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BASIC SPEAKING Student Handout

Personal (Subject and Object) Pronouns

Understanding and Using Pronouns: “I/me,” “you/you,” “he/him,” and “she/her”

Pronouns are essential in English to avoid repetition and make communication smoother. They replace
nouns, helping us express ourselves more efficiently. In this lesson, we’ll focus on personal pronouns—
specifically, subject pronouns (used as the subject of a sentence) and object pronouns (used as the object
of a verb or preposition).

Subject Pronouns:
Subject pronouns replace the subject of a sentence. They are used when talking about who is
doing the action.

I - I am a student.
You - You are my friend.
He - He likes to read.
She - She is a teacher.
It - It is a cat.
We - We play games.
They - They are classmates.

Object Pronouns:
Object pronouns replace the object of a verb or preposition. They are used when talking about
who is receiving the action.

Me - John told me the story.

You - I see you at the park.
Him - I invited him to the party.
Her - I called her yesterday.
It - The dog followed it.
Us - Please join us for lunch.
Them - I like spending time with them.
Usage Tips:

1. Use “I” for yourself as the subject of the sentence:

Example: “I love to read.”

2. Use “me” when you are the object of the verb or preposition:
Example: “He gave the book to me.”

3. Use “you” to address someone directly:

Example: “Can you help me with this?”

4. Use “he” and “she” for males and females, respectively:

Example: “She is my sister.”

5. Use “we” when referring to yourself and others as a group:

Example: “We are going to the park.”

6. Use “they” when referring to more than one person or a group:

Example: “They are my colleagues.”

Now, let’s practice using personal pronouns in sentences. Complete the following sentences
with the correct subject or object pronoun:

1. Jenny and are going to the movies.

2. Can you give the book to ?

3. My brother and enjoy playing video games.

4. The cat followed home.

5. called me yesterday.


Understanding and using personal pronouns is crucial for effective communication in English. Practice
incorporating these pronouns into your daily conversations, and you’ll find that it makes expressing yourself
much easier!

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