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● Pyramid Texts, Pyramid of Unas

Predynastic/Early Dynastic-Archaic Periods (Dyn. 0-3)

● Scorpion Macehead
● Narmer Macehead
● Palette of Narmer
● Stepped Pyramid of Djoser/Zoser (Saqqara)

Old Kingdom (Dyn. 4-8)

●Bent Pyramid of Snefru, Dahshur
●Pyramids at Giza:
Cheops/Khufu; Chephren/Khafre; Mycerinus/Menkaure
● Great Sphinx
● Seated Chephren/Khafre
● Standing Menkure and Khamerernebty
● Menkure Triads
● Seated Scribe
● Sheik el-Beled
● Ti Watching Hippopotamus Hunt (Saqqara)

Middle Kingdom (Dyn. 11-14)

● Tomb of Amenemhet, Beni-Hasan
● Tomb Model Figures
● Coffin Texts
● Edwin Smith Papyrus

New Kingdom (Dyn. 17-20)

● Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut, Deir el-Bahri
● Temple of Ramses II, Abu Simbel
Ptah, Amun-Re, Ramses, Re-Horakhty
● Royal Lists of Abydos (Seti I, Ramses II)
● New Kingdom Pylon Temples
● Temple of Amen-Re, Karnak
● Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) Figure from Karnak
● Amarna Family Group
● Head of Nefertiti
● King Tutankhamen & Tomb Artefacts
● Tomb of Nebamun (Thebes)
● Tomb of Menna (copy)
● Book of the Dead of Hunefer
Text Video

Scan Pyramid Project – on the Great Pyramid

Terms and People:

Nilometer, Napoleon and Baron Denon, Lower Egypt vs. Upper Egypt, serekh,
mastaba, engaged column, serdab, nemes, uraeus, diorite, nome, cubit, vizier,
Hyksos, reserve column, faience, a “battered” façade, obelisk, “clerestory”
windows, ba, ka, and ankh, cartouche, Thutmose, Howard Carter, fresco secco,
continuous narration.

Video Links: (Stepped Pyramid) (Voyage to Punt) (Tomb of Hatpshepsut) (Coffin Texts) (Temple at Karnak) (tour of Tut’s Treasures) (Steve Martin, King Tut, Sat.
Night Live, 1978) (Book of Hunefer)
(Virtual Tour of Room 61, British Museum, Tomb of Nebamun)
museum-was-released-and-it-s-epic (GEM)

Study Questions
1. What are the four parts to a pyramid complex? Which is the only pyramid in
Giza to have more than one of these parts left today?
2. On which sides of the Nile River are Giza and Saqqara located?
3. What does the “Eye of Horus” represent?
4. How does an “engaged” column differ from one that is not “engaged”? How
do these columns differ from those described as “reserved”?
5. What did Francois Champollion do and how was it related to the Rosetta
Stone? What three languages are found on the Rosetta Stone?
6. How did Baron Denon influence Europe after Napoleon’s battle in Egypt?
7. Do you think we still consider the parts of the body as having “life” like the
Egyptians did? To what do the “ba” and “ka” refer?
8. Do you think Thutmosis III overreacted to Hatshepsut? Is she the first “bad
9. What happened in 1922 that was important to Egyptology?
10. For which rulers did Imhotep and Senmut work and what architecture are they
remembered for?
11. What major change did Akhenaten make during his reign? Why is this reign
called the “Amarna Period”?
12. How do the Scorpion and Narmer Maceheads and the Palette of Narmer
differ from most Egyptian art we see?
13. What episode always appears in a Psychostasis scene? What part do Maat,
Ammit and Thoth play in the scenes? Why is this scene referred to as a
“continuous narration”?
14. What determines the size of the Royal Cubit? What part does the cubit play in
the creation of 2-dimensional Egyptian artwork? When do cubit sticks get
15. What basic purpose is shared by the Pyramid Texts, Coffin Texts, and Books
of the Dead? In which periods do each appear?
16. What is important about the Royal Lists at Abydos? Who isn’t on it and why?
17. The basic New Kingdom pylon temple has 4 distinct parts—what are they?
18. What makes the “Voyage to Punt” special in comparison to other wall
19. How does “fresco secco” differ from “true fresco”?
20. Although Egypt is remembered for strong male leaders, why do you think
Hatshepsut, Nefertiti, and Cleopatra have remained well-known when many
male names are forgotten?

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