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SESSION 2024-2025


Dear Children

Summer vacations are synonymous with fun, frolic, getting up

late in the morning, playing for longer duration with friends,
exploring new places and watching fun-filled shows on television.
These days are precious and invaluable and there is a lot more to
do to make the vacations more interesting and meaningful !

Some tips to make the holidays fruitful and


• Polish up some hobbies that get neglected during school days.

• Water the plants and feed the birds.
• Don’t watch too much television.
• Help your parents in house hold chores.
• Build and improve your vocabulary through crosswords,
jumbled words etc.
• Solve riddles and puzzles.
• Go for cycling, play badminton,cricket,tennis …....anything
that will make you happy.
Dear parents
Along with some tips to the students we have something for you as well. We believe that children seek friends in each of
us. They will be more happier when they find a friend in you.
The following are few things that you can do to make your child more generous, empathetic and

 Eat meals with your child at least once a day.

 Share your childhood stories – about your city, your friends, your life at school.
 Tell them how the farmers work and grow food for us.
 Take them to any nursery, ask them to buy any plant of their choice and let them take care of it. They will
understand how the farmers take care of the crops and will not waste food.
 Let them help you in house hold chores so that they can understand what you do for them.
 Rather than going to malls take them to small family outings to nearby parks, play with them.
 Take them to nearby vegetable market and ask them to buy fruits for the whole family.
 Listen to their short stories and motivate them to write their own story book with their imagination.

As a parent, it is important that you give your time to your children, by doing so you will make your child come closer to
their roots. You will spend some valuable moments with your kids to cherish for ever. Please do not forget to click some
fantastic photos.

Wish you a happy and fun filled holiday !

1.Word Bank Activity
Write two synonyms of the following words and illustrate it by drawing or pasting pictures-
• Sliver
• Sniper
• Gigantic
• Jubilation
• Lucid
• Glare
• Hasten

2.Read the stories

• The Verdict
• Guno and Koyo
from the book 'The Verdict and Other Tales From The East' .
Write the summary of the story' The Verdict' in ten to fifteen lines and Illustrate it.
(To be done in vocabulary notebook.)

3.On an A4 sheet draw the picture of any team game and write a few sentences on it.

4. Learn the poem - 'My Shadow' for Recitation . ( To be graded)

1.Create a scene using Geometrical shapes and
patterns on A3 sheet .

2.Search and write population of any five states of India. Write

the name for each and then arrange the states in ascending order of their
population. Present your work in creative way in the scrap book.
( Write the number name in both Indian and International system)

 Do the worksheet given in your practice notebook.

ART INTEGRATION PROJECT WORK: (Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat Program)


• Select a North East state of India. Find information about the type of forest found there,
about the tribes, their lifestyle, dependence on forests, steps taken by them to protect the
forest and wildlife and write few lines.
• Find 5 interesting facts about the flora and the fauna found in the forests of that state.
• Paste relevant pictures in a scrap book.

2. Make a Model of Human Digestive System and demonstrate in class


‘भारत तेरे रं ग अनेक ’

1. ‘मेघाऱय’ राज्य से सम्बंधधत वेशभूषा, रहन-सहन व नृत्य के
बारे में धऱखकर धित्र सहहत उसका एक कोऱाज बनाएं।

2. हकनहहं तीन संिार के साधनों का धित्र बनाकर उनके बारे में

धऱखें |

 नोट – ये दोनों कायय A4 शीट में करने हैं |

1.एक से दस तक संस्कृ त संख्याएँ A4 शीट ऩर धित्र सहहत धऱखेंl

1 - एक् ६ - षट्
२ - द्वौ ७ - सप्त
३ - त्रय् ८ - अष्ट
४ - ित्वार् ९ - नव
५ - ऩञ्ि १० -दश

 नोट –
• सभी छात्र संख्याओं के साथ धित्र भी बनाएं|

• संस्कृ त संख्याएँ (ऩृष्ठ संख्या 126) में अंहकत हैं l

• Read Lesson 1 & Lesson 2.

• Learn Worksheet-1

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