Evolution of Mgt Thought

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Mgt scholars have looked back on the history of Mgt thought & have
grouped the diverse ideas into three basic approaches: -

The Classical Approach.

The Behavioral Approach.

The Mgt Science Approach.

Classical Approach
• In the 19th century, owing to industrial
revolution, major industries were started.
• One of the important problems faced by the
managers at that time was how to increase
the efficiency and productivity.
• The classical approach to Mgt can be better
understood by examining it from two
perspectives :-
• First Perspective concentrated on the
problems of lower level managers dealing
with day to day problems of the work force.
This perspective is known as Scientific Mgt.
• The second perspective focused on the
problems of top level managers. This
perspective is known as Classical
Organization Theory.
Scientific Management
• At the beginning of the 20th century, business was
expanding and creating new products and new
• But labor was in short supply.
• Two solutions were there:
A. Substitute capital for labor.
B. Use labor more efficiently.
• Scientific Mgt adopted the second solution i.e. Use of
labor force more efficiently.
• The most well known contributor to Scientific Mgt
was Frederick Winslow Taylor.
Taylor’s contribution to
• Frederick Winslow Taylor (20 March 1856-21 March 1915),
widely known as F. W. Taylor, was an American mechanical
engineer who sought to improve industrial efficiency.
He is regarded as the father of scientific management, and was
one of the first management consultants.

• He is sometimes called as “Father of Scientific

Taylor believed that the key to harmony is: -
• To discover the best way to do a job.
• To determine the optimum work pace.
• To train people to do the job properly.
• To reward successful performance by using
an incentive pay system.
•Principles of Scientific
1.Replacing old Rule of Thumb
Method with Science.

• Scientific method denotes precision in

determining any aspect of work while rule of
thumb emphasizes estimation.
2.Co Operation.

• Co operation between Mgt and workers can

be developed through mutual understanding
and a change in thinking.
3.Harmony in group action.

• There should be mutual give and take

situation and proper understanding so that
group as a whole contributes to the
4.Maximum Output.

• Scientific Mgt involves continuous increase in

production and productivity.
• Taylor advised the managers and workers to
turn their attention towards increasing the
size of the surplus.
5.Development of Workers.

• Development of workers requires their

scientific selection and providing them
training at the work place.

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