Letter of request to conduct

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Subject: Request to Conduct Research at [School Name]

Dear [Principal's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request permission to conduct a research study at
[School Name] involving the grade 8 students.

The purpose of the research is to [briefly explain the purpose and objectives of the study].

The grade 8 students will be asked to [briefly describe the nature of their involvement, such as
completing questionnaires, participating in interviews, etc.]. We assure you that their time, privacy, and
confidentiality will be respected.

We are committed to adhering to all ethical guidelines and ensuring minimal disruption to academic
activities. We are also flexible regarding the timing and duration of data collection.

We believe that this research will provide valuable insights for the school community and educational

Your approval for this research study would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you require
any further information.

Thank you for considering our request.


[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Subject: Authorization for Research Participation

Dear Students,

We hope this letter finds you well. We are writing to seek your participation in a research study
conducted by [Researcher's Name] from [Institution/Organization].

The purpose of this research is to [briefly explain the purpose and objectives of the study].

Your participation in this research study is voluntary, and your confidentiality and privacy will be strictly
maintained. You will be asked to [briefly describe the nature of their involvement, such as completing
questionnaires, participating in interviews, etc.].

We appreciate your cooperation in this study. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to
contact [Researcher's Name] at [Contact Information].

Thank you for your time and participation.


[Researcher's Name]


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