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Material Valuation

Material Group
Group Class
ZSNAS-A01 Asset SA01
ZSNMX-C01 COGS - Mining & Exploration - Drilling SN01
ZSNMX-C02 COGS - Mining & Exploration - Blasting SN02
ZSNRM-C01 COGS - R/M - External Material SN03
ZSNRM-C02 COGS - R/M - External Services (Unit) SN04
ZSNRM-C03 COGS - R/M - External Services (Non-Unit) SN05
ZSNRM-C04 COGS - R/M - Full Maintenance Contract SN06
ZSNRM-C05 COGS - R/M - Building SN07
ZSNRM-C06 COGS - R/M - Office Equipment SN08
ZSNRM-C07 COGS - R/M - Callibration Tools & Equipment SN09
ZSNRM-C08 COGS - R/M - Tools & Equipment non-Asset SN87
ZSNRM-C09 COGS - R/M - Maintenance Output SN91
ZSNRM-H01 OPEX - R/M - External Service SN10
ZSNRM-H02 OPEX - R/M - Building SN11
ZSNRM-H03 OPEX - R/M - Office Equipment SN12
ZSNEN-C01 COGS - Engineering - Construction Services SN13
ZSNEN-C02 COGS - Engineering - Culverts SN14
ZSNEN-C03 COGS - Engineering - Survey Equipment SN15
ZSNEN-C04 COGS - Engineering - Survey Services SN16
ZSNEN-C05 COGS - Engineering - Mine Plan Supplies SN17
ZSNEN-C06 COGS - Engineering - Survey Supplies SN18
ZSNEN-C07 COGS - Engineering - Tools Equip & Supp Mechanic SO63
ZSNRE-C01 COGS - Rent - Equipment SN19
ZSNRE-C02 COGS - Rent - Vehicle SN20
ZSNRE-C03 COGS - Rent - Office Equipment SN21
ZSNRE-C04 COGS - Rent - Building SN78
ZSNRE-C05 COGS - Rent - Tools SN79
ZSNRE-H01 OPEX - Rent - Equipment SN23
ZSNRE-H02 OPEX - Rent - Vehicle SN24
ZSNRE-H03 OPEX - Rent - Office Equipment SN25
ZSNRE-H04 OPEX - Rent - Building SN99
ZSNMB-C01 COGS - Mobilization - Mobiliziation & Demobilization SN22
ZSNMB-C02 COGS - Mobilization - Tenaga Kerja Bongkar Muat (TKBM) SN80
ZSNMB-C03 COGS - Mobilization - Loading & Unloading SN81
ZSNMB-C04 COGS - Mobilization - Lifting & Handling Tools SN86
ZSNMB-C05 COGS - Mobilization - Freight & Forwarder SN92
ZSNMB-C06 COGS - Mobilization - Custom Duties SN93
ZSNMB-C07 COGS - Mobilization - Insurance Premiums SN94
ZSNMB-C08 COGS - Mobilization - Shelving & storage SN95
ZSNMB-C09 COGS - Mobilization - Lifting & Handling Tools SN96
ZSNMB-C10 COGS - Mobilization - PBBKB Expenses SN97
ZSNMB-H01 OPEX - Mobilization - Mobiliziation & Demobilizati SN98
ZSNRE-H04 OPEX - Mobilization - Mobiliziation & Demobilization SN26
ZSNOE-C01 COGS - Office Expense - Print & Stationary SN27
ZSNOE-C02 COGS - Office Expense - Office Supplies SN28
ZSNOE-C03 COGS - Office Expense - Office Equipment SN29
ZSNOE-C04 COGS - Office Expense - Meal & Drinks SN30
ZSNOE-C05 COGS - Office Expense - Expedition SN82
ZSNOE-C06 COGS - Office Expense - Training, Seminar & Workshops SN84
ZSNOE-C07 COGS - Low Value Asset SN85
ZSNOE-C08 COGS - Office Expense - Newspaper & Magazine SO01
ZSNOE-C09 COGS - Office Expense - Sport, Recreation & Event SO02
ZSNOE-H01 OPEX - Office Expense - Print & Stationary SN31
ZSNOE-H02 OPEX - Office Expense - Office Supplies SN32
ZSNOE-H03 OPEX - Office Expense - Office Equipment SN33
ZSNOE-H04 OPEX - Office Expense - Expedition SO03
ZSNOE-H05 OPEX - Office Expense - Meal & Drinks SO04
ZSNOE-H06 OPEX - Office Expense - Newspaper & Magazine SO05
ZSNOE-H07 OPEX - Office Expense - Sport, Recreation & Event SO06
ZSNOE-H08 OPEX - Office Expense - Training, Seminar & Worksh SO07
ZSNOE-H09 OPEX - Office Expense - Low Value Asset SO08
ZSNME-C01 COGS - Mess Expense - Meal & Drinks SN34
ZSNME-C02 COGS - Mess Expense - Mess Supplies SN35
ZSNME-C03 COGS - Mess Expense - General SO62
ZSNME-H01 OPEX - Mess Expense - Meal & Drinks SN36
ZSNME-H02 OPEX - Mess Expense - Mess Supplies SN37
ZSNCT-C01 COGS - Construction - Electrical Material SN38
ZSNCT-C02 COGS - Construction - Construction Consumable SN39
ZSNCT-C03 COGS - Construction - Tools SN40
ZSNCT-H01 OPEX - Construction - Electrical Material SN41
ZSNCT-H02 OPEX - Construction - Construction Consumable SN42
ZSNCT-H03 OPEX - Construction - Tools SN43
ZSNSH-C01 COGS - SHE - Environment Supplies SN44
ZSNSH-C02 COGS - SHE - Medical Supplies SN45
ZSNSH-C03 COGS - SHE - Personal Protective Equipment SN46
ZSNSH-C04 COGS - SHE - Safety Equipment (Rescue Equipment) SN47
ZSNSH-C05 COGS - SHE - Signage SN48
ZSNSH-C06 COGS - SHE - Sampling & Analysis SN49
ZSNSH-C07 COGS - SHE - Paramedic Services SO09
ZSNSH-C08 COGS - SHE - Environment Services SO10
ZSNSH-C09 OPEX - SHE - Paramedic Services SO11
ZSNSH-C10 OPEX - SHE - Environment Services SO12
ZSNSH-H01 OPEX - SHE - Environment Supplies SN50
ZSNSH-H02 OPEX - SHE - Medical Supplies SN51
ZSNSH-H03 OPEX - SHE - Personal Protective Equipment SN52
ZSNSH-H04 OPEX - SHE - Safety Equipment (Rescue Equipment) SN53
ZSNSH-H05 OPEX - SHE - Signage SN54
ZSNPF-C01 COGS - Professional Fees - Security Services SN55
ZSNPF-C02 COGS - Professional Fees - Consultant SN56
ZSNPF-C03 COGS - Professional Fees - Engineering Design Consultant SN57
ZSNPF-C04 COGS - Professional Fees - Mining Consultant SN58
ZSNPF-C05 COGS - Professional Fees - Cleaning Service SN59
ZSNPF-C06 COGS - Professional Fees - Catering Services SO13
ZSNPF-C07 COGS - Professional Fees - Legal & Notary SO14
ZSNPF-C08 COGS - Professional Fees - Audit SO15
ZSNPF-C09 COGS - Professional Fees - Commision SO16
ZSNPF-C10 COGS - Professional Fees - Appraisal SO17
ZSNPF-C11 COGS - Professional Fees - Psikotest SO18
ZSNPF-H01 OPEX - Professional Fees - Security Services SN60
ZSNPF-H02 OPEX - Professional Fees - Consultant SN61
ZSNPF-H03 OPEX - Professional Fees - Engineering Design Consultant SN62
ZSNPF-H04 OPEX - Professional Fees - Mining Consultant SN63
ZSNPF-H05 OPEX - Professional Fees - Legal & Notary SO19
ZSNPF-H06 OPEX - Professional Fees - Audit SO20
ZSNPF-H07 OPEX - Professional Fees - Commision SO21
ZSNPF-H08 OPEX - Professional Fees - Appraisal SO22
ZSNPF-H09 OPEX - Professional Fees - Cleaning Service SO23
ZSNPF-H10 OPEX - Professional Fees - Psikotest SO24
ZSNIT-C01 COGS - Communication & Technology - Communication Equipment SN64
ZSNIT-C02 COGS - Communication & Technology - IT Software SN65
ZSNIT-C03 COGS - Communication & Technology - IT Licenses SN66
ZSNIT-C04 COGS - Communication & Technology - IT Hardware Service SN67
ZSNIT-C05 COGS - Communication & Technology - IT Consumables SN68
ZSNIT-C06 OPEX - Communication & Technology - IT Subscription SN69
ZSNIT-C07 COGS - Communication & Technology - Telp & Internet SN88
ZSNIT-H01 OPEX - Communication & Technology - Communication Equipment SN70
ZSNIT-H02 OPEX - Communication & Technology - IT Software SN71
ZSNIT-H03 OPEX - Communication & Technology - IT Licenses SN72
ZSNIT-H04 OPEX - Communication & Technology - IT Hardware Service SN73
ZSNIT-H05 OPEX - Communication & Technology - IT Consumables SN74
ZSNIT-H06 OPEX - Communication & Technology - IT Subscription SN75
ZSNIT-H07 OPEX - Communication & Technology - Telp & Internet SN89
ZSNEM-C01 COGS - Employee - Transporation Allowances SN76
ZSNEM-C02 COGS - Employee - Clothing & Uniform SN77
ZSNEM-C03 COGS - Employee - Recruitment SO25
ZSNEM-C04 COGS - Employee - Relocation & Demobilitation SO26
ZSNEM-C05 COGS - Employee - Employee Medical SO27
ZSNEM-C06 COGS - Employee - Pre Employment Medical SO28
ZSNEM-C07 COGS - Employee - Training & Education SO29
ZSNEM-H01 OPEX - Employee - Transporation Allowances SO30
ZSNEM-H02 OPEX - Employee - Recruitment SO31
ZSNEM-H03 OPEX - Employee - Relocation & Demobilitation SO32
ZSNEM-H04 OPEX - Employee - Employee Medical SO33
ZSNEM-H05 OPEX - Employee - Pre Employment Medical SO34
ZSNEM-H06 OPEX - Employee - Clothing & Uniform SO35
ZSNEM-H07 OPEX - Employee - Training & Education SO36
ZSNTR-C01 COGS - Transportation - Transportation Expenses SN83
ZSNTR-C02 COGS - Transportation - Business Travelling - Dome SO37
ZSNTR-C03 COGS - Transportation - Business Travelling - Over SO38
ZSNTR-C04 COGS - Transportation - Business Meals & Accomodat SO39
ZSNTR-C05 COGS - Transportation - Business Meals & Accomodat SO40
ZSNTR-C06 COGS - Transportation - Fuel, Toll & Parking SO41
ZSNTR-H01 OPEX - Transportation - Business Travelling - Dome SO42
ZSNTR-H02 OPEX - Transportation - Business Travelling - Over SO43
ZSNTR-H03 OPEX - Transportation - Business Meals & Accomodat SO44
ZSNTR-H04 OPEX - Transportation - Business Meals & Accomodat SO45
ZSNTR-H05 OPEX - Transportation - Transportation Expenses SO46
ZSNTR-H06 OPEX - Transportation - Fuel, Toll & Parking SO47
ZSWC-01 COGS - Consumable Non-Parts SW24
ZSWC-02 COGS - Consumable Parts SW25
ZSNPJ-P01 Project CAPEX Clearing SN90
ZSNUT-C01 COGS - Utilities - Electricity SO48
ZSNUT-C02 COGS - Utilities - Water SO49
ZSNUT-H01 OPEX - Utilities - Electricity SO50
ZSNUT-H02 OPEX - Utilities - Water SO51
ZSNCR-C01 COGS - Community Relation - Corporate Social Responsibility SO52
ZSNCR-C02 COGS - Community Relation - Govrel Expenses SO53
ZSNCR-C03 COGS - Community Relation - Donation SO54
ZSNCR-H01 OPEX - Community Relation - Corporate Social Respo SO55
ZSNCR-H02 OPEX - Community Relation - Govrel Expenses SO56
ZSNCR-H03 OPEX - Community Relation - Donation SO57
ZSNLR-C01 COGS - License & Registration - Permit & License SO58
ZSNLR-C02 COGS - License & Registration - STNK, KIR, Vehicle SO59
ZSNLR-H01 OPEX - License & Registration - Permit & License SO60
ZSNLR-H02 OPEX - License & Registration - STNK, KIR, Vehicle SO61
ZSNSD-A01 Security Deposit SO68
GL Description Location
5101010101 COGS - Mining & Exploration - Drilling BO & SITE
5101010102 COGS - Mining & Exploration - Blasting BO & SITE
5106010101 COGS - R/M - External Material BO & SITE
5106010102 COGS - R/M - External Services (Unit) BO & SITE
5106010103 COGS - R/M - External Services (Non-Unit) BO & SITE
5106010104 COGS - R/M - Full Maintenance Contract BO & SITE
5106010105 COGS - R/M - Building BO & SITE
5106010106 COGS - R/M - Office Equipment BO & SITE
5106010107 COGS - R/M - Callibration Tools & Equipment BO & SITE
5106010108 COGS - R/M - Tools & Equipment non-Asset
5106010199 COGS - R/M - Maintenance Output BO & SITE
7104010101 OPEX - R/M - External Service HO
7104010102 OPEX - R/M - Building HO
7104010103 OPEX - R/M - Office Equipment HO
5107010101 COGS - Engineering - Construction Services BO & SITE
5107010102 COGS - Engineering - Culverts BO & SITE
5107010103 COGS - Engineering - Survey Equipment BO & SITE
5107010104 COGS - Engineering - Survey Services BO & SITE
5107010105 COGS - Engineering - Mine Plan Supplies BO & SITE
5107010106 COGS - Engineering - Survey Supplies BO & SITE
5107010107 COGS - Engineering - Tools Equip & Supp Mechanic BO & SITE
5109010102 COGS - Rent - Equipment BO & SITE
5109010103 COGS - Rent - Vehicle BO & SITE
5109010104 COGS - Rent - Office Equipment BO & SITE
5109010101 COGS - Rent - Building BO & SITE
5109010105 COGS - Rent - Tools BO & SITE
7107010102 OPEX - Rent - Equipment HO
7107010103 OPEX - Rent - Vehicle HO
7107010104 OPEX - Rent - Office Equipment HO
7107010101 OPEX - Rent - Building HO
5110010101 COGS - Mobilization - Mobiliziation & Demobilization BO & SITE
5110010106 COGS - Mobilization - Tenaga Kerja Bongkar Muat (TKBM) BO & SITE
5110010107 COGS - Mobilization - Loading & Unloading BO & SITE
5110010108 COGS - Mobilization - Lifting & Handling Tools BO & SITE
5110010102 COGS - Mobilization - Freight & Forwarder BO & SITE
5110010103 COGS - Mobilization - Custom Duties BO & SITE
5110010104 COGS - Mobilization - Insurance Premiums BO & SITE
5110010105 COGS - Mobilization - Shelving & storage BO & SITE
5110010108 COGS - Mobilization - Lifting & Handling Tools BO & SITE
5110010109 COGS - Mobilization - PBBKB Expenses BO & SITE
7108010101 OPEX - Mobilization - Mobiliziation & Demobilizati HO
7108010101 OPEX - Mobilization - Mobiliziation & Demobilization HO
5112010101 COGS - Office Expense - Print & Stationary BO & SITE
5112010102 COGS - Office Expense - Office Supplies BO & SITE
5112010103 COGS - Office Expense - Office Equipment BO & SITE
5112010105 COGS - Office Expense - Meal & Drinks BO & SITE
5112010104 COGS - Office Expense - Expedition BO & SITE
5112010108 COGS - Office Expense - Training, Seminar & Workshops BO & SITE
5112010109 COGS - Low Value Asset BO & SITE
5112010106 COGS - Office Expense - Newspaper & Magazine BO & SITE
5112010107 COGS - Office Expense - Sport, Recreation & Event BO & SITE
7109010101 OPEX - Office Expense - Print & Stationary HO
7109010102 OPEX - Office Expense - Office Supplies HO
7109010103 OPEX - Office Expense - Office Equipment HO
7109010104 OPEX - Office Expense - Expedition HO
7109010105 OPEX - Office Expense - Meal & Drinks HO
7109010106 OPEX - Office Expense - Newspaper & Magazine HO
7109010107 OPEX - Office Expense - Sport, Recreation & Event HO
7109010108 OPEX - Office Expense - Training, Seminar & Worksh HO
7109010109 OPEX - Office Expense - Low Value Asset HO
5114010101 COGS - Mess Expense - Meal & Drinks BO & SITE
5114010102 COGS - Mess Expense - Mess Supplies BO & SITE
5114010103 COGS - Mess Expense - General BO & SITE
7111010101 OPEX - Mess Expense - Meal & Drinks HO
7111010102 OPEX - Mess Expense - Mess Supplies HO
5115010101 COGS - Construction - Electrical Material BO & SITE
5115010102 COGS - Construction - Construction Consumable BO & SITE
5115010103 COGS - Construction - Tools BO & SITE
7112010101 OPEX - Construction - Electrical Material HO
7112010102 OPEX - Construction - Construction Consumable HO
7112010103 OPEX - Construction - Tools HO
5117010101 COGS - SHE - Environment Supplies BO & SITE
5117010102 COGS - SHE - Medical Supplies BO & SITE
5117010103 COGS - SHE - Personal Protective Equipment BO & SITE
5117010104 COGS - SHE - Safety Equipment (Rescue Equipment) BO & SITE
5117010105 COGS - SHE - Signage BO & SITE
5117010109 COGS - SHE - Sampling & Analysis BO & SITE
5117010106 COGS - SHE - Paramedic Services BO & SITE
5117010107 COGS - SHE - Environment Services BO & SITE
7114010106 OPEX - SHE - Paramedic Services BO & SITE
7114010107 OPEX - SHE - Environment Services BO & SITE
7114010101 OPEX - SHE - Environment Supplies HO
7114010102 OPEX - SHE - Medical Supplies HO
7114010103 OPEX - SHE - Personal Protective Equipment HO
7114010104 OPEX - SHE - Safety Equipment (Rescue Equipment) HO
7114010105 OPEX - SHE - Signage HO
5119010101 COGS - Professional Fees - Security Services BO & SITE
5119010103 COGS - Professional Fees - Consultant BO & SITE
5119010104 COGS - Professional Fees - Engineering Design Consultant BO & SITE
5119010105 COGS - Professional Fees - Mining Consultant BO & SITE
5119010110 COGS - Professional Fees - Cleaning Service BO & SITE
5119010102 COGS - Professional Fees - Catering Services BO & SITE
5119010106 COGS - Professional Fees - Legal & Notary BO & SITE
5119010107 COGS - Professional Fees - Audit BO & SITE
5119010108 COGS - Professional Fees - Commision BO & SITE
5119010109 COGS - Professional Fees - Appraisal BO & SITE
5119010111 COGS - Professional Fees - Psikotest BO & SITE
7116010101 OPEX - Professional Fees - Security Services HO
7116010103 OPEX - Professional Fees - Consultant HO
7116010104 OPEX - Professional Fees - Engineering Design Consultant HO
7116010105 OPEX - Professional Fees - Mining Consultant HO
7116010106 OPEX - Professional Fees - Legal & Notary HO
7116010107 OPEX - Professional Fees - Audit HO
7116010108 OPEX - Professional Fees - Commision HO
7116010109 OPEX - Professional Fees - Appraisal HO
7116010110 OPEX - Professional Fees - Cleaning Service HO
7116010111 OPEX - Professional Fees - Psikotest HO
5121010102 COGS - Communication & Technology - Communication Equipment BO & SITE
5121010103 COGS - Communication & Technology - IT Software BO & SITE
5121010104 COGS - Communication & Technology - IT Licenses BO & SITE
5121010105 COGS - Communication & Technology - IT Hardware Service BO & SITE
5121010106 COGS - Communication & Technology - IT Consumables BO & SITE
5121010107 OPEX - Communication & Technology - IT Subscription BO & SITE
5121010101 COGS - Communication & Technology - Telp & Internet
7118010102 OPEX - Communication & Technology - Communication Equipment HO
7118010103 OPEX - Communication & Technology - IT Software HO
7118010104 OPEX - Communication & Technology - IT Licenses HO
7118010105 OPEX - Communication & Technology - IT Hardware Service HO
7118010106 OPEX - Communication & Technology - IT Consumables HO
7118010106 OPEX - Communication & Technology - IT Subscription HO
7118010101 OPEX - Communication & Technology - Telp & Internet
5102010107 COGS - Employee - Transporation Allowances BO & SITE
5102010115 COGS - Employee - Clothing & Uniform BO & SITE
5102010111 COGS - Employee - Recruitment BO & SITE
5102010112 COGS - Employee - Relocation & Demobilitation BO & SITE
5102010113 COGS - Employee - Employee Medical BO & SITE
5102010114 COGS - Employee - Pre Employment Medical BO & SITE
5102010116 COGS - Employee - Training & Education BO & SITE
7101010107 OPEX - Employee - Transporation Allowances HO
7101010111 OPEX - Employee - Recruitment HO
7101010112 OPEX - Employee - Relocation & Demobilitation HO
7101010113 OPEX - Employee - Employee Medical HO
7101010114 OPEX - Employee - Pre Employment Medical HO
7101010115 OPEX - Employee - Clothing & Uniform HO
7101010116 OPEX - Employee - Training & Education HO
5120010105 COGS - Transportation - Transportation Expenses BO & SITE
5120010101 COGS - Transportation - Business Travelling - Dome BO & SITE
5120010102 COGS - Transportation - Business Travelling - Over BO & SITE
5120010103 COGS - Transportation - Business Meals & Accomodat BO & SITE
5120010104 COGS - Transportation - Business Meals & Accomodat BO & SITE
5120010106 COGS - Transportation - Fuel, Toll & Parking BO & SITE
7117010101 OPEX - Transportation - Business Travelling - Dome HO
7117010102 OPEX - Transportation - Business Travelling - Over HO
7117010103 OPEX - Transportation - Business Meals & Accomodat HO
7117010104 OPEX - Transportation - Business Meals & Accomodat HO
7117010105 OPEX - Transportation - Transportation Expenses HO
7117010106 OPEX - Transportation - Fuel, Toll & Parking HO
COGS - Consumable Non-Parts
COGS - Consumable Parts
7199010199 Project CAPEX Clearing ALL
5105010101 COGS - Utilities - Electricity
5105010102 COGS - Utilities - Water
7103010101 OPEX - Utilities - Electricity
7103010102 OPEX - Utilities - Water
5116010101 COGS - Community Relation - Corporate Social Responsibility
5116010102 COGS - Community Relation - Govrel Expenses
5116010103 COGS - Community Relation - Donation
7113010101 OPEX - Community Relation - Corporate Social Respo
7113010102 OPEX - Community Relation - Govrel Expenses
7113010103 OPEX - Community Relation - Donation
5113010101 COGS - License & Registration - Permit & License
5113010102 COGS - License & Registration - STNK, KIR, Vehicle
7110010101 OPEX - License & Registration - Permit & License
7110010102 OPEX - License & Registration - STNK, KIR, Vehicle
1143110101 Security Deposit
Category Company Val Group Code Material Type
WAREHOUSEBD00, SM00, AM00 BD00, SM00, AM00 ZSWS Spareparts
WAREHOUSEBD00, SM00, AM00 BD00, SM00, AM00 ZSWS Spareparts
WAREHOUSEBD00, SM00, AM00 BD00, SM00, AM00 ZSWS Spareparts
WAREHOUSEBD00, SM00, AM00 BD00, SM00, AM00 ZSWS Spareparts
WAREHOUSEBD00, SM00, AM00 BD00, SM00, AM00 ZSWS Spareparts
WAREHOUSEBD00, SM00, AM00 BD00, SM00, AM00 ZSWS Spareparts
WAREHOUSEBD00, SM00, AM00 BD00, SM00, AM00 ZSWS Spareparts
WAREHOUSEBD00, SM00, AM00 BD00, SM00, AM00 ZSWS Spareparts
WAREHOUSEBD00, SM00, AM00 BD00, SM00, AM00 ZSWS Spareparts
WAREHOUSEBD00, SM00, AM00 BD00, SM00, AM00 ZSWS Spareparts
WAREHOUSEBD00, SM00, AM00 BD00, SM00, AM00 ZSWS Spareparts
WAREHOUSEBD00, SM00, AM00 BD00, SM00, AM00 ZSWS Spareparts
WAREHOUSEBD00, SM00, AM00 BD00, SM00, AM00 ZSWS Spareparts
WAREHOUSEBD00, SM00, AM00 BD00, SM00, AM00 ZSWS Spareparts
WAREHOUSEBD00, SM00, AM00 BD00, SM00, AM00 ZSWS Spareparts
WAREHOUSEBD00, SM00, AM00 BD00, SM00, AM00 ZSWS Spareparts
WAREHOUSEBD00, SM00, AM00 BD00, SM00, AM00 ZSWS Spareparts
WAREHOUSEBD00, SM00, AM00 BD00, SM00, AM00 ZSWM Major Component
WAREHOUSEBD00, SM00, AM00 BD00, SM00, AM00 ZSWT Tyre
WAREHOUSEBD00, SM00, AM00 BD00, SM00, AM00 ZSWT Tyre
WAREHOUSEBD00, SM00, AM00 BD00, SM00, AM00 ZSWF Fuel
WAREHOUSEBD00, SM00, AM00 BD00, SM00, AM00 ZSWO Oil & Grease
WAREHOUSEBD00, SM00, AM00 BD00, SM00, AM00 ZSWO Oil & Grease
WAREHOUSEBD00, SM00, AM00 BD00, SM00, AM00 ZSWC Consumable
WAREHOUSEBD00, SM00, AM00 BD00, SM00, AM00 ZSWC Consumable
WAREHOUSEBD00, SM00, AM00 BD00, SM00, AM00 ZSMS Spareparts
Material Group Valuation Class
GL Consumption
SW01 Sparepart - Engine Parts​ 5104040101
SW02 Sparepart - Clutch System/Coupler​ 5104040102
SW03 Sparepart - Transmission System​ 5104040103
SW04 Sparepart - Travel Drive / Axel​ 5104040104
SW05 Sparepart - Steering system​ 5104040105
SW06 Sparepart - Under Carriage​ 5104040106
SW07 Sparepart - Main Frame and Cabin​ 5104040107
SW08 Sparepart - Electrical System​ 5104040108
SW09 Sparepart - Brake System​ 5104040109
SW10 Sparepart - Suspension System​ 5104040110
SW11 Sparepart - Pneumatic System​ 5104040111
SW12 Sparepart - Swing System​ 5104040112
SW13 Sparepart - Attachment / Work Eq​ 5104040113
SW14 Sparepart - Optional Accessories​ 5104040114
SW15 Sparepart - Hydraulic System​ 5104040115
SW16 Sparepart - Common Parts​ 5104040116
SW17 Sparepart - GET​ 5104040117
SW18 Major Component 5104060101
SW19 General Tyre 5104050101
SW20 Tyre Accessories 5104050102
SW21 Fuel 5104020101
SW22 Oil 5104030101
SW23 Grease 5104030102
SW24 Consumable Part 5104010101
SW25 Consumable Non-Part 5104010102
SW26 Service Part 5104070101
GL Consumption
COGS - Sparepart - Engine Parts​
COGS - Sparepart - Clutch Systm/Coupler​
COGS - Sparepart - Transmission System​
COGS - Sparepart - Travel Drive / Axel​
COGS - Sparepart - Steering system​
COGS - Sparepart - Under Carriage​
COGS - Sparepart - Main Frame and Cabin​
COGS - Sparepart - Electrical System​
COGS - Sparepart - Brake System​
COGS - Sparepart - Suspension System​
COGS - Sparepart - Pneumatic System​
COGS - Sparepart - Swing System​
COGS - Sparepart - Attachment / Work Eq​
COGS - Sparepart - Optional Accessories​
COGS - Sparepart - Hydraulic System​
COGS - Sparepart - Common Parts​
COGS - Sparepart - GET​
COGS - Tyre - General Tyre
COGS - Tyre - Tyre Accessories
COGS - Fuel Consumption - Fuel
COGS - Oil & Grease Consumption - Oil
COGS - Oil & Grease Consumption - Grease
COGS - Consumable Parts
COGS - Consumable Non-Parts
COGS - Service Part

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