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Universidad Nacional de Rosario- Facultad de Humanidades y Artes

Escuela de Lenguas - Departamento de Idiomas Modernos

Examen de PRACTICA – año 2022


Let´s listen to the first part of Mariah Brian`s life, a BRITISH MUSIC ROCK STAR.

1) Are the following sentences TRUE or FALSE? Jusify the FALSE ones with information
from the audio: ( 0:00 - 0:47 seg)

a. Her life is always the same.

b. She doesn´tcheck her emails in the morning.

c. She likes reading her fans´ emails.

d. She surfs the internet to read magazines.

e. She has breakfast in her house.

f. For breakfast she chats with her cellphone.

g. She is not hungry in the morning.

2) Now, listen to the second part and answer these questions (00:45 – 1:34 min)
a. What does she do at 11 o´clock?

b. What does she do in the music studio?

c. Does she and her band have lunch? When?

e. What does she do when she doesn´t sing?

3) Listen to the last part and complete: (1:35 – THE END)

She returns to London by ____________ and she arrives home at about ___________ or _________.
Sometimes, she has an ____________ on the TV. Then, she goes to a restaurant with her ____________.
He loves foreign __________ so they often go to an ___________or Greek restaurant. She never goes to
bed very ___________ as she doesn´t want to be too tired for the studio the next day.


Universidad Nacional de Rosario- Facultad de Humanidades y Artes
Escuela de Lenguas - Departamento de Idiomas Modernos
Examen pade práctica – ENGLISH 1 –año 2022

Susan Sander´s a drummer in Mariah`s band. Write ONE PARAGRAPH about her with the information given: (in 3rd
person singular)

NATIONALITY: Scottish: Glasgow

Marital status: divorced / no sons - a daughter: sonia ( 15 – student)
AGE: 39
MORNING ACTIVITIES: get up early/ play drums until 12 / no time for lunch
AFTERNOON AND EVENING ACTIVITIES: play drums with daughter/ meet the band at the
studio/ play tennis 5 pm/ light dinner: 8 pm/ bed: 11 pm
ACTIVITIES AT THE MOMENT: preparation of rock festival
FUTURE PLAN/WISH: travel to Australia to see a rock concert/ participate in Britain`s Got Talent


Her name`s Susan Sander……

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