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Log start : Mon Jun 10 15:55:13 2024

Current Directory : C:\Program Files (x86)\M2O Gaming - GunZ The Last Duel
15:55:13:393 [APP] OS version : (Build 9200)
15:55:14:958 [APP] Window created successfully.
15:55:17:161 [ZUpdate] Create.
15:55:17:162 [ZFileTransfer] Create.
15:55:17:162 [ZFileTransfer] Create successfully complete.
15:55:17:163 [ZFileTransfer] Open connection.
15:55:17:164 [ZFileTransfer] Open connection successfully complete.
15:55:17:164 [ZFileTransfer] Change directory.
15:55:17:165 [ZFileTransfer] Change directory successfully complete.
15:55:17:166 [ZUpdate] Create successfully compete.
15:55:17:201 [APP] Download patch info file
15:55:17:202 [ZUpdate] Start update.
15:55:17:202 [ZFileTransfer] Download file : ./patch.xml to ./patch.xml
15:55:17:749 [ZFileTransfer] ERROR : File not found.
15:55:17:750 [ZFileTransfer] ERROR : Failed download : ./patch.xml
15:55:17:750 [ZUpdate] ERROR : Start update FAILED!!!
15:55:17:750 [APP] ERROR - Cannot download patch info file
15:55:17:751 [APP] Updater error message :

The update server is not responding or is not running right now.

[Tip] Please check your firewall.
[Tip] Please try again after a while.

15:55:17:751 [App] File transfer error message :

(404) File not found.

15:55:26:898 [APP] Download patch info file

15:55:26:898 [ZUpdate] Start update.
15:55:26:898 [ZFileTransfer] Download file : ./patch.xml to ./patch.xml
15:55:27:231 [ZFileTransfer] ERROR : File not found.
15:55:27:231 [ZFileTransfer] ERROR : Failed download : ./patch.xml
15:55:27:232 [ZUpdate] ERROR : Start update FAILED!!!
15:55:27:232 [APP] ERROR - Cannot download patch info file
15:55:27:233 [APP] Updater error message :

The update server is not responding or is not running right now.

[Tip] Please check your firewall.
[Tip] Please try again after a while.

15:55:27:233 [App] File transfer error message :

(404) File not found.

15:55:48:978 [APP] Download patch info file

15:55:48:978 [ZUpdate] Start update.
15:55:48:978 [ZFileTransfer] Download file : ./patch.xml to ./patch.xml
15:55:49:311 [ZFileTransfer] ERROR : File not found.
15:55:49:312 [ZFileTransfer] ERROR : Failed download : ./patch.xml
15:55:49:313 [ZUpdate] ERROR : Start update FAILED!!!
15:55:49:313 [APP] ERROR - Cannot download patch info file
15:55:49:314 [APP] Updater error message :

The update server is not responding or is not running right now.

[Tip] Please check your firewall.
[Tip] Please try again after a while.
15:55:49:315 [App] File transfer error message :

(404) File not found.

15:55:54:407 [ZUpdate] Destroy.

15:55:54:407 [ZFileTransfer] Destroy.
15:55:54:407 [ZFileTransfer] Close connection.
15:55:54:407 [ZFileTransfer] Close connection successfully complete.
15:55:54:408 [ZFileTransfer] Destroy successfly complete.
15:55:54:408 [ZUpdate] Destroy successfully complete.

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