3 error message

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く 〉 写 魃 櫻 屁 懸essages Purchase Orders_占 M Deta s_

Purchase Order 15500283288 10 Movement Type 101 GR goods re<

Plant DC08 WABCO-Japan - Distribut Plant
Vendor DC01 ZF CV Systems Europe BV
Incoterms EXW
4213679242 Kit Solenoid Block

﹁ コE

MPN Material

Ordered Material Group 16875
Ouantity in
rh ︶

Unit of Entry Stor. Location Stoc

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Del. Note Qty EA

Further Information
EAN in OUn 04057875159476 EAN Check
Unloading Polnt
No.of GR Stips Company Code 10'01 1Fiscal Yr

く ト く か

?賠 Pol(1)loO' wpro01 lNS

動 Mateパ a:4213679242 ha… 国
SAP System

NA M7092

Short Text
Material 4213679242 has status pA - Blocked Std.price in plant DC0B
ln the material master record, the material status (field "MAT/PPC status") has been
maintained. This means that use of the material can be restricted.
System Response
Depending on the status, the system issues either a warning message or an error

lf the message is a warning message, press ENTER to continue processing.
lf the message is an error message, you cannot post the transaction.


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