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Alamat : RT/RW. 012/006-Desa Oetuke-Kecamatan Kolbano-Kab. TTS

Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang dianggap benar!

1. Which words called Third Singular Person (orang ketiga tunggal)?
a. She; He; It c. They; Us
b. I; You; They d. Me; His, Them

2. First Singular Person means ……

a. Orang pertama jamak c. Orang pertama tunggal
b. Orang kedua tunggal d. Orang ketiga tunggal

3. Which one called First Singular Person?

a. I c. we
b. You d. They

4. Singular means ………

a. Jamak c. Sedikit
b. Tunggal d. Sendiri

5. Plural means ……
a. Tunggal c. Jamak
b. Sendiri d. Satu

6. “to be” from pronoun “I” is ………….

a. Am c. are
b. Is d. being

7. “to be” from pronoun “We” is………

a. Am c. are
b. Is d. be

8. Possessive Pronoun from the word “He” is………..

a. My c. Your
b. Our d. His

9. Noun means……….
a. Kata Benda c. Kata Kerja
b. Kata Sifat d. Kata Depan

10. Adjective means…….

a. Kata Benda c. Kata Kerja
b. Kata Sifat d. Kata Depan

11. An example of Interjection is …….

a. Wow! c. on
b. See d. in

12. “Intan drinks water everyday”

The sentences above is ……
a. Simple Present Tense c. Simple Future Tense
b. Simple Past Tense d. Present Continuous Tense
Alamat : RT/RW. 012/006-Desa Oetuke-Kecamatan Kolbano-Kab. TTS

13. “You are handsome”.

The Underlined word above is a …….
a. Verb c. Noun
b. Adjective d. Adverb

14. “They are studying in the classroom right now”.

The Underlined word above is an example of ……
a. Noun c. Conjunction
b. Verb d. Adverb

15. “I drink a cup of tea every morning”.

The underlined word above is a ….
a. Verb c. Preposition
b. Adjective d. Noun

16. Siska and Vita …… studying right now.

a. Am c. Are
b. Is d. The

17. There is ………. apple on the table.

The right article to fill the blank above is….
a. A c. The
b. An d. Few

18. Words below that categorized in Pronoun are ……

a. Table, Chair, Whiteboard, Students, Teacher, and Boardmarker
b. I, You, She, He, It, They, and We
c. Run, Eat, Swim, Jump, Go, and Study
d. Good, Bad, High, Smart, Diligent, and Fast

19. Intan usually helps doctor to take care of patients in hospital. She is a……
a. Nurse c. Teacher
b. Fisherman d. Driver

20. My mother is a teacher, she always …….

a. Teaches students c. Drives a car
b. Catches fish d. Goes to farm

21. “Yesterday, Last week, Now, and Tomorrow” are some examples of …….
a. Uncountable Noun c. Proper Noun
b. Adverb of time d. Personal Pronoun

22. “She goes to church every Sunday”.

The negative form of the sentences above is ……..
a. Ina doesn’t go to church every Sunday
b. Ina don’t go to church every Sunday
c. Does Ina go to church every Sunday?
d. Do Ina go to church every Sunday?
Alamat : RT/RW. 012/006-Desa Oetuke-Kecamatan Kolbano-Kab. TTS

23. The interrogative form of the sentence “I am swimming now” is …..

a. Do I swimming now?
b. Am I swimming now?
c. Does I swimming now?
d. Is I swim now?

24. “My sister will teach me English next week”.

The sentence above is ………
a. Simple Present Tense c. Simple Future Tense
b. Simple Past Tense d. Present Continuous Tense

25. Past form of the verb “Eat” is ……

a. Eat c. Eated
b. Ate d. Eates

26. Past form of verb “Go” is ….

a. Gone c. Goes
b. Went d. Does

27. Plural form of the word “Child” is …….

a. Children c. Child’s
b. Childs d. Kid

28. The right sentence from Simple Future Tense is …….

a. She ate an apple yesterday c. They will play football next week
b. I go to church on Sunday d. Vita studies every night

29. An Example of Simple Past Tense is………….

a. Ria visited her grandfather in the village last year
b. My cousin will give me a birthday present
c. His friends are playing volley ball right now
d. I take bath twice in a day

30. “Jhony plays chess every weekend”.

The negative form of the sentence above is ……….
a. Jhony not plays chess every weekend
b. Jhony don’t play chess every weekend
c. Jhony can’t play chess every weekend
d. Jhony doesn’t play chess every weekend

31. “He visited his uncle last year”.

The interrogative sentence based from the sentence above is ……
a. Do he visited his uncle last week?
b. Does he visited his uncle last week?
c. Did he visit his uncle last week?
d. Is he visit his uncle last week?
Alamat : RT/RW. 012/006-Desa Oetuke-Kecamatan Kolbano-Kab. TTS

32. The examples of Abstract Noun are ……..

a. Sweep, swim, run
b. Love, happiness, air
c. Delicious, smart, slow
d. At, in, on,

33. What is the meaning of Uncountable Noun

a. Benda yang dapat dihitung
b. Benda yang tidak dapat dihitung
c. Benda yang tidak dapat dilihat
d. Benda yang berwujud nyata

34. The words that categorized in Uncountable Noun are ……

a. Table, whiteboard, book c. Water, wind, sugar
b. Car, house, pen d. Student, people, vehicle

35. List of words below categorized in Adjective, except ….

a. Sit, study, run, jump c. Good, strong
b. High, tall, dirty d. Handsome, beautiful

36. ………. Are my books

a. Those c. it
b. That d. this

37. The Formula of Present Continuous Tense is…..

a. S + V2 + O + Adv. c. S + to be + V1ing + O + Adv
b. S + V1 + O + Adv. d. S + will + V1 + O + Adv

38. An example about Simple Past Tense is …….

a. Rina is cooking rice right now
b. Rina cooked rice yesterday
c. Rina will cook rice tomorrow
d. Rina cooks rice everyday

39. Simple Future Tense is a tense that tells about……

a. Something that already happened
b. Something that happens many times
c. Something that is happening right now
d. Something that will happen at the future

40. Tense that tells about Something that is happening right now called …..
a. Simple past tense c. Present continuous tense
b. Simple future tense d. Simple present tense

41. An Example of Noun Phrase is …..

a. Good boy c. Really good
b. Very fast d. So strong
Alamat : RT/RW. 012/006-Desa Oetuke-Kecamatan Kolbano-Kab. TTS

42. Below is an example of Prepositional Phrase, except ……

a. In the hospital c. Inside the box
b. On the table d. Really hard

43. She is very smart

Underlined words above are an example of ……..
a. Noun Phrase c. Adjective Phrase
b. Verb Phrase d. Adverb Phrase

44. S + V2 + O + adv
Sentence based on the formula above is ……
a. I am studying now c. They watched a movie last night
b. Rhita doesn’t like cat d. She will sleep early tonight

45. The formula of Simple Future Tense is ………

a. S + will + V1 + O + adv
b. S + to be + V1ing + O + adv
c. S + V2 + O + adv
d. S + V1 + O + adv

46. What is the meaning of “Ayah saya sedang menyiram tanamannya” in English?
a. My father are watering his plants
b. My Father is watering his plants
c. My father am watering his plants
d. My father watering his plants

47. What is the meaning of “She will invite me to her party” in Bahasa?
a. Dia akan menjemput saya ke pestanya
b. Dia akan mengundang saya ke pestannya
c. Dia telah mengundang saya ke pestanya
d. Dia sedang mengundang saya ke pestanya

48. My father gave me a gift last week

Pronoun from the sentence above are …….
a. “My” and “Me” c. Gave
b. “Father” and “Gift” d. “Last” and “week”

49. “ There is a beautiful girl”

The main word from the Noun phrase above is ……..
a. There c. Girl
b. Beautiful d. A beautiful

50. A antonym from the word “Tall” is ……

a. Low c. Small
b. Short d. Little

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