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“Creative Dance”

What is creative dance?

Creative Dance is a contemporary form of dance that combines movement and artistic
expression, without the need for specific training. Typically, creative dance focuses on the
development of motor skills and emotional expression, as opposed to the aesthetics based
focus of dance in more traditional structured settings. Creative dance is a combination of all
different styles of dance, and children can create their own dance personalities and
Rudolf VonLaban contributed decisively to the development of creative dance and he was the
one who established the basic elements of the structural analysis of motion in relation to the
strength, space, time, weight and relations to others (Davies, 2006).
Why is creative dance important?
Creative dance is important for us to learn because it has been shown to have a positive effect
on social and cognitive functioning. This helps improve children’s confidence and academic
Another benefit of creative dance is that it helps us to become more spacially aware. It
improves our motor skills, and can move with control and balance more easily.
We will find that we are able to express themselves through creative dance, which will be
particularly beneficial to those who struggle to communicate clearly or confidently.
What elements are covered in creative dance?
Within creative dance, performers will consider:

 Space
 Time
 Force
 Body
They can then develop these elements into different speeds, shapes, rhythms, and direction.
The goal of creative dance is to communicate through movement. The instrument is the human
body. In creative dance there is no "right" or "wrong" way to do things, no routines to learn.
What is important is that the dancer draw on inner resources to make a direct and clear
statement. Granted, an increase in skill increases ability to communicate, but in creative dance
the statement comes before the technique.

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