Model Compositions From Pupils Taught

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I could feel the warm summer breeze as I dressed in my bedroom, dressing for my cousin’s wedding.

The church was already filled up when I arrived. The bride was as pretty as she could be. The
bridegroom was the most handsome man in the church in his cream suit. Rejoice was tying the knot
with his fiancee, Admire. The pastor united the bride and bridegroom. Ululation and whistling
followed the union.

The wedding reception proceeded in the church. The church was well decorated. The bridemaids
and their partners danced to the music to entertain the guests. We all joined in in music and dancing
while food and drinks were served. We ate and drank until we could take nomore.

It was a wonderful and breathtaking day for me.


I woke up to a beautiful Saturday morning and prepared for my journey to Mudindo Growth point.
The beauty that punctuated the day did not even give me a hint that it was going to end a bad day
for a number of families affected by the catastrophic event I later witnessed.

When I got to the growth point I realised that the day seemed a busy day in the centre. I was not
surprised since Monday was Christmas Day. Suddenly a speeding vehicle emerged from the western
direction the driver lost control of the vehicle and plunged into a group of unsuspecting pedestrians
killing some instantly and injuring several others.

‘’Eight is too large a number for people to die at one go,” said the witnesses who were nearby as the
place was soon crowded. Some wanted to apply instant justice to the driver who was later observed
to have been drunk.

The local people said that it was a black spot for numerous accidents ussually occur there. I have not
witnessed a nastier incident ever since.


Dwarfish and talkative is a snowy-white haired woman.

The talkative woman is my grandmother Mrs Madiri. She is ninety years old. She looks quite pretty
with her grey hair. Her nickname is Mrs Taurai. She was so called because of talking too much.
Nowadays, she is so senile that she can hardly walk. She can also hardly see or hear. I sometimes
shout for her to hear but she complaints that I am scolding her. Nowadays her memory is also poor
she can easily forget what she is doing.

Mrs Madiri often breaks kitchen utensils.The Doctor said she has alzheimers which is caused by
being senile.I am now finding it difficult to look after such an old woman. Though I am happy to see
her alive and enjoy her company and folktales.


Some few kilometres from Harare and south of Norton is situated a lush place.

At the gate of that majestic place is a thatched reception and restaurant which serves delicious
foods. Ostriches with their lovely feathers can be seen running about. Guinea fowls also walk around
pecking and scratching the ground. What an impressive sight!

At the lake are flowers blooming colourfully. Great tides of water are always rising. When dusk
approaches, most species of animals come to drink from the lake. There are duikers, girraffes,
wildebeests, rhinocerous to mention only a few.

I really admire lack Chivero with all its natural resources and beauty.


Once a long time ago when I was young I had a terrifying incident.

It was on 21 January 2009.I was sent to a farm next to my father’s.The farm belonged to Mr Smith.
Just as I got into the farm I saw a vicious dog I had never seen.I tried to climb a nearby tree but it was
too late. I the tried to run away while the dog chased after me. My legs became so heavy that I could
hardly run. I cried and cried for help but noone came.The dog grabbed my shoe and down I fell.

I woke up as soon as I could the dog wagged its tail and played. The dog followed me back to Mr
Smith’s home. The dog befriended me. I was later surprised to hear that it bit everyone but Mr
Smith’s family.

When I got home and told the story of how I was chased we laughed our lungs out.


It was on 23 December last year when I accompanied a friend of mine to enjoy a game.The weather
was fine and the birds were twittering, unaware of the danger I was facing we passed through a
home with a very dreadful dog.

On that particular day we were not aware that the owners left the gate open. As soon as we passed
through a dog came rushing at us we tried to intimidate it but took no notice of that. Abruptly I
stoned it with a gigantic stone. The dog burst into anger and bit my left leg. I started to bleed
profusely and cried miserably. Tears were now trickling down my cheeks.

Everyone was anxious at that moment as I had suffered a serious injury. I was rushed to Mvurwi
hospital for treatment. It was discovered that the dog was infected with rabies. I was told that I was
going to be injected for several weeks.

I learnt never to try and intimidate vicious dogs.The memories of that day still linger in my mind to
this present day.


The weather was calm and the birds were singing melodiously in the neighbourhood. I woke up and
prepared for my journey to go and gather wild fruits.

My grandmother did not allow me but I disobeyed her. I strolled slowly until I reached the forest
with sumptuous fruits. It was a thick forest I had never seen since I was born.I enjoyed the delicious
fruits of the forest.

I ate one fruit that tasted a bit sour. I burst into anger and threw it away while complaining of its
bad taste. As I endeavoured to find my way home I could not find the way. I cried bitterly but noone
could hear me.I spent hours trying to find my way home but to no avail.Eventually as it was getting
dark I miraculously found my way home.

When I told the story to my grandmother she told me that the forest was sacred and that is why she
did not allow me to go there. I learnt from that day on to take heed of elders’ advice.


Roundshaped wrinkled face and eversmiling is a senile woman. She is my grandmother Mrs Rikoto.

My grandmother is ninety-five years old. She lives i n Harare in low density surbubs. She is stout and
healthy. Mrs Rikoto is always cheerful and sad only when someone causes her pain. She is a bright-
eyed lady who is a pleasure to spend time with. What a blessing we have! During her spare time she
ussually watches television. My grandmother is pretty with her snowy-white hair. She is light in
complexion. She always wants to have a well balanced meal.

Mrs Rikoto is an old- fashioned woman who wants her grandchildren to wear long skirts and dresses.
Sometimes she thinks we are scolding her when we shout speaking to her because she is quite deaf.
She dislikes to hear us scolding each other, she likes us to be happy all the time.

I like her because she normally tells us different sweet folktales. I wish to see her quite often but I
see her once in a blue moon.


Of all the outdoor games the best for me is soccer. On this particular chilly winter morning I watched
a soccer match between my school and Nyamhondoro school.

The match started at nine o’clock in the morning at Mucherengi Primary School. The football pitch
erupted into whistling and ululation as soon as the referee blew his whistle for the commencement
of the match.Our star player Thomas was the most enterprising player and a dribbling wizard. He
dribbled past three defenders just two minutes into the match and scored the opening goal.

Nyamhondoro players and supporters were stunned as Mucherengi supporters got into a frenzy of
celebration. Just before the halftime whistle was blown Thomas got a brace and we got wild with

After halftime our players were more rejuvinated and did not take long to inflict more misery to the
Nyamhondoro team and its supporters. Samson dribbled past two defenders and the third defender
could not let him and brought him down in the penalty area. Mucherengi got a penalty kick and our
star player Thomas converted from the spot to get his hat-trick.

We were home and dry just before the referee blew his final whistle a few minutes later. We could
not contain our excitement and for some of us tears of joy trickled down our cheeks as we were
through to the next round of the competitions.


I woke up to a calm and bright Saturday morning and decided to take a walk with my dog in the
forest in anticipation of coming across a hare or buck.

As I strolled I passed through some fruit trees and ate some until I was bored stiff of them. When I
started to feel my feet becoming sore I decided to take my way back home. I could not believe my
eyes when I came face to face with a lion. I stood dumbfounded and for a moment I thought I was

I endevoured to run but my feet could no carry me Tiger my dog crept close to me with its tail
between its legs.The lion roared as loud as thunder and I remained as motionless as a corpse.I was
now regretting not taking heed of my grandfathers advice who had warned me not to go into the
forest alone, but it was of no use to cry over spilt milk.

Suddenly a kudu passed by running away and the lion went after it. I forgot to breathe for a while
and took a deep breath I felt sweat dripping from my body. I had to sit down for a while to regain my
strength before I took my way home hurriedly.


It was a chilly and calm day. Though it was a chilly and calm day, birds were chirping excitedly. I was
in a jovial mood since it was a day for my birthday party. It was held in Borrowdale , Harare.

The venue was well decorated with flowers that had a beautiful fragrant aroma. When I saw the
venue I was out of words. I was well dressed and looked gorgeous. My pink dress eye-caught
everyone at the birthday party. There was a huge iced cake coloured in pink on the table and it had a
fountain. Everyone sang the birthday song for me and I cut the cake . I shared it with everyone at the

Each child was given a paper pink cap and some chocolates and they enjoyed the chocolates a
lot.There was a variety of food prepared. The food included rice, vegetable, egg and fruit salad and
pasta. It was quite a delicious treat. We were refreshed with some cool drinks.

When it was time to get to the dance floor everyone was eager to dance and the disc jockeys played
music from leading artists. People danced till they were tired. Finally my friends gave me some gifts
including a watch,, pair of shoes and a couple of dresses.

This was the most memorable and enjoyable birthday party I ever had. I will never rub this day out
of my memory. The day was worthy to be remembered.


Dressed in dennims with a cheerful bright face was an honourable person Doctor Lazarus Dokora,
the then Minister of Education . He was the guest of honour at this prestigious event.

It was on 6 April 2018. We sang the national anthem while the flag was being hoisted.The event took
place at my school Mucherengi Primary School. The high table was decorated with fragrant roses.
The event was held to reward pupils who were outstanding in academic and sporting disciplines.
There was a huge turnout of parents and invited guest approximately three thousand people could
have turned up for the event.

There were wonderful presents for pupils who excelled in each class per grade then per subject in
each grade. The best sports persons in each sporting discipline also got prizes ranging from
stationary of all sorts, sporting attires and equipment. The guest of honour handed the prizes to the
winners.Every winner was delighted with what they got and parents and fellow students whistled
and ululated in joy as the prizes were given.

Guests were given delicious food and nibbled at their food wonderfully. The headmaster finally
closed the event with a vote of thanks.


Roundshaped wrinkled face and eversmiling is a senile man.The man is quite handsome with his grey
hair. He is an interesting person who lives in Kagoro village in Guruve District. His name is Mr

He is seventy-five years old. He is light-skinned average height and stout. Mr Maputi is always
cheerful. He is not affluent but he gave his children a great gift of education. As he relates he says it
cost him an arm and a leg to educate his children who are all now graduates.

During his spare time he watches television. He has a very good sense of humour , whenever I spent
time with him I laugh my lungs out. I admire him for spending his wealth giving his children a decent
education. Now he is enjoying the fruits of his dedication since he enjoys a decent lifestyle courtesy
of his children.


My country Zimbabwe is rich. It has vast fertile lands, minerals, resort areas and other natural
resources. That is our inherited wealth from our ancestors. Hence, we should preserve for future

Situated some kilometres from the country’s second largest city Bulawayo is a majestic place. Its
name is Victoria Falls, traditionally its Mosi-a-Tunya which means the smoke that thunders.
Zimbabwe has excellent resorts but grandest sights are at the falls, breathtaking. The explorer David

Livingstone renamed the falls. I last visited the falls three years ago but fresh memories of the place
still linger in my mind.

Tourists flock to see one of the seven wonders of the world on a daily basis. There are different
exhibitions of different artifacts amongst which is a statue of David Livingstone. Surely a
breathtaking scenery everyone who visits will have a tale to tell.

Every tourist is stunned by the stature of this magnificent place. Although I know of a variety of
other places in the country the Victoria Falls stands out in a class of its own, its out of this world!


Whenever I think of this day, tears start to trickle down my cheeks. It was on 24 December 2017
when we were deep in sleep. On that dreadful and fateful day we lost my cousin to robbers who
boke into our home.

The robbers broke into the house through the window. When my cousin shouted for help he was hit
on his head with an iron bar and died instantly. They blindfolded us tied us and covered our mouths.
The robbers got away with some furniture and other household goods. Every member of my family
was totally dejected. We cried silently but it was no use crying over spilt milk. My father later hurried
to the headman after he managed to untie himself but the robbers had already dissapeared.

Most of the villagers came to help us follow the footprints but we could not trace them when we got
into the veld. The headman sent some of his messengers to notify the police but the information we
had could not help the police since they had masks and had blindfolded us.

People later gathered to mourn our cousin and help console us. This day still lingers in my memory
as the worst day of my life.


The weaher was very hot and the sun was like a ball of fire as it blazed over us.

I woke up early and prepared for my journey to gather wild fruits. I went into the forest with eye-
catching fruits that tickled my appetite.

Driven by wind, thunderclouds started to gather from the eastern horizon. Soon afterwards I heard
the rumbling of thunder that knocked me off my feetand sent me reeling to the ground. The
thunderclap stopped my breath for a while as I pondered over my next move. I was numb with
horrror. A few raindrops spattered in the dust. Almost immediately afterwards, it poured heavily. I
had to scurry for shelter in a nearby cave eventually but I was already drenched. I was trembling in
great fear and cold.

It rained cats and dogs for hours while I was as wet as a drowned cat. When it stopped pouring I
rushed home in pools of the downpour. I felt relieved as I got home to a blazing fire in our kitchen
and heaved a great sigh of relief.


It was on 23 April last year when we attended my sister’s wedding at the Forward in Faith Church in
Mutare. The decor at the wedding venue was out of this world. The bride was Chipo Matsa and the
bridegroom was Joseph Mano.

The marriage officer was Pastor Moyo who got people into stitches during his sermon due to his
good sense of humour. He joined the couple in holy matrimony at this prestigious event. When it
was time for the couple to give their marrige vows I felt tears of joys running down my cheeks. Their
vows were breath-taking. After they put rings on each other’s fingers and cut the cake people
whistled and ululated excitedly.

The platform for giving presents was opened by the master of ceremony Mr Gomo and people gave
a lot of presents in the form of hosehold furniture and utensils. Some also gave presents in the form
of cash and beasts pledged to be collected.

We were also served with appetising delicacies and drinks. Every guest was delighted as the bridal
team entertained us with eye-catching dance moves. The ceremony was closed just before dusk and
we went home satisfied we had attended a blessed event.


Once upon a time I witnessed a terrifying incident. Just the thought of that event sends cold shivers
down my spine. It was on 13 December as I set out for a Christmas holiday in the capital city of

The bus that I was travelling in collided with a truck from the opposite direction head-on. Everyone
who witnessed the crush stood dumbfounded for a long while after the accident. Some wept
miserably after realising some lives had been lost. After the police and an ambulance came we learnt
that twelve of the passengers in the bus we were travelling in had lost their lives including both
drivers. We were stunned as fourteen is such a big number to lose lives at one go. I had miraculously
managed to escape through a whisker and other passengers we stood stunned as bodies were pulled
and covered with red blankets the police had brought.

Some said the driver was driving under the influence of alchol as some had seen him drink in Mvurwi
when the bus stopped. Now it was of no use crying over spilt milk as some were asking why they did
not notify others that the driver was drinking.


There are a lot of sports personalities in our country and abroad but I admire one soccer idol whose
name is Khama Billiat.

Khama plays for Kaizer Chiefs in South Africa and is also a proud representative of his country’s
national team the Warriors of Zimbabwe. He is one of Zimbabwe national team’s most enterprising
players and is also a dribbling wizard. Whenever his club and national team are playing he plays his
heart out. He has also won a number of awards especially in club football were he won the

championship with his former club Mamelodi Sundowns. He also has won a number of trophies and
accolades like player of the year and top goal scorer.

I admire his humbleness and easy going charactor. Khama Billiat is surely a good role model and a
pleasure to watch whenever he is on the field of play.


“The one who will pass the exams will be handed something,” these words kept ringing in my mind, I
kept on studying pushed by these words.

Some pupils started mocking me saying I was flashy but I turned a deaf ear to their words. Weeks
passed and the time for the examinations came. My heart beat with excitement at the
commencement of the exams as I had fully prepared for them. I endevoured to pass at all costs to
win the promised prize. The prize giving day was the closing day at school for that term and so
noone knew the results for the examinations only the best pupil in each class was going to win a
stationary voucher and a school fees voucher from a sponsor.

Finally, the waiting was over and the results were going to be announced on closing day. As the
results for my class were being announced I held my breadth. They started from the bottom on their
way to the winner who came first in class. When the second position was about to be announced I
took a huge breadth when my name was not announced I took a huge sigh of relief as I knew I had
grabbed the prized possession. At the announcement of my name I nearly jumped out of my skin
with excitement.

My parents where proud of me since they had been struggling to pay my fees. The almighty had
answered my prayer and I was glad hard work had finally paid off.


There was once a bully at my school who used to take pleasure in inflicting pain on others. On this
particular day he met his match.

It was in March of 2016. We were given a task to cut grass around the school premises. As a prefect,
I was supervising boys who were cutting grass. They worked well for at least thirty minutes.
Suddenly I heard a scream, it was the bully Menard who had been given a clean slap by Thomas. It
sent him reeling to the ground. That attracted the attention of all the boys and they rushed to the
scene. Menard wanted to run away but he could hardly run.

Barking dogs seldom bite, how impresssive it was the bully being defeated. Thomas beat Menard
until he remained as motionless as a corpse. Menard used to intimidate everyone but Thomas the
newcomer taught him a good lesson. He was now bleeding profusely and cried miserably in agony it
was terrible watching him lying motionless on the ground.

At first we were laughing at him but now we were feeling pity for him. There was a pity silence for a
while. When I reported the situation to the school adminstration he was quickly rushed to the clinic
to get treatment.


The weather was calm and the birds were singing melodiously in the blue sky. On this particular day I
was very unfortunate to have lost one prized possesion of mine, a brown leather wallet with a
substantial ammount of money. I got the wallet as a present from my aunt on my previous birthday

My mother had sent me to Mudhindo Growth Point to buy some groceries and school supplies for
the new term. When I entered the shop I searched for my wallet but it was nowhere to be found. I
glanced in all my pockets but that did not really help me, I had lost my wallet. Tears were now
trickling down my cheecks. I endevoured to try and find out what had happened, I was now
trembling with fear. I was afraid my parents would be very cross with me.

Abruptly I recalled that I left home with it so it must have been lost on the way. I strolled slowly
down the road back home looking for my priced possession. My eyes nearly popped out of my head
when I met a young boy holding my wallet. I asked him where he got it but he stood dumbfounded.

I forgot to breathe for a while with excitement, but my joy was shortlived. When he handed over the
wallet to me I realised that it was empty when I quizzed the boy he innocently told me it had nothing
when he picked it up. So someone must have picked it earlier and took all the money and dropped it
again. I went home in anguish and dissapointment.


It was in 2015 when I accompanied my parents to a white man’s farm. While my parents were as
busy as bees working in the farm, the white man asked me to polish his shoes. I left the shoes
sparkling which made the farmer pleased and in turn he gave me a little kitten as a token of

Its colour is pitch black. I got it when it was still small but now it is four years old its name is Cute. I
feed Cute thrice a day and she is used to it. In the mornings it is fond of both milk and soup. It likes
nutritious food and I think that is why she has become gigantic. At night, I give her special cat food, I
bought from the pet shop. When it wants water it laps it up.

Her claws are long, sharp and curved which makes it easy for hunting. Cute has soft pads. Her fur is
thin, gentle and fluffy. It is as harmless as a baby and it has amethyst eyes. When it strays from
home, it finds its way home on its own. She is a branch of olives, gentle and smart. She is a beast of
prey. When it is chilly Cute likes to warm herself on fire and shows pleasure by purring and wagging
its tail.

I love Cute because she is amicable, loyal and does not steal like what other cats do.


It was on a beautiful Monday morning. Though it was chilly the birds were chirping and frogs were
croaking simultaneously.

I woke up late. The sun had already risen. My heart was thumping fiercly against my chest since I
thought I was going to be late for school. I had to pack, bath and rush to school. I quickly gathered
myself and prepared to go to school.

On my way to school, I unexpectedly saw an injured old man who was struggling to walk. His name
was Mr Moyo. Seeing this I dashed off to give him a helping hand to get him out of the road. He was
brutally injured and his body was drenched in blood. He was also still bleeding profusely. I
immediately went to the nearest village to seek help. In no time, the villagers came with a scotchcart
and took Mr Moyo to the hospital to seek medical attention. I felt relieved since I had done a great
job of saving a man’s life.



TO: The Herald newspaper

FROM: Fortunate Rikoto
DATE: 22 May 2017
TOPIC: An event that took place at a local school

The event was an outdoor game of soccer between my school and Nyamhondoro Primary School.
The schools are in Guruve district in Mashonaland Central.

The venue of the game was Nyamhondoro School grounds. Nyamhondoro the hosts had a lot of
supporters but that did not intimidate our players and small support base we had. The game started
at nine o’clock in the morning. The football pitch was packed with many spectators.

Chigebhe our star striker opened the scoring with a brilliant strike that left the home crowd stunned.
For a while we fogot to breathe with excitement and tears of excitement trickled down some of our
supporters’ cheecks. It took Nyamhondoro only three minutes to equalise though a freeckick they
got just outside the penalty box. Their supporters got wild with excitement.

Just after halftime Chigebhe stunned the Nyamhondoro crowd with an amazing solo effort after he
dribbled past three defenders and got his brace. We were soon singing and dancing in jubilation.
Chigebhe again dribbled past a defender but this time the second defender brought him down in the
penalty box and we got a penalty. Chigebhe took the honours to convert the spot kick and grab a

Finally we felt we were home and dry. When the referee blew the whistle to end the game there
was silence and dissapointment in the home team’s camp as we celebrated our win in wild


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To: The Herald
From: Ramba Britney.G
Date: 1March 2018
Topic: An accident that happened in my area

As the sun beamed beautifully, I strolled leisurely from school. The sky was an expanse of sapphire
blue. The birds were chirping melodiously in the overcast sky as they were coming from roost. I was
sicken shocked by what I saw with my twinkled eyes.

The bus collided with quite a big car. Everyone stood dumbfounded for a moment. The accident
hungrily snapped other people’s lives. Perspiration trickled down my forehead as my heart thumped
fiercely against my chest. Blood chilled down my veins as I was out of sorts. Moments later the
police arrived. Before long, they put a cardon to keep the public a distance off the scene. People
wept miserably and bled profusely.

Tears brimmed in my round eyes as the injured people braced themselves for the worst.They were
hoping that someone would shoot them out of their terrified trance. The accident was fatal. The
chief culprit was the bus driver who drove under the influence of alchol.He tried to negotiate with
the police but was given the capital punishment for his offence.

I think to avoid such fatalities in future drivers should be sober- minded and exercise extreme
caution on the roads. Otherwise people will continue to lose lives if such carelessness is not dealt


To: The Herald

From: Laura Magwegwe
Date: 02 September 2018
Topic: A cup final game I watched

The sky was an expanse of saphire blue, dotted with fluffy white clouds as radiant rays of the sun
shone brightly in the clear blue sky. The wind was as calm as millpond representing my mood. I was
very excited since Dynamos was going to play with its main opponent FC Platinum on 28 April 2018.

I was accompanied by my sister to Rufaro stadium where the game was going to take place. The
stadium was filled with noisy, ululating and whistling spectators, who were as eager as the
bridegroom for the game to kick off.

In no time, the match kicked off. Both teams were dribbling wizards. The passes of Dynamos players
were fast, quick, accurate and perfectly knitted. Tadisa , a flat-footed man scored a brilliant goal
through a header. FC Platinum supporters were so nervous that they were goind to be defeated. The
referee blew the halftime whistle.

In the second half FC Platinum came with more force than in the first half.Dynamos also came with
more force and scored a spectacular goal. In the ninetieth minute FC Platinum played so hard
looking for a consolation goal. Sadly the team never scored because of the skilful and talented
Dynamos goalkeeper. Notwithstanding the fact that FC Platinum made many fouls against Dynamos,

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Dynamos still emerged victorious.

Finally the final whistle was blown . The Dynamos team and supporters were in the seventh heaven
while FC Platinum and supporters burst into tears. The man of the match was the goalkeeper who
saved a penalty and several threatening free-kicks. He was awarded with five hundred dollars and a
television set.


To: The Police

From : Magwegwe Laura
Date : 10 October 2018
Topic: The day our property was stolen

The weather was as cool as a cucumber and birds were chirping melodiously. I was in a jovial mood
unaware unaware of the impending misfortune.

It was on 7 0ctober 2018 when our property got stolen. I was at home watching my favourite
television programme.My parents were at work and they reminded me not to get out of the yard. I
turned a deaf ear to their advice and went to the streets to play. Unfortunately I forgot to close the
windows I rushed to the stores.

While I was away, a burglar broke in through the fragile window. He began to rummage the drawers
and ransaked the house for valuable items. When I got back, My eyes nearly popped out of my
head. When my parents got back from work they were furious at me. Immediately they contacted
the police for help but the burglar was not caught in time. My parents have since hired security
guards to protect our home.

May you please urge members of the public to always have security on their homes to minimise loss
of property through burglary.


I woke up to a sound I heard at our neighour’s house on Christmas eve last year. As I peeped from
my bedroom window in darkness I saw someone trying to break Mr Moyo’s window. I tip-toed into
my parents’ bedroom and alerted them of what I had seen.

Our neighbour had taken his family for a holiday in Victoria Falls. The burgler must have noticed that
there was noone at the house. The burglar managed to cut the burglar bars with a bolt cutter. My
father had alerted the other neighbours and gatherred to try and apprehend the burglar. Unknown
to the burglar he was under survillance as he tried to go out with an enourmous radio from the
house. Mr Moyo had often said the radio cost him an arm and a leg.

The thief’s eyes nearly popped out of his head when he realised that people had gathered around
the house he was stealing from. When he put the radio down trying to escape he realesed there was
no escape route. He endevoured to try and ask for forgiveness but it was no use crying over spilt
milk as the police arrived immediately.

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None of the residents of our surbub felt pity for him. People were fed up with such burglars who
always broke into houses in our village to reep where they did not sow.The police arrested him and
took him to the police station after thanking the residents for helping apprehend the notorious thief.


As human beings we have a lot of needs such as clothes, food, shelter just to name a few. Of all
those needs I think water is the most critical. It sustains all living things on earth and without it
there would be no existence.

All life is sustained by water without it life would be unbearable. Having experianced some droughts
over the years we have realised the importance of this precious liquid in our livelihoods. Some of the
uses of water include growth of plants which provide us with food and pastures for our animals,
manufacture of different goods we need on a daily basis to sustain our lives, washing our bodies and
clothes, just to name a few.

Every facet of existence is hinged on the availability of water. If you spared a thought to try and
imagine life without water you would have an idea of how important this God-given gift is.


A girl of no worries is my my best friend Sheryl Moyana. She is a girl aged twelve. I am proud of my
friend and our union.

I have known her since we were in grade one. She is as honest as amirror.Sheryl lives in Harare so I
only see her once in a blue moon. She is stout, light in complexion and of average height. My friend
looks quite pretty in her short black hair. She is as beautiful as the sunset. Cheryl is not from an
affluent family but her parents afford to pay her school fees andgive her a decent lifestyle. She
always pleases her parents because she is as industrious as an ant.

I have never known my best friend to be unhappy unless someone causes her pain or when she has
heard bad news. She hates gossiping, laziness and thieves. I am glad to have known Cheryl she is rare
to find like a diamond.


I woke up to a beautiful day punctuated by calm weather melodious singing of birds in the sky. It
was on 22 December 2016. I vividly recall the events of the day like it happened yesterday.

I could not believe that I was going to board a plane. My heart beat faster with great excitement and
enthusiasm. I had always had this dream but now it had turned into reality. I was as eager as a

On this particular day I was flying to Victoria Falls. I was delighted to be flying to see the smoke that
thunders. I woke up very early to prepare for my maiden trip on a plane. Surely, I was in the seventh
heaven on that day. I was accompanied by my father who was rewarding me for having excelled in
my school work.

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In the plane, everyone was reading a novel or a newspaper except for my father and I. The most
interesting discovery I made was realising that delicious food and beverages were served on the
plane. I was amazed to discover that we were in Victoria Falls before noon. The plane flew as fast as

The moment we arrived in Victoria Falls, I forgot to breathe with excitment. I was stunned by the
stature of the falls that produce smoke.


The sky was an expanse of sapphire blue dotted with fluffy white clouds. Exuberance bubbled in me
since it was my brother’s wedding. My family members were in high spirits and they were chatting
merrily. Everyone was in ajovial mood and I was wondering what the wedding would be like as
frenzied thoughts whirled in my mind.

Everything was in place since preparations were made for many months in advance. We were all
taken to Waterfalls Gardens. It was a garden wedding. It was now a turn for the groom to enter. I
was shocked because my brother was dressed to kill. People ate a lot of delicious puddings.
Everyone enjoyed the meal. All sorts of foods and drinks were there. The plates were decorated with
appetising food and most people nibbled it voraciously.

Everyone was jubilated. Tears of joy cascaded down the people’s cheeks. What an impressive
wedding! I was dumbfounded with my sister’s success. I was green with envy.The bride was waring a
white gown, pink stilleto shoes and his hair was braided. The groom was bespectacled. The cake was
cut and it had a fine scent.

When the marriage officer asked them to kiss each other men whistled while women ululated. After
being entertained by the bridal team they went for photos, videos were taken as well. The
presentation of gifts was done.

Eventually, the event was over. The master of ceremony gave a vote of thanks. That marked the end
of the wedding. The wedding will be etched deeply in my memory until the end of time.


The fearthery clouds rose across the sky along with an afternoon breeze as the blue shadow of
morning gradually faded. The bedroom in which I was sleeping was a cosy place which boasted of
contemporary furniture.

It was a normal day. Iwas strolling from school with my companions Norella and Noreen. We were
planning to compete in a race.We started the race and my route was the shortest. Moments later,
two men approached mysteriously from the hill side. I could feel my energy sapping away because of
the heat from the sun. They were dressed in denims. I stood dumbfounded, but I was not afraid,

The man infront was fairly tall, slim and athletic, with piercing brown eyes. He had a determined face
and his arms were boldly tatooed with figures of an axe and a hoe. The other was darker and more

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heavily built. The leader talked to me. I cannot remember the exact words for I was nervous, my
heart leaping to my throat.

The men demanded everything I had. I refused saying the bag did not belong to me. One of them
gave me a clean hard slap which sent me reeling to the ground. My eyes fell on their shining muzzles
of guns and faded canvas shoe. With trembling hands and chattering teeth they rapidly fished out
their knives. I wept miserably in agony hoping that someone would shoot me out of my terrified
trance. Just as hope started vanishing into thin air, a grey-bearded grounchy man heard the
deafening noise and shuffled towards the direction of the cry. The two men ran away swiftly. I
regained my composure and thanked the man.

Tears dry but memories never fade. The incident will be etched in my memory forever


It was on 20 May when things took a turn for the worst. The birds were twittering melodiously,
unaware of the danger I was facing.

My mother asked me to wash dishes, but I turned a deaf ear to her words. I accompanied my friend
to enjoy a game. While we were playing, Mr Moyo’s dog came and was wagging its tail. I started to
intimidate it, but it took no notice of that. It was a very dreadful dog. In fear I stoned it with a
gigantic stone. It was a very mischevious thing I had done.

The dog burst into anger and started chasing me. I endeavored to save my life, but I could hardly
run. I climbed a nearby tree, but the branch stripped off and fell to the ground. I started bleeding
profusely from a wound I had sustained. I wept bitterly in agony. My mother was devasted to learn
what had transpired.

Without procastinating my mother hired acar and hurried me to Mvurwi hospital. Unfortunately the
car had an accident as the driver was rushing to take me to hospital. I had aclose brush with death.
My mother started scolding me saying I was a troublemaker who had caused all this. I wished she did
not scold me as I was in so much agony.

The cloud of this event will hang in my memories until the last hour of my existence.


Dark grey clouds filled the sky, rain pelted hard against the window panes in heavy drops. Abruptly
the sun glinted on the windows and rose above the mountain. The mountain peaks glowed pink and
gold, as one by one they were bathed in the glory of morning.

Despite the weather Sheryl and I went to the park to play soccer. The park was full of lush
greenery.There was a dark green fir tree laden with snow. I kicked the ball so hard to my friend and
she kicked it so hard that it hit the tree. More dark greyish clouds gathered across the overcast sky.

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When I saw them, I took no notice and continued my game. “ Britney it’s dangerous! Stay awy from
the tree!” My best friend Lakisha bellowed across the park.

Lightning flashed from the west, accompanied by aloud roar of thunder. My friend’s advice fell on
deaf ears. Then, out of the blue, a bolt of lightning tore across the sky accompanied by defeaning
thunder. The tree I was standing under was struck. My friends were horrified and their eyes widened
with horror to see me unconscious lying motionlessly on the ground. With trembling hands and
chattering teeth they rapidly fished out their mobile hones and dialled the ambulance.

In the hospital my parents gritted their teeth in anger and dissapointment. They lashed out angrily at
me. They punished me by dissallowing me to play football for a month. My face reddened with
shame and I burrowed my face regretfully into my palms. I mumbled a quiet apology as I tried to
sniff back my tears.

A cloud of that event will be etched in my memory till the end of time. As the saying goes, “Once
bitten twice shy, “ It was the last time I ever play outside when a storm is approaching.

Mucherengi Primary School
Private Bag 7620

5 February 2019

The Manager
Victoria Falls Resort
PO Box 70
Victoria Falls

Dear Sir/Madam


I write this letter askingfor permission to visit your tourist resort area on 20th March 2019. I write on
behalf of my Grade Seven class at Mucherengi Primary School.

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We hope to learn a lot from your resort area by viewing the falls and wild animals on site. We heard
that every visitor to your great monument is stunned by the stature of the falls and the smoke that
thunders. We will be honoured and delighted to be accepted as visitors to one of the seven wonders
of the world. We have also heard that there is a sophisticated old fashioned statue of David
Livingstone. We are forty pupils and will be accompanied by two teachers.

Our class will also have pleasure in learning about the different wild animals in your area. We would
also like to view different exhibitions of different artifacts. We will be very delighted if you give us
permission to visit.

I am looking forward to a favourable response.

Yours faithfully

Fortunate Rikoto

Mucherengi Primary School

Private Bag 7620

5 March 2018

The Manager
Gutsai Stores
PO Box 24

Dear Sir/Madam


I write this letter on behalf of my school asking for library books.My school is facing a serious
shortage of library books to help us learn.

We have realised that our pass rate is dropping hence the need to stock our library. Most of the
parents in our school catchment area are farmers. Due to the poor harvests experianced this year
due to drought most of them are not paying school fees. Most pupils at my school have a
tremendous thirst for knowledge but are being let down by shortage of books.

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You are certainly our hope for assistance since you know our school and its track record in terms of
pass rates. If you assist we promise cover the books and take good care of them. We will be
delighted if you help us curb this situation.

Yours Faithfully

Fortunate Rikoto

Mucherengi Primary School

Private Bag 7620

15 May 2018

The Manager
Siyawamwaya Store
PO Box 78

Dear Sir/Madam


I have written this letter complaining on bad customer care experianced at your store on 12 May

I bought bread at your shop while I was going to school. When I was about to eat the bread I realised
that it had moulds. My eyes nearly popped out of my head because I did not expect a reputable
shop as yours to sell rotten bread. When I returned with the bread the shopkeeper refused to take it
back . I endeavoured to explain but he could not give me a chance, instead he insulted me.

I was totally depressed at that moment I then ran back to school with tears trickling down my
cheeks. That is why I am writing to you because your shopkeeper turned a deaf ear to my plea. I
hope you will refund me of give me fresh bread.

I hope ypu will accept my complaint with great understanding. I am now looking forward to a
favourable response from you.

Yours Faithfully

Fortunate Rikoto

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Mucherengi Primary School
Private Bag 7620

12 January 2019

Dear Father

Tears of joy are trickling down my cheeks as I write this note. Thank you very much for the present
you bought me.

My daily wish has always been to possess a cellphone. You surely met me at my point of need. I
thank you for being a promise-keeper. You had promised me you would buy it for me when I passed
my examinations. I am surely delighted am also glad you are as honest as a mirror.

I promise I will keep the beautiful gadget with great care. I will also use it meaningfully in my school
tasks and reserches through google. To me this present is as precious as gold. I know it must have
cost you an arm and a leg so I will surely put it to good use.

Best regards to your friends and workmates.

Your loving daughter

Fortunate Rikoto

Mucheremgi Primary School

Private Bag 7620

23 January 2019

Dear Uncle Jack

Tears of sorrow are trickling down my cheeks as I write this letter to you. I am asking for money to
proceed with my secondary education since noone here can afford to let me proceed. I passed my
Grade Seven Examinations with distinctions in all subjects and nobody seems keen to send me for
secondary education. Uncle you are my last hope because I know how much you value education.

I have tremendous thirst for education and am hopeful you will help me fulfil my wish of becoming a
medical doctor after completion of my education. I am currently earning my living through selling
vegetables and fruits. My aunt now demands that I get married to a senile man because he is rich

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she says it will help the family as he promised to take care of all of us. She is threatening to chase me
away if I do not agree with her crazy idea. Now I wish my parents were on earth.

I hope you will rescue me from this situation which is nearly driving me insane.

Yours in need

Fortunate Rikoto

Mucherengi Primary School

Private Bag 7620

7 February 2018

Dear Uncle Tom

I write this letter informing you about my mother’s illness. You know that after she bore me she had
two miscarriages. Now she was pregnant again. Unfortunately she was involved in a car accident
which has forced her to be hospitalised, she was understandably worried. Two weeks later she went
into labour prematurely. Shortly afterwards little Tarnia was born weighing less than two kilograms.

The happiness was shortlived as the little one died four days later. My mother felt so empty. The
whole family was devasteted. Mother wept miserably for several days until one day she fainted. She
was rushed to Mvurwi hospital upon arrival she was rushed to Parirenyatwa hospital as her illness
was treated as an emergency. It was realised that she has high blood pressure. Now she is unable to
speak. She has lost appetite she can not notice some people she knows. Surely mother is out of
sorts seriously. I am very disturbed and shocked, my mother’s life is at stake. Please may you come
and see the situation for yourself.

I encourage you to come as soon as you possibly can because she can pass on. Her condition is

Your niece


Mucherengi Primary School

Private Bag 7620

15 February 2017

The Minister
Ministry Of Primary and Secondary Education
PO Box 560

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Dear Sir/Madam


I write this letter on behalf of pupils at my school asking for assistance to build a classroom block
that was destroyed by rains at my school. On the 29th of January there was an unbelievable
thunderstorm from a cyclone that evolved on the eastern sie of our district. That cyclone destroyed
the classroom block which accomodated Grade Six and Seven classes. Fourtunately, no child was
Injured as the pupils had been dismissed for the day.

Now we are learning under a tree for the past few weeks. This is a desperate situation since we are
in the rainy season it is dangerous for us to be learning under trees. Sometimes we miss lessons
when it starts raining and crowd in the few available classrooms. The School Development
Commitee has held several meetings to try and solve the crisis but to no avail. They are complaining
that most parents are not paying their fees.

We certainly hope you will intervene and help us end this crisis. We have tremendous thirst for
education but with the prevailing situation our efforts may be in vain.

Yours Faithfully

Fortunate Rikoto

Mucherengi Primary Schol

Private Bag 7620

25 January 2017

Dear Aunt Lilian

I am writting this letter asking for assistance. The situation here is dire.

I am doing my final year at primary school. There is a set of practice text books which are needed for
our Grade Seven course. I am asking for money to help me acquire the books the currently cost eight
dollars each. May you please assist in any way you can. Father is currently suffering from a fractured
arm and he can not work. All his savings from the farm bussiness have been spent since he broke his
arm leaving the family with nothing.

If you can help I would be very grateful I hope to do well in my final exams if I get those books.

Your affectionate niece

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Mucherengi Primary School

Private Bag 7620

2 March 2017

The Manager
Kingstons Bookshop
PO Box 100

Dear Sir/Madam


I have written thi letter asking for books to stock our depleted library.

Our school is facing a serious shortage of textbooks and library books. The situation is now dire since
we can not get enough books even to share from the school library. We also need novels and
magazines for the upper grades to help improve our language and vocabulary. If you could you may
also include picture books for lower grades.

We promise to keep the books with the utmost care and cover them to lessen wear and tear. If you
do help us we will be glad. We are looking forward to getting a favourable response from you.
Thanking you in advance.

Yours Faithfully

Erna Mukandawire

Mucherengi Primary School

Private Bag 7620

2 March 2018

The Manager
Hwange National Park
PO Box 30

Dear Sir/Madam

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I am writting this letter asking for permission to visit your park. We would like to visit from The 2nd to
3rd of April.

We are forty five school children and three teachers. We would like to view gigantic animals at your
park for instance elephants, rhinocerouses and girraffes. We would also like to have a look at zebras,
lions and other small animals. Our teacher has taught us about predators, scavengers, herbivores,
carnivores, omnivores and nocturnals. It will be quite an experiance to see all those different classes
of animals.

Hopefully you will permit us to visit so that we will fulfil this lifetime dream.

Yours Faithfully

Erna Mukandawire

Mucherengi Primary School

Private Bag 7620

15 February 2017

The Education Minister

Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education
PO Box 10

Dear Sir/Madam


I am writting this letter asking for assistance in restoring electricity and rebulding a classroom block
destroyed in a storm.

Our community received too much rainfall which was accompanied by heavy winds, lightning and
rainfall. Electricity poles and cables fell down resulting in loss of electricity supplies. The school is
currently running a chicken project and we need electrity to provide heat and light to the chickens at
night. We also use a fridge to store slaughtered chickens.

The destruction of the classroom block has seriously affected learning at the school. We are now
sharing the few available classes and some are learning under trees. Being in the rainy season
learning under trees is a danger to the pupils.

We certainly hope you will intervene as the Minister responsible and help bring nomalcy to our
learning institution.

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Yours faithfully

Erna Mukandawire

Mucherengi Primary School

Private Bag 7620

10 February 2018

Dear Uncle Thomas

I hope this letter finds you in the best of your health.

I write to notify you that mother is ailing in bed as I write this letter to you. She is suffering from an
unidentified ailment since we dont have any money to take her to hospital. She complaining of sore
joints, cold and a serious fever. She has also since lost her appetite and is losing weight
tremendously. She can harldly walk and is not going outdoors. Her face is also swollen.

We therefore seek your assistance to help us take her to hospital at the earliest possible time. It
pains me to see her in such agony worse still knowing I do not have the capacity to help her. I am
looking forward to a favourable response fron you.

Your nephew


Mucherengi Primary School

Private Bag 7620

3 February 2018

Dear Father

Tears of joy are trickling down my cheeks as I write this letter to you.

I was not looking forward to getting such a wonderful gift from you. I got a bicycle delivered to our
doorstep last night. As I was taking a good look at it I saw a note with my name on it. I forgot to
breathe for a while with excitement. I was so delighted that I could hardly wait for morning so that I
could ride it.

Going to and from school was wearisome but it is now a pleasure no longer tiresome. The bicycle is a
priceless gift that came just at the right time. I hope I will pass at school since I am now having
adequate time to study unlike in the past where I spent a lot of time walking to and from school.

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Thank you for you kindness.

Your loving daughter


Mucherengi Primary School

Private Bag 7620

18 January 2018

The Manager
Bata Shop
PO Box 1238

Dear Sir/Madam


Tears of joy are cascading down my cheeks while I am writting this letter. I am out of words right
now because you allowed me to change a pair of shoes I bought from your shop.

It was on 13 January when I bought a pair of red shoes from you Bata shop, in Harare. I had judged a
book by its cover by just looking at the shoes outwardly. I never thought of trying the shoes before I
left the shop as they looked just about the right size and good quality. When I got home where I live
in Guruve, I discovered that the shoes were torn inside.

I told my mother what had happened and she accompanied me bakc to the shop. We took with us
the receipt and the pair of shoes. We were welcomed by a roundshaped eversmiling woman who
referred us to the supervisor. Both your workers welcomed us with great pleasure and respect. The
supervisor phoned you and you gave them the go ahead to give us a new pair of shoes. We we given
a new pair of shoes and that time around I was more careful. I tried them on and they fitted very
well. We were given an assurance that we should always come back with their goods if they were
bad. They reminded us to keep receipts so that they know if the goods are theirs,

I am very grateful for the excellent service we got from your shop. You really did us a big favour and
are proud to be your customers.

Yours Faithfully

Laura Magwegwe

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