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Appendix 1


The Pixies and The Lazy Housewife

By Mary Calhoun
Retold by Dali Soriano
Long ago in England, people believed in pixies. These
invisible little people loved neatness. They cleaned the house
of people they liked. They cleaned the house of people they
liked. They play tricks on lazy housewives. Bessy was a
messy housewife. She didn’t want to wash the dishes. She
never swept the floor of her cottage. Mice made a nest behind
her broom. It was strange that the pixies did not punish her.

One summer, Bessy saw pixies in the field. Bessy pretended

to be sick. She groaned, saying, “Oh, I am too sick to clean
my house. Please help me.” “What’s the matter?” said a
pixie. Bessy said, “Who is that?” A pixie replied, “It’s Willy.
I’ll help you.” “Thank you, please come home with me,
”Bessy said. Willy and the pixies jumped into Bessy’s basket.
When they got home, Bessy went straight to bed. The pixies
started cleaning. They washed the dishes and the dirty
clothes. They scrubbed the floor and swept away the

The next day, Willy went to Bessy’s bed and asked, “Can
you get up today?” Bessy just groaned and said, “I’m still too
sick to get up.” So the pixies cleaned the house again. When
they left, Bessy jumped and sang. “Tralala. I have pixies to
work for me. I can just stay in bed.” Bessy did not know that
the pixies were watching her. Willy laughed, Hahaha, playing
a trick on us? Here, take this.” Willy pinched Bessy’s nose.
The other pixies messed up the nose. They ate all the food
and blew out the candles. Bessy ran out of the house but the
hill was misty. Bessy got lost. When the mist cleared up,
Bessy went home. When she got home, Willy was in her
house. “Get to work, lazy Bessy, or I’ll pinch you,”
commanded Willy. When the house was clean, the pixies left.
Bessy always cleaned her house after that. Willy and the
other pixies might come back.

Appendix 2

Group I – Color all the things which really exist with any
color of your choice except yellow from the given picture.

Appendix 3

Group II – Use yellow to color all the things that are not real
from the given picture.

Appendix 4

Group I
Write the questions in their proper column.
1. What is your name?
2. Do you have pets at home?
3. Who is your teacher?
4. Is he a lawyer?
5. Are you a Filipino?

Rising Intonation ↑ Falling Intonation ↓

Appendix 5

Construct questions.

Rising Intonation ↑ Falling Intonation ↓

Appendix 6

Write R on the blank if the intonation is rising and F if
_______1. Is it raining?

_______2. Are they playing?

_______3. Where did you go?

_______4. Who is your father?

_______5. Where did they go?

Appendix 7

Recall the important events and write which of them could
happen in real life (real) and which are made-up (fiction)

Write the fiction or made-up events in the table on the left.

Write the real events in the table on the right.

Fantasy Real

Appendix 8

Identify the correct intonation for the following sentences.

Draw (rising)↑ and (falling) ↓ before each question.

___________1. Is it a bird?

___________2. Is he your friend?

___________3. Are you a farmer?

___________4. Are you a teacher?

___________5. Where is Rizal Park?

Appendix 9

Tell whether the event is a real or made-up.

1. Bessy’s house was messy.

2. The pixies cleaned her house.

3. The pixies punished Bessy.

4. Bessy was a lazy wife.

5. The pixie love cleanliness.

Appendix 10

Jhunie and Julie

Jhunie and Julie are twins. One Tuesday morning, they

planned to buy flowers. They planned to buy flowers. They
invited their friend, Yumi to come with them, but Yumi

When Jhunie and Julie entered the flower shop, they were
amused to see flowers of different colors and sizes. They
bought a dozen huge tulips and sunflower. They cut the stem
and gave them to their mother as a birthday gift. Jhunie and
Julie hugged their mother.

Appendix 11

Present a short poem. Underline the rhyming words.

Oh, if you could only see,

Who among the sister’s three?
Is small, smaller and smallest.
I think that would be best.

But if you still can tell,

Who among them as well,
Is stout, stouter and stoutest,
Surely, you have past the test.

Appendix 12

Group I
A. From the poem, what are the words that have a –u-
List them down and give meaning through acting.

Appendix 13

Give 10 words that have a –u- with /^) and give the meaning
through acting

Appendix 14

Group Activity:
Group I – Encircle the rhyming words.

One Up to Ten
One, two
I thought I knew
Three, four
I brought an oar,
Five, six
I bought some sticks

Seven, eight
I sought some fait
Nine, ten
I caught a hen.

Appendix 15

Read the words and find rhyming words and write them
down as you find each pair.

Bat ball cat scary ghost

Fall sandy candy most fairy

Appendix 16
Present a short story “Big Fish”

Big fish has fins.

Big fish can swim.
Big fish lives in the water.

Appendix 17

Supply the rhyming words. Choose the answer in the box.

Rain Rain

Rain, rain
Go away
Come _______
Another day
Little children
Want to ______
Rain, ______
Go ________.
Again day play rain

Appendix 18

Name each picture.

Appendix 19

Think of a word that will rhyme with the underlined words.

Select the word from the box. Write the answers on your
Play tonight tree house
1. Rain, rain go away,
Little Nena wants to ________.
2. Star light, star bright.
I wish I were a star _________.
3. A busy fellow is the bee.
Making honey for you and ________.
4. The little brown mouse.
Runs all around the _________.
5. We must always pray.
To God for a good ________.

Appendix 20
Match the picture with its name. Connect with lines.






Appendix 21

Short Poem
My Commands

Take the rough stone, the red flower

And the green leaf,
Put the rough stone under the two desk,
Put the red flower on your head,
Put the green leaf on your palm,
Return everything in the box.

Appendix 22

Read the sentences and answer the following questions.

1. The mango tree is in the basket.
- Where is the mango?
2. The bird is on the fence.
- Where is the bird?
3. The glass is on the table.
- Where is the glass?
4. She live at 25 Centro Norte, Gattaran, Cagayan.
- Where she live?
5. Father is in the car?
- Where is father?

Appendix 23

Group Activity:
Group I – Read the stanza. Underline the adjectives.

All things bright and beautiful
All creatures great and small
All things wise and wonderful
The Lord God made them all.

Appendix 24

Encircle the adjectives use in the sentences.

1. The house is big.

2. The flowers are red, yellow and white.
3. The trees are tall.
4. Juan is a lazy boy.
5. Today is a rainy day.

Appendix 25

Complete the sentences with on, in, or at.

1. The cat is ____________ the mat.

2. The ball is _________ the chair.

3. The shoes are _______ the box.
4. The vase is _________ the table.
5. Farmers in Baguio plant vegetables _______ mountain

Appendix 26

Write an adjective that best describes each noun. Pick out the
adjectives from the box.
Happy shiny tall deep fresh
Green red new dark

1. _________ sun
2. _________ leaves
3. _________ mountains
4. _________ flower
5. _________ children
6. _________air
7. _________ sea
8. ________ floor
9. ________ year

Appendix 27

Read the following sentences carefully and then encircle the

adjective in each sentence.

1. Ants are small animals.

2. The color of raw mangoes is green.
3. The sound of the radio is loud.
4. We saw three ducks swimming on the pond.
5. MJ is a courteous boy.

Appendix 28

Encircle the preposition use in the sentence.

1. The bird is on the fence.

2. The book is in the bag.
3. The electric fan is on the cabinet.
4. The umbrella is in the basket.

5. Lea plant fruit trees at the mountain slopes.


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