Hsc-english-studies 2022 exam

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Centre Number

NSW Education Standards Authority Student Number


English Studies
General • Reading time – 10 minutes
Instructions • Working time – 2 hours and 30 minutes
• Write using black pen
• A Stimulus Booklet is provided at the back of this paper
• Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of
this page and page 5

Total marks: Section I – 20 marks (pages 2–7)

70 • Attempt Questions 1−5
• Allow about 45 minutes for this section

Section II – 20 marks (pages 9–13)

• Attempt ONE question from Questions 6 (a) – 6 (n)
• Allow about 45 minutes for this section

Section III – 15 marks (page 14)

• Attempt Question 7
• Allow about 30 minutes for this section

Section IV – 15 marks (page 15)

• Attempt Question 8
• Allow about 30 minutes for this section
Section I — Texts and Human Experiences

20 marks
Attempt Questions 1–5
Allow about 45 minutes for this section

Read the texts on pages 2–6 of the Stimulus Booklet carefully and then answer the questions
in the spaces provided. These spaces provide guidance for the expected length of response.

Your answers will be assessed on how well you:

● demonstrate understanding of human experiences in texts
● analyse, explain and assess the ways human experiences are represented in texts

Question 1 (3 marks)

Text 1 — Poem

How does the poet convey the significance of place?









If you need additional space to answer Question 1 use the lines below.









Question 2 (3 marks)

Text 2 — Nonfiction extract

Explain how Ayres expresses the importance of music in our lives.










If you need additional space to answer Question 2 use the lines below.














Question 3 (5 marks)

Text 3 — Prose fiction extract

How does Woodland explore the value of friendship between the ‘two old boys’?















If you need additional space to answer Question 3 use the lines below.










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Centre Number
English Studies

Student Number
Section I (continued)
Attempt Questions 4−5
Answer the questions in the spaces provided. These spaces provide guidance for the expected
length of response.

Please turn over

Do NOT write in this area.

Question 4 (4 marks)

Text 4 — Prose fiction extract

Analyse how Arudpragasam creates a sense of freedom in this extract.











If you need additional space to answer Question 4 use the lines below.








Question 5 (5 marks)

Text 5 — Interview extract

In what ways do the interview and images convey the effect that memories can have on us
over time?

















If you need additional space to answer Question 5 use the lines below.









© 2022 NSW Education Standards Authority

English Studies

Section II — Texts and Human Experiences

20 marks
Attempt ONE question from Questions 6 (a) – 6 (n)
Allow about 45 minutes for this section

Answer the question in the Section II Writing Booklet. Extra writing booklets are available.

Your answer will be assessed on how well you:

● demonstrate understanding of human experiences in texts
● analyse, explain and assess the ways human experiences are represented in texts
● organise, develop and express ideas using language appropriate to audience, purpose
and context

Question 6 (a) — Prose Fiction – Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See
(20 marks)

How does Doerr represent the emotions arising from human experiences through the features
of prose fiction?

In your response, make reference to the prescribed text.


Question 6 (b) — Prose Fiction – Amanda Lohrey, Vertigo (20 marks)

How does Lohrey represent the emotions arising from human experiences through the features
of prose fiction?

In your response, make reference to the prescribed text.


1042 –9–
Question 6 (c) — Prose Fiction – George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four (20 marks)

How does Orwell represent the emotions arising from human experiences through the features
of prose fiction?

In your response, make reference to the prescribed text.


Question 6 (d) — Prose Fiction – Favel Parrett, Past the Shallows (20 marks)

How does Parrett represent the emotions arising from human experiences through the features
of prose fiction?

In your response, make reference to the prescribed text.


Question 6 (e) — Poetry – Rosemary Dobson, Rosemary Dobson Collected (20 marks)

How does Dobson represent the emotions arising from human experiences through the features
of poetry?

In your response, make reference to the prescribed text.

The prescribed poems are:

* Young Girl at a Window
* Over the Hill
* Summer’s End
* The Conversation
* Cock Crow
* Amy Caroline
* Canberra Morning


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Question 6 (f ) — Poetry – Kenneth Slessor, Selected Poems (20 marks)

How does Slessor represent the emotions arising from human experiences through the features
of poetry?

In your response, make reference to the prescribed text.

The prescribed poems are:

* Wild Grapes
* Gulliver
* Out of Time
* Vesper-Song of the Reverend Samuel Marsden
* William Street
* Beach Burial


Question 6 (g) — Drama – Jane Harrison, Rainbow’s End, from Vivienne Cleven et al.,
Contemporary Indigenous Plays (20 marks)

How does Harrison represent the emotions arising from human experiences through the
features of drama?

In your response, make reference to the prescribed text.


Question 6 (h) — Drama – Arthur Miller, The Crucible (20 marks)

How does Miller represent the emotions arising from human experiences through the features
of drama?

In your response, make reference to the prescribed text.


Question 6 (i) — Drama – William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice (20 marks)

How does Shakespeare represent the emotions arising from human experiences through the
features of drama?

In your response, make reference to the prescribed text.


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Question 6 (j) — Nonfiction – Tim Winton, The Boy Behind the Curtain (20 marks)

How does Winton represent the emotions arising from human experiences through the features
of nonfiction?

In your response, make reference to the prescribed text.

The prescribed chapters are:

* Havoc: A Life in Accidents
* Betsy
* Twice on Sundays
* The Wait and the Flow
* In the Shadow of the Hospital
* The Demon Shark
* Barefoot in the Temple of Art


Question 6 (k) — Nonfiction – Malala Yousafzai and Christina Lamb, I am Malala

(20 marks)

How do Yousafzai and Lamb represent the emotions arising from human experiences through
the features of nonfiction?

In your response, make reference to the prescribed text.


Question 6 (l) — Film – Stephen Daldry, Billy Elliot (20 marks)

How does Daldry represent the emotions arising from human experiences through the features
of film?

In your response, make reference to the prescribed text.


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Question 6 (m) — Media – Ivan O’Mahoney, Go Back to Where You Came From
(20 marks)

How does O’Mahoney represent the emotions arising from human experiences through the
features of media?

In your response, make reference to the prescribed text.

The prescribed episodes are:

* Series 1: Episodes 1, 2 and 3
* The Response


Question 6 (n) — Media – Lucy Walker, Waste Land (20 marks)

How does Walker represent the emotions arising from human experiences through the features
of media?

In your response, make reference to the prescribed text.

End of Section II

Please turn over

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Section III — Elective Modules

15 marks
Attempt Question 7
Allow about 30 minutes for this section

Answer the question on pages 2–6 of the Sections III and IV Writing Booklet. Extra writing
booklets are available.

Your answer will be assessed on how well you:

● demonstrate understanding of the key ideas of the module that has been studied
● demonstrate understanding of ways that language has shaped meaning in texts
● organise, develop and express ideas using language appropriate to audience, purpose
and form

Question 7 (15 marks)

There is a new English teacher at your school who is about to teach English Studies for the
first time.

Write a letter to this new teacher recommending the module that you think students in Year 12
next year would find the most rewarding.

In your response, make close reference to ONE text you have studied in the module.

Identify the module you have chosen at the top of page 2 of your writing booklet.

The modules for study are listed below.

Module A: We are Australians Module H: Part of a Family

Module B: Telling us all about it Module I: Discovery and Investigation
Module C: On the Road Module J: In the Marketplace
Module D: Digital Worlds Module K: The Big Screen
Module E: Playing the Game Module L: Who do I think I am?
Module F: MiTunes and text Module M: Landscapes of the Mind
Module G: Local Heroes Module N: The Way We Were

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Section IV — Writing Skills

15 marks
Attempt Question 8
Allow about 30 minutes for this section

Answer the question on pages 8–12 of the Sections III and IV Writing Booklet. Extra writing
booklets are available.

Your answer will be assessed on how well you:

● organise, develop and sustain your ideas
● control language appropriate to audience, purpose and context

Question 8 (15 marks)

Your local council is planning a Youth Festival for 2023. They have asked young adults to
nominate which events they would like to attend.

Submit your proposal, arguing for ONE festival event that would be enjoyed by young adults
in your local area.

End of paper

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© 2022 NSW Education Standards Authority
NSW Education Standards Authority


English Studies
Texts and Human Experiences

Stimulus Booklet


Section I • Text 1 – Poem .............................................................................. 2

• Text 2 – Nonfiction extract ........................................................... 3

• Text 3 – Prose fiction extract ....................................................... 4

• Text 4 – Prose fiction extract ....................................................... 5

• Text 5 – Interview extract ............................................................. 6

Text 1 — Poem

My Sitting Down Place

I go down to the creek

Where the water gurgles
As it hurries along
Over the shining sand and pebbles
To its destiny
With the sea.
Dappled sunlight
Flits and moves
Across the water, over the creek bank,
And the birds sing happily
To the accompaniment
Of insects and crickets.
I sit in silence as I soak it all into my soul.
Peace flows
From the water
To my heart.
Whatever life brings me
I now can face
Because of this,
My sitting down place!


Text 2 — Nonfiction extract

T HIS IS THE MOMENT, when the music ends. A moment of deepest

silence — between breath, between thought, between sound itself.
The musician, instrument in hand, stands on stage and takes their
They bow to you, for coming to listen.
They bow to themselves, for their dedication to their art.
They bow to the musicians who have come before them and kept
this art alive.
But above all, they bow to music itself.
This ritual is at the end of every concert, no matter the skill of the
performer, the age of the performer, the type of music or where the
music is played. This ritual is our step beyond beauty.
Because music consoles and restores us. Through music, whether
we are listening or playing, we know ourselves more intimately, more
honestly, and more clearly with every note. And with every note, music
offers us a hand to the beyond.
Through music, we can say what we didn’t even know we felt.
· · ·
Music offers us gifts we can open every day to make our lives
whole, so let the playing begin.
Whole Notes: Life Lessons Through Music

Text 3 — Prose fiction extract

Norman has been my father’s friend as good as a lifetime. Opinionated

and inclined to colourful language, he holds forth on random subjects
that race and tumble through his head. He and my father have spent
years on this back verandah in almost constant exchange. Two old
boys brought together by need and circumstance. I watch them quietly
through a sideways glance, squinting into the sun while shadows
stretch through the afternoon. Stained enamel mugs of tea line up when
my father brings another two brews to a sunny corner at the top of
worn, wooden steps.

Reclined on the sharp canes of a bamboo lounge, I observe the

exchange . . . I listen to the two chatting, as I’ve done in both the short
and longer spells at my father’s home. Those times I needed to step
aside, be quiet and here. He’s clever, Norman, sometimes too clever for
his own good. A dazzling intellect, is how he describes himself with
only half a tongue in cheek. That one who always trumps an argument
by whipping out one final, sparkling fact. Of great promise, he said, in
his youth. Two old boys at the top of the stairs in the sun. My narrow
eyelids frame them in the early evening glow, and I hear chatter that is
almost a whisper.

The Astrophysics of Love

Text 4 — Prose fiction extract

Travelling by train was different, for even if there were occasional

delays and breakdowns there was never any traffic on train rides, no
effort or strain required as you were borne smoothly and inexorably*
toward your goal. Looking out at the silhouettes of the city passing by
in the darkness, Krishnan thought of all the hours he’d spent on trains
during his time in India, when he was on holiday from university and
had the chance to leave Delhi, to see other parts of that vast, seemingly
endless country. He’d spent most of those journeys sitting or lying
on his seat or berth, reading, listening to music, or simply looking
out at the small, unpeopled rural stations, the hot wind rushing into
the carriage through the open doors and windows, allowing him to
breathe in the air of the places they passed and absorb their smells,
as if he were in some kind of communion with these small towns and
villages as they flitted by. The constant movement of wind through the
carriage would feel like a calling to him from outside, and leaving his
seat he would go down every so often to the linking section between
carriages, where standing in a corner he would look to make sure
nobody was watching . . . and pull open one of the heavy train doors,
one hand tightly clasping the grip on the door frame so he didn’t fall
into the passing landscape . . . The warm, fragrant air of the countryside
buffeting his face, he would look out at the wide expanses of farmland,
brush, and forest, at the plains that went by for sometimes hours at a
stretch without stopping, and he felt, at such moments, something close
to a sense of liberation, if not quite liberation then the sense of at least
being on the verge of liberation.

A Passage North

* inexorably in a way that is impossible to stop

Text 5 — Interview extract

no memory is ever alone

new york photographer catherine panebianco
blurs the lines between past and present.

Hi Catherine! Tell us about live now. I took it down there together? I’ve learnt it’s
your series, No Memory and tried hundreds of photos so important for families to
is Ever Alone. My dad has until I saw the backgrounds take and keep photographs.
shown these slides every line up. I knew I had If my dad hadn’t done this
Christmas I can remember – something and started trying 60 years ago, I wouldn’t
the photos were taken from other slides in my present have had all these memories
when he was 15 to about environment. The past – or more importantly, a
25. He’ll bring out the old intertwined with the present. visual representation of
projector and screen, we’ll our memories. I worry that
get the popcorn, and we’ll What kinds of moments people aren’t printing photos
gather around to watch are featured in your dad’s of their family life. What will
the slideshow and hear the slides? They’re everyday happen 50 years from now
stories. It’s a family tradition. moments. He was just – will those memories from
My series started in 2016. learning photography, so he our iPhones and Instagram be
My mum had the slides took photos of his everyday there for future generations?
out, organising things, and life. I’ve placed his slides I also learnt that these
I was doing an Instagram in my everyday life, too, photos are my family, but
project based on a word or to represent our day-to-day they’re also every family. We
phrase for the day. That day happenings: weddings, road all have traditions – they may
was ‘from where I stand’. I trips, family and relationship look different, but we all have
saw a slide of my mum in moments. It’s created a trail them. People often tell me the
a boat at Newboro Lake in of memories, each of which photos spark a memory from
Canada – where our family has its own association for their own family, and that
has gone each summer for both of us . . . makes me really happy. It’s
years – and thought, maybe important to remember that
I can do something with this Have you learnt anything we’re a lot more alike than
at Chautauqua Lake, where I while putting this project we are different.



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