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BGS-1 1

વિ�ષયકોોડ – BGS-1 (વર્ણણનાાત્મક)

ÃkuÃkh-1 : økwshkíke ({wÏÞ Ãkheûkk - ðýoLkkí{f)

fw÷ økwý : 150 {kæÞ{ : økwshkíke Mk{Þ : 3 f÷kf
Mkq[Lkk : s{ýe íkhV «&LkLkk økwý Ëþkoðu÷ Au.
«.-1. ™e[u yk…u÷ …kt[ rðfÕ…ku{ktÚke fkuE yuf {wÆk …h ykuAk{kt ykuAk 250 y™u ðÄw{kt ðÄw 300 þçËku{kt, મેેલ ગુણ /
ÞkuøÞ WËknhýku™ku ykÄkh ÷E™u r™ƒtÄ ÷¾ku. OBTAINED

1.1 ¼khŒ™wt ‚ktMf]rŒf ¼rð»Þ

1.2 yks™e ðirïf Þwðk …uZe ‚k{u Q¼k ÚkÞu÷k …zfkhku કુલ ગુણ /
1.3 ¼khŒ™k ykrÚkof rðfk‚{kt Þku„Ëk™ yk…™khkt ðu…kh-ðkrýßÞ™kt {n¥ð™kt ûkuºkku
1.4 {krnŒe rðMVkux – ðhËk™ fu yr¼þk… ?
1.5 „wshkŒ™e yrM{Œk – {khe ‚{s
«.-2. ™e[u yk…u÷ ºký rðfÕ…ku{ktÚke fkuE …ý ƒu rðÄk™ku™ku ykþhu 100 Úke 150 þçËku{kt rð[khrðMŒkh fhku.
મેેલ ગુણ /
(05 „wý × 02 rðÄk™ku) OBTAINED
2.1 ‚k[wt ¿kk™ rð[khðkÚke ™Úke {¤Œwt. Œ{u su Aku Œu yu Au; yu Œu Au, su Œ{u ƒ™ku Aku.
– ©e yh®ðË y™u ©e {kŒkS કુલ ગુણ /
2.2 fkuE {kxu, fËe fþwt …ý ™ ƒ™e þfŒk {™w»Þ™e, yk rMÚkrŒ s ‚kiÚke {kuxe {ktË„e Au. MARKS: 10

– {Äh xuhu‚k
2.3 MkkIËÞo™u [knðwt yu s ËeÂÃík™ku ‚kûkkífkh Au.
– rðõxh Ìkw„ku
«.-3. ™e[u yk…u÷ „ã¾tz™ku (451 þçËku), {q¤ rð[kh s¤ðkE hnu yu heŒu ÷„¼„ 1/3 ¼k„{kt
મેેલ ગુણ /
(150 þçËku{kt) ‚tûku… fhku. OBTAINED
 t‚kh™u ðxð]ûk ‚kÚku ‚h¾kÔÞku Au. ‚fk{ f{kuo{kt ŒL{Þ hnuŒku {™w»Þ yk ‚t‚khð]ûk™e yuf zk¤e …hÚke

ƒeS …h, ƒeS …hÚke ºkeS …h yu{ ytŒ rð™k ¼xfâk fhu Au. yk ‚t‚khð]ûk™k rðMŒkh™u fkuE Auzku
કુલ ગુણ /
™Úke, y™u yk ð]ûk™u [kUxe hnu÷k {™w»Þ {kxu {wrõŒ™e fkuE þfâŒk ™Úke. ðuË‚qõŒku yk ð]ûk™kt …ktËzkt Au. TOTAL
yk ð]ûk™kt {q¤ rðï™k ‚kiÚke Ÿ[k ƒúñ÷kufÚke þY ÚkkÞ Au. òu {™w»Þ yk yrð™kþe {kÞkð]ûk™u ƒhkuƒh MARKS: 10

r…Akýu Œku s Œu Œu™kÚke Awxfkhku {u¤ðe þfu.

 k Awxfkhk™e «r¢Þk ‚{sðe òuEyu... ¼kirŒf «ð]r¥kyku rðþu y™k‚rõŒ y™u ¼„ðËT ¼rõŒ rðþu
yk‚rõŒ yu ¼rõŒ™ku …kÞk™ku r‚æÄktŒ Au. yk yæÞkÞ™e þY{kt s ‚t‚kh «íÞu™e yk‚rõŒ™u ðAkuze
™k¾ðk fÌkwt Au. yk ¼kirŒf yrMŒíð™wt {q¤ ™t¾kÞ Au Ÿ[u, yux÷u fu rðï™k ‚ðo:©uc ƒúñ÷kuf{kt
{n¥k¥ð{ktÚke ¼kirŒf Sð™ þY ÚkkÞ Au. íÞktÚke yk á~Þ‚]rü™ku rðMŒkh ÚkkÞ Au. ð]ûk™e y‚tÏÞ þk¾kyku
yu rðrðÄ ÷kuf Au y™u Œu™kt V¤ yu Sðku™k Ä{o, yÚko, fk{ y™u {kuûk yu [kh …wÁ»kkÚkkuo™kt …rhýk{ Au.
nðu, Ÿ[u {q¤ y™u ™e[u þk¾kyku yuðk ð]ûk™ku fkuE™u ÷kirff y™w¼ð ™Úke, …ý ykðe ðMŒw Au ¾he.
ykðwt ð]ûk s¤kþÞ …k‚u szu Au. s¤kþÞ™k rf™khk …h™kt ð]ûkku™kt «rŒ®ƒƒ …kýe{kt …zu Au íÞkhu Œu{™e
2 BGS-1

þk¾kyku Ÿ[u y™u {q¤ ™e[u ¼k‚u Au. þçËVuhu fneyu Œku, yk ‚t‚khð]ûk yu fuð¤ ykæÞkrí{f s„ŒY…e
ðkMŒrðf ð]ûk™wt «rŒ®ƒƒ Au. su{ ð]ûk™wt «rŒ®ƒƒ …kýe …h ykÄkrhŒ Au Œuðe heŒu ykæÞkrí{f s„Œ™wt
«rŒ®ƒƒ RåAk …h ykÄkrhŒ Au. «rŒ®ƒrƒŒ ¼kirŒf «fkþ{kt hnu÷e ƒÄe sz[uŒ™ ðMŒwyku™e nMŒe™wt
fkhý RåAk Au. ¼kirŒf yrMŒíð{ktÚke Aqxðk {k„Œk {™w»Þu yk ð]ûk™u Íeýðx¼Þko yÇÞk‚Úke …qhu…qÁt
r…Akýðwt skuEyu. Œu …Ae s Œu yu™ku Auzku Vkze þfþu.
yk ‚t‚khð]ûk ðkMŒrðf ð]ûk™wt «rŒ®ƒƒ Au, ŒuÚke Œu yu™e ykƒunqƒ «rŒf]rŒ Au. ynª Au Œu ƒÄwt s
ykæÞkrí{f s„Œ{kt Au. r™rðoþu»kðkËeyku ƒúñk™u ‚t‚khð]ûk™wt {q¤ {k™u Au y™u ‚ktÏÞ{Œ «{kýu yu
{q¤{ktÚke y™w¢{u «f]rŒ y™u …wÁ»k, …t[{nk¼qŒku, Ëþ RrLÿÞku, {™ ð„uhu™ku «kËw¼koð ÚkkÞ Au. yk
«{kýu ‚ktÏÞku ¼kirŒf s„Œ™wt [kuðe‚ Œ¥ðku{kt rð¼k„efhý fhu Au. òu ƒúñk™u sz[uŒ™ ‚]rü™k {q¤
Œhefu „ýeyu Œku yr¾÷ ƒúñktz™k yÄko ¼k„{kt ¼kirŒf s„Œ y™u ƒeò „ku¤kÄo{kt ykæÞkrí{f s„Œ
Au. ¼kirŒf s„Œ ykæÞkrí{f s„Œ™wt rðf]Œ «rŒ®ƒƒ Au. ŒuÚke ykæÞkrí{f s„Œ{kt …ý ¼kirŒf s„Œ™k
suðwt rðrðÄht„e…ýwt nkuðwt òuEyu. «f]rŒ Eïh™e ƒrnht„ ({kÞk) þrõŒ Au y™u …wÁ»k MðÞt Eïh Au...
á~Þ‚]rü™ku ƒÄku rðMŒkh ¼kirŒf Au, ŒuÚke Œu ûkrýf Au. «rŒ®ƒƒ ûkrýf nkuÞ Au, fu{ fu Œu fux÷ef ðkh
Ëu¾kÞ Au Œku fux÷ef ðkh Ëu¾kŒwt ™Úke. …ý «rŒ®ƒƒ™ku Q„{ (Eïh) þkïŒ Au. ðkMŒrðf ð]ûk™k
¼kirŒf «rŒ®ƒƒ skuzu™ku ‚tƒtÄ Œkuze ™k¾ðk™ku Au. ßÞkhu fkuE {™w»Þ™u ðuËku™ku òýfkh fnu Au íÞkhu yu
yr¼«uŒ Au fu ‚t‚kh rðþu™e yk‚rõŒ™u ðAkuzŒkt Œu™u ykðzu Au. yk òý™kh s ‚k[ku ðuËðu¥kk Au. …ý
su fuð¤ ðuËku{kt fnu÷k f{ofktz™u ð¤„e hnu Au Œu yk ‚t‚khð]ûk™kt ÷e÷kt …ktËzkt{kt «erŒƒæÄ hnu Au. Œu
ðuËku™ku WÆuþ òýŒku ™Úke. ðuËku™ku WÆuþ yk «rŒ®ƒrƒŒ ¼kirŒf ð]ûk™u r™{qo¤ fhe ykæÞkrí{f s„Œ™k
ðkMŒrðf ð]ûk™u …k{ðk™ku Au.
– y™w. {„™÷k÷ «ò…rŒ
«.-4. ™e[u yk…u÷ „ã¾tz™e ‚½™ ðk[™k fhe «§ku™k W¥khku yk…ku. (5 «§ku × 2 „wý) મેેલ ગુણ /
 k fktxk¤e fuze …h [k÷eyu Œku fktxk ¼kUfkE sðk™k y™u ðuË™k Úkðk™e, yk ƒ¤ƒ¤Œe huŒe{kt …„
કુલ ગુણ /
{qfeyu Œku yu ËkÍðk™k, …u÷k yt„khk™u nÚku÷e{kt ÷Eyu Œku VkuÕ÷ku …zðk™ku ™u yk{ sku Œfo yk„¤ [k÷u, TOTAL
fkuE yðhkuÄ rð™k, Œku yuðwt Œkhý ™ef¤u fu yk-™u «u{ fÞkuo yux÷u ykðwt Úkðk™wt s, …ý Œfo™e ¾ªxe™ku
ykÄkh ynª÷uðkÞ ™rn. ynª Œku yk{ s, ‚ns ¼kðu ƒÄwt V„kðe Ëuðk™wt, ðkhe sðk™wt, LÞkuåAkðh fhe
Ëuðk™wt. …qAðk™wt ™rn þwt. yk Œku Vq÷ …h Íkf¤ ƒ™e™u ‚hðk™e ðkŒ nŒe, fâktf ðh‚e …zðk™e ðkŒ
nŒe. Œwt Ë‚ ð»ko ðnu÷e {¤e nkuŒ Œku ykðwt ™ ÚkkŒ. Œkhk ykÔÞk …nu÷kt™ku yk ‚tƒtÄ...½q½ðŒk fk¤™kt Ë‚
ð»ko yku¤t„e™u ‚k{u rf™khu Q¼u÷k {wfwtË™ku nkÚk fkuE …fzu Œu …nu÷kt …fze ÷uðk™wt nðu þe heŒu ƒ™u ?
huŒe™k ½h™u …ý …„™e Xu‚ ™ ÷k„u yu™e fk¤S hk¾e™u yu [k÷u Au Œku ƒeswt ftE [ýu÷wt ðÄkhu ™¬h
y™u ÔÞðrMÚkŒ, yu™u Œu þe heŒu ŒkuzkÞ ? nðu Œku yk{ s, yk hMŒu s [kÕÞk fhðk™wt. yòÛÞk ƒ™ðk™wt,
‚{sËkh Úkðk™wt. {ÞkoËk, ðkMŒrðfŒk, ÷k[khe, znk…ý ƒÄkt™ku ¼kh ¾¼u ™k¾e™u [kÕÞk fhðk™wt ™u
yk{ s yk xqtfk rËð‚™e ‚kts …ze sðk™e, …ý rð‚k{ku ykððk™ku ™rn.
 uf ‚wtËh {k„o, ð]ûkAkÞku, ͤqtƒe hnu÷e …w»…¾r[Œ zk¤eyku …h …t¾e™kt „eŒ. ðuhkÞu÷kt …w»…kuÚke
{k„o …ý ht„e™ y™u fku{¤, fku{¤. W…h yk‚{k™e ht„. {kusÚke [kÕÞk fhðk™wt. þhŒ yux÷e fu
yk„¤…kA¤ òuðk™wt ™rn. yk„¤ òuðk™wt ™rn fkhý yk„¤ fþwt ykðu ™rn, …kA¤ òuðk™wt ™rn fkhý
…kA¤ fþwt Ëu¾kÞ ™rn. rð‚k{ku, …zkð, ykhk{ yuðwt ftE ™rn. [kh Ëeðk÷ðk¤wt fkuE MÚkk™ ™rn.
rðhk{™e ðkŒ ™rn. yk {w‚kVhe{kt yu™e sYh fkuEyu Mðefkhe s ™Úke. yk{kt Œku {kºk [k÷ðk™ku s
BGS-1 3

yk™tË. Úkkf ÷k„u íÞkhu yuðe RåAk ÚkkÞ fkuE ðkh fu [ýu÷e Ëeðk÷ku™e nqtV {¤u Œku ‚kÁt ÷k„u. fkuE ð]ûk
™e[u Úkku¼ðwt nkuÞ Œku Úkku¼e þfkÞ …ý yu{kt nqtV ™ {¤u. hkŒrËð‚ ¾wÕ÷k{kt [kÕÞk fhðkÚke {™ Œ÷MÞk
fhu …u÷e nqtV {kxu. ½h™e nqtV. íÞkt yÚkzkx ¼q÷e™u r™hktŒu ƒu‚kÞ, ƒkhýwt ƒtÄ fhe ƒnkh™e Ëwr™Þk™u
ƒnkh hk¾e þfkÞ. fkuE ¾÷u÷ rð™k y÷‚ „rŒyu ûkýku ‚hŒe òÞ. yuðwt ynª ƒ™u Œu{ ™Úke. {k„o
y÷ƒ¥k ‚wtËh Au …ý ynª Xhðk™wt ™Úke. yufkË-ƒu …¤ rð‚k{ku ÷eÄku …Ae …kAwt [k÷ðk™wt s Au. ðÄkhu
Úkku¼kÞ yuðwt fkuE MÚkk™ ynª ykðŒwt ™Úke. òufu yk rð[kh yk {k„o ¼ýe ykðŒkt …nu÷kt fhðku òuEŒku
nŒku. nðu yneÚke …kAk sðwt fuðe heŒu y™u fâkt ?
Œ k¤eyku™k „z„zkxÚke yu™e Œtÿk Œqxe. fkuý þwt ƒkuÕÞwt yu™e ¾ƒh …ze ™rn. {wfwtË …qAu fu …u÷kyu {khu
{kxu þwt fÌkwt Œku yu™kÚke sðkƒ ™ y…kÞ. yuýu fþwt ‚kt¼éÞwt s ™nkuŒwt. ™ ykðe nkuŒ Œku ‚kÁt ÚkkŒ
yu{ ÷køÞwt yu{kt …kAwt {wfwtË™u ¾hkƒ ÷k„u, su …rhrMÚkrŒ ‚{S-rð[khe™u Mðefkhe yu{kt VrhÞkË ™rn
fhðk™e. {U Œ™u AuŒhe Au ? ftE ‚tŒkzâwt Au ŒkhkÚke ? yu{ Œku fþwt ÚkkÞ ™rn. yk{kt Œku y‚k{kLÞ ƒ™e
sðk™wt. ‚k{kLÞ Mºkeyku suðe ‚k{kLÞ RåAk yu™u nkuðe s ™ òuEyu. yk‚…k‚ òuÞwt. fux÷ef ykt¾ku
ƒnw rðr[ºk heŒu yu™e ‚k{u Œkfe hne nŒe. yu shk ‚tfku[kE „E. Úkkuze {qtÍðý ÚkE ykðe. …Ae zkuf
xxkh fhe™u yuýu {wfwtË ‚k{u òuÞwt. {tËkƒnu™™e ƒksw{kt ƒuXu÷ku {wfwtË ‚kð yòÛÞku nkuÞ yuðwt ÷k„Œwt nŒwt.
‚kûke¼kðu yu ƒÄwt skuE hne. s÷Ëe …Œu Œku ‚kÁt nðu.
„ý„ýkxÚke nkì÷ Q¼hkE „Þku yux÷u nkþ y™w¼ðŒe yu ¾qýk{kt Q¼e hne. …rhr[Œ [nuhkyku
yuf{uf ‚k{u {÷fkŒk nŒk, fâktf nkÚk Ÿ[k ÚkŒk nŒk, ™{Mfkh™e {wÿk{kt òuzkŒk nŒk, yku¤¾ký
ŒkS ÚkŒe nŒe. yu™u ¾ƒh nŒe fu ykðk fkuE ‚{kht¼ …Ae {wfwtË™u {éÞk ð„h [k÷e sðkÚke yu™u
¾kuxwt ÷k„ðk™wt. ƒeswt Œku ftE ™rn, ‚nus n‚e™u nwt òô Awt yu{ fnuðwt s …zu. r{ºkku-‚tƒtÄeyku™k xku¤k™u
ðªÄe™u ykðŒk {wfwtË™u ¾kM‚e ðkh ÷k„e. {wfwtË™u yk…u÷ku ÷k÷ „w÷kƒ™ku „wåA {tËkƒnu™™k nkÚk{kt
nŒku. {wfwtË ™Sf ykÔÞku. fuðe heŒu ykðe Au Œwt... sŒe hnuŒe ™rn. Œ™u fkuE {qfe sþu. yÚkðk Œwt Úkku¼,
n{ýkt {tËk™u {qfe™u ykðwt Awt. ™k, ™k, yu WŒkð¤Úke ƒku÷e. {khu fâkt Ëqh sðk™wt Au. rhûkk {¤e sþu
yÚkðk [k÷e ™k¾eþ. Œ{u òð. yk{ …ý {kuzwt ÚkÞwt Au. yu™ku yðks yfkhý ÄkhËkh ƒ™e „Þku. ðk„u
yuðku. fu{ Œu Œku ‚{òÞwt ™rn. fËk[ {tËkƒnu™™wt rM{Œ yu™wt fkhý nkuE þfu. …kA¤ …ze Au Œwt {wfwtË™e,
…ý {khk rfÕ÷k{ktÚke Axfðwt ‚nu÷wt ™Úke. yu™u …qhe hk¾eþ. Œkhu Œku ƒnkh s Q¼k hnuðwt …zþu. y™u
ƒnkh {kuf÷eþ Œku…ý Ëkuhe ƒktÄe™u, Ëkuhe ¾U[kþu fu …kAku ytËh. {tËkƒnu™ Vhe {hfâkt y™u yrÄfkhÚke
{wfwtË™k Mfqxh …h „kuXðkÞkt. ykðku r{r‚‚ ‚kÚku fkuE ðkh. yk…ýku ƒt„÷ku Au W¼hkx{kt. ƒÄe ‚„ðz
Au. fkuE ÷¤e÷¤e™u {wfwtË™u fnuŒwt nŒwt. sYh ykðeþwt. ™k, yuf÷ku ™rn–y{u ƒt™u. yu{™u yuðwt ™u fu fk{
ƒnw ™u ‚{Þ {¤u ™rn. yu Œku 𾌠fkZðku …zu. yk ð¾Œu sYh r™hktŒu ykðeþwt. ƒ‚ íÞkhu, ™ef¤eyu.
Mfqxhu „rŒ …fze íÞkhu {wfwtËu ¾hu¾h …kA¤ òuÞwt fu yu™u yuðwt ÷køÞwt ? {tËkƒnu™ yu™e ‚k{u nMÞkt yu{kt
zt¾ nŒku fu rðsÞ™ku yuf ¢qh rðf]Œ yk™tË ? Äe{u Äe{u yuýu yu™k hMŒk ŒhV [k÷ðk {ktzâwt. ¾k‚
fþku rð[kh ykðŒku ™nkuŒku. ftE y‚kÄkhý ƒLÞwtÞ ™nkuŒwt. ykðwt Œku ƒ™u s Au fux÷kt ð»kkuoÚke AŒkt fþe
ƒ¤Œhk ÚkŒe nŒe. ™e[e ™sh hk¾e yuýu Íz… ðÄkhe. {wfwtË ½uh …nkU[e „Þku nþu. {tËkƒnu™u …‚o{ktÚke
[kðe fkZe ƒkhýwt ¾kuÕÞwt nþu. ‚{eh yu™k Y{{kt nþu. yu™u Œf÷eV ™ …zu {kxu yk{ ƒnkh Œk¤wt {khe™u
s yu ÷kufku ™ef¤Œkt. ƒt™u fkÞo¢{™e ðkŒku fhŒkt nþu. …Ae f…zkt ƒË÷e {wfwtË ‚qðk sþu. yu™e …kA¤
s {tËkƒnu™... yuf yuf …„÷wt ðs™Ëkh ƒ™e „Þwt. Úkkf ÷k„Œku nŒku y™u Úkkf™ku rð[kh ykÔÞku íÞkhu
s yu™u ÷køÞwt fu …u÷ku hMŒku yuýu fÕ…u÷ku yux÷ku ‚wtËh ™nkuŒku. yu ¼Þk™f nŒku, hnMÞ{Þ nŒku, fk¤swt
ÚkÚkhe QXu yux÷ku rƒnk{ýku y™u r™so™, ¾k‚ Œku ßÞkhu yu hMŒu yk{ yuf÷kt s [k÷ðk™wt nkuÞ íÞkhu.
yu™u ÚkÞwt ykx÷wt [kÕÞk AŒkt ½h fu{ ™Úke ykðŒwt ?
– rn{ktþe þu÷Œ
4 BGS-1


4.1 ™krÞfk y™u {wfwtË™ku ‚tƒtÄ ðýoðku.

4.2 ™krÞfk™e «u{™e rð¼kð™k þwt Au ?
4.3 ™krÞfk™ku ‚t½»ko ðýoðku.
4.4 'yu™u ÚkÞwt ykx÷wt [kÕÞk AŒkt ½h fu{ ™Úke ykðŒwt ?’ – yk rðÄk™ ‚{òðku.
4.5 'RŒhk’ þe»kof™ku yÚko þwt fheyu ?
મેેલ ગુણ /
«.-5. R‚hku™k «{w¾©e™wt [tÿÞk™-2 y™u [tÿÞk™-3 ðå[u hnu÷k ¼uË™e òýfkhe yk…Œwt yki…[krhf MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /
WËTçkkuÄ™ ŒiÞkh fhku. (ykþhu 150 þçËku) TOTAL

મેેલ ગુણ /
«.-6. ‚k{krsf LÞkÞ y™u yrÄfkheŒk rð¼k„, „wshkŒ hkßÞ™k yrÄf {wÏÞ ‚r[ð©e™wt rfLLkhku™k ‚ðkO„e OBTAINED
rðfk‚ {kxu W…÷çÄ r¼LLk ‚hfkhe Þkus™kyku™e {krnŒe yk…Œwt «[kh {kæÞ{ku {kxu™wt r™ðuË™ કુલ ગુણ /
ŒiÞkh fhku. (ykþhu 150 þçËku) TOTAL

મેેલ ગુણ /
«.-7. ònuh¾ƒhku ƒòh™u fuðe heŒu r™ÞtrºkŒ fhu Au yu rðþu™kt yð÷kuf™ku ðýoðŒku …ºk 'y ƒ f’ ™u ÷¾ku. MARKS

(ykþhu 150 þçËku) કુલ ગુણ /


મેેલ ગુણ /
«.-8. f÷kr™{koý™e «r¢Þk xuf™ku÷kìSÚke fuðe heŒu «¼krðŒ ÚkE hne Au yu yt„u™wt [[ko…ºk 'f ¾ „’ OBTAINED
Ëir™f…ºk™k Œtºke©e™u ÷¾ku. (ykþhu 150 þçËku)
કુલ ગુણ /

«.-9. ™e[u yk…u÷ Arƒ™wt rð~÷u»ký fhe Œ{khkt h[™kí{f r™heûkýku rð„Œu ÷¾ku. (ykþhu 150 þçËku) મેેલ ગુણ /
કુલ ગુણ /
BGS-1 5

«.-10. Œ{u ÷eÄu÷e „wshkŒ™k «r‚æÄ r[ºkrðr[ºk {u¤k™e {w÷kfkŒ™k y™w¼ðku™u hsq fhŒku ynuðk÷ ÷¾ku. મેેલ ગુણ /
(ykþhu 150 þçËku) MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /

«.-11. „wshkŒe [÷r[ºkku™k RrŒnk‚™k LkkUÄ…kºk rMÚkíÞtŒhku rðþu 'z’ y™u 'x’ h‚«Ë [[ko fhe hÌkk Au. મેેલ ગુણ /
yu [[ko{kt ÚkÞu÷k ‚tðkË™u ðýoðku. (ykþhu 150 þçËku) MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /

મેેલ ગુણ /
«.-12. yk…u÷ yt„úuS h[™k™ku „wshkŒe{kt y™wðkË fhku.
કુલ ગુણ /
Pomegranate TOTAL
First he gave me MARKS: 10

his heart. It was

red fruit containing
many seeds, the skin
leathery, unlikely.
I preferred
to starve, bearing
out my training.
Then he said Behold
how the world looks, minding
your mother. I
peered under his arm:
What had she done
with color & odor?
Whereupon he said Now there
is a woman who loves
with a vengeance, adding
Consider she is in her element:
the trees turning to her, whole
villages going under
although in hell
the bushes are still
burning with pomegranates.
At which
he cut one open & began
to suck. When he looked up at last
it was to say My dear
you are your own
woman, finally, but examine
this grief your mother
parades over our heads
that she is one to whom
these depths were not offered.
– Louise Glück
6 BGS-1

‚q[™k «{kýu „wshkŒe ÔÞkfhý™u ÷„Œk «§ku™k W¥khku yk…ku. (10 «§ku × 2 „wý)
«.-13. મેેલ ગુણ /
13.1 : YrZ«Þku„ku™ku yÚko yk…e Œu{™ku ðkfâ{kt «Þku„ fhku. MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /
13.1.1 …kt[{e fŒkrhÞku TOTAL
13.1.2 ‚hkzu [zðwt
13.2 :
fnuðŒku™ku yÚko ‚{òðku.
13.2.1 {w‚k¼kE™kt ðk ™u …kýe
13.2.2 ƒÄkt …k÷¾eyu ƒu‚u íÞkhu Ÿ[fu fkuý ?
13.3 :
‚{k‚™ku rð„ún fhe Œu™e yku¤¾ yk…ku.
13.3.1 «íÞûk
13.3.2 ‚rð™Þ
13.4 :
…trõŒyku™k AtË yku¤¾kðku.
13.4.1 hrð Œus [tÿ{Þ þeŒ¤Œk, „wý „kÞ ‚ðo s™ yk… Œýk.
13.4.2 ÿki…Ëe ÓËÞ{kt ƒnw …ezk, …k{Œe Mðs™ ‚k{wt r™nk¤u;
hkÞ, yso™ ðËu ™nª ™k™k, ¼e{ hku»k {™{kt ƒnw …k{u.
13.5 :
y÷tfkh yku¤¾kðku.
13.5.1 ‚wËk{k™k ði¼ð yk„¤ fwƒuh Œu fkuý {kºk ?
13.5.2 fhkð þwt r™»V¤ ¿kk™ ‚ðo yk ?
Úk™kh [eòu ™ð ÚkkÞ yLÞÚkk.
13.6 : þçË‚{qnku {kxu yuf þçË yk…ku.
13.6.1 þheh™ku ™e[÷ku ¼k„
13.6.2 „kzkt ¼kzu Vuhð™kh

13.7 :
þçËku™e òuzýe ‚wÄkhku.
13.7.1 þkirðhe
13.7.2 …heðúkrsfk
13.8 :
ðkfâku{kt skuzýe, rðhk{r[öku y™u ðkfâh[™k™e ¼q÷ku ‚wÄkhku.
13.8.1 Rïhf]»ý : fr…÷ îkhk «ðrŒoŒ y™u yk‚whe-…t[rþ¾ ykrË îkhk ‚tðrÄoŒ {wÏÞ
‚kÏÞ rð[khÄkhk™k …whMfŒko y™u «r‚Ø ‚kÏÞfkrhfk™k fŒko.
13.8.2 ™ðk ykðk‚™e ÞwfŒŒk, «‚hŒk ‚Sðku™e ÞwfŒŒk y™u yk ƒu …rhƒ¤ku™wt
…hM…h ‚kr{ÃÞ.
13.9 :
þçËku™e ‚trÄ òuzku y™u Akuzku.
13.9.1 þçË™e ‚trÄ òuzku
rð + ‚{
13.9.2 þçË™e ‚trÄ Akuzku
BGS-1 7

13.10 : ðkfâh[™k yt„u yk…u÷ ‚q[™k {wsƒ W¥kh yk…ku.

13.10.1 yÚko ò¤ðe™u ykùÞoðkfâ{kt Vuhðku.
™Ëe ½ýe ÷ktƒe Au.
13.10.2 yÚko ò¤ðe™u rðÄk™ðkfâ{kt Vuhðku.
þe fuŒfe™e Äehs !
8 BGS-1
BGS-2 1

Subject : ENGLISH

Question Paper 2

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 150

મેેલ ગુણ /
Note: Marks of the question are indicated on the right. OBTAINED
1. Write an essay on any ONE of the following in minimum 250 to maximum
300 words. It must exhibit your grasp and critical understanding of the
subject in the best possible individual style having originality of thought કુલ ગુણ /
and expression. It must be well-argued piece of writing coherently and MARKS: 20

sequentially with observance of grammatical rules.

I. India has quite efficiently managed its geopolitics.
II. “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do
are in harmony.”
III. Students are not just learners but also contributors to the nation’s
growth and progress
IV. Artificial Intelligence can become the strongest tool for development.
V. “We’re running out of time but not out of options to address climate

2. Imagine you are a Mamlatdar in a tribal taluka. Through its various tribal
મેેલ ગુણ /
welfare programmes, the Government aims to ensure a high quality social OBTAINED
and civil infrastructure and thereby create sustainable employment in tribal
areas to increase the income of tribal families. Your senior officer has sought
કુલ ગુણ /
your opinion about how a Public-Private Partnership model can be worked TOTAL
out in the given local conditions to achieve the goal of the Government. MARKS: 10

Write a letter, in about 150 words, to your senior officer offering needful
મેેલ ગુણ /
3. It has come to the notice of the local administration that the vendors at the MARKS

vegetable market are using the banned plastic bags. The administration
wants to create an awareness among the vendors as well as the customers કુલ ગુણ /
about its environmental hazards. Draft PUBLIC APPEAL, in about 150 words, TOTAL
creating the needful awareness on the said concern.
મેેલ ગુણ /
4. Write a report, in about 150 words, on your recent visit to the official State OBTAINED
level celebrations of the Republic Day at Junagadh.

કુલ ગુણ /

BGS-2 QP 2024.indd 1 08-02-2024 10:03:34

2 BGS-2

5. Reflect on the following picture with meaningful observations in about મેેલ ગુણ /
150 words. OBTAINED

કુલ ગુણ /

મેેલ ગુણ /

6. Draft an inaugural speech, in about 150 words, to be delivered by the

honorable Chief Minister of Gujarat on the occasion of the opening of a new કુલ ગુણ /
Civil, Cancer & Eye Hospital in North Gujarat. MARKS: 15

7. Write a precis of the following passage in about one-third of its original મેેલ ગુણ /
length. OBTAINED

The mining industry faces extreme and multi-faceted challenges in both

security and safety. The key concern of security managers in the mining કુલ ગુણ /
sector is keeping employees safe, however, they are also tasked with TOTAL
preventing theft of valuable raw materials and equipment, choosing
equipment that can work in extreme environmental conditions, maintaining
compliance with health, safety and environmental regulations.

Mining security faces three main challenges: harsh conditions, large

areas and high costs for installing comprehensive solutions. Compared
to commercial-use security systems, mine security systems must work
in harsh environments. Dust, humidity, fog, low light, heavy water flow,
flammable gases and extreme temperature are common. At the depths
of mines, the temperatures could reach in excess of 45 degrees Celsius
and the environment is constantly moist and humid. The outside climate
can also be challenging with freezing temperatures in winter or searing
desert heat in summer. Therefore, equipment, like mine cameras, needs
to be ruggedized and customized to mining operations. Operators need
sealed, waterproof units with vibration dampers, which can function over
a wide temperature range. All cables need to be secured in airtight or
waterproof material, preventing dust and other particles from damaging
them. Explosion-proof devices must be installed with appropriate cable
management systems.

BGS-2 QP 2024.indd 2 08-02-2024 10:03:34

BGS-2 3

Employee safety is the primary concern in the harsh working environments in

mines, and verifying authorized personnel is the first step in accomplishing
this. Access control at mines should only admit personnel who passed
safety inductions, medical checks and training. Added features include
license renewal and expiry notifications. Management is increasingly aware
of the cost related to worker safety failures, loss of lives and loss of material
and equipment. Other than passing government regulations, increasing the
level of security and safety could save money, increase productivity, reduce
losses in infrastructure and cut production downtime.

8. Read the following passage carefully and answer questions that follow: મેેલ ગુણ /
 (5 × 3 = 15) MARKS

The Indian Textile Industry represents a rich and diverse spectrum of

activities with the hand-woven sector on one end and the capital-intensive કુલ ગુણ /
mill sector on the other. The spectrum includes activities in the decentralized MARKS: 15

power looms, hosiery and knitting sectors, the handicrafts segments and
also covers a wide range of fibers which include man-made fiber, cotton, silk,
jute and wool. The Indian textile sector is exclusive in comparison to that of
other countries owing to the close linkage of the industry to agriculture and
also due to linkage with the culture and traditions of the country.

This industry is basically dependent on the raw materials produced from

agriculture. India is the largest producer of jute in the world. India is the
second largest producer of textile in the world and is the third largest
producer of cotton and also the largest consumer of cotton consumption
after US and China. It provides the highest employment after the agriculture
sector. In the world’s leading exporters, the Indian textile sector has made
a unique identity. But its unorganized structure allows it to push something
backward at the technological level, mainly due to the inadequate finance
capital. The sector providing employment to the people at a very large level
is facing the challenges of inclusive growth. The workers of the unorganized
units get less wage as compared to other sectors. It makes such people
not only socially unsecured but also deprived of basic medical health and
education facilities.

Why Indian Textile Industry is referred as having rich and diverse
spectrum of activities?
II. What makes Indian textile sector exclusive?
III. How has the Indian textile sector established its unique identity among
the world’s leading exporters?
IV. What is the cause of concern in the Indian textile sector?
V. Give a suitable title to the passage.

BGS-2 QP 2024.indd 3 08-02-2024 10:03:34

4 BGS-2

9. Do as directed:  (20 × 1 = 20) મેેલ ગુણ /

Choose the correct answer from the given options and darken the OBTAINED
circle () as well as write the correct answer in the bracket (CAPITAL
LETTER) as per the sample given below:
કુલ ગુણ /
Sample Ans.: ( C )   (A)   (B)   (C)   (D)   (E)  TOTAL

When the accused entered the courtroom, his relatives ________ him
because he ________ hair and a beard. He looked totally different.
(A) didn’t recognized / had grown
(B) hadn’t recognized / grew
(C) didn’t recognize / had grown
(D) didn’t recognized / had been growing
(E) hadn’t recognized / was growing

He invited me to dinner. But it _____ two years since I _____ to his
house. So, I lost my way.
(A) was / have gone
(B) was / had gone
(C) is / went
(D) has been / went
(E) is / have been

The swimmer ________ to be in difficulty, but he ________ to reach the
shore in the end.
(A) seemed / has managed
(B) seems / manages
(C) has seemed /had managed
(D) was to seem / had managed
(E) seemed / managed

She likes experimenting with different cuisines. (Change the voice)

(A) Different cuisines are being experimented with by her.
(B) Experimenting with different cuisines has been liked by her.
(C) Different cuisines likes experimenting with by her.

(D) Experimenting with different cuisines is liked by her.
(E) Different cuisines are having been liked with by her by experimenting.

Whom did you laugh at? (Change the voice)
(A) Who was laughed at by you?

(B) You were laughed at by whom?
(C) You were laughed.

(D) Did you laugh at who?
(E) Whom were you laughed at by?

BGS-2 QP 2024.indd 4 08-02-2024 10:03:34

BGS-2 5

She said, “It took me two years to reduce the excess weight.” (Change
the narration)

(A) She said that it has taken two years to reduce the excess weight
(B) She said that it had taken her two years to reduce the excess weight.
(C) She said that it takes two years to reduce the excess weight.
(D) She said that it would take her two years to reduce the excess

(E) She said that it had already taken two years to reduce the excess

The girl wondered where the puppies had gone. (Change the narration)
(A) The girl said, “Oh! Where had the puppies gone?”
(B) The girl said, “Oh! Where have the puppies gone?”
(C) The girl said, “Oh! Where the puppies have gone?”
(D) The girl said, “Oh! Where are the puppies?”
(E) The girl said, “Oh! The puppies had gone?”

I failed to notice the broken window. (Transform the sentence into a
negative sentence without changing its meaning)
(A) I did not fail to notice the broken window.
(B) I did not notice the broken window.
(C) I did not failed to notice the broken window.
(D) I successfully noticed the broken window.
(E) I did successfully noticed the broken window.

9. He is ___ LLB student and is aiming to become ___ judge.

(A) an, a
(B) a, the
(C) the, a
(D) the, the

(E) None of the above.

10. All the students took the quiz, but only ______ could solve it.

(A) few
(B) a few
(C) little
(D) the little

(E) many

BGS-2 QP 2024.indd 5 08-02-2024 10:03:34

6 BGS-2

It is due to her lethargy that the plan fell____.

(A) through
(B) out
(C) away

(D) in
(E) of

12. A preface ___________ a book introduces the book.

(A) by
(B) to
(C) of
(D) over

(E) around
He has built a big business empire through his sharp practices.
(Choose the correct meaning of the underlined expression)

(A) Sharp intelligence
(B) Keen business skills
(C) Extreme hard work
(D) Sheer dedication

(E) Dishonest dealings
The meaning of antecedent is ________.
(A) Medicine dose given to counteract effect of poison
(B) Dose of vaccine
(C) Unexpected happening or event
(D) Due diligence

(E) Someone or something existing or happening before
Choose the synonym of ‘vehement’.

(A) Forceful
(B) Thorough
(C) Accessories
(D) Infection
(E) Mode of transport
16. Choose the correct antonym of ‘turpitude’.

(A) Solitude
(B) Atmospheric disturbance
(C) Virtue
(D) Altitude
(E) Excess heat

BGS-2 QP 2024.indd 6 08-02-2024 10:03:34

BGS-2 7

Choose the one-word substitution for ‘words inscribed on Tombs’.
(A) Epistle
(B) Epitome
(C) Epitaph
(D) Epilogue
(E) Epitime

The old man walked carefully with his heavy load____ he should fall

(A) even though
(B) although

(C) lest
(D) unless
(E) until

The lawyer dismissed his clerk because he was __________ polite to
his clients. (Select the correct prefix)

(A) un

(B) dis

(C) mis

(D) im

(E) a

20. The king died ___________.

(A) hierless

(B) heirless

(C) heriless

(D) hereless

(E) hareless

BGS-2 QP 2024.indd 7 08-02-2024 10:03:34

8 BGS-2

10. Translate the following passage from Gujarati into English. મેેલ ગુણ /
Sð™{kt su ™¬e fÞwO Au Œu fhðk {kxu ykí{rðïk‚ ‚kiÚke ðÄw sYhe Au. Mðk{e rððufk™tË Eïh{kt
rðïk‚ fhðk fhŒkt …kuŒk™k{kt rðïk‚ ÔÞfŒ fhðk™wt sýkðu Au. “…nu÷kt fnuðkŒwt nŒwt fu, Eïh{kt
કુલ ગુણ /
rðïk‚ ™rn fhðkðk¤ku ™krMŒf Au. nwt fnwt Awt fu, su™u …kuŒk™k{kt rðïk‚ ™Úke yu ™krMŒf Au.” yk…ýu TOTAL
yk…ýe þrfŒyku™e …heûkk fÞko ð„h s Œu™u {ÞkorËŒ fhe ËeÄe Au. yk…ýu yu{ {k™e™u [k÷eyu Aeyu fu
yk…ýu ykx÷wt s fhe þfeyu, sÞkhu yk…ýe þrfŒyku y{ÞkoË Au. òu Þwðk™ku ÿZ r™Äkoh fhu Œku Œu{™k
{kxu þwt yþõÞ Au ? yk…ýu ‚k{kLÞ ÔÞrfŒyku™e y‚k{kLÞ r‚rØykuÚke ykùÞo[rfŒ …ý ÚkE sEyu
Aeyu y™u Œu{™kt ð¾ký …ý fheyu Aeyu, …htŒw þwt yk…ýu yu{™k{ktÚke «uhýk {u¤ðeyu Aeyu ? þwt
yk…ýe ¼eŒh yk ykí{rðïk‚ …uËk ÚkkÞ Au fu yk…ýu …ý ykðwt ftEf fhe þfeyu ? Mðk{eS yk…
ý™u yu «uhýk …qhe …kzu Au fu Sð™{kt yk…ýe ykswƒksw ƒ™ðkðk¤e ™k™e-{kuxe, ‚fkhkí{f-™fkhkí{f
ƒÄes ½x™kyku yk…ý™u yk…ýe y{ÞkoË þrfŒ™u «fx fhðk™e Œf …qhe …kzu Au.

BGS-2 QP 2024.indd 8 08-02-2024 10:03:34

BGS-3 1

rð»kÞ fkuz / Subject Code : BGS-3

ÃkuÃkh-3 : rLkçktÄ ({wÏÞ Ãkheûkk - ðýoLkkí{f)
Paper-3 : Essay (Main Exam-Descriptive)
fw÷ økwý : 150 {kæÞ{ : økwshkíke / ytøkúuS Mk{Þ : 3 f÷kf
Total Marks : 150 Medium : Gujarati / English Time : 3 Hours
‚q[™kyku / Instructions :
• yk «§…ºk{kt ºký rð¼k„ Au.
This question paper has three sections.
• Ëhuf rð¼køkLkk 50 økwý Au.
Each section carries 50 marks
• Ëhuf rð¼k„{ktÚke fkuEÃký yuf rð»kÞ …h r™ƒtÄ ÷¾ku.
Write an essay on any one topic from each section.
• r™ƒtÄ ðÄw{kt ðÄw ykX‚ku (800) þçËku{kt ÷¾ku.
Write an essay in a maximum of eight hundred (800) words.

rð¼k„ (A) / Section (A)

1. «u{™e {khe rð¼kð™k મેેલ ગુણ /
My concept of Love MARKS

2. Mºke, sL{Œe ™Úke …ý ƒ™Œe òÞ Au.

કુલ ગુણ /
One is not born a woman, but becomes one. TOTAL
3. ÔÞrõŒ {™w»Þíð fuðe heŒu «kÃík fhe þfu ?
How a person can attain humanity ?

rð¼k„ (B) / Section (B)

1. ‚kt«Œ ðirïf hksfkhý™kt ™irŒf {qÕÞku મેેલ ગુણ /
The ethical values of contemporary global politics OBTAINED

2. 21{e ‚Ëe{kt {™w»Þ ‚k{u Q¼k ÚkÞu÷kt þkherhf MðkMÚÞ ‚tƒtrÄŒ …zfkhku
Physical health related challenges facing human being in the 21st century કુલ ગુણ /
3. ð»ko 2050™u æÞk™{kt hk¾e™u {æÞ{ð„eoÞ ¼khŒeÞ …rhðkh™e hkufký rð»kÞf ™erŒyku
Investment policies of an Indian middle class family keeping in view year 2050
2 BGS-3

rð¼k„ (C) / Section (C)

1. ‚t½»ko yux÷u þwt ? મેેલ ગુણ /
What is a conflict ? OBTAINED

2. Œ{khk {kxu E.‚. 1947 …Ae, Ëuþ™e fE ‚kiÚke {n¥ð™e ºký ½x™kyku™k «¼kð nuX¤ yks™k
¼khŒ™wt r™{koý ÚkÞwt ? કુલ ગુણ /
After 1947 A.D., according to your opinion, which three most important events MARKS: 50
of the country have influenced the emergence of today’s India ?

3. f÷k™w¼ðÚke fuÚkkr‚o‚ (rðhu[™) ÚkkÞ Au.

The experience of Art leads to Catharsis.
BGS-4 1

rð»kÞ fkuz / Subject Code : BGS-4

ÃkuÃkh-4 : Mkk{kLÞ yÇÞkMk-1 ({wÏÞ Ãkheûkk - ðýoLkkí{f)
Paper-4 : General Studies-1 (Main Exam-Descriptive)
fw÷ økwý : 150  Mk{Þ : 3 f÷kf
Total Marks : 150 Time : 3 Hours
સૂ ૂચનાા :
1. «&™¢{ktf 1 Úke 15
1. Question No. 1 to 15
2. çkÄk s 15 «&™kuLkk sðkçk ÷¾ðkLkk Au.
2. Attempt all 15 questions.
3. Ëhuf «&™Lkk 10 økwý Au.
3. Each question carries 10 marks
4. sðkçk ykþhu 200 þçËku{kt ÷¾ðkLkk Au.
4. Answer should be given approximately in 200 words.

«.-1. rðsÞLkøkh Mkk{úkßÞLke MkktMf]ríkf yLku f÷kí{f rMkÂjykuLkwt ðýoLk fhku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.-1. Assess the cultural and artistic achievements of the Vijayanagar empire. MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /
«.-2.  ku÷k þkMkfku þÂõíkþk¤e rðsuíkkyku, fkÞoûk{ ðneðxfíkkoyku yLku MkwtËh {trËhkuLkk rLk{koíkk níkk.
– rxÃÃkýe fhku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.-2. The Chola rulers were mighty conquerors, efficient administrators and
કુલ ગુણ /
builders of fine temples. – Comment. TOTAL

«.-3. Ã ÷kMkeLke ÷zkEyu ¼khík{kt ytøkúuS RMx RÂLzÞk ftÃkLkeLke hksfeÞ MkðkuoÃkrhíkkLke þYykík fhe. – [[ko મેેલ ગુણ /
fhku. MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /
Q.-3. The Battle of Plassey marked the beginning of political supremacy of TOTAL
English East India Co. in India. – Discuss.

મેેલ ગુણ /
«.-4. Mðíktºk Mktøkúk{{kt, ¾kMk fheuLku økktÄeÞwøk Ëhr{ÞkLk {rn÷kykuLke ¼qr{fkLke [[ko fhku. OBTAINED
Q.-4. Discuss the role of women in the freedom struggle especially during the કુલ ગુણ /
Gandhian era. MARKS: 10

«.-5.  khíkeÞ hsðkzkykuLkk yufefhýLke «r¢Þk{kt {wÏÞ ðneðxe {wÆkyku yLku Mkk{krsf-MkktMf]ríkf
¼ મેેલ ગુણ /
Mk{MÞkykuLkwt {qÕÞktfLk fhku. OBTAINED
કુલ ગુણ /
Q.-5. Assess the main administrative issues and socio-cultural problems in the TOTAL
integration process of Indian Princely States.
2 BGS-4

«.-6. ¼khík{kt fhðk{kt ykðíke {kxe yLku {kxefk{/fwt¼khfk{Lke fux÷ef þi÷e Mk{òðku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.-6. Explain some of the clay and pottery work style performed in India.
કુલ ગુણ /
«.-7. ¼khíkLkk fkuEÃký çku ÞwLkuMfku ðÕzo nurhxus MÚk¤kuLke rðþu»kíkkyku Mk{òðku.
મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.-7. Explain the characteristics of any two UNESCO World Heritage Sites in MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /
India. TOTAL

«.-8. økwshkíke ¼k»kkLkwt MkkrníÞ ½ýwt Mk{]æÄ Au. WËknhý MkkÚku Mk{òðku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.-8. The literature of Gujarati language is very rich. Explain with example.
કુલ ગુણ /
«.-9. W¥kh-Ãkqðo ¼khíkLkk fkuEÃký çku {níðÃkqýo íknuðkhku Mk{òðku.
મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.-9. Explain any two important festivals of North-East India. MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /
«.-10. ¼khíkeÞ Ãkkihkrýf fÚkk, f÷k yLku MÚkkÃkíÞ{kt ®Mkn yLku çk¤ËLke ykf]ríkLkk {níðLke [[ko fhku. MARKS: 10

મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.-10. Discuss the significance of the lion and bull figures in Indian mythology, OBTAINED

art and architecture. કુલ ગુણ /


«.-11. ‘¼khíkLkk ÔÞqnkí{f ykÞkusLk {kxu ¼kiøkkur÷f/ðMíke rð»kÞf {krníke ¾qçk s {níðÃkqýo Au.’ – ðkõÞLkwt
મેેલ ગુણ /
{qÕÞktfLk fhku. MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /
Q.-11. ‘Geographical/demographic information is very important for strategic MARKS: 10

planning of India.’– Evaluate the sentence.

મેેલ ગુણ /
«.-12. LkËeykuLku yufçkeò MkkÚku òuzðkÚke ¼khík{kt ¾kíkheÃkqðofLke ®Mk[kE yLku ík{k{ nðk{kLk{kt yktíkhËuþeÞ OBTAINED
LkurðøkuþLkLkku {wÏÞ Mºkkuík çkLke þfu Au. – {qÕÞktfLk fhku. કુલ ગુણ /
Q.-12. Interlinking of rivers may serve as major source of assured irrigation and
all-weather inland navigation in India. – Evaluate.

મેેલ ગુણ /
«.-13. ðuMxLko rzMxçkoLMkLkku yÚko Mk{òðku ? ¼khík{kt ykçkkunðkLku «¼krðík fhðk{kt íkuLke ¼qr{fkLke [[ko fhku. OBTAINED
કુલ ગુણ /
Q.-13. What do you understand by western disturbances ? Discuss its role in
influencing climate in India.
BGS-4 3

«.-14. COP28Lkk Ãkrhýk{ yLku ¼khík îkhk íku{kt ¼sððk{kt ykðu÷e ¼qr{fkLke [[ko fhku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.-14. Discuss the outcome of COP28 and the role played by India in it.
કુલ ગુણ /

«.-15.  ¼khík{kt økh{eLkku (Hot waves) Mk{Þøkk¤ku ðÄw ÷ktçkku yLku ðÄw Mk½Lk çkLkðkLke yÃkuûkk Au.”
“ મેેલ ગુણ /
– rðøkíkðkh Mk{òðku. MARKS

Q.-15. “Hot waves are expected to become longer and more intensive in India.” કુલ ગુણ /
– Explain in detail. MARKS: 10
4 BGS-4
BGS-5 1

rð»kÞ fkuz / Subject Code : BGS-5

ÃkuÃkh-5 : Mkk{kLÞ yÇÞkMk-2 ({wÏÞ Ãkheûkk - ðýoLkkí{f)
Paper-5 : General Studies-2 (Main Exam – Descriptive)
fw÷ økwý : 150 Mk{Þ : 3 f÷kf
Total Marks : 150 Time : 3 Hours
Mkq[Lkk : 1. «&™¢{ktf 1 Úke 15
1. Question No. 1 to 15
2. çkÄk s 15 «&™kuLkk sðkçk ÷¾ðkLkk Au.
2. Attempt all 15 questions.
3. Ëhuf «&™Lkk 10 økwý Au.
3. Each question carries 10 marks
4. sðkçk ykþhu 200 þçËku{kt ÷¾ðkLkk Au.
4. Answer should be given approximately in 200 words.

«.-1. çktÄkhýeÞ MkðkuoÃkrhíkk yÚkðk MktMkËeÞ Mkkðo¼ki{íð{ktÚke fkuLke MkðkuoÃkrhíkk Au ? ík{khk sðkçkLku ÞkuøÞ મેેલ ગુણ /
Xuhðku. MARKS

Q.-1. Which one is having the Supremacy – Constitutional Supremacy or Parliamentary કુલ ગુણ /
Sovereignty ? Justify your answer. TOTAL

«.-2. çktÄkhýeÞ ÷kufþkne Mk¥kkLkk rð¼ksLkLkk rMkæÄktík Ãkh ykÄkheík Au. ¾w÷kMkkðkh Mk{òðku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.-2. Constitutional Democracy is based on the principle of separation of power. Elucidate. MARKS

કુલ ગુણ /
«.-3.  nuh rníkLke yhS þwt Au ? fÞk «fkhLke yÃke÷ ònuh rníkLke yhSLkk {k¤¾k{kt ykðíke LkÚke ?
ík{khk sðkçkLku ÞkuøÞ Xuhððk WËknhýku ykÃkku.
મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.-3. What is Public Interest Litigation ? Which type of appeals do not fall within the MARKS
framework of Public Interest Litigation ? Give examples to justify your answer.
કુલ ગુણ /
«.-4. fuþðkLktË ¼khíke fuMk{kt Mkðkuoå[ yËk÷íkLkk Mke{kr[öYÃk [qfkËkLke yMkh yLku Ãkrhýk{kuLke rððu[Lkkí{f MARKS: 10

heíku íkÃkkMk fhku.

મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.-4. Critically examine the impact and consequences of the Supreme Court’s landmark OBTAINED
judgement in Keshvananda Bharati’s case.
કુલ ગુણ /
«.-5. “Mðíktºk ÃkqðuoLkkt ¼khíkLkk ðrnðx{kt, rçkúxeþ ðrnðxe íktºku {kiÞo Mkk{úkßÞ yLku {w½÷ þkMkLkLke ðrnðxe MARKS: 10

rðþu»kíkkykuLku yLkqfw÷eík fhe yLku íkuLku ÔÞksçke çkLkkðe.” – [[ko fhku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.-5. “The British administration adapted and legitimized the administrative features MARKS
of the Mauryan Empire and The Mughal Rule in administering Pre-Independent
કુલ ગુણ /
India.” – Discuss. TOTAL
2 BGS-5

«.-6.  wt Mkk{kSf ykuzexu «rík¼kðþe÷, sðkçkËkh yLku Lkiríkf þkMkLk «r¢Þk {kxu {køko {kuf¤ku fÞkuo Au ? –
þ મેેલ ગુણ /
[[ko fhku. MARKS

Q.-6. Has social audit paved way for a responsive, accountable and ethical governance કુલ ગુણ /
process ? – Discuss. MARKS: 10

મેેલ ગુણ /
«.-7. Lkiríkf {Lkkurð¿kkLk yLku {kLkð ðíkoLk yufçkeò Ãkh ykÄkrhík Au. – WËknhý Mkn [[ko fhku. MARKS

કુલ ગુણ /
Q.-7. Moral psychology and human behavior are interdependent. – Discuss with example. TOTAL

મેેલ ગુણ /
«.-8. ðirïfhýLkk Þwøk{kt ònuh ðrnðxLkk fkÞoûkuºkLke [[ko fhku. OBTAINED

Q.-8. Discuss the scope of Public Administration in the era of Globalization. કુલ ગુણ /

«.-9.  wt MktMkË yLku hkßÞ rðÄkLkMk¼kLku WÃk÷çÄ rðþu»kkrÄfkhku Mkkðo¼ki{íðLke rð¼kðLkkLku Lkçk¤e Ãkkzu Au ?
þ મેેલ ગુણ /
rððu[Lkkí{f heíku íkÃkkMkku. MARKS

કુલ ગુણ /
Q.-9. Do the privileges available to Parliament and State legislature undermine the concept TOTAL
of sovereignty ? Critically examine. MARKS: 10

મેેલ ગુણ /
«.-10. þwt ík{Lku ÷køku Au fu ¼kðLkkí{f çkwÂæÄ{¥kk MkwþkMkLk{kt {ËËfíkko Au ? – WËknhý Mkrník Mk{òðku. MARKS

કુલ ગુણ /
Q.-10. Do you think that Emotional Intelligence helps in Good Governance ? – Explain with TOTAL
examples. MARKS: 10

મેેલ ગુણ /
«.-11. LkiríkfíkkLku WËknhý Mkn ÔÞkÏÞkrÞík fhku yLku Mk{òðku fu íku {kLÞíkkykuÚke fuðe heíku y÷øk Au ? OBTAINED

Q.-11. Define Ethics with illustration and explain how it is different from beliefs ? કુલ ગુણ /

«.-12. MÃkÄkoí{f çkòh yÚkoÔÞðMÚkk{kt þiûkrýf MktMÚkkyku fE Lkiríkfíkk yLku {qÕÞku WÃk÷çÄ fhkðe þfu Au ? મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.-12. What morals and values can educational institutions impart to individuals in a
competitive market economy? કુલ ગુણ /

«.-13. ‘ðrnðxLkku rðfkMk’, ‘rðfkMk {kxuLkk ðrnðx’Úke fuðe heíku y÷øk Ãkzu Au íku Mk{òðku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.-13.  xplain how ‘development of administration’ is different from ‘administration for

development’. કુલ ગુણ /

BGS-5 3

«.-14. rðfkMkLke «r¢Þk{kt, Mkhfkh WÃkhktík Lkkøkhef Mk{ksLke MktMÚkkyku yLku yuLk.S.yku. Ãký rnMMkuËkh çkLÞk મેેલ ગુણ /
Au. yk ½xLkk¢{Lku MÃkü fhku. MARKS

Q.-14. In the development process; besides the government, civil society organizations and કુલ ગુણ /
NGO have also become stakeholders. Elucidate this phenomenon. MARKS: 10

«.-15. ÷kufÃkk÷ yLku ÷kuf ykÞwõíkLkk fkÞko÷ÞLkk {wÏÞ WÆu~ÞkuLke íkÃkkMk fhku. þwt ík{Lku ÷køku Au fu íkuyku su nuíkw મેેલ ગુણ /
{kxu çkLkkððk{kt ykÔÞk Au íku nuíkwyku rMkæÄ ÚkÞk Au ? – WËknhý Mkrník [[ko fhku. OBTAINED

Q.-15. Examine the main objectives of creating the office of the Lokpal and Lokayukta. કુલ ગુણ /
Do you think that the purpose for which they have been created is achieved ? – TOTAL
Discuss with example.
4 BGS-5
BGS-6 1

rð»kÞ fkuz / Subject Code : BGS-6

ÃkuÃkh-6 : Mkk{kLÞ yÇÞkMk-3 ({wÏÞ Ãkheûkk - ðýoLkkí{f)
Paper-6 : General Studies-3 (Main Exam-Descriptive)
fw÷ økwý : 150 Mk{Þ : 3 f÷kf
Total Marks : 150 Time : 3 Hours
Mkq[Lkk : 1. «&™¢{ktf 1 Úke 15
1. Question No. 1 to 15
2. çkÄk s 15 «&™kuLkk sðkçk ÷¾ðkLkk Au.
2. Attempt all 15 questions.
3. Ëhuf «&™Lkk 10 økwý Au.
3. Each question carries 10 marks
4. sðkçk ykþhu 200 þçËku{kt ÷¾ðkLkk Au.
4. Answer should be given approximately in 200 words.

«.-1. ðirïfefhý yu rðïLkk rðrðÄ ÷kufku, «Ëuþku yLku Ëuþku ðå[u ðÄíke síke ÃkhMÃkh rLk¼ohíkkLkku WÕ÷u¾ fhu મેેલ ગુણ /
Au. – Mk{òðku. MARKS

Q.-1. Globalisation refers to the growing interdependence between different people, કુલ ગુણ /
regions and countries in the world. – Explain MARKS: 10

«.-2. zkÞhuõx çkurLkrVx xÙkLMkVh Mfe{ Mkhfkhe rzr÷ðhe rMkMx{{kt MkwÄkhkLke rËþk{kt yuf Mkkhwt Ãkøk÷wt Au. – મેેલ ગુણ /
[[ko fhku. MARKS

Q.-2. The Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme is a good step towards reforming the government કુલ ગુણ /
delivery system. – Discuss. MARKS: 10

«.-3. r{÷uxLkwt (millets) WíÃkkËLk ykhkuøÞ, f]r»k (agricultural) yLku Ãkku»kf (nutritional) ÷k¼ku ykÃku Au. મેેલ ગુણ /
– [[ko fhku. OBTAINED

Q.-3. Millets production comes with a lot of health, agricultural and nutritional benefits. કુલ ગુણ /
– Discuss. TOTAL

«.-4. ðirïf RLkkuðuþLk RLzuõMk, ðirïf MÃkÄkoí{fíkk Mkq[fktf, ðirïf MksoLkkí{fíkk Mkq[fktf yLku ðirïf òrík મેેલ ગુણ /
íkVkðíkLkku ynuðk÷ (Global Gender Gap Report) rðøkíkðkh Mk{òðku. - (fkuEÃký çku) MARKS

કુલ ગુણ /
Q.-4. Explain Global Innovation Index, Global Competitiveness Index, Global Creativity
Index and the Global Gender Gap Report in detail. (Any Two) MARKS: 10
2 BGS-6

«.-5. ~Þk{k «MkkË {w¾hS YçkoLk r{þLk yu MkhfkhLkk rðrðÄ rð¼køkkuLkk økúk{eý rðfkMk «ÞkMkkuLku yufef]ík મેેલ ગુણ /
fhðkLkku, õ÷Mxh yr¼øk{ Au. [[ko fhku. OBTAINED

Q.-5. Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission is a cluster approach of covering rural કુલ ગુણ /
development efforts of different departments of Government. – Discuss. MARKS: 10

«.-6. f]r»k{kt LkuLkku xufLkku÷kuSLkku WÃkÞkuøk f]r»k WãkuøkLkwt ¼rð»Þ çkË÷e þfu Au. – [[ko fhku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.-6. Use of nanotechnology in agriculture can change the future of Agriculture industry.
કુલ ગુણ /
– Discuss. TOTAL

«.-7.  khíkLke Mkk{krsf-ykŠÚkf sYrhÞkíkkuLku ÃknkU[eð¤ðk ykŠxrVrþÞ÷ RLxur÷sLMkLkku WÃkÞkuøk fuðe heíku
¼ મેેલ ગુણ /
fhe þfkÞ íkuLke [[ko fhku. OBTAINED

Q.-7. Discuss how Artificial Intelligence can be used to meet India’s socio-economic needs. કુલ ગુણ /
«.-8. ¼khíkLku ðirïf yðfkþ þÂõík çkLkkððk{kt ISROLke ¼qr{fk Ëku»khrník hne Au. Lkðk yðfkþ Þwøk{kt
મેેલ ગુણ /
nsw Ãký ISRO {kxu ½ýk Ãkzfkhku yLku íkfku Au. – [[ko fhku. OBTAINED
Q.-8. ISRO’s role has been impeccable in making India a global space power. Still there કુલ ગુણ /
are many challenges and opportunities for ISRO in the new space age. – Discuss. TOTAL

30*30 (30 by 30) Ãknu÷ þwt Au yLku siðrðrðÄíkk Mkthûký yLku ykçkkunðk ÃkrhðíkoLk þ{Lk {kxu íkuLke મેેલ ગુણ /
yMkhku þwt Au ? yk ÷ûÞktf nktMk÷ fhðk{kt ¼khík {kxuLkk Ãkzfkhku y™u íkfkuLke [[ko fhku. MARKS

કુલ ગુણ /
Q.-9. What is the 30*30 (30 by 30) initiative and what are its implications for biodiversity TOTAL
conservation and climate change mitigation ? Discuss the challenges and opportunities MARKS: 10

for India in achieving this target.

«.-10. {kLkð-ÔkLÞ«kýe Mkt½»koLke ðÄíke ½xLkkykuLkk fkhýku íkÃkkMkku. ykÄwrLkf ÞwøkLke yk Mk{MÞkLkku Mkk{Lkku મેેલ ગુણ /
fhðk {kxu fux÷kf Mkt¼rðík WÃkkÞku Mkq[ðku. MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /
Q.-10. Examine the reasons for rising incidents of human-wildlife conflict. Suggest some TOTAL
possible measures to tackle this problem of modern age. MARKS: 10

«.-11. ykÄwrLkf ¼khíkeÞ {rn÷kyku : Lkðk ¼khíkLke ÃkrhðíkoLkfíkko Au, Lkðk ÃkzfkhkuLkwt rLkhkfhý fhLkkh Au yLku મેેલ ગુણ /
Lkðk MktþkuÄLkkí{f Ãkøk÷kt ÷uLkkh Au. – Mk{òðku. MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /
Q.-11. Modern Indian Women : Change makers of new India, a solver of new challenges TOTAL
and takers of new innovative measures. – Explain.

PM rðïf{ko, fuLÿeÞ ûkuºkLke Lkðe ÞkusLkk “yksLkk fkheøkhku, ykðíkefk÷Lkk Wã{e” yu yuf Lkðe
મેેલ ગુણ /
ykþk Au. – ÞkusLkkLkwt {qÕÞktfLk fhku. OBTAINED
Q.-12. PM Vishwakarma, a new Central Sector Scheme “Today’s Artisans, Tomorrow’s કુલ ગુણ /
Entrepreneurs” is a new hope. – Evaluate the scheme. TOTAL
BGS-6 3

«.-13. “¼khíkLku f[hk-{wõík çkLkkððk, MðåAíkk yu s Mkuðk yr¼ÞkLk” Mkkhk Mk{ks {kxu sYhe Au. – [[ko મેેલ ગુણ /
fhku. MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /
Q.-13. “Making India Garbage-free, Swachhata Hi Seva Campaign” is must for better TOTAL
society. – Discuss. MARKS: 10

મેેલ ગુણ /
«.-14. ðkRçkúLx økwshkík ðirïf Mkr{x - Lkðk ykŠÚkf rðfkMk {kxuLkku {køko Lkfþku (roadmap) Au. WËknhýku OBTAINED
MkkÚku Mk{òðku.
કુલ ગુણ /
Q.-14. Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit - a roadmap for new economic development. TOTAL
– Explain with examples.
મેેલ ગુણ /
«.-15. rðfMkeík ¼khík MktfÕÃk Þkºkk çkÄk {kxu MkðoMk{kðuþf rðfkMk {kxu yuf Lkðku ÏÞk÷ Au. – [[ko fhku. MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /
Q.-15. Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra is a new concept for inclusive growth for all. – Discuss. TOTAL
4 BGS-6

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