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1.2 System of Units 1.3 Measurement of Length 1.4 Measurement of Mass 1.5 Measurement of Time Cory 1d Concepts, 1.6 Dimensions and Dimensional Analysis 1.7 Accuracy, Precision and Uncertainty in ‘LI Introduction Physics is the branch of science which deals with the study of nature and natural phenomena. It is @ quantitative science where various physical quantities are measured. ‘A quantity which can be measured and with the help of which, various physical happenings can be explained and expressed in the form of laws, is called a physical quantity Examples: length, mass, time, force etc QI What is a measurement? How is measured quantity expressed? Ans: i. A measurement is a comparison with internationally accepted standard measuring unit fi, The measured quantity (M) is expr terms of a number (n) follo corresponding unit (u) i.e., M = nu. Example: Length of a wire when expressed as 2 m, it means value of length is 2 in the unit of m (metre). fii, Different quantities are measured in different units Q2. Can you recall? (Textbook i. What is a unit? ii, Which units have you laboratory for measuring a. length b. mass c. time . temperature? iii, Which system of units have you used? Ans: i, The standard measure of any quantity is called the unit of that quantity. used in the Measurements: 1.8 Errors in Measurements 1.9 Significant Figures Physical nee quan, Ueneth Mass) Time Units | millimetre, | gram, seconds | Degree ‘mete, | kilog? minutes | celsius | fahrenheit iii, MKS or SI system is used mostly. At times, even CGS system is used. (1.2 System of Units J types: i. CGS. system: It stands for Centimetre-Gram-Second system, In this system, length, mass and time are measured in centimetre, gram and second respectively ii, MKS. system: It stands for Metre-Kilogram-Second system. In this system, length, mass and time are measured in metre, kilogram and second respectively iii, F.P.S. system: It stands for Foot-Pound-Second system. In this system, length, mass and time are measured in foot, pound and second respectively. iv. Sil system: It stands for System International. This system has replaced all other systems mentioned above. It has been internationally accepted and is being used all over world. As the SI units use decimal system, conversion within the system is very simple and convenient. as oe vert jeg sphere to rare fundamental quanti damental oe of rads of the sphere dA units. dr deen oat for ther y con ‘be directly ntl quan: bi meesired are called fare Examples: mass, length et. 1; Steradian (51) ses «Unit ke) ram ented 38 (2) ates Kilogram (kg) _|_gram (s) d, _ Denoted a ha, Te ie metre (m) | centimetre ©. Surface area of sP aad fem) wid angle subtended by entire sphere a . 2 State the Sil. ee What are fundamental units? Stat cage Oe Mts of seven fundamental quantities. ts cent ? “Aas: Fundamental unis: ndamental é relation between radian and quantities are called fundamental wil fieecer Aloe i $1 Units of fundamental quantities: degree ective values in Ta SI Units Ans: We know that “quantity Name Symbol 2x =36 aa 10 Time second | x 31416 Bleciric current | _ampere A 3.1416 — Thermodynamic | kelvin K Similar ad via temperature nas coe : ‘Amount ofsubstance | mole im : B Luminous intensity, | candela d s, 1°=¢ z Q6: State and describe the two supplementary 908 x 10 units. The two supplementary units are: Plane angle (40: ieee os & The ratio of length of a of © called as Plane angle (49) 5 & ¢ d 4 ie, d= > degree and radian f o—100 Ba Sail QS. What are derived quantities and derived b. Thus, d0 is angle subtended by the a units? State few examples. State the atthe centre ofthe circle corresponding S.1, and C.G.S. units of the © Unit radian (rad) examples. Denoted as 0° Ans: € Length of are of circle = Circumference 1 Derived quantities: of cirele = 2nr Physical’ quantities “Sther’than fee . Plane angle subtended by entire circle at depend on one or more | its centre is 0= 2%" fundamental quantities for their measurements quantities BE ttd arp acy, Derived unis: 3 : Banas is 3-dimensional analogue of expressed jo derived quantities. which a __plane angle essed in terms of fundamental units their measurements are called derived unit Q9-List the conventions followed while using SI Ans: Following conventions should be followed Vili. [ Ui Fass PEGs oP ctocig | ‘Momentum units. while writing quantities: Unit of every physical quantity should be represented by its symbol, Full name of a unit always starts with smaller letter even if it is named SIL units of physical after person, eg: I newton, 1 joule, etc, But symbol for unit named after a person should be in capital letter, eg.: N after scientist Newton, J after scientist Joule, et. Symbols for units do not take plural form Symbols for units do not contain any full stops at the end of recommended | The units of physical quantities in numerator and denominator should be written ratio. For example the SI unit of acceleration is m/S? or ms but not m/s/s Use of combination of units and symbols for units is avoided when physical quantity is expressed by combination of two. Fo example, The unit J/kg K is correct while Joule/kg K is not correct A prefix symbol is used before the symbo the unit a. Prefix symbol and symbol of unit constitute a new symbol for the unit which can be raised to a positive or negative power of 10. For example, 1 ms = I millisecond = 10° s 1 ps =I microsecond = 10*s 1 ns= 1 nanosecond = 10°*s Use of double prefixes is avoided when single prefix is available 10*3=1 ys and not 1 mms 10°s= 1 ns and not 1 mps Space or hyphen must be introduced while indicating multiplication of two units e.g., m/s should be written as ms"! or m-s"! ‘moon at any point of the Earth, given the diameter of the moon is 3474 km and its distance from the Earth 3.84 10° m? Solutior Given: Diameter (D) = 3474 km Radius of moon (R) = 1737 km 1.737 x 10m Distance from Earth 84 x 108 m. Tofind: Solid angle (4) Formula: dco= SX Caleulation: From formula, (+ cross-sectional area of ise of moon = aR?) 210) = 6.43 x 105s (Gs4x10") Solid angle subtended by moon at Earth is 6.43 x 10-5. ave answer is obtained substituting value 2 QUL. Pluto has mean diameter of 2,300 km and very eccentric orbit (oval shaped) around the Sun, with a perihelion (nearest) distance of 44 x 10? km and an aphelion (farthest) distance of 7.3 x 10° km. What are the respective solid angles subtended by Pluto from Earth’s perspective? Assume that Earth’s distance from the Sun can be neglected. Solution: Ans: [Note: of as 3.1. Radius of Pluto, = 1150 km Perihelion distance rp = 4.4 x 10° km phelion distance ry = 7.3 x 10? km Solid angles (d®, and 40) do= So Formula: Caleulation: From formula, dQ,= (s4xt0') a1) 2.146 x 10° sr 3.142 x (1150)" (73x10) Ans: Solid angle at perihelion distance is 2.146 x 1078 sr and at aphelion distance is 7.798 x 10 sr. and dQ, = 7.798 x10" sr defined as the apparent change in ‘an object ue to a change i eS ; ee twist t Epa Wt nae So co ee ce it What i para ange? ‘Ans: j. Angle between the mo directions along which a star ‘or planet is viewed at the two ‘points of observation is called — |® parallax angle (parallactc angle). | fi, It is given by, zy \ ey \ D —b— where, b = Separation between two points of observation, D = Distance of source from any point of observation. *Q.15, Star A is farther than star B. Which sta will haye a large parallax angle? > is constant for the two stars il. iv. Q.7% Explain how parallax method i Ans: The Pl , observatories sirmul time, E; and Ez distance figure EiE2=b ‘The angle between the two diections along which the D/ —\p 4 is viewed, can be are separated By as shown in planet neasured. It is parallax measured a angle, which in this case 4 ZESE:=0 Earth The planet is far away from the (Earth) observers, hen: b< (2M°T)] vi. Since, 1 m = 100 em and | kg = 1000 g, we Dimensions have, n= (100em’"/1000 2 [LHS]=[RHS] : n=10*x 10) Hence, the conversic Therefore, from equation (1), we hav 1J=107 erg. si 2 10 factor, n = 10) the limitations of _ dimensional ‘Ans: Limitations of dimens i, The value of dimensionless co b ¥ obtained with the help of experim: dn ii, Dimensional analysis cannot be used relations involving trigonometric ? etc.), exponential (e’ Iogarithmic functions (lo these quantities are dimensionle fii, This method is not useft < proportionality is not a dimensionle 3 es J eee iv. If the correct equation contains some m aM terms of the same dimension, it is not possi th ‘L’, force “F’ and time ‘T? are to know about their presence us Q37. I dimensional equation taken as fundamental quantities, what ee would be the dimensional equation of mass | Reading between the lines | and density? : Ss Solution 8 | i. Force = Mass x Acceleration / | “Bepenaion for pote: WE arecty proportional fo product of the two | 1 ' | Force Mass Jeration Dimensional equation of mass ‘masses and inversely proportional to square of the distance between the two mm, F Dia Dimensions of force Dimensions of acceleration re Ries where, ae vi ‘dimensionless constant of proportionality, ee, ‘Taking dimensions on both sides of equation Dimensional equation of density _ Dimensions of muss__ [FLT (Mp (LMT of = [DMT (EMT) ‘ oi [Lee Ty The dmesomalcqton of cae i soe a c Equating dimensions of L, M, T on both sides PLP Dimensions of vo ve ii, The dimensional equation of density is ; : of equation (2) mere | x-leody=2 *Q.38.An electron with charge e enters a uniform Substituting x, y in equation (1), we have KE Tt pada eit | M'T?] CGS unit Sil unit Li= tem La=1m=100em M M:= 1 kg = 1000 g 1 1 0.8 g em? = conversion factor (n) x kg mm « 08 [E) MITF] = nx [L2M}T 08{15)M l I vee A, || , 1s] m {000g | | 1 ) 0°}'= 0.8 [10}° [109] ating the value of ‘n’ in equation (1), 0.8 gem = 0.8 x 10? kg m7 Ans: Density of ol in $. units 0.8 x 10° kg m3, Qd5.'The value of G in C.GS system is 6.67 x 10° dyne em? ulate its value in S.1. system Solution Dimensional formula of gravitational constant (UM-'T?] CGS system S.L. system) Dimension’ Dimension LM; 't, 4) L4M 5'T;] Li= Tem L:=1 m= 100m Mi=1g M:= | kg = 1000 g Ti=1s T=Is 6.67 x 10° dyne em? g? Conversion factor (n) x Nm? kg? (ly 667% 10" (EMT; ]- nx [EMI noefesfe) em | IT fae lions 6.67 x 10-* x 10° x 10° 667% 10" From equation (1), 667 10- dyne om? & 6.67 10"! N-m? he Ans: ValucofGinS.Lsystemis6.67%10- N-m?ke ( ‘Accuracy, Precision and Uncertainty ‘measurements, Q.46, What is accuracy? Ans: Accuracy is ho tual value of that 6110" |, Q47, What is precision? device records nearly auetié! reproducible results Q.48. A scale in a lab measures the mass of object consistently more by 500 g than their actual mass. How would you describe the scale in terms of accuracy and precision? [Note: The goal of the “Ans: The seale is precise but not accurate, Explanation: Precision measures how Comsistently a device records the same answer, Seen though it displays the wrong value Hence, the scale is precise. Kecursey is how well a device measures Something against its accepted value. As scale in the lab is always off by 500 g. itis not accurate ‘observer should be to get ‘accurate as well as precise measurements] (Note: Studenis can scan the adjacent (OR code to get conceptual clarit ‘about accuracy and precision with the aid of a linked video.) Q.49, Can you tell? If ten students are asked to measure the Iength of a piece of cloth upto a mm, using a metre scale, do you think their answers will be identical? Give reasons. the students are likely to be Ans: Answers of different, Length of cloth needs to be measured up to a millimetre (mm) length. Hence, to obtain accurate and precise reading But least count of metre scale is 1 mm. As a e nal neertainty in reading ding significantly. Also, skill o Co jeasureme ay also Q.51. What is an error? Aus: The difference true value alue of a physic vantity is called Q.52. What is systematic error? Classify errors into different categories. caduced by observation or measurement eres) nkeren to the system ata determined chance but are in -ment process) inherent Q Ar Classification of error Errors are classified into following two groups: a. Systematic errors: 1, strumental error (constant error, E 2. Error due to imperfection in experimental technique a 3. Personal error (human error). , bb. Random error (accidental err) 253. What is instrumental (constant) error? c Instrumental error: : i It arises due to defective calibration of an ii, Example: If a thermometer is not graduated 7 properly, i.e., one degree on the thermom Actually corresponds to 0.99°, the temperature 4 Q.54. What is error due to imperfection in experimental technique? Ans: Error due to imperfection in experimental technique : The on hich © du defee it the Q.55. What is personal erro Ans: Personal error (Human error 56. What is random error (accident Ans Random error (acc QT, State general methods to minimise effect of systematic errors. Ans: Methods to minimise effect of systematic By wing prope Absolute error Mean absolute error Relative error Percentage error Arithmetic mean: a. The most probable value of a large number of readings of a quantity is called the arithmetic mean value of the quantity. This value can be considered to be true value of the quantity Ita fay are *n” number of readings taken for measurement of quantity, then their mean value is given y ii, Absolute error valu iv. Relative erro nn absolute error in the quantity 10 its callipers of least count 0.01 the external diameter of a Take 3 readings at different positions on th the absolute mean error percent Is: Given: L.C. = 0.01 cm To measure external eylinder readings an Main Seale | Reading .R.) (Coinciding divx LC.) The mean diameter = acm Absolute mean error Anan A fine Percentage error 100 ey and find (f) the mean and (il) the Observed reading (MsR+ VSR) fote: The above table is made assuming zero error Vernier callipers. If, calliper has positive or ive zero error, the zero error correction needs be introduced into observed reading] the Q.61. What is meant by Corrected reading Sag a = term combination of ‘combined 2. Explain errors in sum and in difference of measured quantity errors in sum and in difference: riysical quantities A and B have cs A + AA and B + ABy tly, where AA and AB are their meat Then, the absolute error AZ in their sum, Z=AsB Z+AZ=(A+AA)+(B+AB) (A+B) = 4A + AB AZ=+AA =—— += (+ Volume of cylinder, V = xr), pam , AV Reinive enor 20 = +5 ‘ mass(m) (Density (p)= Basle ii, Percentage error= Relative error x 100% Calculation: From formulae (i) and (ii), , 210001) | o001 0.0250 "400 = 0.08185 From formula ( %emor in density = “100 0.08185 x 100 error in density is 8.185%, at simple pendulum off 1 by anit) em. If its time pertod ig toe 1) 5, find the maximum sror in the measurement of g, 0.01 s) core. (Squaring both sides) (Using result from error in division) From formula (i), (0.001 + 0.01) x 100= 1.1 % Ans: Percentage error in measurement of gis 1. [ 1.9 Significant figures J Q.77.*Describe what is meant by significant figures. State the rules for determining significant figures. ignificant figures: Significant figures in the measured value of @ physical quantity is the sum of reliable digits and the first uncertain digit. OR The mimber of digits in a measurement about which we are certain, plus one additional digit the first one about which we are not certain is ‘known as significant figures or significant digits. Larger the number of significant figures obtai in a measurement, greater is the accuracy of th ‘measurement. The reverse is also true. ‘fone uses the instrument of smaller least the number of significant digits increases. Rules for determining significant figures: All the non-zero digits are significant, example if the volume of an object is 178.43 cm’, there are five significant digit which are 1,7,8,4 and 3. Alll the zeros between two nonzero digits Signficam, eg, m= 165.02 g has 5 signi number figures in 0.004567 91.000 Reason 10.79. Write down the number of significant figures im the following: 0.003 m?, 0.1250 ¢ cm= 6.4 x 10° m, 1.6 x 10° C, 9.1 x 10 ky Ans: No. of significant figures Pate 2 Rule 10.80. State the rules for rounding off numbers. Ans: Rules for rounding-off the numbers: in measurement, preceding should be 7.34 is rounded-off to 7. ig digit should be raised by | €g. 17.26 is rounde: If the digit to be dropped is 5 followed by digits other than zero, then the preceding digit should be raised by 1 7351, on being rounded-off to first decimal becomes 7.4, If the digit to be dropped is 5 or 5 followed by zero, then the preceding digit is not changed if itis even, €g. 3.45, on being rounded-off becomes 3.4 Chapter 1: Units and Measurements QSL. "Describe what is meant by order of magnitude Explain with suitable examples. Order of magnitude: ical quantity can be where “A’ is a number order of magnitude Examples: Internet my friend hframe.html Q.83. Add 7.21, 12.141 and 0.0028 and express the result to an appropriate number of significant figures, Solution: In the given problem, minimum number of digits after decimal is 2 Result will be rounded off-upto two places of decimal, Ans: Corrected rounded off sum is 19.35 *Q.84. The diameter of a sphere is 2.14 em, Calculate the volume of the sphere to the correct number of significant figures. i 4 Ans: Volume of sphere = <7 Ate = Seaiea.(234 3 - 4 3142079 ah 2 5.132113475 cm? Std. XI Sci.: Precise Physics i nd thickness of 2 oes Tcangular sheet of foetal are 424 (ns a and 201 em respectively. Give the Solution Senin fgures(V) Forme: i, Aw2b*6+U) ae A= 24234 1.005 + 1.008 » A= 8721 m Tncoret significant Sigure A=8.72 m* From f Vv ula (ii), 234 x 1.005 x 0.0201 (085528917 m In correct significant off), V = 0.086 m? Area of sheet to correct significant figures is 8.72 m* Volume of sheet to correct sig figures is 0.086 m The given solution is dering a rectangular sheet.] icant arrived to by ‘The mass of a box measured by a grocer’s balance is 2.3 kg. Two gold pieces of masses 20.15 g and 20.17 g are added to the box. What is (i) the total mass of the box? (ii) the difference in the masses of the pieces to correct significant figures? (NCERT) | Solution: Total mass of the box =(2.3 + 0.02017 + 0.02015) kg 2.34032 kg Since, the last number of significant figure i 2, therefor, the otal mas of the box = 33 ky Difference of mass = (20.17 - 20.15) 0.02 g Since, there are two significant figures so the difference in masses to the correct significant is 0.02 g. val mass of the OX (0 COTES a 2.3 kg. masses to comect T Pa fference in the ant figures is 0.02 &. 5 R has a dependence on the sR =1.3 = 10%A!® m 2 mber (A) For a obtain the order expressed in metre. Ans R=1amoe A For A = 125 R= 1.3 x 10°! x (125)! 13x 10x 5 6.510" Order of magnitude = -15 #Q.88.A large ball 2 m in radius is made up of @ length 4 mm, Neglecting the air gaps in the pall, what is the total length of the rope to the nearest order of magnitude? Volume of ball = Volume enclosed by rope. 4 -ction of rope (radius) = Area of cross x length of rope Iength of rope / Given: r= 2m and Area=A=4x4 = 16mm? = 16x 10% 4 3x 16x10" x 10° m. Total length of rope to the nearest order of ‘magnitude = 10° m= 10° km y~ f - ee — I. Measure of physical quantity M=nu Where, n= numerical value, u = unit Relation between numerical value and size of Conversion factor of a unit in two system of P74] | t] LM. Plane ang! a Solid angle: d= b Parallax angle: Chapter 1. Units and Measurements Diameter of planet/star: > Average value or mean value Ave Ady |= | Sean ~ 8 Mean absolute error: Aa, + Aa, + Aa, Relative (fractional) error: Percentage error: = IfZ= A+B, then maximum error: AZ =+(AA + AB) Power Prefix Symbol “Uy i9 Ped 1.2 _ System of Units Define F.P.S system Refer 03 Define C.G.S system Refer 03 Compare plane angle and solid angle Refer 06. Measurement of Length Explain the method to determine the distance of ‘planet from the Earth Refer 0.16 Measurement of Mass 6 — What is atomic mass unit (amu)? Why is ‘element carbon used to define it? ‘Ans: Refer 0.24 (v) and 0.25. Measurement of time ‘Why was solar day rejected as a unit of time? Refer 0.26 (ii) Ans: (i) 0.01m (i) 0.004 m 19, : Refer 0. 58. benweon the S.A and ing dimensional » CGS system if Caleulate its valwe itt Precision and) Uncertainty tiv Accuracy, Precision Measurements 4 trodluve reasons that_ may introduce i tainties in an observation? Errors in Measure Expl Error in the mes is 1% surement of radius of a sphere Then error in the measurement of volume will be? The length of a rod as measured in an experiment was found to be 2.48 m, 2.46 m, 2.49 m, 2.50 m and 2.48 m. Find the mean absolute error, relative error and percent error. 0.4% The length of a metal plate was using a Vernier callipers of least 0.01 cm. The measurement made 4.11 cm,4.13 cm, 4.21 em and 4.09 cm, the mean length, the mean absolute relative error and the percentage error in ‘measurement of length. Ans: (i) 4.135 em, (iv) 0.906 % rules for determini examples, 2 Refer O.8 Add 3.8 x 10 and 42 regards to significant figures s: 4.6 * 10 Two different masses are determined as (23.7 + 0.5) g and (17.6 + 0.3) g. What is the sum of their masses? 413£08¢ The length, breadth and thickness of a rectangular sheet of metal are 4.658 m, n and 2.04 cm respectively. Give the and volume of the sheet to correct ificant figures, 8: (i) 6.316 m?, (i) 0.31 m’ The acceleration due to gravity at a place is 9.8 ms. Find its value in km h™ and its order of magnitude for that value is: 127008 km/h?, 5 Find the order of magnitude of followi i, Height of a tower 4325 m ii, Weight ofa car 789 kg iii. Charge on electron 1.6 x 10- =) 3, (ii) 3, (ili) ~19 What will be the kinetic energy of body if its mass is 2 kg and moving with a velocity of 2 m/s? Write its order of magnitude and significant figures. (45, (i) 0, Git) 1 A physical quantity may be defined as (A) the one having dimension. (B) that which is immeasurable. (©) that which has weight (D) that which has mass. Which of the following is the fundamental unit? (A) Length, force, time (B) Length, mass, time (© Mass, volume, height (D) Mass, velocity, pressure Chapter 1: Units and Measurements Which of the following is NOT a fundamental (A) Temperature (B) Electric charge (©) Mass (D) Electric current Which of the following is not @ fundamental (A) om kg (©) centigrade D) volt The distance of the planet from the earth is measured b (A) direct method (B) directly by metre scale (©) _spherometer method (D) parallax method The two stars S; and Sr are located at distances d; and dp respectively. Also if d> 4 then following statement is true (A) The parallax of Si and So are same (B) The parallax of S1 is twice as that ofS; ©) The parallax of S; is greater than parallax of S D) The parallax of S> is greater than parallax of S Which of the following is NOT a unit of time? (A) Hour (B) Nano second (©) Microsecond — (D) _ parse Light year is a unit of (A) time (B) mass (©) distance (D) luminosity ‘An atomic clock makes use of (A) cesium-133 atom (B) _cesium-132 atom (©) cesium-123 atom (D) cesium-131 atom S.1 unit of energy is joule and it is equivalent to (A) 10% erg B) 107 eg (C) 10’ erg () erg (L'M!T-'] is an expression for (A) force (B) energy (C) pressure (D) momentum Dimensions of sin @ is @ Wy (8) (M} (C) [ML] (D) [ML] [L'M'T?] is the dimensional formula for (A) velocity (B) acceleration (© force (D) work Dimensions of kinetic energy are the same as that of (A) force (B) acceleration (© work (D) pressure 0.00849 co significant @ 6 B) © 3 o 3.310 10° has a @ 6 (B) 4 © 2 Dd) 1 The Earth's radius is 6371 km. The orde magnitude of the Earth's radius is (A) 10°'m (B) 10m © 10'm (D) 10m ____ is the smallest measurement that an be made using the given instrument (A) Significant number (B) Least count (©) Onder of magnitude (D) Relative error + (Geen Introduction 1 2 Vector Analysis 3 Vector Operations Once a physical quantity is define fiensionally and described in suitable units, the stion about its direction follo answer to this question lies in vector analysis. Can you re Which of the follow vectors? Displacements , distance travelled , ‘ty , speed , force , work done , energy Physical quantities. which can be completely described by their magnitude (a number and unit) are called scalars. Physical quantities which need ‘magnitude as well as direction for their complete description are called vectors. Scalars: Distance travelled, speed, work done, energy. Vectors: Displacement, velocity, force. L. Can you recall? (Textbook page no.16) ‘What is the difference between a scalar and It has magnitude as well as direction. Vectors are added or | by subtracted | geometrical according to the (graphical) method or rules of algebra.__| vector algebra. _ Resolution of Vectors Multiplication of Vectors Introduction to Calculus ic | It is represented by symbol (>) arrow another Examples: Explain representation of vector graphically and symbolically Graphical representation: A vector is graphically represented by directed line segment of an arrow eg: displacement of a body from P to Q is represented as P—> Q Symbolic representat Symbolically @ vector is represented by a single letter with an arrow above it, such as A. The magnitude of the vector Ais denoted as|Alor|A|or A. A vector has both magnitude and direction. Does it mean that anything that has magnitude and direction is necessarily a vector? (NCERT) For a physical quantity, only having magnitude and direction is not a sufficient condition to be a vector. A physical quantity also has to obey vectors Jaw of addition to be termed as vector. Hence, anything that has magnitude and direction is not necessarily a vector. Example: Though current has definite magnitude and direction, it is not a vector. I Sci; Precise Phy’ Equal vectors d Position vector cms | alled Position vector OP represents position ctor of P with respect t0 O. Q.6. Whether the resultant of two vectors of magnitude be zero? oe ee | ans: ‘The resultant of two vectors of different Beere vecsar (Nall yes) ” magnitude cannot give zero resultant. Resultant vector - lad a Negative vectors Q.7. Define unit vector and give its physical Equal vectors significance. Unit vector: A vector having unit magnitude given direction is called a unit vector in Zero vector (Null vector): that dire A vector having zero magnitude and tBdanw teen an en ‘arbitrary direction is called zero vector. \t is Position vector Ans; P vector ti, in the direction of B is given by, denoted as 0. Example: Velocity vector of stationary particle, acceleration vector of a body moving with uniform velocity. Resultant vector: The resultant of two or more vectors is Significance of unit vector defined as that single vector, which produces i. The unit vector gives the direction of a gi the same effect as produced by all the vectors vector. together. ii, Unit vector along X, Y and Z direction of Samer rectangular (three dimensional) coordinate is negative vector of a given vector is a vector eae i of the same es but opposite in morons ty ed ea be P direction to that of the given vector. ce jjand a Negative vectors are antiparallel vectors. poe é oe This gives Sty and k= FZ Q.8. What are dimensions and units of a vector? Ans: Unit vector does not have any dimensions unit. Unit vector is used to specify di only, b ee —_——_- Negative vectors ~ ae) 7 unit fe: When vectors are not in the same direction, then ican be added using triangle law of vector addition} I. State true or false statement and rewrite. It is possible to add two representing physical qi different dimensions, False. is mot possible t0 add two Fepresenting physical quantities different dimensions. If false correct the vectors tities hav’ vectors having In Chapter 1, you have 4 that two physical quantities having different fare necessarily different quantities. Chapter 2: Mathematical Methods Q.13. How can resultant of two vectors of a type inclined with each other be determined? Ans: When two vector her, thei a type are inclined with resultant can be determined angle law of vector addition | 0.14 Want steely of eee Anat Tangle If two same physical quantity. are ted in magnitude and direction, by the tw triangle taken in order, then their resultant is represented in magnitude and direction by the third side of drawn in the sides of ipposite sense, ie starting point (tail) of the first the end point (head) of the second ————_—>o A Let P and G_be the two vectors of same type taken in same order as shown in figure. Resultant vector will be given by third side taken in opposite order. ie, OA + AB P+G=R Figure (b) fF and Q then If Ris the resultant vector of P Let P and @ be the two vectors in a plane as shown in figure (a). 3 Figure (a) Figure (b) Figure (¢) To subtract G from P, vector @ is reversed 80 that we get the vector Gas shown in figure (b). The reutant veer (i) i obained by Joining tail of F to head of 3 as shown in figure (c), From triangle law of vector addition, R=P+(-G)-F-6 A = CB =Pand AB =0C 1 \OAB, OA+AB = OB tor addi (By triangle law of vee PiO-K «a 3 i = OB InA OCB, OC + C By triangle law of vector additio Q+P=R 2) From equation (1) and (2). P+Q=Q4P Hence, addition of two vectors obeys commutative law Q.18, Prove that: Vector addition is associative. Ans: Associative property of vector adi According to associative for three vectors P, Q and R {Pro}+R=P(QeR] C Let OA =P, AB=6, BC =R Join OB and AC In AOAB, OK+AB=OB (From triangle law of vector addition) (1) (From triangle law of cer aciition) & fin A ABC RB +BC~ AC Grit - iy In A0A¢ WA + AC = OC Bek, -3 ein): ee HOn Comparing, equation (2) and (4), we get (i-8)-8-8 GR ssociative law is proved. State true or false statement and rew The subtraction of ‘commutative nor associ True If false correct the n vectors is neither State and prove parallelogram law of vector \ddition and determine magnitude and direction of resultant vector. Parallelogram law of vector addition: If two vectors of same type starting from the Same point (tails at the same point), are represented in magnitude and direction by the two adjacent sides of a parallelogram then their resultant vector is given in magnitude ‘and direction, by the diagonal of the ‘parallelogram starting from the same point. Proof: a. Consider two vectors PandQ of the same type, with their tails at the point +0” and ‘0° is the angle between P and Q as shown in the figure below. ° B A Join BC and AC to complete the parallelogram OACB, with OA=P and DT chapter 2: mathematical May AG=6. as the adjacent sides. We have to prove that diagonal O& = & , the resultant of sum of the two given vector By the triangle law of vector addition, we hi OA + AC = OC a As AG is parallel to OB Substituting OA and OC in ‘equation (1) we have PrO-R Hence proved. of resultant vector: To find the magnitude of resultant vector R= OC, draw a perpendicular from C to meet OA extended at S /CAS = ZBOA = 0 and AC In right angle triangle ASC, AS oB=Q cos 0 AS= AC cos 0 and Qeosd ....G) sin 0 SC = AC sin 8 = Q sin® (4) Using Pythagoras theorem in angled triangle, OSC (OC) = (Osy + (SCP DA + AS + (SCP = (AY +2(0A).(AS) + (AS?) + (SCP 45) From right angle triangle ASC, (AS) + (SCF= (ACY ...(6) From equation (5) and (6), we get (OC) =(OAY + 2(0A) (AS) + (ACP AT) right (00) Using (3) and (7), we get (OCF =(OA)?+ (AC)? + 2OANAC) cos 8 R? =P? + Q*+2 PQ cos O R= \P'+Q' +2PQcos0 (8) Equation (8) gives the magnitude of resultant vector R . 121, Complete the table for two vectors P and G inctined at angle 8. Direction of resultant vector with, Pa) Resultant ‘vector ® Q22.1f|A +B Ans: ie, P and Q are in the same direction, using R= (P+Q'+2PQcos0 R= (Ps +2PQcos0° = PQ +29 (-: 608 0=1) and Q are ch other, then 90° = 0) 5°, i.e., when P and Q are When @ = 180°, ie posite directions, 2PQc0s180 Re (PEO =IPQ «(705 180° R= (P-Q R=P-Q Qsin1 80° ee P+ Qeos180° ) | A — Bj then what can be the angle between A and B? Let @ be the angle between A and B, them A + BP=A?+B?+2AB cosd Also the an, between A and —B is (180°-@) Hence, |A + BP=A? +B? +2AB cos(180°-6) + B?- 2AB cos As|A +Bi=| A — Bl, we can equate above two equations, 2AB cos® = -2AB cos0 = 4AB cos = 0 Assuming A and Bas non-zero vector, we get, cos® = 0 = 6=90° Thus, if|A + B)=| A A and B must be at right ee ee ight angles to Express vector AC in follow fand CB shown in Using the triangle law of addition of vectors, AC + CB = AB AB — CB From the following figure, determine the resultant of four forces Ar, Az, As, As Aa Yoin OB to complete AOAB as shown in figure below f A Wow, using triangle law of vector addition, OB = OA + AB= Ait Az Join OC to complete triangle OBC as shown Ais hot D = As=0C+ B= Ais Art As+ Ae D is the resultant ofthe four vectors. Chapter 2: Mathematical Methods (0.25. Find the vector that should be added to the sum of (21-5)+3%) and (41+7}-a8) to give avunit vector along the X-axis, Let vector # be added to get unit vector (i) (oi-sj+at) + (41+ 7)-a)= of 2) of vectors is given as, According to given condition, (61 +2}-k)+P=i Bai-(6i+2}-k) -1-61-2j+k= sigs Ans: The required vector is -Si-2}+i 0.26. If P=2i+3}-k and Q =2i-Sj+2k. Find Lp ho i, 3P-20. Solution: Given. k 5]+2k ‘oink iA HOP ee ree Cateulation P+Q=@i+3)-W+@i-5) +20) =Q2+2i1+G-9)+C1+Dk ae ii, 3B = 3(2i+3}-8)=6i+9}-a8 26 i 10} 4b 38-26 -(¢i+9}-38) -(4i-10}--48) 6i+9}-3k—4i+10)-4k 3P- 26= 2i+19)-7 Ans: i B4G is al-2j+k 3P— 20s 2i+19}-7k. Q.27. Find unit vector parallel to the resultant of i+ 4j - 2k and ii, the vectors A B= Solution: Sitk. The resultant of A and B is, ie; (Bed .ajeaucieseny =(1+3)1+(4-5)}+0-Dk [R |= V4? +E? +0? = Vi6+1+1 = Vis = 3v2 8.002N nt | 53 = 39° tude of resultant force is tion of resultant force is 30° +Q.29, Water is Mowing in a stream with velocity $ knv/hr in an easterly direction relative to the shore. Speed of a boat relative to still water is 20 kiv/hr. If the boat enters the stream heading north, with what velocity will the boat actually travel? @ The resultant velocity 4 skmvhp_B Rof the boat can be Q 20 / obtained by adding the 4 7) R two velocities using “™ 4 OAB shown in the figure. Magnitude of the resultant velocity is calculated as: 0.30, Rain is falling vertically with a speed of ian direction. In which hota (NCERT) at a speed of hold his umbrella? 2 0.343 = 19° Ans: The boy should hold his umbrella in vertical plane at an angle of about 19° with vertical towards the east Connections ) In Chapter 3, you will study in detail about relative velocity between two objects, Q.31, What are Ans: i. The given vector can be written as sum of OF more vectors along certain fixed directo The vectors into which the given single veet is split are ca ‘components of a vector? a alled components of the vector. |= 33, What are rectangular components of Chapter 2. Mathematical Methods ors? Explain their uses Rectangular components of a vector What is meant by resolution of vector = “x Two dimensional rectangular components along X-axis = B Y-axis = R - AC = OB=R a re unit vectors along positive direc X and Y axes respectively If is angle made by R with X-axis, then cosg~ OA. B Ry =R cos 0 a) non sir ; R,=Rsin® Q) Squaring and adding equation (1) and (2) we get, Ri+R? = R’cos"0 + R’sin°@ R? (cos?0 + sin’8) QB) Equation (3) gives the magnitude of & Direction of R_ can be found out by dividing equation (2) by (1), =tan 8 “Equation (4) gives direction of R Eeordiastytem then, ReRsR ok, or Renien Jone en by, [Note: Ifa, Band yare angles made by R with R, and R: then directio e cos a= Be R cos B= linked video J ba (3 Solved Examples Ne *Q.34. Show that 3 is a unit vector. Solution: Let a be unit vector of sa. Now, |a|= aia? = I } (a1 ee Wo = 4 itself is a unit vector, eco! vii, When vectors are noncoplanar, it necessary {0 use the third dimension RLR, and, are three rectangular ‘components of R along X, Y and Z axes of a three dimensional rectangular cartesian Three dimensional rectangular components “0.35. Find a unit veetor in the vector 3i+4j- Gen ¥= sed) Magnitude of 0=|7 (= (544 = JB tor is 2i+4 ‘Ans: Required unit vector is $i+53 - 4Q.36.Given a=i+2] and b=2i+], what are the magnitudes of the two vectors? Are these two vectors equal? Vso = V5 and |bj= ¥ The magnitudes of a and b are equal) 4 Ho their corresponding components are not equal, ie., ax # by and ay # by. Hence, the two vectors are not equal. * Ans: Magnitudes of two vectors are equal, but tors are unequal s Q37-Find the vector Grawa Treuittaaaal (4,10, 2) to the point @, -2, 1. Also find x= 4, 10, z1 =7, ‘ HN + 2-105 + ; IPA = Aci + Ajj + Ack, then magnitude of A is givens A= AP+A; Here A, =7, / A VP+CID CoP = Va9+1444 36 (29 = 15.13 units Ans: The vector drawn is 77 — 12] - 6i and its __ magnitude is 15.13 units, Q.38. In a cartesian co-ordinate system, the co-ordinates of two points P and Q are @ 4, 4) and (2, -3, 7) respectively, find PG and its magnitude, VIS = 5 Solutio Substituting P= [3{ and Ph aie gee aa Given: Poston vector of P~(2, 4,4) Letts tor OF = 21+ 4} +4k Ba 25( 32 Position vector of Q = (-2, -3, 7) 2 cn Bs ; ne required vector is 151+26 Bona shot The req 28 4s, PO=00-OF *0.4)For ¥j=21-3] and vj=-61+5] , determine PQ = [21-3}+7k)-(2i +4)+48) the magnitude and direction of v,+¥ 7G = -si-7}+36 |) "Sete Ire the Magnitude of PO (2-3) ) » these [PQ] = ear (2i-6i)+( 16449 74 [P| = 86 unis 5 5 Fs Ans: Vector PQ is—4i—7)4+3% and its magnitude ee nts are 8.6 units. eneenas A 2, the 4 and Ry=2 #Q,39°1f ¥,=3i+4) +i and vy-i- j-L, determine ane 6 made by R I, but x the magnitude of , : Solution: o-u point i Pais itv, =(344 4}+ 8) i ~~ sisivdj-j+k-k = 443} Ans: M : of vty is poin Magnitude of ( ws tart{ >) with [vty l= V3 S units x —axi Ans: Magnitude of vj+¥, is S units n of Vectors axnure ee ea en mena: n scalar product of two vectors with having the same ma as Band e of parallel to A Solution: The magnitude of vector A is |A | VO416 = 25 =5 i The unit vector A parallel to A is sg i IAL ‘ its ‘The magnitude of vector B is |B Pe Let be the required vector, then PoP PP he d to be multipl wo vectors product is also called dot product. The scalar product of eravecina stain given by, P-Q =PQ cos 0 where, P= ma nitude of BQ magnitude of Q 0 = angle between P and @ A-R= AA 608 0 1. Power (P) is a scalar product of force j-iajjo tbat vy. Foro self dot product) is equal to the magnitude. square of its PR’ angle ® b. Work is scalar product of force { | Conaitions | R and 8 we] AB ’ and displacement (2) parallel co each bither (0 = 0°) wks and Bowe] is “ae antiparallel 10 each Connections ae ater (0= 180°) nen eer ent ri ; 7s 045.1 study in detail about work done by variable force perpendicular | 0 ° Ans: while causing displacement each other (0= 90°) i 2.43, Discuss characteristics of sealar product of Deel ere vecor sn jb oki =o ) Chart f Sf vi. Scalar product of two vectors is expressed in ; equivalent tothe product of magnitude of one AB AB) + AB, rection of the first vil For a #0, a:b = a€ does not necessarily Let Band be two mean ectors with an : Je 0 between li Reaetvaeis ep | figure Sieg m \ ! ' From definition of dot produc, | det tw ’ ts ! B-G =PQcos 0=P(Q cos 0) \ Ria 3-Q1+Q5+Q ' Qk ; 1 6-B = QP cos 0=Q(P cos 0) ' R ! c I (Component of Fin direction of 6 ) %0,(i-i) \ _ it of two vectors obeys the R04(i-i) +,0,( i commutative aw of multiplication ! "eA Oli O.(ik) | | i } pe || A-B = AB cos 0 | * R:O.(k-i) + R.Q,(K j) + R.0,(ie-&) t i i BAcos 0= BA 1 Since, i-i= jj = R-R= tan | ae ' hee ; \ AB=B-A ' ik= Gi= jist j-Le <0 ' iii, The scalar product obeys the distributive law t R-Q =R.Q +R,Qy+R.Q, t of multiplication I tilieaton | Explanation for (vii ! A AB + AC | For 8-8 = ac, using distributive law of I I ' ' Dor a is perpendicular to 6 ~ ¢ Q45. Define and explain vector pro Ans: (Q44. Complete the table of dot product of unit vector given below: vectors with suitable examples. Ans: i, The vector product of two vectors is a third vector whose magnitude is equal to the product of magnitude of the two vectors and sine of the smaller angle 8 between the two vectors. Vector product is also called cross product of vectors because cross sign is used to represent vector product. Explanation a. The vector product of two vectors & and B, is a third vector R and is written as, R = A x B=ABsin 0 a where, Gis unit vector in direction of R, ie, perpendicular tc containing two vectors. It is given by b. The magnitude of R= | R 0 Where 0<0

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