DLP in Mathematics 7 by Abonal. Jasper Lemuel. S (AutoRecovered)

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School University of Saint Anthony Grade Level 7

Teacher JASPER LEMUEL S. ABONAL Learning Area Mathematics 7

Date Time
Grade 7 Teaching
2nd Quarter
Daily Lesson Plan Dates and Quarter
Grade 3:30-4:30
Time July 4, 2024
7-A pm

A. Knowledge
Define the rules for Order of Operations.
B. Attitude Self-reliance in reacting to a variety of challenges that
is shown
C. Skills Apply the rules for Order of Operations to evaluate
algebraic expressions
A. Content Evaluating Algebraic Expressions (M7AL-IIC-4)

 When responding to the questions, be courteous.
 A sense of anticipation as they respond and a thorough
knowledge of the solution's process
 Having patience when it comes to problem solving

TEACHING STRATEGY: 3I’s (Introduction, Interaction,

B. Reference
1. Textbook pages E-Math, Worktext in Mathematics, Revised Edition
Oronce, O.A. & Mendoza, M.O.
Pages 185-191
2. Additional Materials Laptop for the presentation of the lesson
Pen Tablet for the demonstration of the process of the solution
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparation
A.1. Greetings

Good afternoon, Class! Good afternoon, sir

How’s your previous subjects?

It’s good Sir
It’s nice to hear.

A.2 Prayer

May I ask someone to lead the prayer for this

Let’s us all be in silent and put our hearts and minds in the
center of our soul to feel the presence of our Lord Jesus
Christ. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of
the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Heavenly Father, who created us and loves us perfectly,

we come before you on this day with open hearts and
minds to learn more about your love for each of us. We
thank you for the opportunity to study as a group together
as we share our knowledge and experiences with one
another. Guide each word that is written on the screen. We
Pray that each person reading our lesson today will
become a better student, a better friend, a better family
member, and a better person because of what they have
learned from this online class.
Thank You for the opportunity to learn more about our
Heavenly Father’s love and for our teacher’s patience and
guidance. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Our
Thank you, Lester, for that prayer … Amen.
A.3 Checking of Attendance

Before we begin our lesson, I would like to ask

everyone kindly say ‘Present’ as I call your

(Checking of Attendance)
Please inform those who are unable to attend
today's lesson about the subject matter that will be

Yes Sir!
B. Review of the Past Lesson.

Before we begin our lesson for today, I'd want to

know who can tell me what topic we covered at
our previous meeting?

Yes Suzette?
Our lesson last meeting is about Classifying polynomials
Ok Very Good!

Another one, what is Polynomial?

Yes, Lester?
A Polynomial is an algebraic expression that represents a
sum of one more term containing whole number
exponents on the variables.
Ok, Very Good!

Ok, may I see if you didn't forget what we have

discussed in the last meeting? Tell me each
expression is a polynomial or not.


Yes, Ryan?
It is, indeed, a polynomial, sir.
Ok Very Good!

How about

½x³ - 3.4x + 7
Yes, Vivienne?
Yes, sir it is a polynomial

C. Motivation

Ok class suppose the numbers are assigned to

letters of the alphabet as follows:




And so on, up to Z=26 because it’s the last letter
on alphabet and it’s 26th letter.
So, using this, find the value of a name by adding
the values of its digits. Students listening attentively


Do you get it class?
Yes Sir!
Ok, Find the numerical value of each name:
Are you ready class?
Yes, Sir we are ready.
Now for the first name:
 Ben
Yes Myrna?
B E N is 2 for letter B because it is the second letter on the
alphabet, E is 5 because it is 5 th letter and N is 14 because
it is 14th letter, therefore 2+5+14 is equals to 21
Ok very Good! Now for the second name.
 Laura
Yes Ryan?
L A U R A, L is 12 because it is 12 th letter of the alphabet,
A is 1 because it is the first letter then U is 21, R is 18 and
A again is 1. Therefore, 12+1+21+18+1=53


III. Find the value of your name. Compare it with
the values of the
names of others in your class.

Are there two names with same

Yes sir!
So, I have question to all of you,

What did we do in this activity?

Yes Ronel?
Sir we find the numerical value of the given words.
Correct. And how did we find the value of the
given words?
Yes Myrna

We substitute the corresponding value of each other

And then what's next?
(still Myrna)
We perform the indicated operation; we add all the value
Very good! Thank you everyone. Job well done!
Give yourselves a round of applause

D. Discussion

So, class, when a number is substituted or

replaced for the variable in each algebraic
expression, the expression takes a numerical
value. And finding the value is what we call
“Evaluating the Algebraic Expression." So, class,
Replacing a variable with a number demonstrates
the Substitution Property of Equality.
If two quantities are equal, then one quantity can
be replaced by the other. For all numbers a and b,
if a = b, then a may be replaced by b.
When a number is substituted for the variable in a
polynomial, the polynomial takes a numerical
value. Finding the value is called evaluating the
There are at least two steps involved in evaluating
an algebraic expression:
1. Replacing the variable by the given number
value (substitution); and
2. Performing the indicated arithmetic following
the order of operations.
• First, simplify expressions within grouping
• Then, simplify powers.
• Then, simplify products and
quotients in order from left to
• Then, simplify sums and
differences in order from left to
Did you understand class?

Ok, anyone can tell what the 2 steps are involved Yes Sir!
in evaluating an algebraic expression?
Yes Ronel?

Sir, the two steps involved in evaluating an algebraic

expression are
1. Replacing the variable by the given number value
(substitution); and 2. Performing the indicated arithmetic
following the order of operations.
Ok very good! Now let’s proceed to the first
Example is:
Evaluate the polynomial 6x² + 3
when: x=0
Remember the first step, replacing the variable by
the given number value or what we call
substitution. So, in 6x² + 3, were going to
substitute first the 0 to our x so
6 times 0 squared plus 4. Then the second step is
we should perform the arithmetic following the
order of operation as I said earlier. So, in 6(0) ² +
3, we already simplify expression within grouping
symbols. Then next is simplify the powers, so
back at 6(0) ² + 3, we should simplify 0 to the
power of 2, so 0 squared is equals to zero because
remember the rule in multiplication that any
number multiply to zero, is zero. So therefore, it
become 6(0) +3. Then another step is simplifying
the products and quotients in order from left, to
right. So, it is stated that after simplifying the
powers in this equation, we should now multiply
the numbers in this equation to the right.
Therefore 6 multiply by zero is zero because
remember. any number multiply by zero is zero.
So, it become 0+3. And the last thing we do as the
rule of evaluating algebraic expression is simplify
the sums and difference from left to the right. 0+3
is 3. So, 3 is the final answer

Did you understand?

Yes sir.

Ok let’s proceed to another example

Evaluate the polynomial 2x³-3x -4
when: a. x=3 b. x = -1

when x=3
First step, substitute 3 to our x in 2x³-3x -4, so it
become 2(3) ³ - 3(3) – 4. Second step, simplify the
powers so 3 to the power of 3, 9. So 2(27) – 3(3) –
4. Next is simplify the product so 2 times 27 is 54,
3 times 3, 9. So 54 – 9 – 4. Last is simplify sums
and differences from left to right. As we can see
in the equation, we now subtract the equation so,
54 minus 9 is 45, 45 minus 4 is equal to 41,
therefore the answer is 41.

When x=-1
Again, first step, substitute -1 to our x in our 2x³-
3x -4, it became 2(-1) ³ - 3(-1) – 4. So class, when
we simplify this equation, where we simplify
first? Yes Lester?

Great! So, -1 raise to 3 is -1 times -1 times Sir, we should simplify first the powers

-1 equals -1. Why? Yes?

Because -1 times -1 is 1, when multiplying integers if we

multiply the same sign it is positive. Then 1 times -1 is -1.
-1 because, when multiplying different sign, it is equal to

Very good!

So, we have now 2(-1) – 3( -1) – 4. Then multiply,

2 times -1 is -2, 3(-1) is -3.

So -2-(-3)-4 is equals to?

Yes again?
-2, -2-(-3) is 1, minus 4 is -3. Therefore, -3 is the answer

Do you understand class?

That is great. Before I end our class today, I will Yes Sir!
give an assignment.

E. Generalization
And so, that is how you Evaluate Algebraic

Sir, regarding in evaluation algebraic expression, only

think we should remember is the two steps involved in
evaluating an algebraic expression are 1. Replacing the
variable by the given number value (substitution); and 2.
Performing the indicated arithmetic following the order of
operations. Also, we should not forget the PEMDAS rule.
If we take that in our mind, we going to solve or evaluate
algebraic expression successfully.
Ok thank you for that wonderful answer.

G. Application

Since you understood the lesson, get your

notebook or a piece of paper and answer tell
whether each statement is True or False.

After answering, I going to pick 1 student per

number to tell is why the answer is true or why is
it false.

1. False, 4(-3) +5 = -7
2. False, (-4) ³ - 3 = -67
3. False, 1 is not equal to -3
4. True, -2=-2
5. False -1is not equal to -9


Name: __________________________________ Date: ______________________

Section: _________________________________ Score: _____________________

Direction: Find the value of the following algebraic expressions using indicated constants.

1. 6a + 3; a=5
2. 15a – 24b +15; a = 4 & b = 2
3. x + 3(x – 5); x = 5
4. 50a(2-a); a = 7
5. 4a (13 – 9b); a = 6 & b = 1
1. Answer Test II and Test III on page 188 of E-Math 7 book and put it on short bond paper

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