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The Garzn Massif, Colombia-a new ultrahigh-temperature metamorphic

complex in the Early Neoproterozoic of northern South America

Article in Mineralogy and Petrology · July 2012

DOI: 10.1007/s00710-012-0202-1


8 367

6 authors, including:

Uwe Altenberger D. M. Mejia Jimenez

Universität Potsdam Fronterra Geosciences


Christina Günter Franziska Scheffler

Universität Potsdam Friedrich Schiller University Jena


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The Garzón Massif, Colombia-a new
ultrahigh-temperature metamorphic
complex in the Early Neoproterozoic of
northern South America

U. Altenberger, D. M. Mejia Jimenez,

C. Günter, G. I. Sierra Rodriguez,
F. Scheffler & R. Oberhänsli

Mineralogy and Petrology

ISSN 0930-0708

Miner Petrol
DOI 10.1007/s00710-012-0202-1

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Author's personal copy
Miner Petrol
DOI 10.1007/s00710-012-0202-1


The Garzón Massif, Colombia-a new ultrahigh-temperature

metamorphic complex in the Early Neoproterozoic of northern
South America
U. Altenberger & D. M. Mejia Jimenez & C. Günter &
G. I. Sierra Rodriguez & F. Scheffler & R. Oberhänsli

Received: 14 June 2011 / Accepted: 30 April 2012

# Springer-Verlag 2012

Abstract The Garzón Complex of the Garzón Massif in SW magmatic arc (Guapotón-Mancagua Gneiss) followed by col-
Colombia is composed of the Vergel Granulite Unit (VG) and lision. In contrast, rocks of the adjacent Las Margaritas Mig-
the Las Margaritas Migmatite Unit (LMM). Previous studies matite Unit display “normal” granulite facies temperatures
reveal peak temperature conditions for the VG of about and are formed in a colder lower crust outside the arc, pre-
740 °C. The present study considers the remarkable exsolu- served by the Guapotón-Mancagu Gneiss. Back-arc formation
tion phenomena in feldspars and pyroxenes and titanium-in- was followed by inversion and thickening of the basin. The
quartz thermometry. Recalculated ternary feldspar composi- three units that form the modern-day Garzón Massif, were
tions indicate temperatures around 900–1,000 °C just at or juxtaposed upon each other during collision (at ca. 1,000 Ma)
above the ultra-high temperature–metamorphism (UHTM) and exhumation. The collision leading to the deformation of
boundary of granulites. The calculated temperatures range of the studied area is part of the Grenville orogeny leading to the
exsolved ortho- and clinopyroxenes also supports the exis- amalgamation of Rodinia.
tence of an UHTM event. In addition, titanium-in-quartz
thermometry points towards ultra-high temperatures. It is the
first known UHTM crustal segment in the northern part of Introduction
South America. Although a mean geothermal gradient of ca
38 °C km−1 could imply additional heat supply in the lower Estimation of PT conditions of metamorphic terranes is the
crust controlling this extreme of peak metamorphism, an key in understanding large-scale lithospheric processes such
alternative model is suggested. The formation of the Vergel as global scale tectonics and heat as well as mass flow (e.g.
Granulite Unit is supposed to be formed in a continental back- McDade and Harley 2001). It is a constructive tool in
arc environment with a thinned and weakened crust behind a reconstruction paleo-geodynamics, too. Some lower crustal
regions show evidence of unusual high geothermal gradients
during their metamorphic evolution. These regions, which
Editorial handling: G. Hoinkes
experienced geothermal gradient steeper than 20 °C km−1,
U. Altenberger (*) : C. Günter : F. Scheffler : R. Oberhänsli or 800–1,300 °C/GPa (Brown 2008; Harley 2008) are
Institute of Geosciences, University of Potsdam,
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24,
known as regions of ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism
14476 Potsdam-Golm, Germany (UHTM, e.g. Brown 2007) or granulite-facies ultrahigh-
e-mail: temperature metamorphism (G-UHTM). The lower limit is
given by a boundary at 900 °C (e.g. Harley 1998).
D. M. Mejia Jimenez
In the last decade around 40 UHTM areas have been
Bogotá, DC, Colombia
e-mail: reported from several, mostly Precambrian regions, all over
the world including a few in Southern America (Kelsey 2008),
G. I. Sierra Rodriguez but none in the northernmost part of South America. However,
Departamento de Geociencias,
Universidad Nacional de Colombias,
the records of such unusual high temperatures are often not
Bogota, Colombia very well preserved. Retrograde mineral reequilibration during
e-mail: cooling, as expressed by Fe-Mg exchange below their closure
Author's personal copy
U. Altenberger et al.

temperature, mostly excludes conventional geothermometry Granulites unit with peak metamorphic conditions of about
(e.g. Frost and Chacko 1989; Fitzsimons and Harley 1994). 0.62–0.72 GPA/685–740 °C, using Fe-Mg exchange ther-
In addition, some rock types are not suitable to form typical mometers and geothermobarometry using internally consis-
UHTM minerals like sapphirine or kornerupine in metapelitic tent thermodynamic data (Berman 1991; Jiménez-Mejía et al.
rocks. Therefore, other techniques, like Ti-in quartz- and 2006). Peak conditions for the LMM are 0.67–0.8 GPa and
feldspar-thermometry are of great importance. 760–860 °C (Jiménez-Mejía et al. 2006).
Our study focuses on the Garzón Massif, the largest expo- In order to prove possible higher metamorphic temper-
sure of Mesoproterozoic high-grade metamorphic basement atures we use the techniques of recalculating the composi-
of the Colombian Andes (Fig. 1). The massif formed a part of tions of peak metamorphic solid solutions, which have
an accretionary orogen in the Grenville belt within the former exsolved on the retrograde path. First we estimate temper-
super continent Rodinia (Cordani et al. 2005). Three units atures of peak metamorphic ternary feldspars and pyrox-
constitute this granulite province: Vergel Granulite unit enes. Then we use the titanium-in-quartz thermometry.
(VG), Las Margaritas Migmatite unit (LMM) and Guapotón
Gneiss Unit (Kroonemberg 1982a, b). Our petrological studies
concentrate on the felsic and subordinate mafic rocks of the Geological setting and previous work
Vergel Granulite unit and for comparison we also analyzed a
few felsic rocks of the Las Margaritas Migmatite unit. Previ- The Mesoproterozoic Garzón Massif in SW Columbia forms
ous work reveals granulite-facies conditions in the Vergil an elongated NE-SW trending high-grade metamorphic inlier


75.87°W 75.42°W 74.97°W Cenzoic and Cretaceous

re F


len Jurassic Intrusives



lt Jur.-Trias.volcanoclastics,



Plat a a Paleoz sediments




Vergel granulites



La Plata

nc ello Fa


La gneiss

nd r

lt Toro gneiss



El D
Recreo gneiss



Las Margaritas migmatites

nt a


Fa Minas migmatites

in er t Plata granite
M Riv ul



t al


da Road


M Major thrust fault



t t eF Concealed fault
Fa ic en
Undefined fault
ira nV

m Sa Sample locality

ta u




aza River


Ca iver

na Puerto Rico






lt s

d ro


F ul t

Fau n Pe



st e as
o F ult









ve La

ce 36
A rm
ed r

uit o

4 5 1 He 8°
San P







Florencia t PLATE South

13 15 ul

Fa America


El Do n
c N CC

0 10 km
0 200 Km
-77° -73° -69°

Fig. 1 Geological map of the study area and sample locations. Mod- Magdalena Valley, SBF: Santa Marta-Bucaramanga Fault. Samples:
ified after Ingeominas and Geoestudios (2001). Inset map of northern 1: 38852, 2: 38854, 3: 38862, 4: 38866, 5: 38863, 6: 38864, 7:
South America and the location of the geological map. EC: Eastern 38848, 8: 38865, 9: 38856, 10: C 332, 11: 38856, 12: C 32, 13:
Cordillera, CC: Central Cordillera, WC: Western Cordillera, MV: 38857, 14: 38855, 15: 38859
Author's personal copy
A new ultrahigh-temperature metamorphic complex

in the southeastern flank of the Eastern Cordillera (Fig. 1). The

dynamic evolution of the Garzón Massif and other present-
day Colombian deeper crustal complexes (e.g. Bucamaranga
and Diboll) culminated in collision and exhumation during the
Grenville orogeny (Cordani et al. 2005). Its evolution and
paleo-position leads to an interpretation as part of the Gren-
ville belt separating the Laurentian and Amazonian block of
the supercontinent Rodinia (Cordani et al. 2005). After the
Neoproterozoic disruption of Laurentia from West Gondwana
(e.g. Cawood et al. 2001), leading to the breakup of Rodinia,
and the formation of the Iapetus ocean, the massifs remained
as parts of the Grenville belt in front of the Amazonian Craton.
During the Paleozoic the Garzón Massif and other Grenville
fragments were accreted to form the South American Platform
(e.g. Keller 1999).
At its present day position the Garzón Massif is located
between the Amazon craton in the east and the Chibcha
terrane in the west (e.g. Touissant 1993). It is bounded by
reverse faults related to the Tertiary Andean compressional
tectonics and is partly overlain by Mesozoic and Cenozoic
sediments in the north and Neogene sediments of the Putu-
mayo Basin in the southeast (Fig. 1). According to Kroonem-
berg (1982a) the massif is composed of three major units
(Fig. 1): the Guapotón–Mancagua Gneiss unit, the Las Mar-
garitas Migmatite unit (LMM) and the Vergel Granulite (VG) Fig. 2 Typical outcrops of the rocks of the Garzon Massif. a Banded
granulite, Vergel Granulite Unit. b Granulite with migmatic structures.
unit. which will be called Vergel granulite(s) in the context of Las Margaritas Migmatite Unit
this publication. The Las Margaritas Migmatite unit and the
Vergel Granulite unit form the Garzón Complex of the Garzón
Massif (Fig. 1, Ingeominas and Geoestudios 2001). Both units decompression after peak metamorphic conditions of about
are separated by a reverse fault. 800°/0.8 GPa (Jiménez-Mejía et al. 2006).
The Guapotón–Mancagua gneiss unit consists of mainly
greenschist- to lower amphibolite-facies leucocratic biotite–
hornblende orthogneisses (Ingeominas and Geoestudios Geochronology
2001; Jiménez-Mejía et al. 2006).
In contrast, the Garzón Complex consists of amphibolite- The geological history of the Garzón Massif is interpreted as
to granulite-facies quartz-feldspar rocks, interbedded with a dynamic evolution of a fragment in the Grenville “mobile”
metapelitic, metabasic, metaultrabasic, and calcsilicate belt at the passive margin of the Amazonia Craton (Cordani
rocks (Kroonemberg 1982a; Ingeominas and Geoestudios et al. 2005; Jiménez-Mejía et al. 2006). However, geochronol-
2001; Rodriguez et al. 2002; Casallas Mayeli 2003; Jiménez- ogy indicates a complex PT-t evolution. Magmatic protoliths of
Mejía et al. 2006). The Vergel granulites include quartzo- the Guapotón–Mancagua Gneiss are crystallized at about 1,158
feldspatic felsic rocks interlayered by mafic and rare ultramaf- ±23 Ma (U-Pb SHRIMP on zircon, Cordani et al. 2005) and
ic and calc-silicate bands (Fig. 2). The felsic granulites range were overprinted by a high-grade metamorphic event at about
in composition from granitic to tonalitic (Casallas Mayeli 1,000±25 Ma. These gneisses are interpreted as a magmatic arc
2003; Jiménez-Mejía et al. 2006). However, an unambiguous formed near a suggested subduction zone remnant.
proof of the igneous origin of the rocks has not been given yet. The geochronological data of the Las Margaritas Migma-
Previous PT-estimations by Jiménez-Mejía et al. (2006) tites and the Vergel granulites, which are separated by a large-
indicate a counterclockwise PT path with two major PT areas: scale fault, reveals a diachronous evolution. The peak meta-
0.53–0.63 GPa/700–780 °C and 0.62–0.72 GPa/685–740 °C. morphism of the LMM occurred at a minimum age of about
However, both PT coordinates are still within the range of 1,015±8 Ma (U/PB SHRIMP on zircon) dating decompres-
uncertainty of geothermobarometry and do not unambiguous- sion melting during the onset of exhumation (Cordani et al.
ly prove a counterclockwise PT path. In contrast to the Vergel 2005). Sm-Nd whole-rock-garnet two point isochrons yielded
granulites the previous geothermobarometric data of the Las 1,034±8 Ma and 990±8 Ma and were interpreted as cooling
Margaritas Migmatites indicate a clockwise, nearly isothermal ages below 600 °C (Cordani et al. 2005).
Author's personal copy
U. Altenberger et al.

The Vergel granulites show evidence of an 1,100 Ma old plagioclase and ≥10 vol.% pyroxenes (Table 1). These sam-
protolith age (U/PB SHRIMP on zircon, Cordani et al. ples rarely contain biotite and hornblende due to retrograde
2005). The high-grade metamorphic stage happened at formation and rutile as an accessory mineral. K-feldspar
about 1,000 Ma (U/Pb SHRIMP on zircon) at a time at shows string- or patch-shape perthitic exsolutions. In some
which the Las Margaritas Migmatites are on their exumation samples plagioclase shows antiperthitic exsolutions. Often,
and cooling path, assuming low mean deviations in the ortho- and clinopyroxenes are characterized by very thin
obtained ages of both units. exsolution lamellae. All major phases are anhedral. Most
of these samples show shape- preferred orientation of the
major phases thus producing a weak foliation. In addition,
Petrography and textural relations dynamic recrystallization of feldspars, and in some samples
of clino-and orthopyroxene indicates a high-temperature
The petrography of the studied samples is given in Table 1. deformation and metamorphic origin. The recrystallized
According to Casallas Mayeli (2003), Jiménez-Mejía et al. feldspars show exsolution lamellae of the same type as the
(2006) and the presented study the samples of the Vergel relict grains.
Granulites originated from the following, petrographically
different, rock types (Table 1): Quartz-feldspar gneisses (type 2)

Quartz-feldspar-rich and two-pyroxene bearing gray These rocks are strongly foliated and sometimes banded.
granulites (type 1) Feldspar-rich light or pyroxene-rich dark green bands in the
rocks display layering (Fig. 2). The mineral composition
Most of the samples can be attributed to this rock type. The changes from two-pyroxene bearing to garnet-orthopyroxene-
samples are characterized by ca. 30 vol.% quartz, ≥30 vol.% bearing to pyroxene-free rocks. The samples are composed of
perthitic K-feldspar (orthoclase, Figs. 3 and 4) ≥20 vol.% quartz (10–50 vol.%), plagioclase (20–50 vol.%) and

Table 1 Petrography of the analyzed samples. Mineral abbreviations according to Kretz (1983). The studied samples were collected during
Masters projects supervised by Casallas Mayeli (2003) and Jiménez-Mejía (2003)

Sample Petrograhy Garnet composition Fabrics and remarks

38848 kfs (p), pl (rx), cpx (exs), weakly foliated
opx (exs), qtz,
38850 qtz, kfs (p), pl (rx), cpx, weakly foliated
opx, hbl (gr-br)
38854 qtz, grt, bt, chl, cal, spn c: alm 67, prp 28, grs 4, sps 2 strongly foliated, feldspars
r: alm 70, prp 27, grs 3, sps 0 completely weathered
38855 qtz, pl, bt, grt c: alm71, prp 21, sps 3, grs 4; strongly foliated, feldspars
r: alm 72, prp 19, grs 50, sps 3 completely weathered
38856 qtz, kfs (mesoperthites), rt weakly foliated
38862 opx(exs), cpx (exs), kfs(p), foliated, feldspars and pyroxenes rx,
pl (ap), qtz, hbl (gr),
38863 pl, qtz, opx(exs), cpx(exs), hbl(gr-br) granoblastic, opx and cpx.dyn. rx
38864 qtz, kfs (p), pl (ap), opx, bt weakly foliated
38865 qtz, kfs (mesoperthites), bt kfs rx: two generations
of mesoperthites, foliated
38866 qtz, pl, opx(exs), feldspars and pyroxenes
cpx(exs), bt, rt dynamically rx, foliated
C 332 qtz, kfs (p), pl, opx, grt alm 73, prp 18, grs 8, sps 2 foliated
Las Margaritas
C 32 qtz, pl ap, opx, bt, kfs (p), rt foliated
38859 qtz, pl, grt, bt, kfs, rt c: alm 72, prp 16, grs 6, sps 6; r: foliated
alm 78, prp 10, grs 6, sps 8
38857 mc, kfs (p), qtz, pl, bt, grt foliated

p perthitic, ap antiperthitic, rx dynamically recrystallized, exs exsolutions, c core, r rim

Author's personal copy
A new ultrahigh-temperature metamorphic complex

a b

140µm 70µm

c d

55µm 100µm

Fig. 3 Thin section micrographs: a Perthitic feldspar, sample 38863. b Antiperthitic feldspar, sample 38862. c Perthitic feldspar sample 38856. d
Perthitic feldspar, sample 38856, back-scattered electron image

antiperthitic K-feldspar (orthoclase, 10–40 vol.%). Mineral fab- Mayeli (2003) as originated from sedimentary protoliths.
rics like exsolutions and recrystallization do not differ signif- However, strong foliation and deformation make an interpre-
icantly from the above described group. Clinopyroxene (up to tation as a retrogressed granulite likely. In addition, strong
15 vol.%) always dominate the pyroxenes. Accessory biotite alteration (especially of plagioclase) makes a detailed analysis
and rutile frequently occur (Table 1). less usable for further investigations.
The described felsic granulites show evidence of migma-
Mafic granulites (type 3) tization prior to granulite-facies metamorphism (Jiménez-
Mejía et al. 2006). These rocks are cross-cut by pegmatites
The mafic granulites occur as cm-to dm-thick layers within and lamprophyric dykes.
the felsic granulites (Jiménez-Mejía et al. 2006, Fig. 2). The The Las Margaritas Migmatite Unit is characterized by a
granoblastic to weakly foliated mafic granulites are com- series of metasedimentary rocks and mafic dykes (Casallas
posed of plagioclase (ca. 38 vol.%), ortho- (ca. 8 vol.%) and Mayeli 2003). The unit suffered two migmatization events
clinopyroxene (ca. 30 vol.%), hornblende (ca. 20.%) and (Kroonemberg 1982a; Casallas Mayeli 2003; Cordani et al.
quartz (ca. 4 vol.%). Both pyroxenes show exsolution lamel- 2005; Jiménez-Mejía et al. 2006). The mesosomes of the mig-
lae and dynamic recrystallization (Table 1, Figs. 5 and 6). matites contain garnet and sillimanite and are rich in biotite or
quartz. The leucosoms are also garnet-bearing, indicating biotite
Quartzites and garnet-biotite-bearing gneisses (type 4) dehydration breakdown (e.g. Breton and Thomson 1988).
The three studied samples of the Las Margaritas Migma-
The two quartzite samples are composed of ≥95 vol.% quartz tites are strongly foliated and in some parts form layered
and ca. 4 vol.% biotite. The interpretation of the quartzite as a garnet-bearing gneisses. They are composed of quartz (35–
meta-sedimentary rock seems likely. The biotite-bearing 40 vol.%), plagioclase (25–30 vol.%) and K-feldspar (10–
gneiss has similar fractions of quartz and plagioclase (ca. 24 vol.%) K-feldspar is present as orthoclase, which recrystal-
35 vol.%) and is characterized by a higher biotite (20 vol.%) lized to microcline in one sample (38857). One sample con-
and garnet content (5 vol.%). They are interpreted by Casallas tains orthopyroxene and rutile (Table 1).
Author's personal copy
U. Altenberger et al.

a quartz b

K-feldspar (relict) K-feldspar

quartz K-feldspar
quartz quartz Kfs
quartz quartz
quartz quartz 600µm 300µm

c quartz d quartz

K-feldspar K-feldspar
300µm 300µm

Fig. 4 Thin section microphotographs: a Probable relict grain of feldspar. sample 38848. c Recrystallized grains of perthitic feldspar.
perthitic feldspar (K-feldspar, Kfs). Arrows indicate round spherical sample 38850. d Recrystallized grains of perthitic feldspar. sample
quartz inclusions. sample 38848. b Recrystallized grains of perthitic 38850

Analytical and thermobarometric procedures can also be applied to “single” feldspars to estimate mini-
mum temperature conditions for unmixing as shown by
Mineral compositions were determined on polished thin sec- Hokada 2001. In the present study we use the two-
tions with a Cameca SX50 electron microprobe at GFZ Helm- feldspar- (perthitic and antiperthitic feldspar) and the one-
holz Center in Potsdam and a JEOL electron microprobe JXA feldspar-method (e.g. perthitic or anti-perthitic feldspars)
8200 at the Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences at and calculate the pre-exsolution composition of the ternary
the University of Potsdam (UP). An acceleration voltage of feldspars, since most samples are characterized by a lack of
15 keV and beam current of 20 nA (GFZ) or 15 nA (UP) are cogenetic anti-perthitic and perthitic feldspars. We apply the
used as operating conditions. Representative results of the solvus thermometer calibrations of Fuhrman and Lindsley
microprobe analyses are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. (1988) and Elkins and Grove (1990) to estimate minimum
TiO2 concentrations in quartz were analyzed at the UP with temperatures for the granulites of the Garzón Massif. We
an acceleration voltage of 15 keV and a beam current of estimated the composition of re-integrated perthitic and anti-
35 nA. Analyses were taken for 1,800 sek at the element peak perthitic feldspars by using chemical analyses of homoge-
and 900sek at the background on both sides of the peak. neous exsolutions and hosts (Fig. 3a–d). To obtain reason-
Standard deviation of analyzed Ti in quartz <0.5 % and the able and reproducible results we estimated modal
detection limit is 8 ppm. proportions of the host and the exsolutions by image anal-
Two feldspar thermometers are based on the temperature yses (ImageJ; Rasband 1996) of thin section and backscat-
dependence of the solvus composition of coexisting plagio- tered electron images. We analyzed up to five exsolved
clase and alkali-feldspar and the solvus gap (e.g. Fuhrman & feldspars in different sections in each sample to ensure a
Lindsley, discussion in Hokada 2001). The gap increases higher accuracy of the sections in each sample. A 2 μm wide
significantly with decreasing temperature and slightly with beam to reduce Na diffusion was used to obtain the analy-
pressure (Seck 1971). The exsolution of feldspars from an ses. The analyses have shown to be very homogenous in
original ternary hypersolvus high-T feldspar during cooling each sample; the variations of K, Na, and Ca are ≤0.5 wt.%.
Author's personal copy
A new ultrahigh-temperature metamorphic complex

cpx lamallae in opx opx lamallae in cpx

a b

30µm 30µm

cpx lamallae in opx

c cpx lamallae in opx


Fig. 5 a–c Thin section microphotographs. a Clinopyroxene exsolu- exsolution lamellae in orthopyroxene; sample 38866, back-scattered
tion lamellae in orthopyroxene; sample 38866. b Orthopyroxene- electron image. d EDX spectra of clinopyroxene exsolution lamellae in
exsolution lamellae in clinopyroxene sample; 38866. c Clinopyroxene orthopyroxene; sample 38866

However, we select the analyses with the highest K and Ca et al. 2007; Grucic et al. 2009). The titanium solubility and
contents for recalculation of the ternary feldspars. Assuming incorporation into quartz also depends systematically from the
that the area proportions of a minimum of five analyzed areas pressure (Thomas et al. 2010) and the coexisting Ti-rich
is comparable to volume proportions and considering the phases rutile or sphene (Wark and Watson 2006). To avoid
different densities (plagioclase: 2.67 and K-feldspar: 2.57) “contamination” of fine inclusions of Ti-bearing phases in
we calculated the composition of the ternary feldspars. Some quartz, the polished thin sections were carefully scanned by
workers prefer the method of area scanning by electron mi- back-scatter electron imaging at the electron microprobe. We
croscope (“element mapping procedure”). However, this studied two samples of the Vergel Granulites and one of the
method is restricted by matrix-effects error (e.g. Raase 1974). Las Margaritas Migmatites. We made profiles across (optical-
The Ti-in-quartz thermometry (TITANIQ after Wark and ly) undeformed quartz grains of different sizes as well as some
Watson 2006; Thomas et al. 2010) is an easy practicable and grains with subgrain boundaries.
precise method for quartz bearing metamorphic rocks. It is To calculate exsolved clinopyroxenes in the mafic gran-
based on the solubility and incorporation of Ti4+ into the ulite (38866, Table 3), a fine-distance grid with 78 points
quartz lattice. The thermometer is independent of the α-β- was analyzed by the electron microprobe. Point distances
quartz inversion and therefore well suited for high- were 10 μm and the beam size was 5 μm.
temperature rocks. In addition, in deformed and strongly
recrystallized rocks (mylonites), the method yields good
results with a lower T-limit at about 300 °C (Kohn and Mineral chemistry and geothermometry
Northrup 2010). In contrast, some studies in low-
temperature mylonites reveal problems in Ti-resetting, caused We estimated temperatures of metamorphism in ten samples
by low Ti diffusion rates and the very fine grain size (Cherniak of the Vergel Granulites and two granulite-facies samples of
Author's personal copy
U. Altenberger et al.

Fig. 6 Chemical profiles

through pyroxenes and garnets: a
a Clinopyroxene with possible opx-exsolution? opx-exsolution?
indications of orthopyroxene 0.9
exsolutions. The host mineral Ca
probably influences the
composition of the analyses of 0.7
the exsolutions. b

clinopyroxene assemblage with 0.5
probable exsolutions. The host
mineral also probably influen- 0.4
ces the composition of the 0.3
exsolutions Fe

sample 38863
0 852
distance (µm)
sample 38855

1.0 opx-exsol.?



0.4 Fe cpx-exsolutions?

0.2 qtz +
cpx opx opaques cpx
0 1000
distance (µm)

the LMM (Fig. 1, Table 4). The discussion if preserved of the smaller grains or a HT-metamorphic overprint or origin
exsolutions (and temperatures) are of inherited magmatic of both grain types.
or of metamorphic origin is essential (e.g. Harley 2008; The recalculation of the recrystallized, pre-exsolution
Stipská and Powell 2005). The analyzed samples show alkali-feldspars shows a compositional range of Or 28–83
neither evidence of sedimentary nor magmatic origin. In Ab 14–65 An4–7, the plagioclases of An19–35 Ab 56–60 Or 9–
order to obtain reliable data on the metamorphic evolution 19 and are summarized in Table 2. Temperatures were esti-
we use for thermobarometric calculations dynamically mated graphically using the thermometer calibration of
recrystallized (feldspar and pyroxene) grains. Dynamically Fuhrman and Lindsley (1988) and Elkins and Grove
recrystallization is a key to prove the metamorphic origin of (1990) at pressures of 0.65 and 0.8 GPa (Fig. 7). The used
these new grains and their usefulness for further thermo- pressures between 0. 65 and 0.8 GPa resulted from the
barometric studies. previous studies of Jiménez-Mejía et al. (2006). The coex-
istence of two pyroxenes, in mafic rocks, the pair orthopyr-
Feldspars oxene–garnet instead of clinopyroxene–garnet and the very
low sodium content of clinopyroxene supports the assump-
In the samples it is obvious, that the analyzed feldspar grains tion of relatively low pressures (e.g. Holland 1983; Spear
are dynamically recrystallized grains (Fig. 4a–d). The few 1993, see later paragraph on pyroxene thermobarometry,
relict grains as well as the recrystallized grains show exsolu- Table 3). The calculated temperatures of nearly all samples
tion phenomena. In addition, the comparison with the relict of the Vergel Granulites are in the range of 900 °C and
larger grains shows the same chemical composition and area 1,000 °C using the Fuhrman and Lindsley (1988) calibra-
fraction of the exsolved phase as the recrystallized grains. tion. These high temperatures were calculated from coexist-
Therefore, the two-generation-phenomena indicates either a ing perthitic and antiperthitic feldspars as well as from
magmatic origin of the large grain and a metamorphic origin single perthitic/mesoperthitic or antiperthitic feldspars.
Table 2 Representative analyses of feldspars: composition of host, exsolution lamellae and reintegrated ternary feldspar compositions

Sample 38848 38864 38864neu 38864neu 38865 38850 C 32-1

texture Perthitic feldspar Antiperthitic feldspar Antiperthitic feldspar Perthitic feldspar Perthitic feldspar Perthitic feldspar Antiperthitic feldspar

domain Host Lamellae Reintegrated Host Lamellae Reintegrated Host Lamellae Reintegrated Host Lamellae Reintegrated Host Lamellae Reintegrated Host Lamellae Reintegrated Host Lamellae Reintegrated
SiO2 64.02 64.71 64.13 62.61 65.28 63.15 60.86 63.43 61.39 64.35 60.69 63.07 64.52 66.78 66.08 65.40 62.61 64.57 60.78 65.47 61.17
Al2O3 18.33 23.08 19.11 23.15 17.95 22.09 24.03 18.53 22.91 18.41 24.04 20.27 17.80 18.79 18.48 18.17 22.42 19.44 26.19 18.80 25.58
FeO 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.05 0.12
CaO 0.06 4.61 0.81 5.34 0.01 4.25 5.73 0.04 4.57 0.06 5.77 1.96 0.03 2.13 1.47 0.03 4.79 1.44 7.74 0.06 7.10
Na2O 1.45 9.25 2.74 8.79 0.55 7.11 8.49 0.50 6.86 1.02 8.41 3.48 0.59 10.95 7.72 0.57 8.68 2.99 6.90 0.68 6.38
K2O 14.74 0.30 12.35 0.34 15.98 3.52 0.23 16.45 3.53 15.88 0.13 10.62 16.04 0.09 5.07 15.87 0.35 11.24 0.32 15.78 1.60
Sum 98.64 101.98 99.19 100.29 99.77 100.18 99.36 98.95 99.27 99.75 99.03 99.41 98.98 98.74 98.81 100.04 98.85 99.68 102.06 100.84 101.95
Si4+ 2.99 2.81 2.96 2.77 3.02 2.82 2.72 2.97 2.77 2.98 2.72 2.90 3.01 2.97 2.98 3.01 2.80 2.95 2.65 2.99 2.68
Al3+ 1.01 1.18 1.04 1.21 0.98 1.16 1.27 1.02 1.22 1.01 1.27 1.10 0.98 0.99 0.98 0.99 1.18 1.05 1.35 1.01 1.32
Fe2+ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ca2+ 0.00 0.21 0.04 0.25 0.00 0.20 0.27 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.28 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.07 0.00 0.23 0.07 0.36 0.00 0.33
Na+ 0.13 0.78 0.24 0.75 0.05 0.62 0.74 0.05 0.60 0.09 0.73 0.31 0.05 0.94 0.68 0.05 0.75 0.26 0.58 0.06 0.54
K+ 0.88 0.02 0.73 0.02 0.94 0.20 0.01 0.98 0.20 0.94 0.01 0.62 0.96 0.01 0.29 0.93 0.02 0.66 0.02 0.92 0.09
A new ultrahigh-temperature metamorphic complex

Sum 5.01 5.00 5.01 5.01 4.99 5.01 5.02 5.02 5.03 5.03 5.01 5.02 5.00 5.01 5.01 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.97 4.99 4.97
wt. proportions 85.50 14.50 79.63 23.37 68.80 31.20 70.20 29.80 91.71 8.29
An 0.28 21.23 3.94 24.68 0.02 19.96 26.84 0.19 21.58 0.28 27.29 9.37 0.14 9.66 6.87 0.13 22.89 7.14 37.57 0.30 34.55
Ab 13.00 77.14 24.21 73.5 5.0 60.4 71.9 4.4 58.6 8.90 72.00 30.15 5.32 89.85 65.04 5.20 75.10 26.72 60.61 6.13 56.20
Or 86.73 1.63 71.85 1.84 94.97 19.67 1.26 95.44 19.85 90.82 0.71 60.47 94.54 0.49 28.09 94.67 2.01 66.14 1.82 93.57 9.25

Sample C 32-2/b C 322-1 C 322-2 38856 38856 38862

texture Antiperthitic feldspar Perthitic feldspar Perthitic feldspar Perthitic feldspar Perthitic feldspar Perthitic feldspar

domain Host Lamellae Reintegrated Host Lamellae Reintegrated Host Lamellae Reintegrated Host Lamellae Reintegrated Host Lamellae Reintegrated Host Lamellae Reintegrated
SiO2 60.18 65.81 60.62 65.40 60.53 65.05 65.74 61.36 65.44 65.16 65.72 65.33 65.16 66.32 65.46 65.89 60.39 64.22
Al2O3 26.02 18.97 25.47 19.03 25.82 19.51 18.88 25.94 19.37 18.61 22.17 19.71 18.61 21.82 19.45 19.042 25.61 20.769384
FeO 0.41 0.04 0.38 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.06 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.00 0.05 0.01 0.05 0.02
Author's personal copy

CaO 7.66 0.06 7.07 0.21 7.40 0.72 0.12 7.40 0.63 0.05 2.96 0.95 0.05 2.39 0.67 0.10 7.32 2.00
Na2O 6.84 0.75 6.36 1.22 7.06 1.63 1.13 7.09 1.54 0.83 8.79 3.30 0.83 7.95 2.70 1.07 7.15 2.67
K2O 0.40 15.57 1.58 14.78 0.21 13.75 15.06 0.15 14.02 15.33 0.24 10.66 15.33 1.73 11.76 15.12 0.21 11.20
Sum 101.50 101.19 101.48 100.65 101.06 100.68 100.96 101.98 101.03 100.04 99.96 100.02 100.04 100.22 100.09 100.09 100.09 100.09
Si4+ 2.65 2.99 2.67 2.98 2.67 2.96 2.99 2.67 2.97 2.88 2.96 3.00 2.91 2.97 2.97 2.99 2.67 2.90
Al3+ 1.35 1.02 1.32 1.02 1.34 1.05 1.01 1.33 1.04 1.15 1.05 1.01 1.13 1.04 1.04 1.02 1.33 1.11
Fe2+ 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ca2+ 0.36 0.00 0.33 0.01 0.35 0.04 0.01 0.35 0.03 0.14 0.05 0.00 0.11 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.35 0.10
Na+ 0.58 0.07 0.54 0.11 0.60 0.14 0.10 0.60 0.14 0.75 0.29 0.07 0.68 0.24 0.24 0.09 0.61 0.23
K+ 0.02 0.90 0.09 0.86 0.01 0.80 0.87 0.01 0.81 0.01 0.62 0.90 0.10 0.68 0.68 0.88 0.01 0.65
Sum 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.99 4.97 4.99 4.99 4.96 4.99 4.93 4.97 4.99 4.92 4.97 4.97 4.97 4.97 4.97
wt. proportions 92.23 7.77 92.59 7.41 93 7.00 69.02 30.08 73.7 26.30 70.85 29.15
An 37.35 0.31 34.55 1.07 36.21 3.59 0.61 36.27 3.12 0.25 15.46 4.85 0.25 12.70 3.41 0.50 35.69 9.92
Ab 60.34 6.76 56.28 11.03 62.55 14.73 10.16 62.86 13.87 7.59 83.05 30.42 7.59 76.37 25.02 9.65 63.09 23.95
Or 2.31 92.94 9.17 87.90 1.24 81.68 89.23 0.87 83.01 92.16 1.49 64.72 92.16 10.94 71.57 89.85 1.22 66.13
Table 3 Representative analyses of pyroxenes: compositions of host, exsolution lamellae and reintegrated pyroxenes and calculated temperatures. Recalculated compositions and temperatures are
based on lamellae composition obtained by grid of analyses or lamellae composition equalized to coexisting coarse-grained pyroxenes. Temperature in °C. Based on two-pyroxene thermometer of
Wells (1977) and Llndsley (1983)

Sample 38866 38866 rim 38862 38863 38848 38848 rim

domain cpx opx Reinteg.cpx Reinteg.opx opx cpx opx cpx Reinteg. Reinteg. opx cpx Reinteg. Reinteg. opx cpx Reinteg. Reinteg. opx cpx
host lam. host host opx cpx host host opx cpx host host opx cpx
type of Lamellae Raster, Modeled Modeled Modeled Modeled Modeled Modeled
calculation and host 5 μ beam
wt% anaylzed size

SiO2 50.35 49.57 50.26 50.26 51.16 50.54 50.00 49.77 50.02 50.24 51.44 50.24 51.33 50.37 51.35 51.73 51.38 51.69 51.48 51.85
TiO2 0.31 0.13 0.29 0.11 0.13 0.29 0.08 0.30 0.10 0.28 0.07 0.27 0.09 0.24 0.11 0.27 0.13 0.25 0.08 0.23
Al2O3 2.21 1.03 2.07 0.99 0.91 1.98 0.88 1.85 0.96 1.74 1.77 3.37 1.91 3.19 0.73 1.78 0.82 1.66 0.69 1.75
FeO 12.23 29.79 14.34 29.70 31.58 13.22 35.32 14.74 33.49 17.04 26.07 10.09 24.64 11.87 30.45 12.84 28.88 14.81 29.79 12.59
MnO 0.27 0.44 0.29 0.60 0.60 0.39 0.84 0.01 0.76 0.10 0.58 0.20 0.55 0.24 0.73 0.47 0.71 0.50 0.82 0.45
MgO 11.32 14.37 11.68 16.98 16.26 11.07 13.59 10.08 13.28 10.47 19.83 12.26 19.16 13.10 17.11 11.56 16.61 12.18 16.99 11.52
CaO 22.00 4.60 19.91 0.89 0.51 20.60 0.65 21.45 2.50 19.13 0.82 22.32 2.74 19.91 0.56 20.38 2.32 18.16 0.99 21.22
Na2O 0.59 0.06 0.53 0.02 0.02 0.55 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.00 0.52 0.05 0.47 0.01 0.75 0.08 0.67 0.03 0.78
Cr2O3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.09 0.01 0.08 0.06 0.08 0.06 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00
Sum 99.28 99.99 99.37 99.57 101.15 98.72 101.40 98.33 101.18 99.12 100.64 99.35 100.52 99.49 101.07 99.78 100.96 99.93 100.90 100.38
Ions (O 0 6)
Si 1.92 1.93 1.93 1.95 1.97 1.89 1.96 1.94 1.96 1.87 1.94 1.90 1.94 1.86 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.98 1.96
Ti 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01
Al 0.10 0.05 0.09 0.05 0.04 0.09 0.04 0.08 0.04 0.08 0.08 0.15 0.09 0.14 0.03 0.08 0.04 0.07 0.03 0.08
Fe3+ 0.03 0.08 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Author's personal copy

Cr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Mg 0.64 0.83 0.67 0.98 0.93 0.62 0.79 0.59 0.78 0.58 1.12 0.69 1.08 0.72 0.98 0.65 0.95 0.69 0.97 0.65
Ca 0.90 0.19 0.82 0.04 0.02 0.82 0.03 0.90 0.11 0.76 0.03 0.91 0.11 0.79 0.02 0.83 0.10 0.74 0.04 0.86
Mn 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.01
Fe2+ 0.36 0.89 0.44 0.91 1.02 0.00 1.16 0.48 1.10 0.00 0.82 0.32 0.78 0.00 0.98 0.41 0.93 0.47 0.96 0.40
Na 0.04 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.001 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.06 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.06
Sum 4.02 4.00 4.03 4.00 4.01 3.88 4.02 4.01 4.02 3.83 4.02 4.03 4.02 3.91 4.01 4.02 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.02
Wells 923 783 1013 960 1009 825
Lindsley 700 900 1050 1020 800
U. Altenberger et al.
Author's personal copy
A new ultrahigh-temperature metamorphic complex

Table 4 Estimated temperatures of the studied samples of the Vergel analyses of one sample is below 900 °C (C 332: 850–
Granulite and the Las Margaritas Migmatite Unit, calculated from
900 °C). The estimation by the solvus line according to
reintegrated feldspar and pyroxene compositions
the Elkins and Grove (1990) model indicates in most cases
Sample Feldspar Two-pyroxene slightly higher temperatures, which are in the range of +25°.
thermometry thermometry The only sample of the Las Margaritas Migmatites, in which
(°C at 8 kb) (T in °C)1
ternary feldspars are present and temperatures were recalcu-
Vergel lated, yields the lowest estimated feldspar temperature of the
granulites present study in the range of 850–870 °C (Lindsley and
38848 F+L:900, E+G: 950 Rein c: 1009 (W), 1020 (L); Fuhrman) and 900–920 °C (Elkins and Grove).
rim 825 (W), 800(L)
38850 F+L:960, E+G: 1070
38854 Pyroxenes
38856 F+L:900–930, E+G: In addition to the known data of Jiménez-Mejía et al.
930–960 (2006), we look into orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene-bearing
38862 F+L:990, E+G: 1080 Rein c: 1013 (W), 900 (L) samples in more detail. Most of the analyzed samples of the
38863 Rein c: 960 (W), 1050 (L) Vergel Granulites contain both pyroxenes. Orthopyroxene is
38864 F+L: 930, E+G: 960 characterized by intermediate Mg/Fe ratios as expressed by
38865 F+L:900, E+G: 880 XMg of 0.41 to 0.59 (where XMg 0 (Mg/Mg + Fe2+) indi-
38866 Rein c: 923 (W), r: cating a “hypersthene composition”. Calculation of the for-
783 (W), 700 (L) mula unit reveals no Fe3+ and the Al2O3 content reaches
C 332 F+L:850–900, E+G: only up to 1.8 wt.%.
Las Margaritas
Orthopyroxene of most samples shows exsolution lamel-
lae with a thickness lower than 3 μm (Fig. 4a, c, d). The
thickness of the exsolution is beyond the range of precise
C 32 F+L:860, E+G: 900
quantitative electron microprobe analyses. However, in one
exs exsolutions, c core, r rim, Rein calculation based on reintegrated sample the lamellae were wide enough to be analyzed (sam-
exsolutions ple 38866, Table 3). In other samples the profiles across
Thermometers: F+L: Fuhrman and Lindsley (1988); E+G: Elkins and orthopyroxenes yielded a higher concentration of Ca in the
Grove 1990; W: Wells 1977, L: Lindsley, 1983 exsolution lamellae (Fig. 5b). EDX spectra display these
lamellae as a Ca-rich Fe-Mg phase, and therefore probably
However, the analyses of two coexisting exsolved feldspars as clinopyroxene exsolution (Figs. 4d and 5b).
(perthitic and antiperthitic) yielded the highest metamorphic The coexisting clinopyroxenes have XMg ranging from
temperatures of ca. 970–1,000 °C. These data suggest a 0.48 to 0.68 occupying the salite-ferrosalite field. In one
metamorphic event under conditions of UHT. Only one sample the rim composition is of hedenbergitic composition.

An Garzon Complex Granulites An

10 90 Fuhrman & Linsley (1988) 10 90
Elkins & Grove (1990)

20 80 20 80
Vergel Granulites
30 70 30 70
40 60 40 60
50 50 C 322 50 50
P = 0.65 GPa 38856
P = 0.8 GPa
60 40 38862 60 40
Las Margaritas migmatite
70 30 C 32 70 30

80 20 80 20

90 800°C 1000°C
0°C 10 90
1000°C 10
700°C 900°C 900°C
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Ab 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Or
Ab Or

Fig. 7 Chemical compositions of re-integrated ternary feldspars. Thermometer calibration of Fuhrman and Lindsley (1988) and Elkins and Grove
(1990) at pressures of 0.65 GPa and 0.8 GPa
Author's personal copy
U. Altenberger et al.

Clinopyroxene shows in most examples evidence of subso- Fluctuations are independent of microstructures. However,
lidus cooling expressed in thin exsolution lamellae parallel in these grains highest titanium concentrations are preserved
{100}, too (Fig. 5b). In contrast to the exsolutions in the in the cores, too. Calculated maximum temperatures
orthopyroxene grains, these lamellae show slightly irregular depends on the given pressure and range therefore from
or sutured boundaries. Their thickness is always <2 μm and 940 °C at 11 GPA to 880 °C/0.8 GPa and temperatures of
therefore not suitable for electron-microprobe analyses, too. 840 °C at 0.6.5 GPa. Titanium concentrations decrease
In the mafic sample (38866, Table 3), a fine-distance grid towards the rim to concentrations between 160 and
over the core was made to analyze the pre-exsolution com- 215 ppm, indicating temperatures between 810 and 850 °C
position. In other samples, the low birefringence and the at 1.0 GPa, 755–800 °C at 0.8 GPa or 720–765/ °C at
decrease of the Ca-content in electron-microprobe profiles 0.65 GPa (Fig. 9). One extremely weathered and probably
makes an orthopyroxene-composition likely (Fig. 6a, b). As retrogressed biotite-bearing sample (38855) sample contains
already described, the clinopyroxenes of the Vergel granu- quartz with titanium concentrations between 47 and 71 ppm
lites are characterized by low sodium concentrations. with the highest concentrations in the quartz cores. These
Thermobarometric calculations using the orthopyroxene- concentrations indicate peak temperatures around 700 °C at
clinopyroxene Fe-Mg-exchange thermometer of Wells 1.0 GPa and 640 °C at 0.65 GPa. These lower temperatures
(1977) and the solvus thermometer of Lindsley (1983) yield support the interpretation of the retrogressive evolution of
temperatures of about 990 °C (Lindsley, Tab. 3) and 976 °C this biotite-bearing sample.
(Wells). The recalculation of temperatures taking the ana- The studied quartz grains of the Las Margaritas Migma-
lyzed exsolutions into account results in ca. 920 °C (Wells, tites show significant lower titanium concentrations than
sample 38866, Table 3). However, the thermometer of those of the Vergel granulites. Maximum titanium concen-
Lindsley does not show equilibrium conditions for this trations are ca. 130 ppm (grain center) and minimum con-
sample, indicated by the misfit of the tie line with the centrations around 85 ppm (grain rim). These values point to
isotherms. In other samples we modeled the temperature peak temperatures around 760 °C at 0.8 GPa (Fig. 9)
assuming extreme compositions of the exsolution i.e. clino-
pyroxene and orthopyroxene lamellae with the composition
of the coexisting large clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene Discussion and conclusion
hosts, the temperature calculations rise up to 916–1,015 °
C. The analyses of the diffusion rims of the two pyroxenes, The Vergel Granulites in SW Colombia are known to be part
displaying retrograde evolution, reveals temperatures in the of a granulite province. Formerly estimated peak metamor-
range of 783–825 °C (Wells) and 700–800 °C (Lindsley phic temperatures were ca. 740 °C (Jiménez-Mejía et al.
1983). 2006). Our new study involves the exsolution phenomena
In order to estimate the pressure during high-temperature of feldspars and pyroxenes as well as temperature-sensitive
metamorphism the jadeite component was calculated. Cli- titanium concentrations in quartz. Recalculated ternary feld-
nopyroxenes of the VG coexist with plagioclase and quartz spar compositions indicate temperatures around 870–
and should indicate reliable pressures (Holland 1983). The 1,000 °C just at or above the HT-UHT- boundary of gran-
Vergel granulites have always very low jadeite values ulites. Analyzed and modeled compositions of the two
(<0.012). According to the jadeite-barometer of Holland exsolved pyroxenes reveal temperatures of about 980 °C
(1983) these values result in pressures significant lower than (Table 3). The Ti-in quartz thermometry is significantly
0.8±0.3 GPa, assuming T ≥900 °C. pressure dependent. Calculations at 0.8 GPa yields temper-
atures around 880 °C and 840 °C at 0.65 GPa. The bell-
Titanium in quartz thermometry shaped profiles of titanium in quartz suggest, that diffusion
during the retrograde evolution could have reduced the
The studied quartz grains of the Vergel granulites show titanium concentration. Therefore, an interpretation of the
concentrations of up to 370 ppm (elementary) titanium in calculated temperatures as minimum temperatures seems
rutile-bearing samples. Profiles across grains with no or likely.
minor, light-microscopical visible, deformation fabric, such The coexisting phases (orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene and
as weak subgrain boundaries, show a bell-shaped distribu- orthopyroxene-garnet), the low jadeite-component of clino-
tion of titanium with decreasing values towards the rims pyroxenes and the previous PT estimates based on multi-
(Fig. 8a, d). The high concentrations in the inner parts of the equilibrium calculations resulted in pressure estimates that
grains point to the preservation of peak metamorphic con- point to low pressures during peak metamorphism of the
ditions. Some grains show a more irregular pattern of the Vergel granulites. Therefore, we calculated mean geother-
titanium concentration (Fig. 8b, c). The causes for these mal gradients with 0.7 GPa or 26 km depth and a mean
irregularities could not be detected by optical microscopy. temperature of about 960 °C as a mean from analyzed
Author's personal copy
A new ultrahigh-temperature metamorphic complex

940 Qtz with weak subgrains boundaries 940 Qtz, optically undeformed (sample 38866)
(sample 38866)
temperature (T°C)

temperature (T°C)

Ti in quartz (ppm)

Ti in quartz (ppm)
920 340 920

900 900

880 880

860 860

840 200 840 200

820 820

800 800
180 360 540 720 900 220 440 660 880 1100
distance (µm) distance (µm)

940 890
Qtz with Qtz, undeformed
temperature (T°C)

temperature (T°C)
undulose extinction 340 with inclusion

Ti in quartz (ppm)

Ti in quartz (ppm)
870 of opx

880 880

860 830
840 200
(sample 38866) 810
820 (sample 38866)
800 790
20 60 100 140 180 220 440 660 880 1100
distance (µm) distance (µm)
Fig. 8 Titanium concentrations in quartz of the Vergel granulites (sample 38866). Calculated after Wark and Watson (2006). P01.0 GPA.
Calculations for lower pressures see Fig. 9

pyroxene and two-feldspar thermometry. These assumptions concluded, that the tectonic evolution of the Garzón Massif
result in a mean geothermal gradient of about 38 °C km−1. started with the evolution of a magmatic arc formed over an
Using 0.8 GPa result in 33 °C km−1 and using 0.6 GPa older continental margin at about 1,158±23 Ma (evidence in
results in 43 °C km−1. Although the temperatures calculated the Guapotón–Mancagua Gneiss) followed by a first meta-
from the Ti-in-qtz thermometer are somewhat lower, they morphic event between 1,100 Ma and 1,040 Ma (Las Margar-
are close to the UHTM boundary. itas Migmatites), and a younger one at 1,000 Ma (VG).
The obtained geothermal gradients could imply additional According to Jiménez-Mejía et al. (2006) the latter event is
heat supply during peak metamorphism which points to the probably due to a continental collision and responsible for
classical interpretations such as crustal thickening in collision large overthrusts doubling crustal thickness and clockwise and
zones, magmatic underplating or lithospheric mantle delami- anti-clockwise paths in the Las Margaritas Migmatites and
nation. Cordani et al. (2005) and Jiménez-Mejía et al. (2006) Vergel Granulites. The VG path is possibly related to the

Fig. 9 Titanium in quartz cores

eclog 0


and rims for Vergel granulites






and Las Margaritas migmatites blueschist

(LM) in the PT frame. 10 00
Calculations based on Wark and
P (kbar)

Watson (2006) and Thomas et 00


rim e



al. (2010). Numbers on the


lines: Ti concentration in quartz

in ppm 5





500 600 700 800 900 1000
T (°C)
Author's personal copy
U. Altenberger et al.

thickening of a previously heated continental crust during the back-arc basins of active accretionary-extensional margins
formation of a magmatic arc (Cordani et al. 2005). A strong and that modern back-arc basins may be suitable settings for
argument against the proposed model is the long time span of the evolution of such high-temperature metamorphism
about 100–150 Ma between metamorphism and arc magma- (Brown 2006b). In addition, Brown (2006b) mentioned that
tism. According to numerical modeling of Sizova et al. (2010) many regions of UHT metamorphism that occur within Pan-
the thermal affect of arc magmatism lasts for about 20 Ma. African-aged mobile belts show similarities to inverted and
Alternatively, our new (UHTM) data allow to discuss to a thickened back-arc basins.
modified model (Fig. 10). All three units formed and were The elevated temperatures led to the ultra-high-
subsequently transformed in a subduction-collision scenar- temperature metamorphism of the Vergel granulites (940 °
io. Behind a magmatic continental arc, due to the subduction C/7 GPa). Extension and UHTM overprint was followed by
of Laurentia under Amazonia, an extensional setting of a closure, inversion and thickening of the basin. This would
continental back arc with its characteristic high heat flow fit with the magmatic arc interpretation of the Guapotón-
was formed as earlier proposed by Hyndman et al. (2005) Mancagua Gneiss (Cordani et al. 2005) and the (new) inter-
and Brown (2006a, b) for other regions of UHTM. The pretation of the Las Margaritas Unit formed in a deeper but
thermal conditions required for the formation of “normal” colder region (0.8 GPa/800 °C) now juxtaposed along a
granulites with temperatures below 900 °C are not anoma- major shear zone with the VG. The exhumation paths for
lous (Collins 2002a, b). It is supposed, that they can occur in the three units are different in time and space. The LMM
reached the 600 °C isotherm 60–100 Ma earlier than the VG
(Cordani et al. 2005) and was juxtaposed in a late stage of
ca. 1300 Ma Subduction continental arc magmatism
exhumation on top of the VG. The described early processes
correspond to the Early Neoproterozoic Grenville orogeny
GMG Amazonia
leading to the consolidation of Rodinia (e.g. Murphy et al.
LMM 2004). The limitation of the proposed alternative model is
the lack of previously described continental back arc mag-
matism of an age of about 1 Ga.

ca. 1000 Ma Back arc evolution exhumation? Acknowledgments We are grateful to S. Harley and P. Tropper for
their very constructive reviews and inspiring thoughts. We thank R.
? Rhede and O. Appelt (GeoForschungszentrum Potsdam) as well as R.
GMG Amazonia
Laurentia VG Mielke for their support during analytical work. Many thanks to A.
? Möller and P. O´Brien, for their critical and helpful suggestions. B.
Fabian improved the quality of the drawing. U.A is indebted to A.
Concha-Perdomo and her family and M. Moreno for their kind hospi-
tality during the stay in Colombia.

ca. 1000 -990 Ma Onset of collision

exhumation back arc evolution
GMG Amazonia
Laurentia LMM
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