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Employees Management System

ARNAV BHATI | Roll no.4 | X-F
Create a new database in OpenOffice org.Base with the name
Create the following two tables in the database through the
design view as follows.

Q1 Attach the screenshot of the design view of both the tables

Q2 Create the relationship between two tables.

Q3 Create forms for both the tables using wizard for data entry

Q4 Execute the following queries and attach the design view

and the output of the queries :-
a) To display employee ids , name of employees , job ids with
corresponding job titles.
b) To display names of employees , sales and corresponding job
titles who have achieved sales of more than 1300000
c) To display names and corresponding job titles of those
employees who have ‘Singh’ (anywhere) in their names.

Q4 Identify the foreign key in the table EMPLOYEE.

Ans. Jobid

Q5 Create a report of the employees displaying the Employeeid

, name of the employee, job title and his Sales according to job

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