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Operational Use of ECDIS

Determine the frequency of

the vessel’s positions for the
collision avoidance.
1. Knowledge of the capability and limitations of ECDIS operations, including:

• thorough understanding of Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) data, data accuracy, presentation rules,
Display options and other chart data formats
• the dangers of over-reliance
• familiarity with the functions of ECDIS required by performance standards in force

2. Proficiency in operation, interpretation, and analysis of information obtained from ECDIS, including:
• use of functions that are integrated with other navigation systems in various installations, including proper
functioning and adjustment to desired settings
• safe monitoring and adjustment of information, including own position, sea area display, mode and
orientation, chart data displayed, route monitoring, user-created information layers, contacts (when
interfaced with AIS and/or radar tracking) and radar overlay functions (when interfaced)
• confirmation of vessel position by alternative means
• efficient use of settings to ensure conformance to operational procedures, including alarm parameters for anti-
grounding, proximity to contacts and special areas, completeness of chart data and chart update status, and backup
• adjustment of settings and values to suit the present conditions
• situational awareness while using ECDIS including safe water and proximity of hazards, set and drift, chart data and
scale selection, suitability of route, contact detection and management, and integrity of sensors.
-INTRODUCTION- Determine the frequency of the vessel. positions
for the collision avoidance.

The ECDIS (electronic chart display and information system) is a new

technology of modern navigation, sailing aims to ensure
navigation safety, and improve work efficiency. AIS (automatic
identification system) is a kind of can transmit large amount of
information, obstacle, weather resistance, with ship shore - ship
between information networking ability and close target
indication of maritime communication system. And ship
collision avoidance system is an important research subject in
modern navigation technology, it in the prevention of ship
collision accidents, ensure the safety of ship navigation plays a
very important role. This developed based on ECDIS and AIS
ship collision avoidance warning system. In the simulation
shows that the system is feasible.
ECDIS has made it much easier for the navigator to safely navigate the ships. But that is only true if the
ECDIS is used in a correct way and if it is used to its potential. ECDIS can surely help in collision
avoidance and it must be used for collision avoidance but not as a stand-alone equipment. ECDIS
complements other equipment’s on the bridge during collision avoidance. But if it is used without looking
at the radars and visual look out, it will lead to dangerous consequences.
The positive thing about using ECDIS during collision avoidance is that if we have to take avoiding action, we would
know at all the times where the sea room is. This, of course, is applicable if we have entered the correct safety
setting in the ECDIS. It also gives the instant positions of the targets on the chart. This helps the navigators to
have a proactive approach. For example, If the target is proceeding in the TSS we can easily take into
consideration the possible future movements of the target as per the general traffic flow of the TSS. But the
negative thing about using ECDIS as collision avoidance is that the target positions may not be correct in the
ECDIS as it displays the target from the AIS which may not be giving correct positions of the targets. While
identifying the targets by comparing the visual bearings of the target with the ECDIS can also lead to confusions
in the case of multiple targets at close proximity. As the AIS positions of the targets may be offset by few cables
or miles, the visual bearing may not match with the accurate targets. Also, not all the targets will be plotted on the
ECDIS. For example, fishing boats that do not have AIS will not be plotted on the ECDIS. Or if the target has its
AIS switched off or AIS is not working, this can lead to confusions. So when a target is identified, we may use
ECDIS for deciding an action or for deciding if there is sufficient sea room available for the intended action but
we must identify the targets by other reliable means like radar and visual look out.
Differentiate chart layer & event
graphic. Basis functions of ECDIS
Standard Display consisting of:
· Display base
· Drying line
· Buoys, beacons, other aids to navigation and fixed structures.
· Boundaries of fairways, channels, etc.
· Visual and radar conspicuous features
· Prohibited and restricted areas
· Chart Scale boundaries
· Indication of cautionary notes
· Ship routeing systems and ferry routes
· Archipelagic sea lanes
· Spot soundings
· Submarine cables and pipelines
· Details of all isolated dangers
· Contents of cautionary notes
· ENC edition date
· Most recent chart update number
· Magnetic variation
· Places names

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