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“Teenagers should be given the liberty to make

financial decisions”
(For the notion)

Financial freedom is the cornerstone of personal empowerment. When young

minds are given the freedom to travel their own financial journeys, they grow
not just in knowledge, but in confidence, independence, and resilience. It is
through these experiences that they truly prepare for the challenging pitfalls and
obstacles of adulthood.
Respected Jury Members, Ladies and Gentlemen, and my dear friends, a very
good morning to all of you. I am Harsh from class IX D and today I shall do my
best to convince you that teenagers most certainly should be given the liberty to
make financial decisions.
First of all, let us focus on the most important factor of this argument: the
educational value. Teenagers, soon to be exposed to the world at this sensitive
age, need a thorough knowledge and understanding of how money management
works. In school, they might learn about interest rates and accounting in theory,
but organizing their own expenses brings these concepts to life. This practical
learning equips them with knowledge that will help them throughout their lives.
A sense of responsibility develops in the minds of teenagers if they are
constantly dealing with money and using it. They understand the value of
money, and know how to organise it, how to spend it in the right place, how to
save it for future use. Moving towards adulthood, they become smart and well-
rounded individuals who know how to manage their finances.
Moving on, let us also elaborate on the fact that teenagers are given all the
responsibility, because, apparently, they are all grown up, so why is it that they
are not given the liberty to make financial decisions? Teenagers, ladies and
gentlemen, have to take responsibility like adults, but they don’t reap the
benefits of adulthood, the benefits of having financial independence. People
expect teenagers to take charge, be mature, but when it comes to the merits,
teenagers never get that. For example, a teenager is expected to buy goods from
a shop, but it is not up to the teenager to actually decide what to buy. This
hypocrisy, ladies and gentlemen, should be eradicated from the society, hence
giving financial independence to teenagers.
Furthermore, giving teenagers the liberty to take their own financial decisions
makes them closer to their parents. They see their parents as colleagues rather
than dictators. Their view towards money changes, and they see it as something
ordinary, of daily use. However, if teenagers are restricted from using money,
they see it as something extraordinary, something supernatural. And this
attitude, ladies and gentlemen, can be very harmful as it might make them
overwhelmed when they start using money as an adult. It can also make them
hungry for money, which might result in teenagers engaging in objectionable
activities to earn money. On the other hand, if they are constantly exposed to the
use of money, they correctly understand the value of money, and how to use it.
In conclusion, I would like to say that it's high time for society to realise that
trusting teenagers to make their own financial decisions is crucial. If we keep
restricting adolescents from the use of money, they might become inexperienced
and unknowledgeable adults, with little expertise on how to manage their own
finances in this new world where everything runs on money.

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