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Dear Sir,

I am writing to bring to your attention an issue with a piece of equipment I recently

purchased from your company. The item in question is a Model brother 1200 printer, which I
rely on heavily for my work-from-home setup.

Unfortunately, I have encountered a recurring problem with the printer. Specifically, it

frequently jams, making it nearly impossible to complete my printing tasks efficiently. Despite
following the steps provided in the manual, the issue persists. This problem has significantly
hindered my productivity, as I depend on the printer for various documents that need to be
printed daily.

Given the importance of this equipment to my daily operations, I kindly request that your
company either repair or replace the faulty printer. I believe this would be the most effective
solution to ensure I can continue my work without further interruptions.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I look forward to a swift resolution.

Yours faithfully, Eunice Anahi Gomez.

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