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Cosifeinnnc Evaluation documentation checklist ‘School information and rogramme documentation must bo kept current to ensure that the Inlomational Baccalaureat (5) programme. is boing implemented according 0 the Programme standards ard practices and to ensure thatthe IB has an acourate picture ofthe |e programme atthe schoo! For all programmes [DSchoo! and programme profile [BLoga entity and tenstre documentation "DStatement of aceplanes Dink to school webste {ASchool mission and vison statements [School strategy or stasoe plan {ASchool brochure andlor promotions! literature produced by the school oncoming the implementation ofthe presramme {Aschoo! organization chait showing the pedagogical leadership team (including the programme coordiator and reporting ines [2uob description forthe head of school Unb description of the programme coortinator, incuding all aditional responsibiies besides the coordination. ndeate the percentage ofthe coardinator’s weekly sched that I What is IB Evaluation? What i 18 Evaluation? © Ever ve yas alera schools auPrized to be an 8 Word Schoo! © they ar aod to con auton evalston ofthe Diana Progtanene ers ‘Asha of ts process the sellstudy in wlh a schook a ‘vauaies be extent o wach tvs meetng the pregame standards ‘So practices, ae cles even 1 sbslantt gman “The aim of schoo evaluation is for the 8 to eneure thatthe stondards ond practices of each programme ar being mcintined, to acknowledge accomplishments ‘nd fo provide suisace for choo! improvement, The 1B is aware that for each schao the implementation of an TB frogramme ia journey, and thatthe sche! will meet these standards and practices to vorying degrees eeng the way, A cantinaim peagrarme eatin s also ok eppartunty to ‘cansider the development end impact of the B peogranmes across the whole sche” (1B, Report on ‘continu progronme evalution) “This page cfors too fora see oundartsko tho slstuty and to calet evidence of implementation {ganat ho I sandards and pracboe, Important note: ‘Te current Standards anc Paces came ni eect n 2005. The curent evaiaton seks cae Ino plac n 2070 Revicod Progranme Stands and Practcos cone into offen Soptombr 2020. A naw 8 evaluation hod sing inocuced fom September 2020, Tha now evaluation gue wl be ava fam Maren 2020 fr schools to wl stat ha avatitonsetestcy in Sapte 2020, Tha et evan ‘sso school wl sa Spleber 202% What does it mean to evaluate? “The Leamina Common 'N embers of Be eam Communiy ae ope fo new Meas 2nd Commie to seeking 2 breas | range of wewe and opmars, enoowagig open discussion and packing Vaneparent coder making | frosecees, Thy demonststa agency trough olectne sumer, repansiy and aecourabay fr foaming arid leaching, andwarsforn schass Fo diam leaning Cormuanes"(PYP: fom ‘nbs Into prachos Tre Leen Commu) Word Study | “Tis activator encourages ou to think abou! the meaning of even fam ferent perspectives. Tink abou to last me tay underwent any Spe of slglicant ovation roto weg thot hough tothis question na oa auth nclderngnOOn Ohta est + What does t moan » evaluate something? Grelude fel thelsounds aoks te) 1 Townat extent sit portant fo consider cure and context? see wth cleaquae: “+ 8ydscassing how hs youroun thinking bout evaluation deen father developed? Hor aro same ooctons rom a group o TREN sieve | “In French, the I trxsate both "evaluation" and “assessment” by “évaluston”. This means ‘that aFreneh-speaker wil connect to agrade, to an exam, This i ary for them, As at [TBWS Manager, Taluays have tocol down school and remind Them thot the evaluations ‘manly formative intecd of suntv, especially wth the new evlution 2020" ich time a school evluated, the TBWS manager is evslusted by the school aswell. When {receive lower grade than expected, I question myself what did Ido wreng? Where dd it rot work?” "One of the isue Tha for example is thot “Preliminary review hes bean translated by Examen polminire’,Schoas read the word "exan", wile this process isnot an exam otal Buti ereates anxiety” “Esclunton versus inspection versus accreditation versus self reflection T have made ita point ring sits to chrify that we ae nt inspectors, especially when the team is Introduced a such, Honever, this may well be the cantext the schol operates within, ‘especialy if they are axswerabl t local authrites." | “Thhave elways chosen focus on the rots of the words 30, for evaluation pracess, focus | ‘on le’ and for apprise, focus an ‘pai’ These words embody positive judgements and | ‘sconzensus on aciovenant’" “An evlution isnot on inspection, it's aheath check’ Tf we transfer this to «school visit v's photograph ofthe schol'speagranne development. And there are so many ways to Interpret a phatagraph sf youare not aware ofthe context inwhich this photograph wes taken you might no irerpret in she right way” “18 eviction canbe an authentic experience of celf-refletion, that helps the shes! colette whats doe best, tke © considered iw of curent practice and lok forward to row challenges ard ideas" “Look for whet is there, eather than searching far what ie nat ~ this pate the visiting team in ‘the role of an appreciave professional inquirer (amode that we aio suggest to schools os ‘they approach their progranne development planning. Feedback to feedforward, “Frome caching perspective iis the approach thot Xd mat iow your station etter than yoshi ysl bet Cee eyo tech my avestinng od poting arte | Teng that you hve maybe nt been lef artis on our om, Once toe oe | sre, the ext sp ety ho and what igang fo eens iret Sts | Thaler thet nthe ition eoder on Progr Lode ls, we neat coney stronly thot we dot nan ther argnzation etter thn they do Tiss when eel growth an ocr, because i iit choos Yo drow o our experience our experts, the i Celaborive proces teins, hope ly een Yo poate experince forthe shal An | inportont part in thi croth proces is he eilty to help the schol etter nderstond | | themesies™ | “Our roles to suppart schoo wth epprecative cnstructive, contextual feedback" i ashton nntaspeagazeroNtibeateten a0 | | c1¥'sso postive tose few noticeable shifts inthe 2020 process: school readiness - the | | setoo dite he ras, decd which PP te sae, termine he ing forthe || preliminary review to elarge extent: school agency - focus on supporting te schoots ongoing | efforts to develop the progranee, rat onthe school reporting the outcome of thei actions | tothe TB: scheel Jouney- withthe preliminary review added asa stage and the sif-stcy | intwo parts, the reflective process is even more significant than the auto, and the purpose of the visit hs shifted to, With these points in mind, would peer reflection express | more accurately what we are ciming for?" Why is the 5 year evaluation important? Key concepts “The folowing to concos ae contralto evatutng the I programmes: Integrity | Fidelity | sustainabitity “Across a wide ronge of educational research there is growing recognition that teachers do not Implement educatenl prograns as origialy intended (Contry etl A framework or meastring fidelity of implementation, American Journal of Evluation, 31(2), 2010) instead teachers ‘implement progeans in different ways (Lamont et al, Tnnovatve methods in evlution, american “Journal of Evalcton, 393) 2018), adapting different "implementation styles" depending onthe Priority they place on corcepts like the program's conpatibilty with thet peer professional ‘experiences (conpatibiy) the campleity ofthe program requrerents (complexity), end the ‘relative advange they se the new requirements os having over what they curently do (elative advantage)" Supporting uecessful programme evlution atthe TB! Maso, 5, Calin, & Mehke, 5, page $4, 2019) “Te aim of he 5 year evaluator the 2 to ensure that standards and practices aro bsing ‘maintained, 3 process olfeema eietion swelung al ssteheder 9 Ehanco to ony make chiovonoris ana practoss hat nod tutes davelopnont i one aspect ofthe continous Improvement tht stats dura te process of boearing authorizes as an 18 Word Scho It rels in oer selon plan for lking he Not slops mn develaing ta programme in your sch “The oral pooass of can cua sel tu can tke up oa whole year. ea alga piece of wrk nich should noe al tekcholders win fe school community is greet opportu tomske the Diploma Programme ay oes fo whe school cussion, gain cern For a Staonal othe programme, and a suey can alow 9 schoo stake aigalicant stops fra Heelan the progam, {men done wellitzan aa tc an mprovemen in teaching and arn “the greatest value of the evaluation ist sno So uch the team vet it nthe sel- sty Which each school undertakes in the year or So before the visit. This provides @ great eppertuty for self-reflection, ayoreness of weakvesses es well as strengths, and plowing te address the perceved weaknesses. In many schoas, the enive conan is ivalved in some aspect ofthe seer, not ‘lays inthe area of personal expertise, The self-study i typically completed several months before ‘the team vit» end one frequently Finds that, come the vit, those plant are already being worked on some issues may already bereseved. The vst Yekes place fo validate the eat-ctudy ar he scheal's conclusions, perhaps to fird (withthe eyes ofthe outside abserve) weak areas thatthe school hae rot appreciate ard sometines to suggest strengths which again the school ha nt fully appreciated” (ohn Royce, Workshop Lender AEM region) Key information ene he aE ein se ‘The key document that evans the evaluation process is Guide fo programme evaluation (2015) hich eon be accessed am th I Pata. Ths carta) a desertion c the evaluation (are sa ‘Sty proces (bs descpion of eles thin the cial altho, ad (c) ta of raion hooded to complete ho salt study and documentation that needs to be upcaded to My School, Programme standards and practices (2014) desrves ve practices common 028 fou programas (PVP. CYP EP fed >) his thea fol agunet winch an coho can ease thie lees insemering We DP progam. This document foes ba bass cf vereaton {authrieston) a fue yor evalion processes, Cee here to acess Date for your evaluation “The cat for your roaramine ovation can te found on your My Schoo! page. You 8 relenal io ‘rllcontact you navaren oe dla af sibnssen of your sels prog any adtonal tals ‘Yes may request om he Brion en a change dat Ifyou wie olin evalutons of mtple IB regeanmasin your schoo eynchonze the evan process with, for example, CS ws ‘What is the evaluation process? "As ateam we ogree to provide appreciative, costructive,contextul feedback ond individual erect postive interactions to contribute to ‘on effective evaluation experience far the school. As peers in ‘this process, we respect and consider the schools jeurey, | ‘ther readiness end agency” (IBEN educator) f * Upon ecilo an auoratenvatuaton pod, the schoo! begins ‘wrk on te Sveyer evakaton eyee. AB Worl Sehents unning {he Diploma programm pariapate nan 18 evan every ve oars ha 8 rocognzesthaeaen schools eh a journey Wn Enplamentation ofthe Diploms Programe, and schoo! wil mast ‘expectations to varying deees depending an their context. The ‘valaton press ates eo werk alongs the schoo is a x re aa 18 schools ae evaluated by aryl outa setstudyn utc they Coordinator | ‘ssoos Ino oten fo which fy mre npsmoning eB stanaards ana bracoes ae they relat fo he Diploma Pragrmme, Tae IB standards and practices frm the basis of to otstuy. Ihe sett shold be evdende based and raw on exsing school Socumontaton ad cl face In he ayo day fo athe schac. The I erganizaton than evalvate ho ovidanc ne so tidy lin prove Teodbace othe senoal ‘gpg mplemortaton ete programe. ‘The IB wil contac the schoo 10-12 months betoe documentation nea io be submtodt ifar thar ‘hat noy rave 9 comple tr sy, ough he ead of Sonal bear timate rani for ne ost presse the D? Coordinator wh ortiz ad leas toe process importa that Ose ‘roone scllabrati” shud vale al ey stakeholders within tho sect communtiy gover. ‘Somiistaters,pedagogial leaders, st" teachers,Hbraians, assistants pore, tudo, aur and ‘tide conway members (where appropriate), Schools oft erm mike sakehaler groups © evaluate land prot ovsdonoeagainateach ofthe prachos In Stand A (Phibaophy) and Slander B [Organeato) Irwoting a stakeholdarsprodos tho schon! wih a reat eppertuniy to develop ounersip ofthe Dilan Programs. StendaréC (Cuculu) is emplto by the colaboratveelverront fa stat ant Pedagogical leaders. These rakehator gaps neo to dacdo haw bey aro gong wo gata viene a "Rippon he pemeotaon oi I Yoqutmants a ald et to standards and proecas, Quant {End uaatve evidence ean 90 ouhored trough nerves, ustonnaes, focus cups and ‘Secumentaton. “The may contac the scheal to aango a vist fae échoos expense) once ey have ec the se Study decumendaten The purpose af he vss b very th schoo salt aseessvant. Around vee moths ster iesutnson a documentation (arte wat) te 6 snd a rpor to Scho. As whe Butoreton rer he evasion ropa contaes recordation, consnandaton ard (whore ocassary) malar to ba eared, svi ease Sosa: Yaa Ene? ‘Sample timescale Read documents August DP Coordinator Plan the outine f the pret August DP Coordinator Project communication Dugist DP Coordinator Schodulo tne to answerquosions under each secton _Seplember OP Ceoxénato ‘Organize stakcholargrcups per section September DP Coordinator Slatenoer groups mae February Stakeholder Groups Devlopment ef acon plans ay OP Goowinatr Wits rat conchsons May Hood of Shoot Upload documents 0 18 soos ne DP Coordinator Documents to be submitted to the IB “Ta 8 requires thatthe fotwing documentation is submited hea of the overy evaluation cyt: | For ALL programmes ‘Schoo! mission and vslon statements ‘Schoo brochure nd prorcional erature conesning the rpernentaton ofthe programe Schoo organization char showing the pedagogical eaderstip asm (nln the coordinator) fandoporing nas Job doszripion for programe cxerdinator Budget Cotaboratve planing desertoniscnedle Language potcy (all rogrammes _Assossment poly (a programmes) Special educthnal nsdsfncusve edn pokey (MYPIDPICP onl) -Acadaic honesty pale (MYPIDPIGP ony) _Aaiisslons pote or dscrpton ef secon process (DP and CP only) ‘Sample ached for each gradeysr othe programe Examples school reports to parents Fem fren grade lve Programme documents pvp + Programme ofinguiy {Thos competed tnt planners or eqlvlnt rom each grade lve pe your nye | + Approaches ta taanig art 2 Chica and sesessmentdocumenation 1 Aideserpon of hew standardization of assessmantn sublet takes pace {A destpton of Rett personal eal conmunty projets organized nd managed pp | cio Mas ase hagaanrnatie desta, one | + Calendar of soo! daadings or student submission of ital and extemal assoxsment + Aedoscrpion of tie suporvision of extended essays 1 Casiranaback anaargos of CAS exprinoes ct + CR eccradtatonctfeston documentation 1 Soils schedule foreach CRS ofered asp of to CP 1 Crowrreiate sud (CRS) ouine or ech carver lated couse of study he schoo fers 1 Gttines Pereonal od pees stile (PPS) cause, anguage development. sence Tearing, rita erect Note: these raqarements ate changing wih oft Seplambar 2020, They wil tan nce For all programmes ‘Schao mission and vsion statements Schoo strategy or state plan ‘Schoo brechure and promatinal erature concecring the nplementaton ofthe programme ‘Schoo organizalen hong the pedagogical leadership team (using he coerinater) arsreportng nos Job description fr hea of schoo (or loader wih authority over the programe) a programme oon Budget Colaboratve planing doseviontchedule Inte complaints procedures Poscls (cessor axmisins, inclusion, language, academic inlay, assessment) Sample schedule fornachgradaiyoar ofthe peogeanene Exempla of school ports to pete om ferent grade ovla Programme documents Pvp. Programme of nauty {Tre compsatd wl planners er equivalent rem each grade love por yoar nye + Aporonches tearing chart 1 Caner ad aseesriant decumantation 1 A‘dosernson of ow sandarston of ascasament in sues thos placa 1 Aldsscnpson of how te personal nar semmunly pore organized and managed. pp + Calendar of sch! éedinas for stdetsubmisson of items and extonal assessment ‘companents, + Stbjet tines showing how ho courses mac 18 requirements, ning how TOK and CAS re nadressed + Rilgscrfon othe supervision of extended essays {CaS handbockandsanplos of CAS experences Pa + CRS sccrestatonlctfoaon documentation 1 Sample sehecul foreach CRS offers ae pat of ho CP 1 Gatuerreatad atudy (C1) oie foreach eneeresed course of ty the school fers pstmt ntendentppegnZOUTON tel veh + Outins: Personal nt professional sis (PPS) cause, language daveloment, service Teng, este projet 2 + ORS accretationezrificaton documentaton ‘Sampo echedl foreach CRS ofered as pro he CP (Carcarveated study (CRS) ouline for naeneareerrbtescoutes of sty e schoo crs {+ Outnes: Persona nd professional kas (PPS) course, enguage devslopmens, onan leaning, rte eject + Subjdt atin shew how tho courses meet IB voqucements, ineading how TOK and CAS. ‘re adresse 2020 Evaluation Schedule From September 2020 anew ovakton schocule comes nt ply. The dacumentation than required is ‘conned on tai cheek velatlon-20%-documentation-checklistpet 77 9% Activity 1: What characterizes a good self-study Brainstorming: Use the above teat to sino tof charalrises hat a e-styshoutd process. Collecting evidence S ‘The stakehelder oes groups ned ocala evidence of whore the schels mesting the roquiamonts of impamrtin te Diploma Prayamene as deanes bythe WS standards and practices. Ts evcenea SHOU Fopresont the ontre five yer pared und roviow & Top Tips sews tirkh atteadetippagaoa7oibat i thvataion ‘Knowledge: Diploma Goornaer noes to get to ‘now alt derumorts wom vanes of Deginning te process. This kes a good amount ortme, Provide structure: 09. have boxos labeled ‘aint each ofthe mas Slndards and Pactions ‘na shelfin a publ protessona place so at at ‘Stakeholders can sop any evidence of beng braciend This mene tat tho sles oun ava some msterial fo work wh Tk rough at ‘he typos of exldonc ha weal count coud bo ‘Tha Aamir Haad of Schoo needs o be opt formed taughout so at hay understand bath he sioniicae and mgaltide a he Consier whether he ioma Programe ‘Coordinator neodsaditna! secretarial supp. Head 2 Shoo! ‘ropa onto study groups {o hear the fing sa thal hey havo an averiow ‘tthe inpementaton af the programme, Dang {his ha way tough he proves wl provi he ‘sportunty fo putin poe extra professional evelopment suppor ‘Tie: plan well head. Tho sl sty isa andar opportunist engago at shea! ornmurity tr abouts OP. ely Isa Sear longprocans-mocings nead ia be Schoduled and proaced, Grete a calndar and ‘onmuncate a concerned, Srtre your ‘ontal professtona! development (CPO) raven fort year around ey aepects of being an 15 Word Schoo, maybe fozusng on ‘rent hat need retesing ana rein, ‘Delegate o commen esta focus groups, CCaetty plan who wil bein each focus group. Ihe 08 apport ol people used who havo Boon on ho ingest 2s wel 2 ‘ecple who ar leaders wih tho Diploma Programme, Canad whofe bast 0 bing insights {ovat stand ve tare cer 2 progam tn the echeo(PYENYP, Ce) could you use eeple rm tess prograrimes in your DP sl- Sty? any okie audit tenes at och group thas domplinorary ss toting. sean Essential Agroement about how you ae ‘going to acto ensue res open Sranictenandarigh evel honest ‘Be creative nthe types of evidonce you Collect: blo fn chy 2) ae. rambo of tools You'can ise to ood vnc, Make sure you Sacument the process as wo he out by taking a photo ofthe cataberatve work The ‘mathe you tse 6 gahornermaton needs 0 bb nce in the suppering documents submited tome ‘Spor tie discussing the evaluative terms you fare ga ous when yo ke dgrante abut the level of piemonatono ensure ares high degree of canszency. Do ya agree wha he feouing tes mes ‘marae “Develening “Damanstating “Eeeting? Double use: sn great boevern maxinzing ta valu of any exerien, Why not use tne ete Sy procass to have valuable an extn ne ‘depth exploratans a same oth ey aspects of your work, your leaching and esa aly, $Jourmision snd von? Bo honest somating ena in place make sre {hat your ction plan shows aca you ae taking te-addese the ve, Bo objective: tobe as objecte as posse in thelial descigion you ve of ta school Make sre you read the who document tveugh betere _submiing it, ensuring ha al questions ana Soatons have been cole his somata Falta ack someone wha not comme wt) {halsceo! to rend yon docurent aug, Koop a copy a al mater submited (ust feu things gt oe), ‘Summary of what needs to be revisited: nt: how aligned is your school’s mission statement to that of the 1B? = Has anything changed in the past 5 years? Should anything be added? Eetrecesny Ge toan ees Cee om eee Hove mi rel ne eumerst eden Ester eles ter cia Tools for collecting evidence Activity 2: How do we collect evidence? Which tools will you use to collect evidence? Too! How to use it ‘good tol to use whan you wie he ‘ifeont sy Toes gross a came {ogethor and ealabeate on key 18 themes. You cous use his too when considering Mow indodnee e The embedding of key pote (erg academic honesty language flevetopent, dssens La ocess arrangements aed incision). Photo Montage ayo eos tom ‘lle perepecvos, Ti cara ‘bout whic practea tor to Slandares nd practies Ins would be best soled to Forexampl,cudenc oe ow inernationat mindedness find the learner proilae pestanichds nde ZOSTONGA ron sone omoted among al members of tho stool communtiy ‘he oxen whic the weiten ‘nica promotas students ‘sworenass of dvd, tat, ‘ational and word issues; the acento which teaching ant Teaming uses a ange of seateges ‘See Hear, Fel ‘Aust olor making a subject ‘ibe by ask wht do thoy oar, ; anges land foo Think abut he preatces Cay. te are no ays sible but re ; Pa ofthe cate of things the ty fou do hinge For exam, you cae tho ts fol coboctng evdorce of om open communication ein thesehoat how acess to the B programme Isprometed whether governance and leadership supper the Importation ofthe DP the adent fo which stat llahoratvy plan together to agree on expectations or ‘Ment leaning now i tooching and earning reflect 8 philosophy, adhe Istappvoache io tanching and vearnng now teaching 2 earning Pomel the understanding ad Practen of academic honesty EtevatorPiteh ‘Tha Elevator Pn is communication {ool aimed at oling you arcuate your ‘message. Te elevator ich acs you {ocreate amessagain avery sot tine cela s0 make fear, col ‘carpaling, cede, corte and q q ‘onvetsatora. Nt elevator pte san ‘overview ofan idea or product. 2 ‘ren tlt hls ya fas on ‘eae and concepts and can be used in the slestudy process oe think "tough sat you mean abet Something For exareo, you cou use {is tet i colotng ovdoneo fo how te schools mieston ans ‘what fhe pllosophy how international mindedness Sth emer profi is, promoted among al morbers of howtanguage farming Ie promated nud mae tongue itn 7am won how accers tothe IB proaranime iBpramoted how he admissions policy {igs wih pitosophy| how the language pokey asons ‘wt piasopry ‘how he speci educational needs poley akg it polosonty how the assessment potiey ‘gs ah paseo how ha academic honesty poly alg wth 1B poopy core Stary ‘cover storys a magazin aca that {giustated or deriead ont front ‘over Iisa way of earnmuricaing ‘message asin oh words and ages Wie aol tol une nthe sll sty rocnes snc it ecies gross on ‘iat at he haat of a subj. Fae ‘ramets oo could be used I communicating your static foal (orth new ve year) ‘sting and then commuricating the kay achievements ance futorzation oe he ast raiation ‘sting and then communicatng the ey ros for doveapment the omgoing joumey of Inglerertng te Diptera Programme ‘atery Wak ‘This disoussien tot enables peop to shar knowledge and understanding, Ench member tthe staked: ecis (feu could be acted to we down a etme of edleators fore parslar Sandard adr grace. These can be alate a a group ana posted ono hart gape. The sakaneléer groure ould then cary ets gary walk © took atthe exence end ad hee "empl: ns way ef ocross ‘ection of nermation rom the stakeholder groups on some of the hao schoo! ssuss, and a shea! ‘Conan ean be reached Ti oa parity usa hen ng ta cack viene for chen mission wh hat of he IBiphosophy -oing how interational Imindednees andthe earner Pls prorated among at hembers othe schoo community assessing how open communication fs inthe sebect peewee erepa8rONtet teh ane ‘noning hw language fearing promoted, ccnp mother tongue asszssing whether governance ni leadership svpert the implomontaon of he DP owing whutar te admissions pote signe wth I posepy mowing whether the language poly ats wih posh mowing whether th speci faucatonal needs policy sions ‘eth posophy noaing whatbr he s5sessment policy ans wi piesa sseasing whether the academic Tonestypotey ans ath Ia simoxopny “he Market Placa is useful calborae leaning to coats ‘idence snd sate know aed braces nthe conosco study roses tea usofl way of clang ‘evidence tot hereon) ard veeay Se could be used in hasta metas or shar ih other Staleolder groups Fr exarp, you oul we hie teat eon viene or -roning how iemnationst Inlndedneas ante earnor Pratl is promoted among all Prombore ofthe schoo! ‘communty snoving ho language leering ‘promoted, nauing aster ‘ongwe assossing the extort to whlch ‘Theory of Knowledge Intograte ita each subjocs assotsing the exon to whlch St aerate pan oer Shunt fearing needs and ses assessing the exon lo which Sta cotaboray plan togethor ‘embed th Leannor Profile theirlessons assgcsing th extant to which Saf colaboratwly pan together teaevato language a0 the owing tho oxen whch the ‘wien eur promotes Students swarenose of individual, focal national and ‘worl ese ec ate anata sn sssescing tho alont fo which the ‘wien curiam provides ‘pportunis for rettcton on oman corsmenaity, very ‘and mulipe perspectives ‘A SixNord Memo focused way of teting story nox words. The siery, inolton athe soleatuay races, cost! {ou bo te capture ne schools — Uindrstanding 9 key pe, fom 4 for cones For aval, you cou use Ths tol cotectng ewdanc fr non whather the admissions poly aig wth 5 posophy ning whather the language polly age wth 8 psy ‘educational needs potey aligns ‘os pcsoshy snowing whather the {asesament polly aligns with slop assessing whether tho academic Toneatypaley alg wins scopy nang teaching and ean {eflects IB philosophy, andthe TB apprehes to teching ant taoring snowing if teaching nd eaming fremale the understanding and [rctce of aeademic honesty ‘nwng if teaching ana earing Ieresees the diveraty of ‘Students language needs sessing the extant to which {acing and loanng develops the learner profile atirinites vicuat Metaphor ‘Aviso! metaphor uses 2 visual Fepresintation fan imap, picture, ‘dogram, sketch ole ealage) oh ‘outa communicate your meson in 2 Imeaeiogll way tat les Bul Understanding a tama on what Sour echol unaertands by some o! {hokey 6 cnoents inthe ipa rogram For example, you cule ‘wet al neotoesng erence Inoaingi the schots wien ‘ruler reflects piilsophy owing tating andar promotes the understanding sn Pace of sademie honesty nguingf asessmant at to ‘hoo fleets IB assessment policy jossentpoganrahatis clusion wae padlet Checklist of issues addressed during an Evaluation Visit Example from a school ‘uses guia trom tre point ‘rv of ar estab Coordinate ss ven on ‘nebate 8 Coorater ‘own or diferent pages. 0 ‘overview of tha precess | Stops ofthe process |l- tay aeton plan and Teli | ses Indicators {teading seetlon Rend B ofthe sole stasy| Trading eactions C1-cs of the set-study | sele-study ‘idence folders evidence, ‘commonts and grade tam | Imoetings and mints Uns of wore hart | previous recommendations | parent questionnaies Policies | sesensmont date soon ate BE? Palais an enn vtual ben bord ‘at alows peop fo expross tai taught on a conan tops easily, You nul use stool hn your ‘Slakaheldr focus groups to capture

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