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Important notes about requisitions and 25.02.


1. Kindly take extra care to make deliveries correct and on time (once you
get the physical delivery of the items >> mark it as delivered on CSM) and
always choose the delivery date to be the real physical delivery one.

2. In case you got a physical delivery and could not find it in the expected
deliveries section on CSM >> Kindly send an Email to the concerned
department and put the CC to check if any technical
issue is preventing the delivery to appear.

3. Once you get delivery and have the Stamped original copy of the delivery
note >> Please attach it to the relevant requisition on CSM instead of
sending it by E-mail.

4. You may like to make use of the purser under supervision of the
executive rank to insert deliveries on the system.

5. Minimum 3 days before entering a port >> Please make a requisition

with the name of the vessel, Port of call, and expected arrival data … in this
requisition put all your agency related requests, because all NNC
departments will make use of this requisition to combine as well all their
agency requisitions in one place.

Serag, Tarek


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