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Reference No. : OMSC-CE-COL-01-B Effectivity Date: January 07, 2022 Revision No.

Revision No. 01

Republic of the Philippines

Labangan, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro
Website: Email address:
Tele/Fax: (043) 457-0231

College of Arts, Sciences, and Technology


Field Instruction 1

Name of FI Student: Leah Mae G. Parilla

Date: September 1, 2023
Place: Onesimo Bulilit Foundation Inc.,Quaipo, Manila
Name of Agency-based Supervisor: Juliet S. Andaya
Name of Faculty/Field Supervisor: Mark Anthony Buccat

Faculty/Field Instructor/Or
Narrative of Activities Agency-based Supervisor

Ma'am Jessa, the social worker who has been assigned with
facilitating the OBFI's Educational Assistance program in this
location in Quiapo, provided us with an orientation today. She
provided us with information on the programs, as well as what other
services and activities are offered by the foundation. Since she will
be out for more than two weeks because she needs to take her
board exam, she informed us of all we need to know about her
responsibilities as a social worker in charge of this program. This is
because we will be the ones to do some of her job duties while she
is away.

The clients were endorsed to us by providing a concise overview of

their background. The clients assigned to our attention are children
who require particular focus, as it is necessary to develop and
implement strategies and interventions for their well-being. Ma'am
Jessa, allowed us to review some of the pertinent information
regarding the children for us to cultivate a certain level of familiarity
with them.

We were assigned a total of five clients to focus on for the purpose

of developing our case study report. Additionally, Jessa provided us
with several reminders that we have to remember. Additionally, we
had the opportunity to interact with some of the children, and it is
evident that they hold a special place in their hearts for this
foundation. Prior to heading home, we were tasked with completing
some paperwork, which I found rather enjoyable despite initially
struggling to comprehend the directions.

It was a day full of information that I need to remember, I’m already

feeling the pressure but at the same time the excitement after
meeting one the children that I’ll be handling.

Note: Narrate the day’s events and learning in a paragraph form each according to the following:
A. Chronology of Events

OMSC-Form-OFC-09 Eff. Date: 01-07-22 Rev 01

E d u c a t e, E m p o w e r, E x c e l
Reference No. : OMSC-CE-COL-01-B Effectivity Date: January 07, 2022 Revision No. 01
Revision No. 01

B. Affective: Feelings/emotions/Values
C. Cognitive: Learning Insights, Theories Applied
D. Psychomotor: Challenges Experienced and Action Taken

Prepared by Noted:

Field Instruction Student Agency-based Supervisor Faculty/Field Instructor
Signature over printed name Signature over printed name Signature over printed name

OMSC-Form-OFC-09 Eff. Date: 01-07-22 Rev 01

E d u c a t e, E m p o w e r, E x c e l

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