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A literature review in the context of communication serves as a comprehensive and

foundational component, offering valuable insights, theoretical frameworks, and empirical

evidence that shape the landscape of communication studies. In this exploration, we delve
into the multifaceted functions of a literature review in the context of communication,
providing a nuanced understanding of its significance.

1. Establishing Theoretical Foundations:

A primary function of a literature review in communication is to establish the theoretical
foundations of research. By examining existing communication theories, models, and
frameworks, scholars gain a comprehensive understanding of the conceptual landscape. This
process is instrumental in informing the theoretical underpinnings of new studies, ensuring a
solid foundation for research endeavours.

2. Identifying Key Concepts and Terminologies:

Communication studies often involve a multitude of concepts and terminologies. A literature
review aids in identifying and defining these key elements, ensuring clarity and coherence in
academic discourse. This function is essential for fostering a shared understanding of
communication phenomena within the academic community.

3. Assessing Methodological Approaches:

The methodological approaches employed in communication research vary widely. A
literature review critically examines these methodologies, offering insights into the strengths
and limitations of different research methods. This assessment guides researchers in
selecting appropriate methods for their studies, contributing to the methodological rigor of
the field.

4. Examining Historical Trends:

Communication, as a field, has evolved over time in response to societal, technological, and
cultural changes. A literature review delves into historical trends, providing researchers with
a contextual understanding of how communication theories and practices have developed.
This historical perspective is crucial for situating contemporary research within broader
temporal contexts.

5. Exploring Emerging Communication Technologies:

In an era of rapid technological advancement, a literature review in communication explores
emerging technologies and their impact on communication practices. This function is
particularly relevant for understanding how innovations such as social media, virtual reality,
and artificial intelligence shape contemporary communication dynamics.

6. Analyzing Media Effects:

Communication research often involves an examination of media effects on individuals and
society. A literature review critically analyzes studies exploring media influences, shedding
light on how media content, formats, and platforms impact cognition, behavior, and societal

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