Non-Boolean Computing With Nanomagnets For Computer Vision Applications

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PUBLISHED ONLINE: 26 OCTOBER 2015 | DOI: 10.1038/NNANO.2015.245

Non-Boolean computing with nanomagnets for

computer vision applications
Sanjukta Bhanja1*, D. K. Karunaratne1†, Ravi Panchumarthy2†, Srinath Rajaram1 and Sudeep Sarkar2

The field of nanomagnetism has recently attracted tremendous attention as it can potentially deliver low-power, high-
speed and dense non-volatile memories. It is now possible to engineer the size, shape, spacing, orientation and
composition of sub-100 nm magnetic structures. This has spurred the exploration of nanomagnets for unconventional
computing paradigms. Here, we harness the energy-minimization nature of nanomagnetic systems to solve the quadratic
optimization problems that arise in computer vision applications, which are computationally expensive. By exploiting the
magnetization states of nanomagnetic disks as state representations of a vortex and single domain, we develop a
magnetic Hamiltonian and implement it in a magnetic system that can identify the salient features of a given image with
more than 85% true positive rate. These results show the potential of this alternative computing method to develop a
magnetic coprocessor that might solve complex problems in fewer clock cycles than traditional processors.

anomagnetic logic architectures compute information by image, (2) identify all the edge segments and (3) map each edge
minimizing their total magnetization energy. This energy- segment to a unique nanomagnetic disk in the coprocessor. The
minimizing nature of magnetic systems can be directly har- unselected nanomagnetic disks in the array would be driven into
nessed to solve the quadratic optimization problems that arise in a non-computing state. This mechanism isolates a cluster of nano-
many computer vision applications, including motion segmenta- magnetic disks that represent edge segments in an edge image.
tion1, correspondence2, figure–ground segmentation3, clustering4, Finally, the ‘selected’ nanomagnetic disks in the array would be
grouping5, subgraph matching6 and digital graph matching7. In clocked into a computing state and allowed to relax to an energy
this Article we focus on one such vision problem: ‘perceptual organ- minimum. The salient edge segments (or the solution of the
ization’. Solutions to the automated recognition of objects from an entire perceptual organization problem) are obtained by reading
image typically involve three steps: (1) feature extraction, (2) percep- the magnetization states of all the nanomagnetic disks in a parallel
tual organization and (3) object matching8–11 (Fig. 1). Although readout fashion. Here, using a system of nanomagnetic disks that
there are many hardware solutions to speed up the first step, the per- represent the edges, we experimentally demonstrate this computing
ceptual organization and object matching steps are still solved by method (Fig. 4). To achieve this, we undertook the following tasks:
software and conventional computation. We propose a non- (1) we exploited two different magnetization states of a nanomag-
Boolean computation targeting these stages, built around nanomag- netic disk as a state representation, where a circular nanomagnetic
nets. In particular, we concentrate on the perceptual organization disk in a critical dimension settles into a vortex state when weakly
problem. When a collection of nanomagnetic disks are driven to coupled, or settles into a single domain state when strongly
an excited state and relaxed, they tend to couple magnetically coupled; (2) we developed a magnetic Hamiltonian (equation (4));
with one another to minimize the total magnetic energy of the (3) we fabricated a magnetic system corresponding to the image
system. We harness this energy minimization to solve a quadratic in Fig. 1a to identify salient edge segments (Fig. 1e); and (4) we
objective function that arises in perceptual organization. The advan- experimentally demonstrated the mechanism of energy minimum
tage of this method is that it computes the solution in a direct computing for a particular problem. However, we envision that, in
manner, regardless of the problem size (image features), unlike in the future, and with a reconfigurable grid, we could select/deselect
a Boolean logic-based computation where the number of iterations the computing/non-computing nanomagnets to solve different
increases with the problem size. problems on one fabricated layout.
In recent years, magnetic nanostructures have been widely used
and researched for memory applications12–14, but only non-volatility Perceptual organization in computer vision
through remanence is harnessed. The magnetic interaction between Perceptual organization is a critical step in object recognition. An
neighbouring magnets has also been exploited for traditional example is presented in Fig. 1a,b,e,f, which shows the three stages
Boolean computing15–21. There has been other significant research involved in object recognition. The first stage involves the detection
in the field of non-Boolean computing using nanomagnets. For of the boundaries between the contrast differences in an image
example, Behin-Aein and colleagues have proposed all-spin logic (Fig. 1b). The second stage involves identifying salient edge seg-
in devices for processing and storing information22–24, and Csaba ments. The main objective of this Article is to identify the salient
and Porod have described non-Boolean computing logic using edge segments that belong to objects (salient group)26. For this
spin–torque oscillators25. task, each pair of edge segments is associated with a pairwise affinity
Imagine a magnetic coprocessor with a two-dimensional array of value capturing its saliency (Supplementary Fig. 7d).
nanomagnetic disks that are integrated with read/write/clock circui- In this Article we use an affinity function (defined in ref. 5) that
try (Fig. 1d). A ‘compiler’ for this coprocessor would (1) process an captures the pairwise affinity aij of the ith and jth edge segment in an

Department of Electrical Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33620, USA. 2 Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University
of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33620, USA. †These authors contributed equally to this work. * e-mail:


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a b e f shows the objects identified in Fig. 1a. The critical task in these
three stages is quadratic optimization, which is an unconstrained
optimization problem. A traditional Boolean logic and arithmetic-
based computer uses algorithms27–30 to solve the quadratic optimiz-
ation process. Typically, these methods involve multiple iterations
with many arithmetic operations, which are computationally inten-
sive for logic-based computing platforms. Sarkar and colleagues
Feature Perceptual Object
extraction organization matching
were the first to propose a novel computation method to solve
(edges) (quadratic the quadratic optimization problem in a direct manner using
optimization) quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA)31, which is the precursor
c of magnetic systems. This was later extended to magnetic cellular
CMOS automata32,33. Here, we have formulated and demonstrated a
coprocessor magnetic system to solve such complex perceptual organization
problems with a single input–output cycle, in contrast to the
orders of magnitude more clock cycles that would be required for
a Boolean logic-based computation27.
Edge Simulated annealing Salient
Design of the magnetic system
d From the experiments, we observed that the strongly coupled nano-
Magnetic magnetic disks tend to have a single domain state and the weakly
coprocessor coupled nanomagnetic disks tend to have a vortex state. When the
magnets are closer to each other, the coupling energy between
the nanomagnetic disks will keep the nanomagnetic disks in the
single domain state, and if they are far apart, the exchange energy,
Select Select anisotropy energy and demagnetization energy are dominant and
Vdd the nanomagnetic disk will go to its vortex state. This mechanism
Magnetic-field-coupled computing allows us to obtain a qualitative value for the magnetic coupling
strengths among the nanomagnetic disks. We exploit this phenom-
enon to identify strongly coupled nanomagnetic disks, which
Figure 1 | Stages in object recognition. a, Grey-scale satellite image
correspond to salient edge segments.
of an urban area. b, Edge image with extracted edge segments from a.
To associate the magnetization state space with the saliency of an
c, Traditional approach to solving a quadratic optimization process using a
edge segment, we mapped the magnetization state to a variable S,
CMOS-based arithmetic and logic unit (ALU). d, Proposed method to solve
the magnitude of which is either 0 or 1, through a magnetization
the quadratic optimization process using a magnetic coprocessor. e, Salient
state abstraction model (Fig. 2). Here, a vortex state is represented
edge segments identified from b using the method in c. f, Objects identified
by ‘0’ and a single domain state by ‘1’. The magnitude of the mag-
using salient edges obtained from e.
netization state |S| is approximated numerically by a step function
based on the internal energies of the nanomagnetic disks obtained
edge image. This affinity function captures the saliency between from simulation experiments, governed by the Landau–Lifshitz–
edge segments that are parallel, perpendicular, connected and over- Gilbert (LLG) equation. A detailed derivation of the magnetization
lapped, as expressed in state abstraction model is provided in Supplementary Section 3.1
    and a schematic of the levels of abstraction is shown in Fig. 2b–d.
 −oij −dmin The magnetization state variable magnitude |S| is a step function
aij = li lj exp exp cos2 (2ψ ij ) (1) based on the base ten logarithmic of the |D| value and can be
max(li , lj ) max(li , lj )
expressed as

where li and lj are the lengths of the ith and jth edge segments, 0, log10 |Di | < η
respectively. ψij, oij and dmin are the angle, overlap and minimum |Si | = (3)
1, log10 |Di | ≥η
distance between the ith and jth edge segments, respectively.
Once all the pairwise affinity values are calculated, the next task where |Di| is the magnitude of the vector pointing from the
in the second stage is to find the minimum number of edge seg- vortex core to the disk centre of the ith nanomagnetic disk and
ments that maximize the total affinity value. These edge segments η = –5.1 (Fig. 2).
are grouped as salient through a quadratic optimization process, We next developed a magnetic Hamiltonian (equation (4)) in
and the objective function is expressed as quadratic form that matches the objective function of the vision
problem (equation (2)). A detailed derivation of the magnetic
aij xi xj + λ xi + κ (2) Hamiltonian is provided in Supplementary Section 3. The magnetic
i=1 j=i+1 i=1 Hamiltonian developed here is expressed as follows:
where aij is the pairwise affinity value between the ith and jth edge γ e−σrij Si · Sj + β |Si | + Nω (4)
segments. xi takes a value of either 0 or 1, where ‘1’ represents the i=1 j=i+1 i=1
salient edge segments. N is the total number of edge segments.
λ takes the value of –1. κ is the number of edge segments in where rij is the centre-to-centre distance between the ith and jth
the salient group. Figure 1e shows the group of salient edge nanomagnetic disks. Si and Sj are the state values for the ith and
segments for Fig. 1b, computed using the objective function in jth nanomagnetic disks, respectively. γ, σ, β and ω are parameters
equation (2). found using a numerical approximation method.
The final stage of object recognition involves the matching We exploited the correspondence between the magnetic
between a model database and the salient groups8–11. Figure 1f Hamiltonian and the objective function of the vision problem to


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a |D| ≈ ∞
|S| = 1 z
|D| ≈ ∞
|S| = 1 x
|D| = 0
LLG legend
|S| = 0
|D| ≈ ∞
|S| = 1 d

|S| = 0 |S| = 1

|D| = 0 |D| ≈ ∞

Virtu b
al vor
simula with LLG
tion r m
epres icromagne Vortex Single
entat tic
ion state domain

Figure 2 | Schematic of the magnetization state abstraction model. a, LLG magnetization spin configuration representation of the virtual vortex model. The
virtual vortex core lies at the centre of the plane. b, First level of abstraction. LLG simulations of the multiple magnetization states of a nanomagnetic disk.
c, Second level of abstraction. A virtual vortex model, where the magnetization is represented by vector D from the virtual vortex core to the disk centre. We
have developed a function that is dependent on vector D (Supplementary Section 2) to represent the magnetic spins in the first level of abstraction. d, Third
level of abstraction. A magnetization state model, where the magnetization state is represented by variable S. A vortex state is represented by ‘0’ and a
single domain state by a unit vector whose direction captures the direction of the single domain arrangement.

Table 1 | Performance evaluation metrics of the magnetic coprocessor.

Figure Average thickness of nanomagnetic disk (nm) Average diameter of nanomagnetic disk (nm) True-positive (%) False-positive (%)
4f 10.8 103.5 83 39
4g 11.3 112.2 67 34
4h 11.6 129 83 39
4i 11.7 137.4 86 35
4j 10.7 145 83 31
The minimum edge-to-edge spacing between nanomagnets was 20 nm.

spatially arrange the nanomagnetic disks. The correspondence the distance map matrix (Supplementary Fig. 7e). The centre-to-
between the objective function in equation (2) and the magnetic centre distances between all pairs of nanomagnetic disks are
Hamiltonian in equation (4) can be observed. The magnetization calculated such that rij = 1/( log (aij )). The computed rij values are
states (Si, Sj ) and centre-to-centre distance (rij ) in the magnetic reconstructed into the form of an adjacency matrix. To spatially
Hamiltonian correspond to the saliency (xi, xj ) and pairwise affinity arrange the nanomagnetic disks, a statistical information visualiza-
(aij ) in the objective function, respectively. tion method known as multidimensional scaling (MDS) is used34.
The centre-to-centre distance between the nanomagnetic disks is MDS uses the adjacency matrix as an input and provides a set of
based on the pairwise affinity matrix (Supplementary Fig. 7d) and two-dimensional coordinates to locate the disk centres of the

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

2 2
1 3 3
4 4
1 5 1 5
2 2
3 3
4 4

Figure 3 | Steps involved in determining salient edges using the nanomagnetic coprocessor. Step 1: edge detection, affinity matrix calculation,
multidimensional scaling and mapping of features (edge segments) to nanomagnets. Step 2: activating computing nanomagnets and deactivating non-
computing nanomagnets. Each computing nanomagnet represent a feature (edge segment). Step 3: magnetic computing and relaxation. Identification of the
computing magnet’s magnetization state. Red represents a single domain state and yellow represents vortex states. Step 4: determination of the salient
features (edge segments) by back-tracing the mapping of the single domain computing nanomagnets with features (edge segments).


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a f k p

Single domain

1 µm 1 µm

b g l q

Single domain

1 µm 1 µm

c h m r

Single domain

1 µm 1 µm Vortex

d i n s

Single domain

1 µm 1 µm Vortex

e j o t

1 µm 1 µm

Figure 4 | Perceptual organization results for an image, obtained using fabricated nanomagnetic systems. a–e, SEM images of nanomagnetic systems.
f–j, MFM images of the nanomagnetic systems. k–o, Magnetization state identification (yellow represents the vortex state and red the single domain state).
p–t, Salient edge segments identified by the fabricated magnetic system.

nanomagnetic disks. Supplementary Fig. 7 presents a schematic of fabricated on a silicon wafer using standard electron-beam lithogra-
the process involved to generate the two-dimensional layout of phy, electron-beam evaporation and a lift-off process. A detailed
the nanomagnetic disks. description of the fabrication procedure is provided in the Methods.
To validate experimentally the non-Boolean computing method Figure 3 depicts the steps involved in determining the salient edges
proposed in this Article, we fabricated magnetic systems based on using the nanomagnetic coprocessor. The compiler maps each edge
the layout in Supplementary Fig. 7f. This magnetic system was segment to a single nanomagnet. After computation, the final


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Deselected b
magnet Selected
Select magnet

50 nm 110 nm

50 nm
Select BL spacing diameter
Write Vdd

j Connecting
Select node
Select NiFe
Select MgO
i Vdd Co/Pd


Figure 5 | Hardware schematics of envisioned magnetic coprocessor. a, A uniform two-dimensional STT-MRAM-based reconfigurable array with
underlying circuitry. Only selected magnets (magnets in the single domain state) corresponding to an objective function participate in the computation after
clocking. The deselected magnets will stay in a precessional state (non-computing state). Examples of two instances i and j are shown. b, Schematic of
spin-torque-driven reconfigurable array of nanomagnets (STRAN), showing cell dimensions, material and spacing parameters.

magnetization states of all the computing nanomagnets are identified. and diameter within critical dimensions did not affect the final output.
As each computing nanomagnet represents an edge, the single domain This evidence supports the consistency of the magnetic system.
nanomagnets are back-traced to their corresponding edges and are Of the five magnetic systems, four were able to identify more
identified as salient edge segments. than 80% of the salient edge segments in the image. We believe
The magnetic systems were characterized with a combination of that the low true-positive percentage in the second magnetic
a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and an atomic force micro- system (Fig. 4g) is a consequence of the system reaching an
scope (AFM) to identify the defect-free magnetic systems (Fig. 4) energy minimum that is not close to its global energy minimum.
and to obtain the average diameter and average thickness of the This is due to unevenness on the surface of the nanomagnetic
nanomagnetic disks in each magnetic system (Table 1). Samples disks. If the nanomagnetic disks have rough surfaces or bumps,
were fabricated with thicknesses between 6 nm and 19 nm. For they tend to resist coupling with the neighbouring nanomagnetic
the magnetic system with nanomagnetic disks with a thickness of disks. The performance of the magnetic system can be improved
19 nm their magnetization was observed to be only in the vortex by using more circular nanomagnetic disks with smoother surfaces.
state, and for disks with a thickness of 6 nm it was found to be Supplementary Figure 9 shows the trends in running time for
only in the single domain state. These observations agree with the the magnetic computing and an IBM ILOG CPLEX optimizer
simulation results in ref. 35. (CPLEX)30 operating with sparse affinity matrices with nodes with
The magnetic systems were stimulated with an external magnetic an average of four neighbours and eight neighbours. CPLEX
field as a clocking mechanism (driving the nanomagnets to the hard could only converge to feasible solutions for 63 of 101 images
axis) then relaxed for computation to take place. The external mag- with four neighbour sparse affinity matrices, with an average
netic field was applied in an out-of-plane direction with a magni- running time of 184 s, and could converge to feasible solutions
tude of 0.08 T for a duration of 0.5 s. Subsequently, the magnetic for 59 of 101 images with eight neighbour sparse affinity matrices,
system was characterized with a magnetic force microscope with an average running time of 356 s. Thus, magnetic computing,
(MFM). The MFM images of the magnetic systems are presented on average, is 1,528 times faster than CPLEX with four neighbour
in Fig. 4f–j. The MFM images were analysed to identify the magne- sparse affinity matrices, and 468 times faster than CPLEX with
tization states of the magnetic systems. The single domain states are eight neighbour sparse affinity matrices. The true detection rate of
marked with red dots and the vortex states with yellow dots in the CPLEX with a four neighbour sparse affinity matrix for the grey-
magnetization state layouts shown in Fig. 4k–o. The single scale satellite image shown in Fig. 1a is 73%, which is 92 times
domain nanomagnets were then grouped and the corresponding slower than magnetic computing. For the same image, CPLEX
edge segments were selected as the most salient. Figure 4p–t with eight neighbour sparse affinity matrices had a poor perform-
shows the salient edge segments computed by the respective magnetic ance of 25%, while also being 175 times slower than magnetic com-
systems in Fig. 4f–j. puting. Another interesting trend apparent in Supplementary Fig. 9
Table 1 presents the performance evaluation metrics of the edge is that the CPLEX running time is quadratic with respect to the
images computed using the magnetic systems in Fig. 4 as well as the problem size, whereas the magnetic computing running time is
traditional logic-based computed edge images obtained according to linear with the problem size.
Fig. 1c. The true-positive percentages represent the number of
salient edge segments that are correctly identified. The false-positive Practical implementation and generality
percentages represent the non-salient edge segments identified as Our ongoing efforts are focused on designing an N×N program-
salient edges. It is evident from Table 1 that the variation in thickness mable grid, where we can select/deselect computing nanomagnets.


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39. Lambert, C.-H. et al. All-optical control of ferromagnetic thin films and experiments. D.K and S.B. analysed the results of fabrication experiments. S.R. performed
nanostructures. Science 345, 1337–1340 (2014). micromagnetic simulation experiments and programmability of the grid, with S.B’s
40. Liu, S. et al. Magnetic–electrical interface for nanomagnet logic. IEEE Trans. guidance. D.K. and R.P. prepared the initial draft of the paper. All authors discussed the
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41. Becherer, M., Kiermaier, J., Breitkreutz, S., Eichwald, I. & Schmitt-Landsiedel, D.
Nanomagnetic logic gate and an electronic device. US patent 8,872,547 (2014). Additional information
42. Dong, X. et al. Circuit and microarchitecture evaluation of 3D stacking magnetic Supplementary information is available in the online version of the paper. Reprints and
RAM (MRAM) as a universal memory replacement. In 45th ACM/IEEE Design permissions information is available online at Correspondence and
Automation Conf. 554–559 (IEEE, 2008). requests for materials should be addressed to S.B.
43. Hosaka, S. et al. Nano magnetic column arrays fabrication for patterned media
in magnetic recording using EB lithography and ion milling. In IEEE Int. Conf. Competing financial interests
Electron Dev. Solid-State Circuits 140–143 (IEEE, 2009). The authors declare no competing financial interests.


© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved


Methods agitating the sample in a heated ultrasonic bath. Once the liftoff was completed, the
Fabrication process. The fabrication of the nanomagnetic devices was carried out in sample was rinsed with IPA and dried in nitrogen gas. A detail description of the
six steps (Supplementary Fig. 10). For the substrate we used an n-type, 〈100〉, 2-inch liftoff procedure is provided in Supplementary Table 6.
silicon wafer. In the first step—cleaning the silicon wafer—a standard Radio
Corporation of America (RCA) cleaning procedure was used. The second step was to Characterization process. The characterization of the nanomagnetic devices
spin-coat the silicon wafer with poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), and the third was included topological and magnetic inspection. Topological inspection allowed
to expose the silicon wafer with an electron beam to produce the desired patterns. The defect-free nanomagnetic devices to be identified. The defect-free nanomagnetic
fourth step was to develop the sample in a developer solution, and in the fifth, a uniform devices were then subjected to magnetic inspection to analyse the magnetization
layer of Permalloy was evaporated onto the wafer. The final step was a liftoff procedure states. Based on the magnetization states of the nanomagnetic devices, we could
to remove unwanted material from the silicon wafer, leaving behind the nanomagnetic understand and implement computations.
logic devices. These fabrication steps are described in detail in the following sections. For the topological inspection we used an SEM and scanning probe microscope in
AFM mode. A Hitachi SU-70 SEM operating at 30 kV was used to obtain the lateral
Step 1: substrate cleaning. The RCA cleaning procedure removed all organic, ionic, measurements of the nanomagnetic devices. The working distance of the SEM was
oxide and heavy metal contaminants from the surface of the silicon wafer. The reduced to 5 mm to obtain high-resolution SEM images of the devices. To obtain
procedure used three cleaning solutions, the first containing ammonium hydroxide, thickness measurements of the devices, a VEECO DI300 scanning probe microscope was
hydrogen peroxide and water. This removed all organic contamination from the used in AFM mode. A silicon probe with an angle of 22° and an apex with a radius of
surface. The second solution, a hydrogen fluoride solution, removed metallic 20 nm was mounted onto the scanning probe microscope. The AFM information was also
contamination and oxides from the surface. The final solution was a mixture of used to measure the roughness of the surface of the nanomagnetic devices. Combining the
hydrochloric acid, hydrogen peroxide and water, and removed all ionic and heavy SEM and AFM measurements we were able to identify defect-free nanomagnetic devices.
metal contamination from the surface. Between each solution, the wafer was dipped For magnetic inspection of the nanomagnetic devices we used a VEECO DI300
in deionized water to remove any residue from the previous solution. The wafer was scanning probe microscope in MFM mode. A magnetic probe was mounted on the
then dried with nitrogen gas. A detail description of each step in the RCA cleaning scanning probe microscope. There are three types of magnetic probe: standard moment
procedure is provided in Supplementary Table 2. (coercivity, 400 Oe; moment, 1e –13 electromagnetic units (EMU)), low moment
(coercivity, <400 Oe, moment, 0.3e –13 EMU) and low coercivity (coercivity, <10 Oe,
Step 2: resist coating. Spin-coating the silicon wafer with PMMA is a key step in the moment, <1e –13 EMU). A low-moment magnetic probe was used to obtain high-
fabrication procedure. The thickness of the PMMA is crucial for the liftoff resolution magnetic images of the nanomagnetic logic devices. These MFM images
procedure. As a rule of thumb, the thickness of the PMMA should be more than were then used to identify defect-free magnetic systems and realize the computation.
three times the thickness of the nanomagnetic device. Because the nanomagnetic
devices have a thickness of ∼10 nm, we anticipated the thickness of the PMMA to be Speed comparison with state-of-the-art techniques. Each nanomagnet has effective
∼30–40 nm. To achieve this thickness the PMMA was dissolved in anisole before direct coupling with its four nearest neighbours, and at most with its four second-
spin-coating onto the wafer, which was achieved using a Laurell Technologies WS- nearest neighbours in a grid. So, to be fair, we need to make a comparison with
400A-8NPP/Lite spin processor. Once the resist was spun onto the silicon wafer, the algorithms that leverage from sparsity and could be parallelized. There are many
wafer was soft-baked in a furnace at 170 °C for 30 min to remove any excess solvent. quadratic optimization techniques, including METSLib tabu search28, branch and
The procedure used for PMMA coating is described in Supplementary Table 3. bound solver29, and quadratic programming30 by IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimizer
(CPLEX). In a recent study, McGeoch44 and colleagues concluded that, for quadratic
Step 3: electron beam lithography. To pattern the nanomagnetic devices on the problems, IBM’s quadratic programming algorithms and heuristics outperform other
resist we used a high-resolution electron-beam lithography technique using a alternative conventional solvers. It is also a widely used optimization commercial
Hitachi SU-70 SEM retrofitted with a nanometre pattern generation system (NPGS) software tool. We thus compared our work with the results from CPLEX.
by JC Nabity Lithography Systems. The pattern of the nanomagnetic devices was CPLEX Optimizer30,45 can solve large sparse matrices with a nonconvex quadratic
designed on DesignCAD 2000 NT and was saved in a format recognized by the objective function and with constraints on all variables being binary 0–1. The CPLEX
NPGS. Once the patterns were designed and the silicon wafer coated with PMMA search algorithm exploits parallelism in solving nodes of the branch-and-cut tree, but
was mounted in the SEM chamber, the SEM was operated at 30 kV and the electron produces repeatable, invariant solution paths. By default, CPLEX applies as much
beam was aligned, stigmatized and focused to achieve optimum resolution. The parallelism as possible while still achieving deterministic results. As our perceptual
optimum condition for writing the pattern was determined by growing organization vision problem has a nonconvex quadratic objective function with
contamination spots on the PMMA resist before patterning the nanomagnetic logic constraint on all variables to be binary, we used the CPLEX function ‘cplexmiqp’,
devices. Such a spot with a diameter of 20 nm is shown in the SEM image in which solves mixed integer quadratic programming problems. Additionally, the solver
Supplementary Fig. 11. Once the optimum conditions were reached the patterns uses the barrier (or interior point) algorithm to leverage large sparse problems.
were written on the resist. A detailed description of the electron-beam lithography
procedure is provided in Supplementary Table 4. Experimental parameters. We ran experiments on sparse affinity matrices with 96%
sparsity such that each node had an average of eight neighbours and with 98% sparsity
Step 4: development procedure. The objective in this procedure was to remove the such that each node has an average of four neighbours. Our experimental data set
exposed PMMA from the silicon wafer. The difference between exposed and consisted of 101 images with edge segments varying between 75 and 1,190. We used
unexposed PMMA is the molecular weight of the polymer, with the exposed PMMA a PC with Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5-2670/E5-2630 (8/6 Core) @ 2.60 GHz/2.30 GHZ
having a lower molecular weight and the unexposed PMMA a higher molecular with 32 GB RAM running Linux OS for all experiments. The running time was the
weight. The developer solvent dissolves the polymer with the lower molecular time taken to sparsify the affinity matrix and the time taken for the quadratic
weight. We used a mixture of methyl isobutyl ketone and isopropanol (IPA) in a 3:1 optimization algorithm.
ratio as the developer solution. The sample was dipped in the developer solution for
60 s to dissolve the exposed PMMA. We optimized the concentration and duration Timing prediction of the proposed magnetic solver. The spatial arrangement of the
of the procedure to attain perfect exclusion of the exposed PMMA, leaving the nanomagnets was calculated using optimized MDS, as explained in Supplementary
unexposed PMMA on the silicon wafer. The sample was taken out of the developer Section 4. The average time taken for layout generation on 101 images was 0.04 s. We
solution, rinsed with IPA, and dried with nitrogen gas. The complete procedure for borrowed from the existing literature46–48 to predict a magnetic initialization (writing) of
this step is provided in Supplementary Table 5. 10 ns, a relaxation time of ≪1 ns and read times of 1 ns. Hence, the estimated running
time for the magnetic coprocessor will be on the order of ∼0.04 s. Of course, technology
Step 5: ferromagnetic film deposition. Permalloy was used as the soft constraints can change these estimates, but we see great potential for magnetic accelerators.
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