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Nabin Kumar Karki


A summer project Report Submitted to

Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Business Administration

At the

Mahendra Morang Adarsh Multiple Campus

Tribhuvan University



This is to certify that I have completed the Summer Project entitled “Customer’s perception
towards Service Quality of Sajilo Fitness and Gym Center” under the guidance of
“PUSHPANJALI JHA” in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of
Business Administration at Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University. This is my original
work and I have not submitted it earlier elsewhere.

Date: Signature:

Name: Nabin Kumar Karki


This is to certify that the summer project entitled “Customer’s perception towards Service
Quality of Sajilo Fitness and Gym Center” is an academic work done by “Nabin kumar karki”
submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Business
Administration at Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University under my guidance and
supervision. To the best of my knowledge, the information presented by him in the summer
project report has not been submitted earlier.

Signature of the supervisor

Pushpanjali Jha

Designation: Lecturer



I would like to thank my supervisor PUSHPANJALI JHA for the valuable advice and support
she has given me in the writing of this report and also Tribhuvan University along with
Mahendra Morang Adarsha Multiple Campus for giving me opportunity to gain experience of
summer project. Moreover, this project has helped me to understand the concept of Service
quality in industries. I would like to thank Sajilo Fitness and Gym Center for providing all the
relevant information needed and also the cooperation of the customers, without which, this
project would not have been successful.

I have taken care and terminated errors according to the best of my visibility but I shall be
obliged if the errors are pointed out to me. Besides, I shall welcome any constructive suggestion
and criticisms for the improvement of this report. Lastly, I would also like to thank everyone for
their encouragement and guidance to complete my report.

Name: Nabin Kumar Karki

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................1
1.1 Context information..........................................................................................................................1
1.2 Objective of the Research..................................................................................................................2
1.3 Significance of the study....................................................................................................................2
1.4 Literature Review..............................................................................................................................2
1.4.1 Conceptualization of Service Quality..........................................................................................4
1.4.2 Conceptual Framework...............................................................................................................5
1.5 Research methods used for data collection and analysis..................................................................5
1.5.1 Research design..........................................................................................................................5
1.5.2 Sampling and population............................................................................................................6
1.5.3 Tools of data collection...............................................................................................................6
1.5.4 Tools and techniques of data analysis........................................................................................6
Chapter 2 DATA PRESENTATIO AND ANALYSIS............................................................................................7
2.1 Organizational profile........................................................................................................................7
2.2 Respondent profile............................................................................................................................7
2.3 Data presentation and analysis..........................................................................................................8
2.3.2 Reliability..................................................................................................................................11
2.3.3 Responsiveness.........................................................................................................................15
2.3.4 Assurance.................................................................................................................................18
2.3.5 Empathy....................................................................................................................................22
2.4 SWOT Analysis of Sajilo Fitness and Gym Centre in Biratnagar......................................................25
2.4.1 Strength....................................................................................................................................25
2.4.2 Weakness..................................................................................................................................26
2.4.3 Opportunity..............................................................................................................................26
2.4.4 Threats......................................................................................................................................26
2.5 Findings and discussion...................................................................................................................26
Chapter 3 CONCLUSION AND ACTION IMPLICATIONS...............................................................................29
3.1 Conclusion and limitations...............................................................................................................29
3.2 Actions Implications.........................................................................................................................29


Table 1. 1 Good decoration inside the club.................................................................................................8
Table 1. 2.....................................................................................................................................................9
Table 1. 3...................................................................................................................................................10
Table 1. 4...................................................................................................................................................11
Table 1. 5...................................................................................................................................................12
Table 1. 6...................................................................................................................................................14
Table 1. 7...................................................................................................................................................15
Table 1. 8...................................................................................................................................................16
Table 1. 9...................................................................................................................................................17
Table 1. 10.................................................................................................................................................18
Table 1. 11.................................................................................................................................................19
Table 1. 12.................................................................................................................................................21
Table 1. 13.................................................................................................................................................22
Table 1. 14.................................................................................................................................................23
Table 1. 15.................................................................................................................................................24

List of Tables

Table 1-1 Conceptual Framewok.....................................................................................................5

Table 2-1 Gender Specification.......................................................................................................7
Table 2-2 Good decoration inside the club......................................................................................8
Table 2-3 Modern equipment’s like leg press, cardio....................................................................9
Table 2-4 Convenient location of the branch..................................................................................9
Table 2-5 A cooperative reception counter...................................................................................10
Table 2-6 Availability of top official in case of need...................................................................11
Table 2-7 Helper showing sincere interest...................................................................................11
Table 2-8 Fast responses from helpers..........................................................................................12
Table 2-9 Fast addressing of complaints......................................................................................13
Table 2-10 Willingness of the employees to help........................................................................13
Table 2-11 Safety inside the club..................................................................................................14
Table 2-12 Knowledge of employees...........................................................................................15
Table 2-13 Ability of the employees to give advice.....................................................................16
Table 2-14 customer perception toward convenient operating hour.............................................17
Table 2-15 Employees taking good care......................................................................................17
Table 2-16 Attentiveness of employees to customers..................................................................18

List of figures

Figure 1-1 Conceptual Framewok...................................................................................................5

Figure 2-1 Gender Specification......................................................................................................7
Figure 2-2 Good decoration inside the club....................................................................................8
Figure 2-3 Modern equipment’s like leg press, cardio...................................................................9
Figure 2-4 Convenient location of the branch.................................................................................9
Figure 2-5 A cooperative reception counter..................................................................................10
Figure 2-6 Availability of top official in case of need..................................................................11
Figure 2-7 Helper showing sincere interest..................................................................................11
Figure 2-8 Fast responses from helpers.........................................................................................12
Figure 2-9 Fast addressing of complaints.....................................................................................13
Figure 2-10 Willingness of the employees to help.......................................................................13
Figure 2-11 Safety inside the club.................................................................................................14
Figure 2-12 Knowledge of employees..........................................................................................15
Figure 2-13 Ability of the employees to give advice...................................................................16
Figure 2-14 customer perception toward convenient operating hour............................................17
Figure 2-15 Employees taking good care.....................................................................................17
Figure 2-16 Attentiveness of employees to customers.................................................................18


With the larger population being health conscious, fitness centre is one of the expanding sports
service. Being a service sector, it has some specific characteristics where service quality is an
important factor in service sector to prosper in the current business environment.

This report is based on customer’s perception towards service quality of Sajilo Fitness and Gym
Centre, which is one of the fitness centres in Biratnagar which offers different fitness services.
The present situation of service quality is identified in this report by survey based on the service
quality dimensions.

This is a quantitative research based on respondents who are the customers of the fitness centre.
A questionnaire method of survey was implemented to find out how this fitness centre is in terms
of service quality. This research shows the service quality dimensions. The main objective of the
study was to identify perceptions among customers towards service quality of Sajilo Fitness and
Gym center.

Further, recommendations are provided for better service quality management in the fitness
centre to succeed in the ultimate vision of enhancing the service quality of the fitness centre.


1.1 Context information

The service industry plays an increasingly important role in the economy of many countries.
Customer needs and expectations are changing when it comes to governmental services and their
quality requirements. Quality customer service is something that a person in customer service
strives for. It is also what those dealing with customer service hope for. It is the kind of customer
service that makes everyone happy. However, service quality practices in public sector
organizations is slow and is further exacerbated by difficulties in measuring outcomes, greater
scrutiny from the public and press, a lack of freedom to act in an arbitrary fashion and a
requirement for decisions to be based in law (Teicher et al., 2002).

Sajilo Fitness and Gym Center facilitates the process of helping people make themselves better
by improving the holistic, physical, and emotional qualities of life. It maintains a state-of-the-art
gym and fitness facility that offers the clientele diverse, productive, affordable and accessible
means of exercise and fitness that is supervised by a well-trained staff. More than fitness, it’s a
way of life. Sajilo Fitness and Gym Centre is committed to the health and well-being of mind,
body and spirit. Through innovative fitness and lifestyle programs, friendly, professional staff
will inspire and support people in their commitment to enhance the quality of their life. It helps
to enrich people's lives by inspiring a healthy and active lifestyle. It is passionate professionals
leading the health and fitness industry with excellence. Their mission is to have a positive impact
on our client’s lives by creating a memorable fitness experience. It delivers the best possible
fitness and nutrition solutions to customers’ needs through fun, challenging, appropriate and
effective programs thereby being recognized as a unique and respected fitness resource for our
community. Work out, engage in fun and games, hone your martial arts skills, pamper yourself
with some personal grooming .Get it all in one place, under one roof. Sajilo Fitness and Gym
Centre was established in 2015 and is located at kanchanbari, Biratnagar. It is popular for its gym
and Locker rooms are available as well as readily available towels and hydration. It also has
room includes free weights, weight machines, bikes, treadmills, floor-mats, and more. Modern
equipment is featured. Memberships are also available.

The summer project will be made on this particular place. On this study, the things that will be
deal are their specialties in the Fitness center. People are also attracted to this place especially for
fitness. The facilities are special and the equipment’s used are imported from India.

Under this study, the impact of gym on people with an aim of building a strong useful report will
be assessed. Thus the study will be carefully made on customer’s perception towards Sajilo
Fitness and Gym Center which will be helpful to managers in adopting appropriate methods to
improve the quality of the organization. This will also help the fitness center to enhance unique
strategies against competitors.

1.2 Objective of the Research

The objectives of this research are as follows:

a. To determine the extent to which the different dimension of service quality affecting people
perceptions about service quality.

b. To explore the areas of improvement necessary in Sajilo Fitness and Gym Centre.

1.3 Significance of the study

The significance of the study is to find customer’s satisfaction regarding different level of
Quality Service provided by Sajilo Fitness and Gym Center, Biratnagar. It also helps to assist the
manager to take various decision related to improve services. This study has focused on five
constraints that determine the service quality at the fitness center which create satisfaction
among customers. The five dimensions are tangible, reliability, assurance, responsiveness and
empathy. The significance relationship between the above items and the independent variables
are examined. Thus, this study will help to strengthen the weak points of the fitness center.

1.4 Literature Review

According to Parasuraman et al. (1988), service quality can be defined as an overall judgment
similar to attitude towards the service and generally accepted as an antecedent of overall
customer satisfaction (Zeithaml and Bitner, 1996). Parasuraman et al. (1988) have defined
service quality as the ability of the organization to meet or exceed customer expectations. It is
the difference between customer expectations of service and perceived service (Zeithaml et al.,
1990). Perceived service quality results from comparisons by customers of expectations with

their perceptions of service delivered by the suppliers (Zeithaml et al., 1990). If expectations are
greater than performance, then perceived quality is less than satisfactory and hence customer
dissatisfaction occurs (Parasuraman et al., 1985; Lewis and Mitchell, 1990). Service quality has
been defined by a number of scholars under their own theoretical assumptions. For instance,
Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry (1988) developed the SERVQUAL instrument, which has
been most widely adapted as a service quality measurement tool defining perceived service
quality as, “a global judgment, or attitude relating to the superiority of a service” (p. 16). Bitner
and Hubbert (1994) defined service quality as, “the consumer’s overall impression of the relative
inferiority/ superiority of the organization and its services” (p. 77). Every business offers service,
but depending on the type of business, the portion of service may vary. That is, virtually all
products have both tangible and intangible elements that contribute to the core benefit (Berry
&Parasuraman, 1991). Services unlike tangible products are produced and consumed at the same
time in the presence of the customer and the service producer. The presence of the human
element during the service delivery process greatly increases the probability of error on the part
of employees and customers. This error is due to intangible behavioral processes that cannot be
easily monitored or controlled (Bowen, 1986). However, although a substantial amount of
service quality research has focused on service customers’ perceived service quality
(Parasuraman et al., 1988; Carman, 1990; Parasuraman et al., 1991; Babakus and Boller, 1992;
Cronin and Taylor, 1992; Babakus and Mangold, 1992), relatively little attention has been paid
to exploring the factors that impact on service employees’ behavior with regard to delivering
service quality. It may be comparatively easy to identify adequate dimensions for a specific
service, researchers have sought to identify whether there are generic dimensions of service
quality that can be identified (Jennifer, 1998). The five dimensions of service quality proposed
by Parasuraman et al. (1988) have been considered as the most widely accepted dimensions of
service quality in various settings due to the significant amount of publications with regard to the
dimensions. The five dimension:

Tangible: It means the things that can be easily seen or recognized. It includes physical facilities
which are able to be touched or felt like modern equipment’s and employee’s appearance.

Reliability: It is the ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately which
includes way of handling customers.

Responsiveness: It includes willingness to help customers and provide prompt service at service
hours without any hesitation.

Assurance: It is the knowledge and courtesy of employee’s and their ability to inspire trust and

Empathy: It talks about the care that the firm provides its customers. It includes individualized

Criticisms of the SERVQUAL instrument have centered on its use of expectations and on its
dimensions. They are outlined and countered in Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry (1994). It
should be noted that even critics of SERVQUAL acknowledge the scale is "currently the most
popular measure of service quality" (Brownetal., 1993:127). Customer satisfaction refers to
either a discrete, time-limited event or the entire time the service is experienced. Well-being also
known as life satisfaction refers to the positive/negative affective dimension of contentment with
one's life. It is measured in terms of health, social, and psychological factors. Much research has
been done on individual life satisfaction factors, particularly on the elderly (Larson, 1978). This
work was integrated in a multidimensional measure by Conte and Salamon (1982). The eight
factors in their life Satisfaction in the Elderly Scale (LSES) are: 1) Pleasure in daily activities -
satisfaction with unspecified daily activities. 2) Meaningfulness of life - attitude toward life as a
result of feeling useful or having purpose. 3) Goals - Goodness-of-fit between desired and
achieved goals. 4) Mood - degree of happiness or optimism, nonspecific to a particular
environmental or social situation. 5) Self-concept- -degree of personal self- regard and positive
self-appraisal. 6) Perceived Health - self-assessment of overall physical well-being. 7) Financial
security - satisfaction with present and recent financial situation. 8) Social contact - level of
satisfaction with the number and quality of usual social contacts.

1.4.1 Conceptualization of Service Quality

The measurement of service quality depends upon the relationship of the demographic variables
with the different constructs of firm. The construct of quality as conceptualized in the services in
literature involves perceived quality. It includes the consumer’s judgment about an entity’s
overall excellence or superiority. The perceived quality differs from the objective quality as it
includes a form of attitude and results of comparing the expectations with the perception of
1.4.2 Conceptual Framework
Demographic Variables

Figure 1-1 Conceptual Framework



Reliability Service Quality


Responsiveness Empathy

1.5 Research methods used for data collection and analysis

1.5.1 Research design

It is descriptive research and it describes the consumer perception towards the gym service.
Customers are asked to fill a simple questionnaire about fitness center which consists of 100%
objective questions. As the questionnaire survey has been conducted by myself, the data
collected are primary and all the participants are customers of Sajilo Fitness and Gym Center.

1.5.2 Sampling and population
This study was for academic purpose, so we took a few as samples. The population of this
research is people who go to the gym. There were 50 respondents and it is done under convenient

1.5.3 Tools of data collection

Questionnaire method is used in collection of data. Data are collected from primary sources
where researcher self-administered the survey using questionnaire.

1.5.4 Tools and techniques of data analysis

The data are presented by using various tools such as table, bar diagram. The data are analyzed
by using average, percentage, etc. Microsoft excel is also used for analyzing collected data.


2.1 Organizational profile

The research purpose is to assess customer’s perception towards service quality at Sajilo Fitness and Gym
Center which is located at kanchanbari in Biratnagar. Sajilo Fitness and Gym Center was established in
2015 and it has been successfully running by providing fitness related services to its customers. It is
popular for its gym and Locker rooms are available as well as readily available towels and
hydration. It also has room includes free weights, weight machines, bikes, treadmills, floor-mats,
and more. Modern equipment is featured. Memberships are also available. The research was
carried out by providing questionnaire to 50 respondents.

2.2 Respondent profile

Respondents are the persons who have been invited to participate in a particular study and have
actually taken part in the study. So in this study the respondent are the population taken as

Mix population of male and female were surveyed for this summer project which can be
represented as below:

Figure 2-2 Gender Specification



Out of 30 respondents 63.3% i.e. Male were 19 and remaining 36.7% i.e. female were 11.

2.3 Data presentation and analysis

The collected data are presented on the basis of

 Tangibility
 Reliability
 Responsiveness
 Assurance
 Empathy

2.3.1. 1 Good decoration inside the club

Table 1. 1 Good decoration inside the club

Good decoration inside the club

frequency percentage

Strongly agree 14 46.7

Agree 8 26.7

Neither agree nor disagree 6 20

disagree 2 6.7

Strongly disagree 0 0

total 30 100

Figure 2-3 Good decoration inside the club

This above diagram represents that the customer perception toward good decoration inside the
fitness club. Out Of 30 customers surveyed, 14 “strongly agree” with the good decoration inside
the club and 8 “agree” with the good decoration inside the club. 6 “neither agree nor disagree”
with the good decoration inside the club. In the same way, 2 “disagree” with the good decoration
inside the club whereas, 0 “strongly disagree” with the good decoration inside the club. Modern equipment’s like leg press, cardio

Table 1. 2

Modern equipment’s like leg press, cardio

frequency percentage

Strongly agree 7 23.3

agree 16 53.3

Neither agree nor disagree 6 20

disagree 1 3.3

Strongly disagree 0 0

total 30 100

Figure 2-4 Modern equipment’s like leg press, cardio

This above diagram represents that the presence of modern equipment like leg press cardio etc
inside the fitness club. Out Of 30 customers surveyed, 7 “strongly agree” with the modern
equipment and 16 “agree” with the modern equipment. 6 “neither agree nor disagree” with the
modern equipment. In the same way, 1 “disagree” with the modern equipment whereas, 0
“strongly disagree” with the presence of modern equipment in fitness club. Convenient location of the branch

Table 1. 3

Convenient location of the branch

frequency percentage

Strongly agree 14 46.7

agree 4 13.3

Neither agree nor disagree 7 23.3

disagree 1 3.3

Strongly disagree 4 13.3

total 30 100

Figure 2-5 Convenient location of the branch

This above diagram represents that the customer perception toward convenient location of fitness
club. Out Of 30 customers surveyed, 14 “strongly agree” with the convenient location and 4
“agree” with the convenient location. 7 “neither agree nor disagree” with the convenient
location. In the same way, 1 “disagree” with the convenient location whereas, 4 “strongly
disagree” with the convenient location of fitness club.

2.3.2 Reliability A cooperative reception counter
Table 1. 4

A cooperative reception counter

frequency percentage

Strongly agree 10 33.3

agree 11 36,7

Neither agree nor disagree 4 13.3

disagree 3 10

Strongly disagree 2 6.7

total 30 100

Figure 2-6 A cooperative reception counter

This above diagram represents that the customer perception toward cooperative reception
counter inside the club. Out Of 30 customers surveyed, 10 “strongly agree” with the cooperative
reception counter and 11 “agree” with the cooperative reception counter. 4 “neither agree nor
disagree” with the cooperative reception counter. In the same way, 3 “disagree” with the
cooperative reception counter whereas, 2 “strongly disagree” with the presence of cooperative
reception counter inside fitness club. Availability of top official in case of need

Table 1. 5

Availability of top official in case of need

frequency percentage

Strongly agree 13 43.3

agree 9 30

Neither agree nor disagree 6 20

disagree 2 6.7

Strongly disagree 0 0

total 30 100

Figure 2-7 Availability of top official in case of need

This above diagram represents that the availability of top official in case of need in the fitness
club. Out Of 30 customers surveyed, 13 “strongly agree” with the availability of top official in
case of need and 9 “agree” with the availability of top official in case of need. 6 “neither agree
nor disagree” with the availability of top official in case of need. In the same way, 2 “disagree”
with the availability of top official in case of need whereas, 0 “strongly disagree” with the
availability of top official in case of need in the fitness club. Helper show sincere interest in solving customers problem

Table 1. 6

Helper show sincere interest in solving customers problem

frequency percentage

Strongly agree 12 40

agree 7 23.3

Neither agree nor disagree 6 20

disagree 3 10

Strongly disagree 2 6.7

total 30 100

Figure 2-8 Helper showing sincere interest

This above diagram represents that helper showing sincere interest in solving customer’s
problems in the fitness club. Out Of 30 customers surveyed, 12 “strongly agree” with that helper
showing sincere interest in solving customer’s problems and 7 “agree” with that helper showing
sincere interest in solving customer’s problems. 6 “neither agree nor disagree” with that helper
showing sincere interest in solving customer’s problems. In the same way, 3 “disagree” with that

helper showing sincere interest in solving customer’s problems whereas, 2 “strongly disagree”
with that helper showing sincere interest in solving customer’s problems in the fitness club.

2.3.3 Responsiveness Fast responses from helpers to customers’ requests
Table 1. 7

Fast responses from helpers to customers’ requests

frequency percentage

Strongly agree 11 36.7

agree 11 36.7

Neither agree nor disagree 5 16.7

disagree 1 3.3

Strongly disagree 2 6.7

total 30 100

Figure 2-9 Fast responses from helpers

This above diagram represents that the customer perception towards Fast responses from helpers
to customers’ requests in fitness club. Out Of 30 customers surveyed, 11 “strongly agree” with
the Fast responses from helpers to customers’ requests and 11 “agree” with the Fast responses
from helpers to customers’ requests. 5 “neither agree nor disagree” with the Fast responses from
helpers to customers’ requests. In the same way, 1 “disagree” with the Fast responses from
helpers to customers’ requests whereas, 2 “strongly disagree” with the Fast responses from
helpers to customers’ requests inside fitness club. Fast addressing of complaints

Table 1. 8

Fast addressing of complaints

frequency percentage

Strongly agree 12 40

agree 7 23.3

Neither agree nor disagree 9 30

disagree 0 0

Strongly disagree 2 6.7

total 30 100

Figure 2-10 Fast addressing of complaints

This above diagram represents that the fast addressing of complaints in fitness club. Out Of 30
customers surveyed, 12 “strongly agree” with fast addressing of complaints and 7 “agree” with
the fast addressing of complaints. 9 “neither agree nor disagree” with the fast addressing of
complaints. In the same way, 0 “disagree” with the fast addressing of complaints whereas, 2
“strongly disagree” with the fast addressing of complaints inside fitness club. Willingness of the employees to help customers

Table 1. 9

Willingness of the employees to help customers

frequency percentage

Strongly agree 12 40

agree 6 20

Neither agree nor disagree 7 23.3

disagree 3 10

Strongly disagree 2 6.7

total 30 100

Figure 2-11 Willingness of the employees to help

This above diagram represents that the willingness of the employees to help customers in fitness
club. Out Of 30 customers surveyed, 12 “strongly agree” with that the willingness of the
employees to help customers and 6 “agree” with that the willingness of the employees to help
customers. 7 “neither agree nor disagree” with that the willingness of the employees to help
customers. In the same way, 3 “disagree” with that the willingness of the employees to help
customers whereas, 2 “strongly disagree” with that the willingness of the employees to help
customers inside fitness club.

2.3.4 Assurance Safety inside the club and confidentiality in transactions
Table 1. 10

Safety inside the club and confidentiality in transactions

frequency percentage

Strongly agree 10 33.3

agree 11 36.7

Neither agree nor disagree 5 16.7

disagree 2 6.7

Strongly disagree 2 6.7

total 30 100

Figure 2-12 Safety inside the club

This above diagram represents that the customer perception towards Safety inside the club and
confidentiality in transactions. Out Of 30 customers surveyed, 10 “strongly agree” with Safety
inside the club and confidentiality in transactions and 11 “agree” with Safety inside the club and
confidentiality in transactions. 5 “neither agree nor disagree” with Safety inside the club and
confidentiality in transactions. In the same way, 2 “disagree” with the Safety inside the club and
confidentiality in transactions whereas, 2 “strongly disagree” with the Safety inside the club and
confidentiality in transactions. Knowledge of employees to handle member’s questions

Table 1. 11

Knowledge of employees to handle member’s questions

frequency percentage

Strongly agree 9 30

agree 13 43.3

Neither agree nor disagree 5 16.7

disagree 2 6.7

Strongly disagree 1 3.3

total 30 100

Figure 2-13 Knowledge of employees

This above diagram represents that the Knowledge of employees to handle member’s questions
in fitness club. Out Of 30 customers surveyed, 9 “strongly agree” with the Knowledge of
employees to handle member’s questions and 13 “agree” with the Knowledge of employees to
handle member’s questions. 5 “neither agree nor disagree” with the Knowledge of employees to
handle member’s questions. In the same way, 2 “disagree” with the Knowledge of employees to
handle member’s questions whereas, 1 “strongly disagree” with the Knowledge of employees to
handle member’s questions inside fitness club.

20 Ability of the employees to give advice on operation of machines
Table 1. 12

Ability of the employees to give advice on operation of machines

frequency percentage

Strongly agree 13 43.3

agree 6 20

Neither agree nor disagree 9 30

disagree 1 3.3

Strongly disagree 1 3.3

total 30 100

Figure 2-14 Ability of the employees to give advice

This above diagram represents that the customer perception toward Ability of the employees to
give advice on operation of machines in fitness club. Out Of 30 customers surveyed, 13
“strongly agree” with the Ability of the employees to give advice on operation of machines and 6
“agree” with the Ability of the employees to give advice on operation of machines. 9 “neither
agree nor disagree” with the Ability of the employees to give advice on operation of machines.
In the same way, 1 “disagree” with the Ability of the employees to give advice on operation of
machines whereas, 1 “strongly disagree” with the Ability of the employees to give advice on
operation of machines inside fitness club.

2.3.5 Empathy convenient operating hour
Table 1. 13

convenient operating hour

frequency percentage

Strongly agree 13 43.3

agree 8 26.7

Neither agree nor disagree 5 16.7

disagree 2 6.7

Strongly disagree 2 6.7

total 30 100

Figure 2-15 customer perception toward convenient operating hour

This above diagram represents that the customer perception toward convenient operating hour of
fitness club. Out Of 30 customers surveyed, 13 “strongly agree” with the convenient operating
hour and 8 “agree” with the convenient operating hour. 5 “neither agree nor disagree” with the
convenient operating hour. In the same way, 2 “disagree” with the convenient operating hour
whereas, 2 “strongly disagree” with the convenient operating hour of fitness club. Employees taking good care to explain the rules to be followed by members
Table 1. 14

Employees taking good care to explain the rules to be followed by members

frequency percentage

Strongly agree 12 40

agree 9 30

Neither agree nor disagree 4 13.3

disagree 3 10

Strongly disagree 2 6.7

total 30 100

Figure 2-16 Employees taking good care

This above diagram represents that the customer perception toward Employees taking good care
to explain the rules to be followed by members of fitness club. Out Of 30 customers surveyed, 12
“strongly agree” with Employees taking good care to explain the rules to be followed by
members and 9 “agree” with Employees taking good care to explain the rules to be followed by
members. 4 “neither agree nor disagree” with Employees taking good care to explain the rules to
be followed by members. In the same way, 3 “disagree” with Employees taking good care to
explain the rules to be followed by members whereas, 2 “strongly disagree” with the Employees
taking good care to explain the rules to be followed by members inside fitness club. Attentiveness of employees to customers’ specific basic needs in club

Table 1. 15

Attentiveness of employees to customers’ specific basic needs in club

frequency percentage

Strongly agree 11 36.7

agree 5 16.7

Neither agree nor disagree 8 26.7

disagree 5 16.7

Strongly disagree 1 3.3

total 30 100

Table 1

Figure 2-17 Attentiveness of employees to customers

This above diagram represents that the customer perception towards Attentiveness of employees
to customers’ specific basic needs in club. Out Of 30 customers surveyed, 11 “strongly agree”
with the Attentiveness of employees to customers’ specific basic needs and 5 “agree” with the
Attentiveness of employees to customers’ specific basic needs. 8 “neither agree nor disagree”
with the Attentiveness of employees to customers’ specific basic needs. In the same way, 5
“disagree” with the Attentiveness of employees to customers’ specific basic needs whereas, 1
“strongly disagree” with the Attentiveness of employees to customers’ specific basic needs
inside fitness club.

2.4 SWOT Analysis of Sajilo Fitness and Gym Centre in Biratnagar

2.4.1 Strength
With the larger population being health conscious, fitness centre is one of the expanding sports

 Having several quality fitness in the country that are able to meet the demands of
 The manpower costs are the lowest.
 Kanchanbari, biratnagar where sajilo fitness is located has many offers for potential
growth for fitness owners due to its location that is nearby nobel medical teaching
 It is a flexible industry which handles changes relatively easy.

2.4.2 Weakness
The fitness industry also faces a problem of tax because while importing modern equipment
certain amount of tax should be paid to the government of Nepal.
 Land is expensive in biratnagar.
 The services offered by fitness are limited.
 Does not meet with the world standards.
 High seasonal dependency.

2.4.3 Opportunity
The demand for customer is also easily managed. The peak season in the fitness is from march to
november. Over the long term, the fitness industry has growth potential.
 The young population could be a boost for the integrated services.
 With the larger population being health conscious, fitness centre is one of the expanding
sports service.
 The trend of higher demands on quality could add value.

2.4.4 Threats
If there are opportunities, you can also find threats.
 The manpower is not trained well.
 Health related problems like backbone pain, stretch mark etc can be found on customer.

2.5 Findings and discussion

The present study was designed to determine the consumer’s perception toward service quality
of Sajilo Fitness and Gym center in Biratnagar. Several key findings have emerged from this
study. The satisfied customer not only gets a best perception on the quality of the service which

makes him/her as loyal customer, but also promotes the product or service through his positive
word of mouth. The respondents were asked to fill the questionnaire. Based on the questionnaire
following findings have been drawn.
 Out of 30 customer, 73.3% are agreed, whereas 20% are neutral and 6.7% are disagreed
with good decoration inside the club.
 Out of 30 customer, 76.7% are agreed, whereas 20% are neutral and 3.3% are disagreed
with presence of modern equipment like leg press cardio etc
 Out of 30 customer, 60.1% are agreed, whereas 23.3% are neutral and 16.6% are
disagreed with the convenient location of the branch.
 Out of 30 customer, 70.03% are agreed whereas 13.3% are neutral and 16.7% are
disagreed with the cooperative reception counter inside the club.
 Out of 30 customer, 73.3% are agreed whereas 20% are neutral and 6.7% are disagreed
with the Availability of top official in case of need.
 Out of 30 customer, 63.3% are agreed whereas 20% are neutral and 16.7% are disagreed
with that helper showing sincere interest in solving customer problem.
 Out of 30 customer, 73.4% are agreed whereas 16.7% are neutral and 10% are disagreed
with fast responses from helpers to customer’s requests.
 Out of 30 customer, 63.3% are agreed whereas 30% are neutral and 6.7% are disagreed
with fast addressing of complaints.
 Out of 30 customer, 60% are agreed whereas 23.3% are neutral and 16.7% are disagreed
with willingness of the employees to help customers.
 Out of 30 customer, 70% are agreed whereas 16.7% are neutral and 6.7% are disagreed
with safety inside the club and confidentiality in transactions.
 Out of 30 customer, 73.3% are agreed whereas 16.7% are neutral and 10% are disagreed
with knowledge of employees to handle member’s questions.
 Out of 30 customer, 63.3% are agreed whereas 30% are neutral and 6.6% are disagree
with ability of the employees to give advice on operation of machines.
 Out of 30 customer, 70% are agreed whereas 16.7% are neutral and 13.4% are disagree
with convenient operating hour.

 Out of 30 customer, 70% are agreed whereas 13.3% are neutral and 16.7% are disagree
with employees taking good care to explain the rules to be followed by members.
 Out of 30 customer, 53.4% are agreed whereas 26.7% are neutral and 20% are disagree
with attentiveness of employees to customer’s specific basic needs in club.

3.1 Conclusion and limitations
This study report has been prepared on the best possible way. However, while preparing this
report, researcher has faced certain limitation and constraints. These limitations are listed as

1. Limited number of sample was selected for study and this sample may not be a true
representation of the entire population because the sample might provide a different view than
what whole population would have provided.

2. This research is based on convenient sampling.

3. Smaller the sample size more marginal error is found along with biasness from the respondent
can be seen.

3.2 Actions Implications

This research is focused on five service quality dimensions; the managers can have a clear view
on what is the customer’s opinion towards these five service quality dimensions. They can also
make strategic plans by focusing on customers.

All the level of management can compare which among these six dimensions are most preferred
by the customers and which is not satisfactory for the customers. Therefore, top level managers
can make certain decisions targeting customers to improve the service quality.


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Dear sir/madam,

I would like to inform you that I am undertaking an academic research work in order to
meet the partial requirement of Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Tribhuvan
University. You are, therefore, kindly requested to fill up the following questionnaire for
same purpose. The information provided will be used at aggregate level and kept

Gender:□ Male

□ Female

Please rate your feeling about Sajilo fitness and gym center. For each statement, please show the extent to
which you believe Sajilo fitness and gym center has the feature described by the statement. Five point
scale running 1(“strongly agree”) to 5(“strongly disagree”)


1. Good decoration inside the club 1 2 3 4 5

2. Modern equipment like leg press, cardio etc. 1 2 3 4 5

5. Convenient location of the branch (close to home/work) 1 2 3 4 5


1. A cooperative reception counter 1 2 3 4 5

2. Availability of top officials in case of need 1 2 3 4 5

3. Helper show sincere interest in solving customers’

problems 1 2 3 4 5


1. Fast responses from helpers to customers’ requests 1 2 3 4 5

2. Fast addressing of complaints 1 2 3 4 5

3. Willingness of the employees to help customers 1 2 3 4 5


1. Safety inside the club and confidentiality in transactions 1 2 3 4 5

2. Knowledge of employees to handle member’s questions 1 2 3 4 5

3.Ability of the employees to give advice on operation of

machines 1 2 3 4 5


1. Convenient operating hours

1 2 3 4 5

2. Employees take good care to explain the rules to be

followed by members 1 2 3 4 5

3. Attentiveness of employees to customers’ specific basic

needs in club 1 2 3 4 5


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