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Instructional Manual for English- Grade 1




Chapter Template for Instruction manual

At the end of the lesson, Learners will be able to:
● Learn to recite a poem
● Learn words associated with environment
● Learn long E sound
● Comprehend a picture
● Learn to read aloud
● Learn to reflect on their learning

CONCEPT MAP/Lesson Overview

The chapter is about The little plant, their names, greatness or smallness and basic
operations of addition and subtraction using them.
● Content comprehension
● Poem recitation
● learn new words and make a sentence on your own
● Phonic and its pronunciation

Sub-concepts: vocabulary improvisation, Identify long vowel 'e' sound words

Learning opportunities that are being designed for development of language skills are
● Sing with tune - song
● Creating stories related to numbers
● Word play (phonics and its sound)
● Drill and practice
● vocabulary improvisation
● Hands on activities
● Convey the information learnt
Approaches for the lesson
● Individual learning
● Group learning
● Technology based learning
● Game based learning
● Inquiry based learning
● Play way method


Total Number of sessions required: 1(Recall) +6 (Concept teaching) + 1(assessment) = 8
Total Number of sessions required: 7

Session 1
At the end of the session, the learner will be able to ,
➢ recall the living and non-living things

K(Knowledge): Learner will retrieve the knowledge about the living and non-living things.

S(Skills): Retrieval of the concept

V(Value): Differentiate living things and non-living things.

Essentials: (Resources & Others: Learning aids, worksheets, media connect)

● Velammal Digital app - Content video

● YouTube video
● flash cards
● Live worksheets

Learning Path: The 5E framework

ENGAGE Time: 5 mins

Engage the learners by recalling the living and non-living things.

Critical thinking:
1. Point out some living and non-living things around you?

YouTube video:
Living things and nonliving things for kids/Living things and nonliving things for
kindergarten, ukg (

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Recall the list out 5 living Memory and YouTube 40% of learning
living and non- and non-living Musical video intent would be
living things things intelligence. reached.
with rhyme

EXPLORE Time: 5 mins

Is Plant a living thing or non-living thing?

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Recap the Write 5 living Retrieval of Flash cards 50% of learning

living things things. concept and videos intent would be
with tune. reached.

EXPLAIN Time: 15 mins

Recall the living and non-living things. introducing living things and explaining about the

Recall the words related to plants:

leaf, bud, flower, fruit


Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

elaborate the recall the words vocabulary YouTube 80% of learning

differentiation and Retrieve improvisation videos intent would be
between living the knowledge reached.
and non-living

ELABORATE Time: 5 mins

Learners will do the exercises given in the worksheet to evidence their learning.

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Facilitator will Learners will conceptual Live 90% of learning
show the live do the exercises learning worksheets intent would be
worksheet to shown. reached.
evaluate. Living Things
Worksheet | K5

Differentiate, words related to environment will be learnt.

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Facilitator will Learners will conceptual 100% of learning

show the live identify the learning m intent would be
worksheet on living and non- reached.
screen and ask living things
to answer. Living and non-
living things

Learning Reach:

Session 2
At the end of the session, the learner will be able to ,
❖ Learn and Identify the parts of the plants
❖ List out the needs of the plants

K(Knowledge): At the end of the session the learners will be able to identify the parts of the

S(Skills): Naturalistic, Fine motor skills by planting their own plant.

V(Value): learners will know the importance of trees and plants during the course of this


● Velammal Digital app - Content video
● YouTube video
● Live worksheets
● pot, sand, seed and water

Learning Path: The 5E framework

ENGAGE Time: 5 (Mins)

Ask students questions related to plants

Do you know why we grow plants? Let's learn the Uses of plants.

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

starts up a Actively Group VD app videos 40% of learning intent

discussion participate on discussion would be reached.
related to plant group
and encourage discussion
the participation

EXPLORE Time:5 min

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Encourage learners will hands-on Pot, Sand, Seed 60% of learning intent
learners for real sow the seed activity and water. would be reached.
time experience understanding
Importance of
planting trees

EXPLAIN Time: 5 min

Explain the parts of the plants and necessity for a plant to grow.
Words associated with the plant are:

stem ,root, sunlight, water, nutrients

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

introducing new learn and Visual aids Draw plant 70% of learning intent
words comprehend the picture on would be reached.
Supporting the new words whiteboard
learning process related to plants
of plants


Providing a real time experience by6 observing the plant growth day by day.

Time: 5 min

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Encourage in Observation of visual real objects, 90% of learning intent

observing the each part of the representation Hands-on would have been
plant and plant and real objects activities. reached
Introduce the to enhance
stage of the understanding


Let's draw a plant and name it.

(Children will be asked to draw and name its parts. Options will be written on the board)

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Encourage Draw a plant creative A4 sheet, colours 100% of learning intent

students in and list out the expression would have been
exploring the parts of the reached
parts of the plant on an A4
plants by a sheet.
Learning Reach:

Session 3

At the end of the session, learners will be able to

● express the comprehension of the poem - The little plant poem.

K(Knowledge): learners will be able to recite the poem with understanding the words
associated with it.
S(Skills): Linguistic, Interpersonal and naturalistic
V(Value): Importance of planting through a poem.


● flashcards
● Videos
● Velammal digital app resources
● Makave Book

Learning Path: The 5E framework

ENGAGE Time: 5 Mins

Poem Recitation: Reciting the poem using the 'London Bridge is falling down' Tune.

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

sing the Actively Poem Voice and 40% of learning intent would be
poem with engaged recitation Expression reached.
action, and highly with
proper interested actions
pronunciati in Singing
on and the poem
energy with action.

EXPLORE Time: 5 min

Recite the poem in page 100 with proper pronunciation and action.

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Guide the learners are Active listening Actions 50% of learning
learners to sing made to form and Chanting intent would be
along groups and sing the poem reached.
understand the the poem
associated with
the environment
EXPLAIN Time:5 mins

Explain the new words in the

heart , buried , creep , raindrops , rose , wonderful

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Facilitator will Learners will Verbal Visual aids 70% of learning

explain the new frame a simple Communication Text book intent would be
words and sentences with reached.
encourage the the new words
learners to learnt given in
frame a simple page 101
sentences using
the word

ELABORATE Time:5 mins

Facilitator will elaborate the meaning of the poem and new words based activity related to
the poem.

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

make Listen and group voice and 80% of learning intent would be
groups a recite presentatio expression, reached.
encourage n. like with
to recite the props.
poem with

EVALUATE Time:5 mins

Facilitator will answer the questions related to the given in page 100- I Can Comprehend.

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Facilitator Respond to Listen and makave 100% of learning intent would be

will ask the implement book reached.
questions facilitator's
about the questions
words and and answer
make the BBE.
learners do
the BBE.
Learning Reach:

Session 4

Learning Path: The 5E framework

K(Knowledge): At the end of the session the learners will be able to make sentences by
using the given words.

S(Skills): Framing simple sentences.

V(Value): Necessity of plants.


● Velammal Digital app - Content video

● YouTube video

● Live worksheets
● Makave book

ENGAGE Time: 5 mins

Encourage the learners Imagine and Make a pictorial representation to show what is in your mind.

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

encourage the draw a Creative Colors 40% of learning intent would be

learners to picture for a representation reached.
draw a word “creep
picture and to the light”

EXPLORE Time:5 mins

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Show a video learners will Visual Video 50% of learning intent would be
on the phrase observe Representation reached.
“creep to the germination
light” of seed by
EXPLAIN Time:5 mins

Facilitator will explain the meaning of the phrase “creep to the light” and introduce new words

stem, sunlight, soil, grows, daily, seed

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Facilitator Learners will Verbal MakaV 70% of learning intent would be

will explain also frame a communication E Book reached.
the new simple
words and sentences
encourage the
learners to
frame a

ELABORATE Time:5 mins

Pairing activity to encourage the learners to make their own sentences.

words related to environment

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

learners are Form pairs or team word 80% of learning intent would be
made pairs teams and representation chits reached.
and one will say
encouraged the word and
to frame one will form
sentences a sentence
using the using the
given words word
EVALUATE Time:5 mins

Why are plants and trees important for the environment? Give the reason. What is necessary for a
plant to grow?

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Facilitator Respond to oral whitebo 100% of learning intent would be

will ask basic the presentation ard reached.
questions facilitator's
about the questions.
words taught

Learning Reach:

Session 5

Learning Path: The 5E framework

K(Knowledge): At the end of the session the learners will gain knowledge on long vowel e
sound and its words.

S(Skills): Identification and pronunciation.

V(Value): Phonics sound.

● Flashcards
● YouTube video
● MaKaVe textbook
● Live worksheets
● Whiteboard

Learning Path: The 5E framework

ENGAGE Time: 5mins

Facilitator will give an introduction to Phonics - long vowel 'e' sound

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Facilitator Learners will Oral Flash cards, 20% of learning intent would be
will be Representation MAKAVE reached.
introduce encouraged Books,Res
long vowel to read long ources in
‘e’ sound vowel e Velammal
and pick words from Digital App
some words the & others
with long flashcards
vowel ‘e’

EXPLORE Time:5 mins

Word families of long vowel 'e' through game based activities (Magic E , Hop and Pop)

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Facilitator will learners will Activity- stick/stone, 50% of learning intent would
engage gain based learning marker be reached.
learners with knowledge on and active
long vowel ‘e’ letter listening.
sound games words by
1. Magic E playing games
2. Phonics
Hop and Pop
3. Word wall
Long Vowel
short Vowel

EXPLAIN Time:5 mins

list out some long vowel ‘e’ sound words. Differentiate long vowel sound and short vowel sound

1) Sheep, bee, seal, feet, jeep, leaf

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Facilitator learners will visual whiteboard, 70% of learning intent would be

will define identify the representation Makave reached.
the long vowel book
differentiatio ‘e’ sound
n between words
long vowel
’e’ sound
and short
vowel ‘e’

ELABORATE Time:5 mins

learners will comprehend and draw the picture for long vowel ‘e’ sound words given in the
textbook pg 103

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Guide learners will Pictorial MAKAVE 80% of learning intent would be
learners to draw the representation Book reached.
comprehend picture for
and draw the words
pictures given in pg

EVALUATE Time:5 mins

Listening skills can be assessed

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Educator learners will developing MAKAVE 100% of learning intent would be

will read the listen and Listening skill Book reached.
words the circle the
learners to correct word
circle the ‘e’ in pg 104
sound words
Learning Reach:

express the Comprehension of long vowel ‘e’ sound words - When 'e' says its name, it is said to be a
long vowel ‘e’ sound.

Session 6

Learning Path: The 5E framework

K(Knowledge): At the end of the session the learners will be able to recite the poem “Parts
of a Plant” with the words associated in it.

S(Skills): Linguistic, Kinesthetics , Interpersonal and naturalistic.

V(Value): Learning the various stages of plants with its name.

ENGAGE Time: 5mins

Learners will appreciate and recite the poem with proper comprehension.

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

sing the poem sing the poem Poem recitation Voice and 20% of learning intent
with action, aloud along with actions Expression would be reached.
proper with the
pronunciation facilitator
and energy


A Rhyme on 'Parts of a Plant' | Macmillan Education India - YouTube

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Facilitator will Identify and Multimedia Youtube videos 40% of learning intent
play youtube know various based teaching for visual aid would be reached.
videos related stages of plants
to stages of the
EXPLAIN Time:5 mins

LWBAT recite the parts of the plant poem with the 'wheels on the bus' tune and makes the learners
read the new words in the poem for Vocabulary improvisation.
Words associated with the plant are:
1) Roots - grow underground
2) Stem - Hold up the leaves
3) Leaves - making food
4) Flower - Growing seeds
Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Guide the learners are Active listening Actions 60% of learning intent
learners to sing made to form and Chanting would be reached.
along groups and sing the poem
understand the the poem
associated with
the poem parts
of the plants

ELABORATE Time:5 mins

Facilitator will elaborate the meaning of the poem and word based activity related to the poem.

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

make groups a learners will group voice and 80% of learning intent
encourage to chant the poem presentation. expression, like would be reached.
recite the poem with actions with props.
with actions and list the
parts of the
plants with its
EVALUATE Time:5 mins

Learners are encouraged to draw their favorite part of the plant color and name it. Talk one sentence
about the function of the part drawn.

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Facilitator will Actively Paper, pencil, 100% of learning intent

guide and participate in and reference would be reached.
instruct drawing a part materials.
learners on mentioning its
drawing function.
Learning Reach:

Session 7

Learning Path: The 5E framework

K(Knowledge): At the end of the session the learners will be able to list out parts of the
plants and Functions of the plants

S(Skills): Critical Reading skills

V(Value): various stages of plants with Real time experience. Growing more trees and plants
will save our lives.

Essentials: MAKAVE Books, Visual Representation, Resources in Velammal Digital App &

ENGAGE Time: 5 mins

Engaging the learners by explaining the parts of the plants. Know and match the Parts and
functions of plants. Observe and respond to the picture.

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Facilitator will Listen Group MAKAVE 20% of learning intent

provide more attentively and discussion Books,Resource would be reached.
knowledge on participate in s in Velammal
parts of the discussions. Digital App &
plants. others

EXPLORE Time:5 mins

Facilitator will play the video

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Facilitator will Listen to the Storytelling and Youtube video 40% of learning intent
Narrate the story, watch the multimedia would be reached.
rabbit and video, and presentation.
tortoise story, engage with the
plays the video. content.
EXPLAIN Time:5 mins

Explain the story and instruct students to number and color pictures.

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Facilitator will Follow Sequential MAKAVE 60% of learning intent

explain the instructions and instruction Books,Resource would be reached.
stages of the fill the parts and s in Velammal
plants and functions in the Digital App &
instruct students respective others
to fill the blanks columns
given in page

ELABORATE Time:5 mins

Facilitator will explain the importance of planting. Encourage motivational quotes - 'New tree New
beginning'- Plant more plants and trees.

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Explain the LWBAT to Sequential MAKAVE 80% of learning intent
stages of the observe the learning Books,Resource would be reached.
plant in detail. picture (stages s in Velammal
Motivation to of plant ) given Digital App &
keep the in page 105. others
environment learners
and respond to the
surroundings questions
EVALUATE Time:(This should be in
alignment with the Learning outcome targeted) Time : 10 mins

● SET -Learners will answer questions.

Facilitator will encourage the learners to frame sentences by using the words learnt. Facilitator will
check if students understand and grasp the content thoroughly.

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Facilitator will learners will Oral and MAKAVE 100% of learning intent
guide the frame sentences writing Skills Books,Resource would be reached.
students to with the words s in Velammal
frame sentences learnt (stages of Digital App &
plants) and others
Learning Reach:

At the end of the session

❖ LWBAT express the comprehension by CW writing
K(Knowledge): Reinforcement of phonics and vocabulary through CW writing
S(Skills): handwriting improvisation

V(Value): Importance of writing

● Flashcards
● YouTube video
● MaKaVe textbook
● Live worksheets
● Whiteboard
● c.w note

Learning Path: The 5E framework

ENGAGE Time: 5 mins

Facilitator will recall all the sessions

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Facilitator answer the recall and flash cards 40% of learning intent would be reached.
will recall questions questioning and videos
and question
on words
learnt and
long vowel
‘e’ sound

EXPLORE Time:5 mins

Facilitator will play the video of prepositions and naming words

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Facilitator Learners Video-based verbal 60% of learning intent would be reached.

will show will watch communic
the video ation.

EXPLAIN Time:5 mins

Facilitator will make them write Synonyms and Antonyms and explain it

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Facilitator learners Interaction white 60% of learning intent would be

will write will board, CW reached.
words and observe note
explain the and write it
meaning in their

ELABORATE Time:5 mins

Facilitator will write parts of the plant and its functions.

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Facilitator learners Interactive verbal 80% of learning intent would be reached.

will write will match group communic
parts of the the correct discussion. ation.
plant and its part with
functions its function
and ask
learners to
match it
EVALUATE Time:5 mins

Facilitator will ask learners to list long vowel ‘e’ sound words

sheep, read, bee, bean, clean

Facilitator Learner Technique Tool Learning Reach

Facilitator Learnerswi thinking Classwork 100% of learning intent would be

will write 1. ll write the reached.
list any 5 long vowel
long vowel ‘e’ sound
‘e’ sound words.
Learning Reach:

reading and writing skills will be developed.

Worksheet 1(Basic)

Worksheet 2 (Intermediate)

Worksheet 3 (Advanced)

Worksheet 1 (Basic)

Worksheet 2 (Intermediate)

Worksheet 3 (Advanced)

Lesson End Test(LET)

I) Fill in the blanks: (5*1= 5 marks)

( stem, heart, roots, leaf)

1. The ____________ on a plant grows underground.

2. In the _____________ of a seed, the little plant is sleeping.

3. What is the name of this part? _______________

4. The ________________ on a plant holds up the leaves.

5. ________________is necessary for the plant to grow .

II) write a simple sentence for the given words: (5*1 = 5 marks)

1. Sow -

2. water -

3. stem -

4. roots -

5. grows -

III) State Yes/No for long vowel ‘Ee’ sound words: (5*1=5 marks)

1. Feet - Yes/No

2. Ten - Yes/No

3. Read - Yes/No

4. Bleat - Yes/N

5. Bed - Yes/No

V) Draw and label the parts of the plant: (5*5=5 marks)

Solutions to questions from the text


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