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NPM : 10121034


in the morning, usually I wake up at 04.00 am after waking up I usually play my cellphone for
a while after that I make my bed and sweep the room and continue to take a shower in the
morning, after taking a shower I get ready to do my obligations, namely the dawn prayer after
finishing I usually play cell phone and watching tv. at 06.00 in the morning I have breakfast
and after eating I wash the dishes, and while cleaning the house, while waiting for lectures I
play my cell phone. at 07.00 the lecture starts until it is finished according to schedule, after
finishing I take a short break while playing cellphone and watching tv, at 12.00 noon I also eat
lunch after eating I take a shower and prepare for the midday prayer, after praying I usually
take a nap until 01.00 noon, after it's lunch, and usually I make my bed again and play with my
phone again. at 03.00 in the afternoon I take a shower and get ready to perform the Asr prayer.
I went back to doing my homework, kept watching and playing on my cellphone. at 06.00 pm
I usually get ready for the Maghrib prayer, and at 6.30 pm I eat dinner and wash the dishes
together after that I usually play my cellphone while waiting for the Isha prayer, at 07.00 pm
after the Isha prayer I usually don't go to sleep sometimes sometimes Doing college
assignments if you have them, and sometimes playing on my cellphone until I'm sleepy after
that I sleep at night at 09:00 at night.

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