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Virtual Agent Implementation Lab

Configure Service Portal Agent 2.0

Chat 5m

Lab Objectives
You will achieve the following objective: Enable the chat window on the default Service Portal
Scope: This lab requires you to work within the Global scope.


Picxel has a service portal that employees use to access information about the company,
policies, and requests. They want to verify that Virtual Agent is accessible on the Portal to
provide help 24/7.

Client Configurations

A. Ensure Chat Window is available on the Service Portal

1. Navigate to Conversational Interfaces > Home and find the Add your bot to portal
card. As shown, ensure the Add to portal option (left button) is displayed.
2. Choose Service Portal Agent Chat Config from the Add to portal drop-down list.

3. In the Service Portal Agent Chat Configuration page, modify the settings as follows:
Name: Employee Portal
Portal(s): Service Portal
Order: 100

4. Click Update and then close the tabbed window.

Lab Verification
1. Back in the Add your bot to portal card, select the Open Portal option (right button).
Notice that the Card title changes to Interact with your bot.

2. Select Service Portal from the Open Portal drop-down menu.

3. Validate that the Virtual Agent chat icon is visible at the bottom-right of the Portal.

4. Then, close the Service Portal tabbed page.

Congratulations on completing the lab!

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