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ល.រ ភាសាចិន ភីន អន

ី ភាសាអង់គ្លេ ស ភាសាខ្មែរ

序号 中文 拼音 英文 柬文

1 吧 ba
particle indicating polite suggestion; | onomatopoeia | ចុះ(ប្រើចង្របោគ)
bar (serving drinks, providing internet access, etc.)

2 白 bái white; snowy; pure; bright; empty (Kangxi radical 106) ពណ៌ស

3 百 bǎi hundred ខ្ទងរ់ យ

4 帮助 bāngzhù help; assist; aid ជួយ

5 报纸 bàozhǐ newspaper កាសសត

6 比 bǐ
compare; (indicates comparison) (Kangxi radical 81); to gesticulate as
សមាមា្ត/ប្រៀរប ៀរ
one talks
7 别 bié don't do something; don't | depart; | other; difference; distinguish កុំ

8 宾馆 bīnguǎn guesthouse; hotel សណ្ឋ

ា គារ

9 长 cháng, zhǎng long; length | grow; chief (Kangxi radical 168) សែង

10 唱歌 chàng​ gē sing (a song) ប្ចៀង

11 出 chū go out; occur បចញ/ប្ៅ

12 穿 chuān to wear; put on; penetrate ពាក់/បសលៀក

13 次 cì (mw for number of times of occurrence); nth; order ដង

14 从 cóng from; obey; observe ចារ់ពី

15 错 cuò mistake; error; blunder; miss an opportunity ខ្ស

16 打篮球 dǎ lánqiú play basketball បេងបាេ់ បបាុះ

17 大家 dàjiā everyone អ្នករាេ់គាន/អ្នកទុំងអ្ស់គាន

18 到 dào arrive (at a place); until (a time) បៅដេ់

19 得 de (complement particle) ទទួេបាន

20 等 děng to wait; rank; equal; etc. រង់ចាុំ

21 弟弟 dìdi younger brother រអូន្រុស

22 第一 dìyī first; number 1 ទីមយ

23 懂 dǒng understand; know យេ់

24 对 duì correct; a pair; to face; be opposite; to; towards ្តម

ឹ ្តូែ

25 房间 fángjiān room រនទរ់

26 非常 fēicháng extremely; extraordinary; very ប្ចើនណ្ឋស់

27 服务员 fúwùyuán waiter/waitress; server; attendant អ្នករត់ត

28 高 gāo high; tall (Kangxi radical 189) ខ្ពស់

29 告诉 gàosu to tell; inform ្បារ់

30 哥哥 gēge older brother រង្រុស

31 给 gěi to give; to grant; (passive particle) ផ្តេ់ឱ្យ

32 公共汽车 gōnggòng qìchē (public) bus ឡាន្កុង

33 公司 gōngsī company; corporation ្កុមហន

34 贵 guì expensive; noble; honorable; ថ្លលណ្ឋស់

35 过 guò to pass; to cross; go over; (indicates a past experience) ហច/ឆ្លងផ្ត

36 还 hái still; yet; in addition; even បហើយបៅ

37 孩子 háizi child; children; son or daughter កូន

38 好吃 hǎochī tasty ឆ្ងាយពសា

ិ រ

39 黑 hēi black; dark ពណ៌បមៅ

40 红 hóng red; symbol of success; bonus; popular ពណ៌្កហម

41 火车站 huǒchēzhàn train station សាានីយ៍រលប្លង

42 机场 jīchǎng airport; airfield ្ពលានយនតប ុះ

43 鸡蛋 jīdàn (chicken) egg សត

44 件 jiàn (mw for things, clothes, and items) កុំបផ្លរ/សុំ រារ់

45 教室 jiàoshì classroom ថ្ននក់បរៀន

46 姐姐 jiějie older sister រង្សី

47 介绍 jièshào to introduce; recommend; introduction បសចកតបី ផ្តើម/បសចកដសី ណនុំ

48 进 jìn enter; come in ចូេ

49 近 jìn near; close (to) ជត

50 就 jiù then; at once; just; only; with regard to ឬក៏

51 觉得 juéde feel; think យេ់ ថ្ន

52 咖啡 kāfēi coffee កាបហេ

53 开始 kāishǐ begin; to start; beginning ចារ់បផ្តើម

54 考试 kǎoshì test; exam; to give or take a test ប ើបេ តសត/្រេង

55 可能 kěnéng possible; maybe អាច

56 可以 kěyǐ can; may; possible; okay អាច

57 课 kè class; subject; lesson; course ថ្ននក់/បមបរៀន

58 快 kuài fast; quick; swift បេឿន

59 快乐 kuàilè happy រករាយ

60 累 lèi tired ហត់បនឿយ

61 离 lí leave; depart; go away; apart from ចាកបចញ/ឃ្លលតពី

62 两 liǎng two; 2; both; (unit of weight equal to 50 grams) ពីរ

63 零 líng zero; remnant បេខ្សូ នយ

64 路 lù road; path; journey; route ផ្លូែ

65 旅游 lǚyóu trip; journey; tour បទសចរណ៍

66 卖 mài to sell េក់

67 慢 màn slow យឺត

68 忙 máng busy រែេ់

69 每 měi each; every បរៀងរាេ់/នម

ី យ
ួ ៗ

70 妹妹 mèimei younger sister រអូន្សី

71 门 mén door; opening; gate (Kangxi radical 169) ទេរ

72 面条 miàntiáo noodles មី

73 男 nán male ររស

74 您 nín you (polite) អ្នក (កនងន័យគួរសម)

75 牛奶 niúnǎi cow's milk ទឹកប ុះបគា

76 女 nǚ woman; female (Kangxi radical 38) ្សី/ស្តសតី

77 旁边 pángbiān side, beside បៅសកែរ

78 跑步 pǎobù to run; to jog រត់

79 便宜 piányi cheap បថ្នក

80 票 piào ticket; bank note; a vote សុំ រ្ត

81 妻子 qīzi wife ្រពនធ

82 起床 qǐ chuáng get out of bed ប្កាកប ង

83 千 qiān one thousand ខ្ទងពា

់ ន់

84 铅笔 qiānbǐ pencil បមៅថ្ដ

85 晴 qíng clear; fine (as of weather) ចាស់

86 去年 qùnián last year ឆ្ងនម

ុំ ន

87 让 ràng ask; let; yield សូ មឱ្យ

88 日 rì sun; day; date; time (Kangxi radical 72) ថ្លា

89 上班 shàngbān go to work; be on duty បៅប កា

ើេ រ

90 身体 shēntǐ health; (human) body រាងកាយ

91 生病 shēngbìng get sick; fall ill ឈឺ

92 生日 shēngrì birthday ថ្លាកុំបណើត

93 时间 shíjiān time; period បពេបែលា

94 事情 shìqing matter; affair; thing; business បរឿងបហត/កិចកា

ច រ

95 手表 shǒubiǎo wristwatch ន កា
ិ ថ្ដ

96 手机 shǒujī mobile (cell) phone ទូរស័ ពទចេ័ត

97 说话 shuōhuà to talk; speak និោយ

98 送 sòng deliver; to carry; to give; send រញ្ចូ ន

99 虽然 suīrán although; even though បទុះរជា

100 但是 dànshì but; however រសនត

101 它 tā it វា

102 踢足球 tīzúqiú to play football/soccer បេងបាេ់ ទត់

103 题 tí topic; subject; question on a test or assignment សុំ ណួរ

104 跳舞 tiàowǔ to dance រាុំ

105 外 wài outer; outside; in addition; foreign ខាងប្ៅ

106 完 wán to finish; be over; complete រញ្ច រ់

107 玩 wán to play; have a good time; visit; enjoy បេង

108 晚上 wǎnshang evening; night បៅបពេយរ់

109 往 wǎng to go (in a direction); towards; in the past សុំ បៅបៅ

110 为什么 wèishénme why?; for what reason? បហតអ្េី

111 问 wèn ask; inquire សួ រ

112 问题 wèntí question; problem រញ្ហា

113 西瓜 xīguā watermelon ឪ ក

114 希望 xīwàng to hope; wish for; to desire សងឃម

115 洗 xǐ to wash; bathe លាង

116 小时 xiǎoshí hour បមាង

117 笑 xiào to laugh; to smile បសើច

118 新 xīn new; Xinjiang autonomous region (abbreviation) លៅី

119 姓 xìng surname; family name ប្ៅុះ/នម

120 休息 xiūxi to rest; take a break សុំ រាក

121 雪 xuě snow ្ពិេ

122 颜色 yánsè color ពណ៌

123 眼睛 yǎnjing eye ស្នក

124 羊肉 yángròu mutton; lamb កូនបចៀម

125 药 yào medicine; drug; cure; chemical ថ្ននុំ

126 要 yào to want; to need; will/shall; important ចង់បាន/្តូែការ

127 也 yě also; too ឬក៏

128 一起 yìqǐ together; in the same place ជាមួយគាន

129 一下 yíxià a little bit/while; one time; once រនតិច/មួយប្លត

130 已经 yǐjing already បានរួចបហើយ

131 意思 yìsi meaning; idea; opinion អ្តានយ

132 因为 yīnwèi because ប យសារសត

133 所以 suǒyǐ so; therefore; as a result បហើយដូបចនុះ

134 阴 yīn
cloudy (weather); yin (the negative principle of Yin and Yang); ្សអារ់
secret; the moon; negative; shade

135 游泳 yóuyǒng to swim សហេទឹក

136 右边 yòubian the right (as opposed to left) side ខាងសាដុំ

137 鱼 yú fish (Kangxi radical 195) ្តី

138 远 yuǎn far; distant; remote ឆ្ងាយ

139 运动 yùndòng (physical) exercise; movement; sports; campaign ចេន

140 再 zài again; once more មតងបទៀត

141 早上 zǎoshang (early) morning បពេ្ពឹក

142 丈夫 zhàngfu husband; man រតី

143 找 zhǎo try to find; look for; seek; to give change រក

144 着 zhe ជាមួយ

145 真 zhēn real; true; genuine ពិត

146 正在 zhèngzài in the process of (doing something); currently កុំពង

147 知道 zhīdao know; be aware of ដឹង

148 准备 zhǔnbèi prepare; get ready ប្តៀមខ្លួនជាប្សច

149 走 zǒu to walk; to go; to move (Kangxi radical 156) បៅ/បដើរ

150 最 zuì the most; -est; (indicator for superlative) ចងប្កាយ

151 左边 zuǒbian the left side; the left ខាងបឆ្េង

Prepare by: Chan Sokea

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