Minerals and Plants

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Minerals and Plants

1. According to paragraph 1, what is true of plants that can grow in serpentine soil?
a. They absorb micronutrients unusually well.
b. They require far less calcium than most plants do.
c. They are able to absorb nitrogen in its elemental state.
d. They are typically crops raised for food.
2. The word “exhibit” in the passage is closest in meaning to
a. fight off
b. show
c. cause
d. spread
3. According to paragraph 2, which of the following symptoms occurs in phosphorusdeficient
plants but not in plants deficient in nitrogen or iron?
a. Chlorosis on leaves
b. Change in leaf pigmentation to a dark shade of green
c. Short, stunted appearance of stems
d. Reddish pigmentation on the leaves or stem
4. According to paragraph 2, a symptom of iron deficiency is the presence in young leaves
a. deep red discoloration between the veins
b. white or yellow tissue between the veins
c. dead spots between the veins
d. characteristic dark green veins
5. The word “facilitates” in the passage is closest in meaning to
a. slows down
b. affects
c. makes easier
d. focuses on
6. According to paragraph 3, what is the advantage of hydroponics for research on nutrient
deficiencies in plants?
a. It allows researchers to control what nutrients a plant receives.
b. It allows researchers to observe the growth of a large number of plants
c. It is possible to directly observe the roots of plants.
d. It is unnecessary to keep misting plants with nutrient solutions.
7. The word “suspended” in the passage is closest in meaning to
a. grown
b. protected
c. spread out
d. hung
8. Why does the author mention “herbs”, “shrubs”, and “trees”?
a. To provide examples of plant types that cannot tolerate high levels of harmful
b. To show why so many plants are hyperaccumulators.
c. To help explain why hyperaccumulators can be found in so many different places.
d. To emphasize that hyperaccumulators occur in a wide range of plant types.
9. The word “afford” in the passage is closest in meaning to
a. offer
b. prevent
c. increase
d. removes
10. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted
sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave
out essential information.
a. Before considering phytoremediation, hyperaccumulating species of plants local to
the target area must be identified.
b. The investigation begins with an evaluation of toxic sites in the target area to
determine the extent of contamination.
c. The first step in phytoremediation is the planting of hyperaccumulating plants in the
area to be cleaned up.
d. Mines and irrigation ponds can be kept from becoming contaminated by planting
hyperaccumulating species in targeted areas.
11. It can be inferred from paragraph 6 that compared with standard practices for remediation
of contaminated soils, phytoremediation
a. does not allow for the use of the removed minerals for industrial purposes
b. can be faster to implement
c. is equally friendly to the environment
d. is less suitable for soils that need to be used within a short period of time
12. Why does the author mention “Indian mustard”?
a. To warn about possible risks involved in phytoremediation
b. To help illustrate the potential of phytoremediation
c. To show that hyperaccumulating plants grow in many regions of the world
d. To explain how zinc contamination can be reduce

American bank by italy bank

1. According to the passage, giannini
a. Opened the bank of amerika in 1904
b. Worked in a bank in italy
c. Set up the bank of America prior to setting up the bank of italy
d. Later changed the name of the bank of Italy
2. Where did giannini open his first bank?
a. In New York City
b. In what used to be a bar
c. On Washington street wharf
d. On a makeshift desk
3. According to the passage, wich f the following is not true about the san fransisco
a. It happened in 1906
b. It occured in the aftermath of a fire
c. It caused problems for giannini’s bank
d. It was a tremendous earthquake
4. The word “raging” in the line 8 could best be replaced by
a. Angered
b. Localized
c. Intense
d. Feeble
5. It can be inferred from the passage that giannini used crates of oranagaes after the
a. to hide the gold
b. to fill up the wagons
c. to provide nourishment for his customers
d. to protect the gold from the fire
6. The word “chaos” in line 10 is closest in meaning to
a. Legal system
b. Extreme heat
c. Overdevelopment
d. Total confusion
7. The word “ consolidated” in the line 17 is closest in meaming to
a. Hardened
b. Merged
c. Moved
d. Sold
8. The pasaage states after his retirement giannini
a. Began selling off banks
b. caused economic misfrortune to occure
c. Supported the banks new management
d. Return to work
9. The expressikn “weathered the strom of” in line 23 could best be replaced by
a. Found a curse for
b. rained on the parade of
c. survived the ordeak of
d. Blew to stack at
10. Where in the passage does the author describe giannini first banking clients
a. Lines 2-5
b. Lines 7-8
b. lines 12-13
a. Lines 14-16
11. How is the information in the passage presented
a. Im chronological order
b. In order of importance
c. A caouse followe by an effect
d. Classifications with examples
12. The paragrapg following the passage likely discusses
a. Bank failure during the great depression
b. A third major crisis of the bank of america
c. the international development of bank of amreica
d. How giannini spemt his retirement

Siam, 1851-1910
1. The word “severed” in the passage is closest in meaning to
a. cut off
b. viewed
c. protected
d. rescued
2. According to paragraph 1, the situation for Siam's old ruling families changed in all of the
following ways EXCEPT:
a. Their incomes were reduced.
b. Their sons were posted as district officers in distant provinces.
c. They could sell lands that had traditionally belonged to them
d. They had less control over the rural populations.
3. According to paragraph 2, which of the following was true of Siam in 1905?
a. Its urban population began to migrate out of the cities and into the country.
b. Its Central Plain was almost as densely populated as it is today.
c. It was so rural that wild elephants and tigers sometimes roamed Bangkok.
d. It had many more villages than it did in the late 1800s.
4. The phrase “rice-deficient portions” in the passage is closest in meaning to
a. the parts that consume rice
b. the parts that do not have enough rice
c. the parts where rice is grown
d. the parts that depend primarily on rice
5. Paragraph 3 mentions all of the following as signs of economic growth in Siam EXCEPT
a. an increase in the price of rice
b. an increase in the amount of rice leaving Siam
c. an increase in the nutritional quality of the rice grown
d. an increase in the amount of land used for rice production
6. According to paragraph 3, farming families increased the amount of rice they grew in part
a. growing varieties of rice that produced greater yields
b. forming collective farms by joining together with other farm families
c. planting rice in areas that had previously remained unplanted
d. hiring laborers to help them tend their fields
7. According to paragraph 4, what happened after the government ended the practice of
requiring rural people to perform labor for it?
a. Rural people became more closely connected to the aristocracy.
b. Rural people spent more time growing rice for profit.
c. The government began to pay the laborers who grew rice for it.
d. The government introduced a special tax on rice.
8. Which of the following best describes the relationship between paragraphs 3 and 4 in the
a. Paragraph 4 provides further evidence of the economic growth of Siam discussed in
paragraph 3.
b. Paragraph 4 continues the discussion begun in paragraph 3 of farming improvements
that led to economic growth.
c. Paragraph 4 examines a particular effect of the Bowring Treaty mentioned in paragraph
d. Paragraph 4 discusses the second of two factors that contributed to the expansion of
rice farming mentioned in paragraph 3.
9. The word “dispersed” in the passage is closest in meaning to
a. spread out
b. gained power
c. adapted
d. specialized
10. The word “compulsory” in the passage is closest in meaning to
a. foreign
b. formal
c. required
d. preferred
11. According to paragraph 5, which of the following was true of Siam’s rural people during
the Fifth Reign?
a. They were forced to spend most of the profits from rice growing on registrations
required by the government.
b. Their lives remained very difficult even though statistics suggest that their quality of
life improved.
c. The non-farmers among them were helped by the government more than the farmers
among them were.
d. They were more prosperous when they were ruled by local elites than when they were
ruled by the more modern government of the Fifth Reign.
12. According to paragraph 5, the government bureaucracy intruded in village life by
a. requiring the people to register their cattle and land
b. requiring the people to buy certain kinds of imported goods
c. discouraging the people from making handicrafts and tools
d. encouraging more people to take up farming

The neutron star, and the black hole

1. The primary purpose of the passage is to
a. offer new explanations for the collapse of stars.
b. explain the origins of black holes, neutron stars, and white dwarfs.
c. compare the structure of atoms with the structure of the solar system.
b. explain how the collapse of stars challenges accepted theories of physics.
c. describe the imbalance between radiation pressure and gravitational force.
2. According to the passage, in the final stages of its devedlopment our own sun is likely to
take the form of a
a. white dwarf
b. neutron star
b. red giant
c. gas of free neutrons
d. black hole
3. According to the passage, an imbalance arises between nuclear radiation pressure and
gravitational force in stars because
a. the density of a star increases as it ages
b. radiation pressure increases as a star increases in mass
c. radiation pressure decreases when a star’s fuel has been consumed
b. the collapse of a star increases its gravitational force.
c. a dense plasma decreases the star’s gravitational force.
4. The author asserts that the discoveries of the white dwarf, the neutron star, and the black
hole are significant because these discoveries.
a. demonstrate the probability of infinite density and infinitely small dimensions
b. pose the most comprehensive and fundamental problem faced by physicists in
b. clarify the paradox suggested by the collapse of electrons into atomic nuclei.
c. establish the relationship between the mass and gravitational pressure.
d. assist in establishing the age of the universe by tracing the life histories of stars.
5. The author introduces the discussion of the paradox concerning atomic structures in order
a. Show why it was necessary to develop quantum mechanics
b. Compare the structure of an atom with the structure of star
c. Demonstrate by analogy that a vital insight in astrophysics is missing
b. Illustrate the contention that improbable things do happen in astrophysics
c. Argue that atoms can collapse if their electrons do not remain in orbit.

The ocean bottom

1. What is the main topic of the passage?
a. Marine life deep in the ocean
b. The Earth's climate millions of years ago
c. The first detailed study of the bottom of the ocean
d. Geologists' predictions for the future environment of the Earth
2. The author refers to the ocean bottom as a "frontier" in line 2 because it
a. is not a popular area for scientific research
b. contains a wide variety of life forms
c. attracts courageous explorers
d. is an unknown territory
3. The word "inaccessible" in line 3 is closest in meaning to
a. unrecognizable
b. unreachable
c. unusable
d. unsafe
4. The author mentions outer space in line 7 because
a. the Earth's climate millions of years ago was similar to conditions in outer space
b. it is similar to the ocean floor in being alien to the human environment
c. rock formations in outer space are similar to those found on the ocean floor
d. techniques used by scientists to explore outer space were similar to those used in
ocean exploration
5. Which of the following is true of the Glomar Challenger?
a. It is a type of submarine.
b. It is an ongoing project.
c. It has gone on over 100 voyages.
d. It made its first DSDP voyage in 1968.
6. The word "extracting" in line 13 is closest in meaning to
a. breaking
b. locating
c. removing
d. analyzing
7. The Deep Sea Drilling Project was signigicant because it was
a. an attempt to find new sources of oil and gas
b. the first extensive exploration of the ocean bottom
c. composed of geologists from all over the world
d. funded entirely by the gas and oil industry
8. The word "strength" in line 21 is closest in meaning to
a. basis
b. purpose
c. discovery
d. endurance
9. The word "they" in line 26 refers to
a. years
b. climates
c. sediments
d. cores
10. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as being a result of the Deep
Sea Drilling Project?
a. Geologists were able to determine the Earth's appearance hundreds of millions of
years ago.
b. Two geological theories became more widely accepted by scientists.
c. Information was revealed about the Earth's past climatic changes.
d. Geologists observed forms of marine life never before seen.

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