latest research and
statistics on newsletters.
Our research reveals some interesting findings, including the fact that 90% of
Americans admit to being subscribed to at least one newsletter, and how
people prefer personalization – 47% of them are more likely to open an email
if the subject line contains their first name. We believe these findings are
relevant and newsworthy for your audience, as they provide valuable insights
into the growing trend of newsletters as a marketing and communication
You can read the full article here:
We would be thrilled if you could cover or mention our research in an
upcoming article. Let me know if you have any questions or if there is any
additional information you need.
Best regards,

2. Expert Quotes: HARO writing

One of the ways of winning both high-quality links and building expertise for one’s dot-com
domain and the company is being quoted in expert pieces.
You’re approached by a journalist with 2 questions:


I am looking for HR/management experts who have experience with

implementing mentorship programs in the workplace. For a chance
to be featured, please answer the questions below:

What are the benefits of mentorship programs in the workplace?

What are some important factors to consider when implementing
mentorship programs in a remote/hybrid environment vs. in
person? What are your top tips to implement strong mentorship
programs in a remote/hybrid workplace, and why is each tip
important (please elaborate on each point individually)?
Thank you!”


“- Will Inflation be the Downfall of the Middle Class? - How

does inflation negatively impact the middle class - What are
hidden impacts of inflation on the middle class - Any ways
the middle class can protect themselves from the damage of
inflation on their finances”

Write your answers to the requests, your answers might be used as a quote in an upcoming
article. (200-300 words per answer)
Try researching the web for some tips.
Suggested reading:

First question answer:

One of the primary benefits of mentorship programs in the workplace is that
they can help employees develop new skills and knowledge. By providing
guidance and support from more experienced colleagues, mentorship
programs can help employees learn new techniques and strategies that can
make them more effective in their roles.
When implementing mentorship programs in a remote or hybrid
environment, it is important to consider several factors. First, it is essential to
establish clear communication channels and expectations between mentors
and mentees. This can help ensure that both parties are able to
communicate effectively and stay on track with the mentorship program.
Another important factor to consider when implementing mentorship
programs in a remote or hybrid environment is the need to provide adequate
training and support to both mentors and mentees. This can help ensure that
mentors are able to provide effective guidance and support, and that
mentees are able to take advantage of the opportunities provided by the
mentorship program.
Some top tips for implementing strong mentorship programs in a remote or
hybrid workplace include:
Establish clear communication channels and expectations between mentors
and mentees.
Provide training and support to both mentors and mentees.
Encourage regular meetings and check-ins between mentors and mentees.
Use technology to facilitate communication and collaboration.
Provide resources and tools to help mentors and mentees stay on track and
make the most of the mentorship program.
Each of these tips is important for ensuring the success of mentorship
programs in a remote or hybrid workplace. By establishing clear
communication channels and expectations, mentors and mentees can work
together effectively and stay on track with the program. Providing training
and support can help ensure that mentors are able to provide effective
guidance and support, and that mentees are able to take advantage of the
opportunities provided by the program. Regular meetings and check-ins can
help maintain momentum and keep the mentorship program on track. Using
technology to facilitate communication and collaboration can make it easier
for mentors and mentees to connect and work together, even if they are not
in the same location. And providing resources and tools can help both parties
make the most of the mentorship program and achieve their goals.

Second question answer:

Inflation can have negative impacts on the middle class, as it can diminish
the purchasing power of their wages and savings. As prices for goods and
services rise, the same amount of money will buy less, which can make it
harder for the middle class to afford the things they need.
One of the hidden impacts of inflation on the middle class is that it can lead
to an increase in the cost of borrowing money. As inflation rises, interest rates
are likely to rise as well, which can make it more expensive for the middle
class to take out loans for things like buying a home or financing a car.
There are several ways that the middle class can protect themselves from the
damage of inflation on their finances. One option is to invest in assets that are
likely to increase in value over time, such as stocks, real estate, or precious
metals. This can help preserve the purchasing power of their money and
protect it from the effects of inflation.
Another option is to use financial products that are designed to protect
against inflation, such as inflation-protected bonds or index funds. These
products can help the middle class protect their savings from the negative
effects of inflation, and can provide a source of income that is adjusted for
changes in the cost of living.
Finally, the middle class can also protect themselves from the damage of
inflation by making smart financial decisions and being mindful of their
spending habits. This can include things like reducing unnecessary expenses,
saving for the future, and avoiding excessive debt. By taking these steps, the
middle class can protect their financial stability and maintain their standard
of living, even in the face of rising prices.

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