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a. Look at the picture. Unscramble the places in the home.

1. an (epramattn)
2. a (teckihn)
3. a (mtobahor)
4. a (sotelc)
5. a (obrmoed)
6. a (cbynaol)
7. a (ilgnvi moro)
8. a (idgnin orom)
9. a (usoeh)
10. a (adnreg)
11. a (gragea)

b. Complete the crossword puzzle.

1. Your house has a beautiful ___! I love all the flowers.
4. You cook in the ___.
5. My mother parks her car in the ___.
6. Where is the ___? I want to wash my hands.
9. Put your coat in the ___.
10. We eat in the ___ room every night.

2. I live in a small ___ on the fifth floor.
3. He is asleep in the ___.
6. Let’s sit outside on the ___.
7. Pedro lives in a big ___ at the end of the street.
8. My family watches TV in the ___ room.

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