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Human body types can vary significantly based on factors such as muscle
mass, fat distribution, and frame size. Here are the three main body types:
1. Ectomorph: These individuals have a lean and slender build, with less body fat
and muscle. Gaining weight (whether muscle or fat) can be challenging for
them. Fashion models often exhibit this body type 1.
2. Endomorph: Endomorphs tend to have more stored fat, but they also have lots
of muscle. They gain weight relatively easily. Notably, being an endomorph
doesn’t always mean being overweight. Examples include football linemen and
Marilyn Monroe1.
3. Mesomorph: Mesomorphs have an athletic and strong physique. They fall
neither into the underweight nor overweight category. Swimmers and volleyball
players often exhibit this body type1.

Remember that everyone’s body is unique, and these categories provide a general
framework rather than strict definitions. Genetics, lifestyle, and hormonal changes can
influence body type over time

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