Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, Kahlrabi, Broccoli

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Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, Kahlrabi, Broccoli

● Timing
○ NO HEAT. Well, they hate heat! Less than 68 or so… cool, moist timing. July-
○ For a Fall/winter crop, plant in late summer. Cooler temps will bring flavor.
● Prevention
○ Take something a moth can’t fly through (chicken wire?) and cover your cabbage
or others. Shade cloth can work too.
● Watering Tips
○ Consistently moist soil as often as possible. If it rains the night before, great! If
not, hit the base of the plant with some water
■ and the top if it is a hot day. Specifically in the afternoon if it’s already
● Fertilizing
○ Need tons of nitrogen (put an inch or so of compost) at the beginning, but you
don’t want too much near harvest.
● Tying your leaves?!
○ As you start to get a head of cauliflower or broccoli or any larger head plant,
consider tying the small leaves and slightly larger leaves around them together
lightly with twine to protect the head from the sun
● Harvesting
○ You want the florets to be nice and tight to each other, not separating from each
other, and DEFINITELY not opening up (they are flowers, remember)
■ Check for Aphids!!

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