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Supplementary Table S1.

Trials that have evaluated Kidney Failure endpoints

ID Year
Trial Population Intervention n
# Published
1 Ponticelli [S1] 1989 Membranous Corticosteroids and chlorambucil vs placebo 81
2 Ponticelli [S2] 1992 Membranous CS vs CS + chlorambucil 92
3 Zucchelli [S3] 1992 CKD, no diabetes nifedipine vs captopril 121
4 Captopril [S4] 1993 diabetes type 1, CKD ACE inhibitor, placebo 409
5 MDRD [S5] 1994 CKD very low protein diet, low BP 840
6 Hanndouche [S6] 1994 CKD, no diabetes ACEi vs beta blocker, open label 100
7 Donadio [S7] 1994 IgA fish oil vs placebo 106
8 AIPRI [S8] 1996 CKD ACEi vs placebo 583
9 REIN [S9] 1997 CKD, no diabetes ACE inhibitor vs placebo 352
10 Ponticelli [S10] 1998 Membranous CS + chlorambucil vs CS + IV cyclophosphamide 97
REIN stratum 1
11 1999 CKD, no diabetes ACEi vs placebo 186
12 IDNT [S12] 2001 diabetes type 2, CKD ARB, amlodipine, placebo 1715
13 RENAAL [S13] 2001 diabetes type 2, CKD ARB, placebo 1513
14 Donadio [S14] 2001 IgA fish oil high dose vs low dose 73
15 AASK [S15] 2002 CKD ACE inhibitor, beta blocker, alpha blocker, amlodipine 1094
16 Katafuchi [S16] 2003 IgA randomized to low dose CS or nothing. Open label. 90
17 Maes [S17] 2004 IgA MMF vs placebo 34
18 Frisch [S18] 2005 IgA MMF vs placebo 32
19 Chan [S19] 2005 Lupus nephritis MMF vs Cyclophosphamide-azathioprine 64
20 REIN2 [S20] 2005 CKD, no diabetes conventional (DBP <90) vs intensified BP (<130/80) 338
21 Ponticelli [S21] 2006 Membranous Methylpredisone + cytotoxic vs IM ACTH 32
22 Hou [S22] 2006 CKD, no diabetes ACE inhibitor vs placebo 422
23 HKVIN [S23] 2006 IgA ARB vs placebo 109
24 CREATE [S24] 2006 CKD partial vs complete correction of anemia with epo beta 603
25 CHOIR [S25] 2006 CKD partial vs complete correction of anemia with epo alpha 1432
26 Praga [S26] 2007 Membranous Tacrolimus or nothing, open label 48

ID Year
Trial Population Intervention n
# Published
27 ROAD [S27] 2007 CKD, no diabetes conventional vs uptitrated doses of ACEi/ARBs 360
28 HOST [S28] 2007 CKD vitamins vs placebo to lower homocysteine 1305
29 ADVANCE [S29] 2008 diabetes type 2 standard vs intensive glucose control 11140
30 ONTARGET [S30] 2008 diabetes type 2 ACEi vs ARB vs combination 25620
31 TREAT [S31] 2009 diabetes type 2, CKD darbepoietin, placebo 4038
32 CAP-KD [S32] 2009 CKD carbon adsorbent, AST-120 vs placebo 460
33 Manno [S33] 2009 IgA CS + ACEi vs ACEi alone, open label 97
de Brito-Ashurst
34 2009 CKD sodium bicarbonate vs controls, open label 134
35 Pozzi [S35] 2010 IgA CS + AZA vs CS alone 207
36 Goicoechea [S36] 2010 CKD allopurinol vs nothing, open label 113
37 ASCEND [S37] 2010 diabetes type 2, CKD endothelin receptor antagonist vs placebo 1392
38 SHARP [S38] 2011 CKD statin-ezetimibe, placebo 9270
39 ORIENT [S39] 2011 diabetes type 2, CKD ARB vs placebo in ACE I treated patients 577
nurse-coordinated team including nephrologist vs general
40 Barrett [S40] 2011 CKD 474
41 TEMPO [S41] 2012 ADPKD tolvaptan vs placebo 1445
42 ALTITUDE [S42] 2012 diabetes type 2 direct renin inhibitor + ARB/ACE i vs ARB/ACE i 8561
43 2012 diabetes type 2, CKD sulodexide vs placebo 1248
44 BEACON [S44] 2013 diabetes type 2, CKD NRF2 activator (bardoxolone), placebo 2185
45 Pozzi [S45] 2013 IgA CS + AZA vs CS alone 46
46 2013 diabetes type 2, CKD ARB vs ARB + ACEi 1448
47 EPPIC1 [S47] 2014 CKD carbon adsorbent, AST-120 vs placebo 1020
48 EPPIC2 [S47] 2014 CKD carbon adsorbent, AST-120 vs placebo 1015
49 HALT-PKD [S48] 2014 ADPKD ACE inhibitor + ARB vs ACE inhibitor alone 486
MASTERPLAN Nurse practitioner aided strict CKD guideline implementation vs
50 2014 CKD 788
[S49] usual care
51 PREDIAN [S50] 2015 diabetes type 2, CKD pentoxifylline vs control, open label 169

ID Year
Trial Population Intervention n
# Published
52 2016 diabetes type 2 SGLT2 inhibitor vs placebo 6185
53 TESTING [S52] 2017 IgA Corticosteroids vs placebo 262
54 LEADER [S53] 2017 diabetes type 2 GLP-1 RA vs placebo 9340
55 CANVAS [S54] 2017 diabetes type 2 SGLT2 vs placebo 10142
56 2019 diabetes type 2 SGLT2 vs placebo 17160
57 2019 diabetes type 2 DPP4 inhibitor, placebo 6979
58 SONAR [S57] 2019 diabetes type 2, CKD endothelin receptor antagonist vs placebo 2648
59 CREDENCE [S58] 2019 diabetes type 2, CKD SGLT2 inhibitor vs placebo 4401
60 ongoing diabetes type 2, CKD non-steroidal MRA vs placebo 5674
61 ongoing diabetes type 2 non-steroidal MRA vs placebo 7354
62 ongoing CKD SGLT2 inhibitor vs placebo 5000
63 AYAME [S62] ongoing CKD NRF2 activator (bardoxolone) vs placebo 1323
64 FLOW ongoing diabetes type 2, CKD GLP-1 RA vs placebo (NCT03819153) 3160
ID = identification; # = number; n = number of participants; CS = corticosteroids; CKD = chronic kidney disease; ACE = angiotensin-converting-
enzyme; BP = blood pressure; ACEi = angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; IgA = immunoglobulin A; IV = intravenous; ARB = angiotensin-
II-receptor blocker; MMF = Mycophenolate mofetil; DBP = diastolic blood pressure; IM = intramuscular; ACTH = Adrenocorticotropic Hormone;
epo = erythropoietin; AST-120 = KREMEZIN® (drug name); AZA = azathioprine; ADPKD = Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease;
SGLT2 = sodium–glucose cotransporter 2; GLP-1 RA = glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist; DPP4 = dipeptidyl peptidase 4; MRA =
mineralcorticoid receptor antagonist; NRF2 = nuclear 1 factor (erythroid-derived 2)–related factor 2

S1. Ponticelli C, Zucchelli P, Passerini P et al.: A randomized trial of methylprednisolone and chlorambucil in idiopathic
membranous nephropathy. N Engl J Med 320:8-13, 1989
S2. Ponticelli C, Zucchelli P, Passerini P, Cesana B: Methylprednisolone plus chlorambucil as compared with methylprednisolone
alone for the treatment of idiopathic membranous nephropathy. The Italian Idiopathic Membranous Nephropathy Treatment
Study Group [see comments]. N Engl J Med 327:599-603, 1992
S3. Zucchelli P, Zuccala A, Borghi M et al.: Long-term comparison between captopril and nifedipine in the progression of renal
insufficiency. Kidney Int 42:452-458, 1992

S4. Lewis EJ, Hunsicker LG, Bain RP, Rohde RD: The effect of angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibition on diabetic
nephropathy. The Collaborative Study Group. N Engl J Med 329:1456-1462, 1993
S5. Klahr S, Levey AS, Beck GJ et al.: The effects of dietary protein restriction and blood-pressure control on the progression of
chronic renal disease. Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study Group. N Engl J Med 330:877-884, 1994
S6. Hannedouche T, Landais P, Goldfarb B et al.: Randomised controlled trial of enalapril and beta blockers in non-diabetic
chronic renal failure. BMJ 309:833-837, 1994
S7. Donadio JV, Jr., Bergstralh EJ, Offord KP et al.: A controlled trial of fish oil in IgA nephropathy. Mayo Nephrology
Collaborative Group. N Engl J Med 331:1194-1199, 1994
S8. Maschio G, Alberti D, Janin G et al.: Effect of the angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor benazepril on the progression of
chronic renal insufficiency. The Angiotensin-Converting-Enzyme Inhibition in Progressive Renal Insufficiency Study Group. N
Engl J Med 334:939-945, 1996
S9. Anonymous.: Randomised placebo-controlled trial of effect of ramipril on decline in glomerular filtration rate and risk of
terminal renal failure in proteinuric, non-diabetic nephropathy. The GISEN Group (Gruppo Italiano di Studi Epidemiologici in
Nefrologia). Lancet 349:1857-1863, 1997
S10. Ponticelli C, Altieri P, Scolari F et al.: A randomized study comparing methylprednisolone plus chlorambucil versus
methylprednisolone plus cyclophosphamide in idiopathic membranous nephropathy. J Am Soc Nephrol 9:444-450, 1998
S11. Ruggenenti P, Perna A, Gherardi G et al.: Renoprotective properties of ACE-inhibition in non-diabetic nephropathies with
non-nephrotic proteinuria [see comments]. Lancet 354:359-364, 1999
S12. Lewis EJ, Hunsicker LG, Clarke WR et al.: Renoprotective effect of the angiotensin-receptor antagonist irbesartan in patients
with nephropathy due to type 2 diabetes. N Engl J Med 345:851-860, 2001
S13. Brenner BM, Cooper ME, de Zeeuw D et al.: Effects of losartan on renal and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with type 2
diabetes and nephropathy. N Engl J Med 345:861-869, 2001
S14. Donadio JV, Jr., Larson TS, Bergstralh EJ, Grande JP: A randomized trial of high-dose compared with low-dose omega-3
fatty acids in severe IgA nephropathy. J Am Soc Nephrol 12:791-799, 2001
S15. Wright JT, Jr., Bakris G, Greene T et al.: Effect of blood pressure lowering and antihypertensive drug class on progression of
hypertensive kidney disease: results from the AASK trial. JAMA 288:2421-2431, 2002
S16. Katafuchi R, Ikeda K, Mizumasa T et al.: Controlled, prospective trial of steroid treatment in IgA nephropathy: a limitation of
low-dose prednisolone therapy. Am J Kidney Dis 41:972-983, 2003
S17. Maes BD, Oyen R, Claes K et al.: Mycophenolate mofetil in IgA nephropathy: results of a 3-year prospective placebo-
controlled randomized study. Kidney Int 65:1842-1849, 2004
S18. Frisch G, Lin J, Rosenstock J et al.: Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) vs placebo in patients with moderately advanced IgA
nephropathy: a double-blind randomized controlled trial. Nephrol Dial Transplant 20:2139-2145, 2005
S19. Chan TM, Tse KC, Tang CS et al.: Long-term study of mycophenolate mofetil as continuous induction and maintenance
treatment for diffuse proliferative lupus nephritis. J Am Soc Nephrol 16:1076-1084, 2005
S20. Ruggenenti P, Perna A, Loriga G et al.: Blood-pressure control for renoprotection in patients with non-diabetic chronic renal
disease (REIN-2): multicentre, randomised controlled trial. Lancet 365:939-946, 2005

S21. Ponticelli C, Passerini P, Salvadori M et al.: A randomized pilot trial comparing methylprednisolone plus a cytotoxic agent
versus synthetic adrenocorticotropic hormone in idiopathic membranous nephropathy. Am J Kidney Dis 47:233-240, 2006
S22. Hou FF, Zhang X, Zhang GH et al.: Efficacy and safety of benazepril for advanced chronic renal insufficiency. N Engl J Med
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S23. Li PK, Leung CB, Chow KM et al.: Hong Kong study using valsartan in IgA nephropathy (HKVIN): a double-blind, randomized,
placebo-controlled study. Am J Kidney Dis 47:751-760, 2006
S24. Drueke TB, Locatelli F, Clyne N et al.: Normalization of hemoglobin level in patients with chronic kidney disease and anemia.
N Engl J Med 355:2071-2084, 2006
S25. Singh AK, Szczech L, Tang KL et al.: Correction of anemia with epoetin alfa in chronic kidney disease. N Engl J Med
355:2085-2098, 2006
S26. Praga M, Barrio V, Juarez GF, Luno J: Tacrolimus monotherapy in membranous nephropathy: a randomized controlled trial.
Kidney Int 71:924-930, 2007
S27. Hou FF, Xie D, Zhang X et al.: Renoprotection of Optimal Antiproteinuric Doses (ROAD) Study: a randomized controlled study
of benazepril and losartan in chronic renal insufficiency. J Am Soc Nephrol 18:1889-1898, 2007
S28. jamison RL, Hartigan P, Kaufman JS et al.: Effect of homocysteine lowering on mortality and vascular disease in advanced
chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 298:1163-1170, 2007
S29. Patel A, MacMahon S, Chalmers J et al.: Intensive blood glucose control and vascular outcomes in patients with type 2
diabetes. N Engl J Med 358:2560-2572, 2008
S30. Yusuf S, Teo KK, Pogue J et al.: Telmisartan, ramipril, or both in patients at high risk for vascular events. N Engl J Med
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S31. Pfeffer MA, Burdmann EA, Chen CY et al.: A trial of darbepoetin alfa in type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease. N Engl J
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S32. Akizawa T, Asano Y, Morita S et al.: Effect of a carbonaceous oral adsorbent on the progression of CKD: a multicenter,
randomized, controlled trial. Am J Kidney Dis 54:459-467, 2009
S33. Manno C, Torres DD, Rossini M et al.: Randomized controlled clinical trial of corticosteroids plus ACE-inhibitors with long-
term follow-up in proteinuric IgA nephropathy. Nephrol Dial Transplant 24:3694-3701, 2009
S34. de Brito-Ashurst I, Varagunam M, Raftery MJ, Yaqoob MM: Bicarbonate supplementation slows progression of CKD and
improves nutritional status. J Am Soc Nephrol 20:2075-2084, 2009
S35. Pozzi C, Andrulli S, Pani A et al.: Addition of azathioprine to corticosteroids does not benefit patients with IgA nephropathy. J
Am Soc Nephrol 21:1783-1790, 2010
S36. Goicoechea M, de Vinuesa SG, Verdalles U et al.: Effect of allopurinol in chronic kidney disease progression and
cardiovascular risk. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 5:1388-1393, 2010
S37. Mann JF, Green D, Jamerson K et al.: Avosentan for overt diabetic nephropathy. J Am Soc Nephrol 21:527-535, 2010
S38. Baigent C, Landray MJ, Reith C et al.: The effects of lowering LDL cholesterol with simvastatin plus ezetimibe in patients with
chronic kidney disease (Study of Heart and Renal Protection): a randomised placebo-controlled trial. Lancet 377:2181-2192,

S39. Imai E, Chan JC, Ito S et al.: Effects of olmesartan on renal and cardiovascular outcomes in type 2 diabetes with overt
nephropathy: a multicentre, randomised, placebo-controlled study. Diabetologia 54:2978-2986, 2011
S40. Barrett BJ, Garg AX, Goeree R et al.: A nurse-coordinated model of care versus usual care for stage 3/4 chronic kidney
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S41. Torres VE, Chapman AB, Devuyst O et al.: Tolvaptan in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. N Engl
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S42. Parving HH, Brenner BM, McMurray JJ et al.: Cardiorenal end points in a trial of aliskiren for type 2 diabetes. N Engl J Med
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S43. Packham DK, Wolfe R, Reutens AT et al.: Sulodexide fails to demonstrate renoprotection in overt type 2 diabetic
nephropathy. J Am Soc Nephrol 23:123-130, 2012
S44. de ZD, Akizawa T, Audhya P et al.: Bardoxolone methyl in type 2 diabetes and stage 4 chronic kidney disease. N Engl J Med
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S45. Pozzi C, Andrulli S, Pani A et al.: IgA nephropathy with severe chronic renal failure: a randomized controlled trial of
corticosteroids and azathioprine. J Nephrol 26:86-93, 2013
S46. Fried LF, Emanuele N, Zhang JH et al.: Combined angiotensin inhibition for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy. N Engl J
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S47. Schulman G, Berl T, Beck GJ et al.: Randomized Placebo-Controlled EPPIC Trials of AST-120 in CKD. J Am Soc Nephrol
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S48. Torres VE, Abebe KZ, Chapman AB et al.: Angiotensin blockade in late autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. N
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S49. Peeters MJ, van Zuilen AD, van den Brand JA et al.: Nurse practitioner care improves renal outcome in patients with CKD. J
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S50. Navarro-Gonzalez JF, Mora-Fernandez C, Muros de FM et al.: Effect of pentoxifylline on renal function and urinary albumin
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