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This chapter presents the research design, the materials and tools

used, the respondents, how the instruments and tools administered, and

the data gathered for the study.

Research Design
During this phase, both descriptive and quantitative methods were
used. A researcher explains the situation being studied. It is a theory-
based design process that involves gathering, presenting, and analyzing
data. This allows researchers to explain why and how they do research.
The researchers utilized a questionnaire checklist to conduct a survey.
It examines the general structure and organization of the questionnaire,
ensuring that it is clear, orderly, and easy to understand for

Sampling Procedure

The Sampling Procedure used in this study is Convenience Sampling.

Convenience Sampling is a type of sampling that involves using
respondents who are “convenient” to the researcher. There is no pattern
whatsoever in acquiring these respondents and they are selected based on
their accessibility and availability to the researcher.

Data Gathering Procedures

Researchers use laptop as research tools. After the system has been
set up, the administrator copies the website link and shares it with the
respondents. Also, the researchers used mobile devices to communicate
with the participants. having the ability to fill out the form online.
Additionally, the researchers used a survey questionnaire to collect
data to see if the system was easy to use and effective at all. Those
questions, which concern using the Student Enrollment Management System
(SEMS), will be answered on a Likert scale.

Statistical Tools for Data Analysis

The data gathered were analyzed using the appropriate statistical

tools to give accurate and descriptive interpretation of the results of
this study.
 Percentage

This tool is used to know the proportion of distribution of


P= f/N x 100
P= percentage
F= Frequency
N= number of Respondents
 Weighted mean
This tool was used to evaluate the responses of the respondents in
every category of the questions included (Time management, Efficiency,
WM= Weighted Mean
TFV= Total Frequency Value
N= number of Respondents
The weighted mean was verbally described using the following scale:
1-Strongly Agree 4.21- 5.00
2-Agree 3.41-4.20
3-Neutral 2.61- 3.40
4-Disagree 1.81- 2.60
5-Strongly Disagree 1.00- 1.81

System Process
Phase 1 (Planning - January 26 - January 31)

Planning the system that can be use for gathering data.

Phase 2 (Search for Application - February 8 - February 10)

Finding the right app for us to use for our system.

Phase 3 (Designing - February 20 - March 8)

Designing our system and building how our system will work and operated.

Phase 4 (Testing - April 2 - April 3)

Testing phase, testing our system and fixing any problem that our system
encounter and open using a link. The researchers also check if the
system is working properly.

Phase 5 (Final Testing - April 4)

Final testing and Designing phase.


This will be the process/flow of how the system will work:

The Admin
have to Also,run the Copy and
The Admin Sublime and
have to open open the paste the After Open the
ope n the
the application application "oldbe"
link given pasting it, file
XAMMP XAMMP on the save it. "frontend"
Control panel. where the
Control link is given Sublime.

If you're an
It will take you If you're a
Copy the link in Enter the link admin, login
to browser, enrollee, click
the Sublime and the with the same
and you will
and paste it on website will username and " Enroll New
see a blank
the URL. open. password Student".

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