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Schools Recommendation Program 2022 rubric

On Pathway Satisfactory Commendable High Achievement

Communicates effectively but sometimes requires

Strong communication skills, both written
Could further develop and With scaffolding/support, can additional assistance in refining written work
Literacy skills and oral (CA or above in pre-tertiary English
consolidate through a communicate issues both or referencing. (e.g. SA in pre-tertiary English
(especially writing) focused pathway program. verbally and in writing. or English-related subject in year 11 or tracking
or related subject in year 11 or tracking
towards this in year 12).
towards in year 12; HA or above in Level 2 English).

Demonstrated understanding and application of

Evidence of successful study of complex
number, algebra, geometry and statistics; ability
mathematical problem solving, including
to reason, interpret and communicate numerical
complex algebraic manipulations,
Could develop and/or Everyday numeracy as evidenced and statistical concepts; perform algebraic
trigonometry, calculating derivatives and
Numeracy consolidate through a by successful achievement of TCE manipulations and solve problems in a systematic
integrals and applying probabilistic models.
focused pathway program. numeracy standard or equivalent. way. An indication would be successful
As a guide, successful completion of (or on-
completion of (or on-track to complete)
track to complete) Maths Methods or Maths
pre-tertiary General Mathematics or
Specialised would meet this.
Mathematics Methods Foundation.

Can identify and explain issues, work

Can tackle problems by identifying issues and
With some support can identify issues in through problems from different
explore them from more than one perspective.
Could develop and a problem and explore them from more perspectives, evaluate evidence and
Can identify sources of information and explain
Critical Thinking consolidate through a than one perspective. Can use sources of implications. Success in level 3 or 4
a possible implication. Success in year 11 subjects
focused pathway program. provided information to pose solutions subjects that require critical and analytical
that require critical and analytical thinking or
and explore implications. thinking in year 11 or tracking towards
tracking towards success in year 12.
success in year 12.

Ability to successfully balance a full program

With some support can successfully Ability to successfully balance a full program
of subjects (inclusive of 5 pre-tertiary
Could develop with support balance a full program of subjects in of subjects in year 11 and tracking towards
Time management and subjects over 2 years) and tracking towards
or through negotiation of year 11 and/or 12 (or balancing a program successful completion of a full program in
ability to manage workload reduced load. of study with part-time work, extra- year 12 (or balancing study with part-time
successful completion of a full program in
year 12 (or balancing study with part-time
curricular/leadership activities). work or extra-curricular activities).
work or extra-curricular activities).

Contributes and participates to ensure

Could develop and
With some support, can participate Demonstrates a willingness to participate the successful completion of group
Collaborative Skills consolidate through a
in, and contribute to, group work. and positively contributes to group work. activities. Effectively adopts leadership
focused pathway program.
roles as appropriate.

Has confidence to successfully tackle

Ability to think Participates in learning activities and assignments
Could develop and With support, w ill tackle learning learning activities and assignments.
independently that involve independent work to successful
consolidate through a activities that involve independent Actively seeks and uses feedback. Shows
and take responsibility focused pathway program. work and see through to completion.
completion. Able to adapt work in response
initiative and uses a range of strategies to
for their own learning to feedback.
consistently produce high quality work.

Engages in learning, posits and extends

Interested and engaged Prefers practical, Demonstrates an interest in learning, Engages in learning, makes positive contributions
ideas, readily takes on challenges, learning
in learning hands-on learning. asks questions and makes contributions. and poses relevant ideas and issues in class.
is focused.


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