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January 30

In a vast, desolate land where no trees grew, there was one that...

Writing Activities for "Desolate"

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Story starter
In a vast, desolate land where no trees
grew, there was one that stood alone. Its
branches reached out as if searching for
friends. The ground was dry and cracked,
and the air was still. Only the orange glow
of the sunset brought some warmth to the
scene. This tree held a secret, a story of the
once luscious landscape.

Continue the story...

Sentence starters
Use these sentence starters to write your
own sentence or paragraph.
In the heart of the barren land...
The lonely tree's branches...
As the sun dipped lower...
Far across the dry ground...

Word bank
vast cracked secret

desolate still lush

alone orange barren

dry warm lonely

Question time
1. Why do you think the tree is alone in
such a vast place?
2. What secret could the tree be holding
about the land?
3. How might the tree feel as the sun sets?

Sentence challenge
Try and make these sentences even more
1. There was one tree.
2. The land was big.
3. The sun was setting.

Add the missing punctuation to these
1. the tree stood tall and alone
2. the ground was dry it had many cracks
3. the sun gave warmth to the land

Sample Text

In the heart of the barren land, the lonely tree's branches swayed gently. As the sun dipped lower, the
orange light made the dry, cracked ground look almost warm. Far across the desolate land, shadows
grew long and secrets seemed to whisper on the wind. Beneath the tree's twisted roots, stories of a lush,
green past waited to be told.

How to use the Sample Text

Writing is a process. Great writers proofread and return to their work to refine it.

The sample text is used to help you think more critically about writing.

Things to consider with the Sample Text.

What do you like most about this text and why?

What could be improved about the text and how?
What might you use from this sample text to improve your own writing?

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