Morning Routines Present Simple Homework

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Complete the sentence

Positive: Negative:
I (wake/wakes) up early. I (don’t/doesn’t) wake up early.

He (wake/wakes)up early. He (don’t/doesn’t) wake up early.

She (wake/wakes) early. She (don’t/doesn’t) wake up early.

They (wake/wakes) early. They (don’t/doesn’t) wake up early.

Complete the sentence

Question Short Answer

(Do/Does) you wake up early? Yes, I ______. No, I _________

(Do/Does) he wake up early? Yes, he ______. No, he _________.

(Do/Does) she wake up early? Yes, she _______. No, she________

(Do/Does) they wake up early? Yes they ________. No they _____.

Your Morning Routine
What’s your perfect morning routine?

Write down your perfect routine and ask each other about what they
would like to do each morning.

Time Activity

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