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Grade 7 English Examination

Name: Score: _______________

Part I: Instructions: Read each question carefully. In CAPS, write the letter of your choice on
the space before the number.

1. When does Achilles die?

A. In book 22 C. In book 24
B. In book 23 D. His death is not mentioned in the story.
2. Which of the following characters do not engage in one-on-one combat with each other in
the poem?
A. Paris and Menelaus C. Achilles and Agenor
B. Hector and Ajax D. Priam and Agamemnon
3. When is The Iliad thought to have been composed?
A. 12th Century C. 15th Century
B. 8th Century D. 3rd Century
4. At what point in the story do the Achaeans hold their athletic competition?
A. After the war C. Before the war
B. After the funeral of Patroclus D. When Achilles rejoined the battle
5. Which of the following characters is Helen’s brother-in-law?
A. Hector C. Achilles
B. Agenor D. Agamemnon
6. How long has the Trojan War been going by the time The Iliad begins?
A. Eight years C. Ten year
B. Nine years D. The poem starts with the beginning of the war.
7. Which god helps to bring about the death of Patroclus?
A. Zeus C. Hephaestus
B. Poseidon D. Apollo
8. Which of the following do not appear on Achilles’ new shield?
A. Dancing children C. Constellations
B. Verdant pastures D. Valiant warriors
9. Why does Zeus initially agree to help the Trojans in the war?
A. Because he thinks Paris deserves Helen more than Menelaus does.
B. He does so to spite his nagging wife, Hera.
C. He does so as a favor to Thetis, who asks him on behalf of Achilles.
D. Because he despises Odysseus for lusting after Hera.
10. Who raised Patroclus?
A. Thetis C. Peleus
B. Achilles D. Nestor

11. Where is Achilles’ old armor most vulnerable to attack?
A. At the heel C. At the elbow
B. At the neck D. In the eye visor
12. What favor does Achilles ask of his mother?
A. Rescue him from the Achaean army
B. Stay out of his plans regarding his future
C. Help him get his bride back from Agamemnon
D. Ask Zeus for revenge on the Achaean army
13. What qualities are Achilles and Ajax heralded for?
A. Their distinguished good looks
B. Their bravery as Achaean soldiers
C. Their ability to seduce women
D. Their ability to fool the gods
14. What happens to Patroclus?
A. Hector kills him. C. Paris kills him.
B. He kills Hector. D. Apollo kills him.
15. Who does Hector plan to reward with half the war’s loot?
A. Anyone who will kill Achilles
B. Anyone who can save him from death
C. Anyone who retrieves Patroclus’s body
D. Anyone who can build a chariot
16. What does Thetis want Achilles to do?
A. Wait for new armor before fighting
B. Pray to Zeus for guidance
C. Avoid the battle altogether
D. Fight immediately and with courage
17. What does Achilles do that frightens the Trojans?
A. Threatens Hector
B. Reveals his new armor
C. Yells and cries
D. Demands Patroclus’s body
18. What does Achilles believe his destiny is?
A. To achieve fame and glory
B. To live a long and restful life
C. To die young in battle
D. To have many children with Briseis
19. How does Achilles anger the river god?
A. By threatening Poseidon
B. By washing his bloody weapons in the river
C. By clogging the river with Trojan corpses
D. By taunting him and calling him names

20. Why does Zeus not bother to intervene to save Hector?
A. He does not want to anger Hera.
B. Hector has betrayed his own army.
C. He wants the mortals to decide their fate.
D. Hector’s death has been destined.
21. How does Hector’s armor enable him to be defeated?
A. The armor is old and rusty.
B. It is heavy and slows him down.
C. Achilles knows its weak points.
D. It has been cursed by Thetis.
22. What does the dead Patroclus ask of Achilles in his dream?
A. To defeat the Trojans
B. To hold his funeral
C. To avenge his death
D. To return to Greece
23. What does Achilles do in Patroclus’s honor?
A. He names his first born after him.
B. He mocks Hector and Paris.
C. He hosts athletic competitions.
D. He sacrifices to Athena.
24. How does King Priam convince Achilles to spare Hector’s body?
A. He offers him great wealth.
B. He promises him glory.
C. He talks about fatherly love.
D. He uses the influence of the gods.
25. This type of text tries to convince the reader to adopt a particular opinion or perform a
certain action.
A. Argumentative Text C. Persuasive Text
B. Explanatory Text D. Narrative Text
26. It is an invented prose narrative of considerable length and a certain complexity that deals
with two or more conflicts.
A. Short Story C. Poems
B. Novel D. Play
27. Which of the following is NOT an example of Narrative Text?
A. Historical Accounts C. Plays
B. Poems D. Report
28. These are examples of Instruction Text except:
A. Safety signs C. Guide
B. Commentary D. Instruction Manual
29. It is a text that is meant to teach something or to impart information to the reader.
A. Expository Text C. Argumentative Text
B. Explanatory Text D. Persuasive Text

30. Which of the following is an example of Explanatory Text?
A. Editorial C. Documentary
B. Itinerary D. Leaflet

Part II. Complete the table by writing the Direct or Reported Speech.
Phrase in direct speech Equivalent in reported speech
Simple present Simple past
31. He said, “I live in the city center.” He said that he lived in the city center.
Present continuous Past continuous
32. John said, “I am going out.” John said that he was going out.
Simple past Past perfect
33. “I’ve finished the contract.”, Angie Stated. Angie stated that she had finished the contract.
34 Russel told me, “I bought flowers for my Russel told me that he had bought flowers for
mother”. his mother.
Present perfect Past perfect
35. "I have been told to listen to my coach", he He said that he had been told to listen to his
said. coach.
Past perfect Past perfect
36. She said, “I had been left already”. She said that she had been left already.
Present perfect continuous Past perfect continuous
37. Lucas said, "I have been reviewing for weeks Lucas said that he had been reviewing for
now." weeks now.
Past continuous Past perfect continuous
38. "My brother and I, have been staying at Joe revealed that his brother and him had been
grandma’s home", Joe revealed. staying at their grandma’s home.
Future Present conditional
39. "I will be there at 2:00 pm", Lara said. Lara said that she would be there at 2:00 pm.
Future continuous Conditional continuous
40. Lyn said, "I shall be working on our new Lyn said that she should be working on their
project". new project.

Part III. Past Simple or Past Perfect? Read the sentences carefully and underline the correct options.

41. The robbers (left, had left) the bank when the policeman finally (arrived, had arrived)

42. When my mother (brought, had brought) me an apple, I (finished, had finished) my homework.

43. My best friend (didn’t try, hadn’t tried) Italian food before she (went, had gone) to that restaurant.

44. I (didn’t think, hadn’t thought) of having a new house before I (saw, had seen) that ad on tv.

45. When the rain (started, had started), the participants (finished, had finished) planting trees.

Part IV. Circle the best connective for each sentence and write it on the space.

46. I visit the Grand Canyon _________ I go to Arizona. once whenever wherever

This is the place _________ we stayed last time we

47. where when how
_________ you win first place, you will receive a
48. wherever if unless

49. You won’t pass the test _________ you study. when if unless

50. I could not get a seat, _________ I came early. as though when

We are leaving Wednesday _________ or not it

51. if whether though
Pay attention to your work _________ you will not
52. So that unless or
make mistakes.
The musicians delivered a rousing performance
53. though as once
_________ they had rehearsed often.

54. She’s honest _________ everyone trusts her. if So when

55. Write this down _________ you forget. or when lest

Part V. Discussion/Explanation. (5 pts. each)

A. What is the role of armor in The Iliad?

B. “The Iliad” by Homer, depicts many different leadership images. Cite an example of
characterization to prove this point.


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